
91热爆 BLOGS - Newsnight: From the web team
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Tuesday 7 June 2011

Sarah McDermott | 17:03 UK time, Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Tonight we're leading on NHS reforms and we'll be hearing from key players in the coalition and public and private health practitioners.

Then we've done a Wife-Swap style parenting experiment in which a family who use strict "Chinese" style parenting methods switch mother with a family who have a more relaxed Western approach.

And we'll be joined live by "Tiger Mother" author Amy Chua + Mumsnet co-founder Justine Roberts to discuss the merits of different parenting styles.

Join Jeremy at 2230 on 91热爆2 for all that and more.


  • Comment number 1.

    Tiger Mother v.s. Cat Father (the ultimate debate about parenting styles):

  • Comment number 2.

    Like private care home provider Southern Cross the NHS overall business plan and therefore its secure long term future is compromised by the PFI contracts, an exact mirror image of Southern Cross's arrangement with its corporate landlords. Unless the NHS can significantly restructure its PFI deals the cost to the taxpayer will be unsustainable, but then perhaps the puppet politicians plan was always to create a welfare state for the stock market parasites ?

  • Comment number 3.


  • Comment number 4.

    again strangely, the first episode of series three of 'World's Strictest Parents' is no longer available on iplayer. However it is a *superb* example of parenting, and i would strongly recommend a view for anyone interested in the topic seriously.

    in short - they were strict, but acted through genuine love. Compared to the rest of the show that i have seen, they were the first truly good parents on the show, but i haven't seen all episodes. But what a difference Love makes. It made plain the shallowness of the strictness 'debate'.

    it would be nice if iplayer put it back up for people who didn't already see it to have the chance.

    it would be nice if tonight we had a Scottish minister explaining how Scotland reduced its private medical 'involvement', and what benefits it had brought and why.


  • Comment number 5.

    I applaud the Coalition in its attempt to re-shape the NHS; so many vested interests to deal with, such public ignorance of what REALLY goes on in our healthcare system.

    Let's not forget that way back in 1948, Aneurin Bevan faced exactly the same assault from vested interests, so when bodies like the BMA and the RCN start shrieking about reform, you know the proposals must have some merit.

    And please let's not forget that the NHS, the largest organisation in Europe, exists for the benefit of the patient - no one else.

  • Comment number 6.


    Camera-shy Cameron is NOT IMAGE CONSCIOUS - he says.

    Didactic Dave SEEKS NO HEADLINES - he says.

    Then who is this clown? Say I.

  • Comment number 7.

    on extremism: one person's common sense seems to be another's extremism. Apparently creating a war in Libya and ramping up the attack on 'Islam Within' is common sense to the Tories, but surely extremism to others?

    so what is the Govt's plan to ban "funding to extremists" all about? Can we also refuse to pay for the "violent extremist" incipient war in Libya? Please?

    pretty please?

    how much was spent on today's bombardment?

  • Comment number 8.

    Health Minister Lansley should go, it is impossible to trust there has been an honest change in policy direction unless he leaves.

  • Comment number 9.


    Awesome Jeremy tonight. What a star: moving effortlessly from one 'number' to the next - from old pro, to hurt child, to playground bully. The faces; the comedic body language; had us in stitches - nay intensive care! A tour de force. Bravo.

    Jerry Paxman The Musical; it has to come.

    In passing: Susan's slide-show awesome too!

  • Comment number 10.

  • Comment number 11.


    That will explain the Manglish, neglect, rudeness, cross-infection, administrative confusion and my receipt. by post, of some Haemophiliac's appointment-confirmation, (that was of so little interest to them, when I rang). I could list a lot more, across THREE NHS hospitals, but now that Caring Cameron is putting it all right, I can relax. AND Cameron says we can hold him PERSONALLY to account if he doesn't. Oh boy - this one we gotta see!

  • Comment number 12.

    Excellent discussion by Jeremy with the EU guy, Waite, on the proposed 拢150million compensation to farmers who have suffered from the E-coli outbreak. The Mumsnet v Tiger Mum discussion was really about compromise if not anything else. On the NHS reforms - the best was that none of the health professionals knew what was going on! Seems as clear as mud ;o)

  • Comment number 13.

    @ Mindy, #8 - Why should Lansley have to go? He doesn't have sole responsibility and should not be made a scapegoat.

  • Comment number 14.


    How many megalomaniac leaders have read 'The Lucifer Effect'? How many would recognise its relevance TO THEMSELVES? Blair (who ostentatiously read the Quran) along with his chilling lieutenant Campbell, would have run a VERY different regime in another time, and/or another place.

    Zimbardo's Stamford Prison Experiment showed, elegantly, that nastiness is ever among us - circumstances release it. Indeed, the tip peeps out in political campaigns, 'EVEN' WITHIN THESE SHORES.

    Corrective bombing should begin at home. (But Spud Billy is correcting Arabs.)

  • Comment number 15.

    Pledges? Where鈥檚 that been heard before? Are you obliged to sign a 鈥榩ledge鈥? Do you have to parade it before constituents and the media? What if it is given by someone whom is supposed to be acting in the collective best interests i.e. in the Nation鈥檚 best interest? Does that make the 鈥榩ledge鈥 any more 鈥榖inding鈥? So, why does Maslow spring to mind?

    A thought .....

    If you lent somebody a fiver and he promised to pay it back but didn鈥檛, would you lend him any more money even though he pledged many times to keep to his word? Or ......?

    Another thought .....

    Is it 鈥楾hought crime鈥 or 鈥楥riminal thought鈥? Is it 鈥榠ntended鈥 or 鈥榠nept鈥欌? Is it 鈥楻adical鈥 or 鈥楻acist鈥

    Why do some - self 鈥榦rdained鈥, which undoubtedly diminishes any real value (Yes, the report was commissioned but what was the selection process and source?) - object to a primary school girl wanting, perhaps, to wear a padded bra but no one is prepared to raise the matter of schoolgirls wearing the hijab? Active 鈥榬adicalism鈥 can result from - as it can from multiple other factors - isolation,separation and exclusion whether it be imposed or self imposed. (By whom and why is particularly important.?) Perhaps obligatory integration - and the end of 鈥榝aith鈥 schools? - is the answer? (Whom are the main objectors to both points you should well ask?)

    Another thought .....

    How preposterous is it for an - I鈥檝e thrown plenty of stones in my time Deary, I really, really, completely am that innocent - HMP citing 鈥榯he highest rate of under-age pregnancy鈥 in the western world as resulting from padded bras. The 鈥渉ighest rate of under-age pregnancy鈥 is simply as a result of fifth - probably lower? - rate sex education in schools and indifferent and embarrassed teachers going through the motions sic. And let鈥檚 not, of course,forget parental incompetence.(But wait, no parent ever experiences that little problem, do they?)

    And another thought .....

    The Governments revision - more like word shuffling - of the NHS bill is certainly bringing harmony to the coalition. If only in reality because nobody really likes the thought of losing their job and many will say, or do, anything to stay in their cosy 鈥榣ittle ivory towers鈥.

    Oh drat, here we go ...... running out again ......

    And yet another thought ..... ( So, so many in one day it hurts. Lots!)

    The propaganda of HMG is it is simply a diversion from the con

  • Comment number 16.

    mineral poisoning of the water supply? Was there any shale mining in Germany?

    why did the European Commissioner prefer to be interviewed by Paxman, even though the questions were extremely difficult? For the same reasons UK politicians are now refusing to come on the show, - the questions were tough and honest. He's the second EU official i trust that has appeared this year, con-federal as well as federal requires good administrators, and good administration means saying unpopular things, because you believe you can back that up in public debate.

    He did.

    And he is right - the EU should rightly support small-holder farmers who are facing ruin, because the economy NEED them next year. But i suggest a "means test" for the payout, with the poorest/smallest farmers receiving first.

    In the long-term however, it is possible the German authorities recommend a reimbursement for the Spanish and other countries harmed by their pre-warranted opinion on the source, and for their own and their citizen's sakes find the source as quickly as possible to prevent further losses. *Everyone* agrees on that, and is sorrowful on Germany's loss.

  • Comment number 17.


    Jones has the temerity to declare a PREFERENCE (prejudice, no less) for feeling women, to feeling men. I thought we, the enlightened cohort, had outlawed that sort of sad thinking, in today鈥檚 world, going forward?

    What WILL the Arabs think of us - in between bombs?

  • Comment number 18.


    on the 'slow-down'/revision of the Health Reforms - what caused it was the mass protests, both Public, in the streets demonstrating physical and direct opposition, and also on-line and in the media, challenging the intellectual structure. The one rarely succeeds without the other. Now apparently we have to wait for the publication of the new proposals, whilst actual NHS areas have had their existing regional managerial structures taken away already, and are struggling due to the (now admitted) premature enforcement of these changes.

    if this is not proof of Lansley's gross incompetence, then it is direct malfeasance. The Prime Minister has to decide such matters, -- for i am but a poor social-commentator, whining for alms by the road............. :/ .... :/ .... :/ .... :(

    ..[sings the blues]

    :P@NN :)

  • Comment number 19.

    and these 'reforms' are *literally* deadly serious for the majority of Britons. For such incompetence, Lansley must go.

    i note the sudden demise of "opinion poll results" on the news since the entrance of the Tories, and the almost desperate measures this Coalition is currently dredging up to avoid admitting its policies are rejected by the *Public* (and not just 'Coalition partners'), - more importantly, implicitly denying that the Public have any say whatsoever in the formulation of Govt policy. "We The Public" are too stupid to understand the honest policies, that's why they have to simplify and lie to us you see.

    and that's also why they don't bother to come to NN any more - we are all far too stupid to understand their great and amazing ideas.

    ...to be continued.

  • Comment number 20.

    we keep asking these silly questions, like: "so how will that actually improve patient care", or - "the NHS already has some provisions in place for Public consultation and advice, how many private Health care providers do - and how does that relate to Public choice aims?".

    even: - "the NHS does not lose money for "profit", therefore apart from lowering wages for staff, and/or conditions for patients, how do private sector medical/care establishments manage to be "more efficient" and cost less?".

    now we have to ask - do we want trained professionals, or do we want minimum-pay (or even volunteer!) in our care/medical services??

    --- after tonight show, i am *still* wondering how the Scots managed their successful Health reforms. Is there some Constitutional law preventing us from hearing policy in the Wee Barren Hinterlands, pray tell??

  • Comment number 21.

    gas ripoff continues as regulators sleep dreaming of wonderful carbon taxes that they believe will stop the ice age cycles.

  • Comment number 22.

    '....we've done a Wife-Swap style parenting experiment in which a family who use strict "Chinese" style parenting methods switch mother with a family who have a more relaxed Western approach.'

    Without yet accessing the iPlayer to check, both were doubtless fully representative of families my (ethnic Chinese) wife and I (bloke who was born in the UK and is required to plonk silly designations down in forms all the time) have lived with and befriended all our lives, and in no way stereotypes selected from the 91热爆's rather limited, affluent city-centric pool of 'experts' and 'commentators' (they can be mutually exclusive)?

    '...joined live by "Tiger Mother" author Amy Chua + Mumsnet co-founder Justine Roberts to discuss the merits of different parenting styles.'

    Merits by whose measure again? 'doubtless fully representative' That'll be a 'not likely' then.

    ps: Between all the 'sorry we have a problem' messages first getting to even write, then preview a post, this super-dooper system really is a bit on an apology for an actual forum architecture.

  • Comment number 23.

    Who on earth was that fool on last night's show, talking about giving the farmers E150 million of European taxpayers' money? He looked like he might have been another hitherto unseen Milliband brother, but if so he was clearly the 'differently able' one.

    When Jeremy asked him why this money should be handed out his reply was something along the lines of "because we all need to eat our fruit and vegetables", "this EColi thing has been a bit unfair on them" and "the farmers need to make a living". Oh, and if they weren't satisfied with E150 million we might be able to find a bit more, because there was still quite a bit of money in the budget. Please tell me on which street corner this chap normally stands with his Sainsburys bag full of used fivers and I'll pop along. Are we PAYING these people? If so, in God's name why? And how much (inc. expenses, pension etc.)?

  • Comment number 24.

    @ Barry #9 - "JERRY PAXMAN THE MUSICAL" Well we've had Jerry Springer The Musical, so why not? I bet it would be a hit!

  • Comment number 25.

    Barrie, your posts remind me of the old anarchist slogan:


    Perhaps we will always "get ourselves another one"? :-)

  • Comment number 26.

    no this isn't the queue for the 29A, it goes from over there this is the 27B queue although they take it off on Tuesday's as they have driver shortage...tut, I don't know why they bother.....

  • Comment number 27.

    I don鈥檛 agree with farmer鈥檚 subsidy either. If farmers want to be protected against natural disasters/incidents which affect their business, they should buy insurance. Then if something bad happens, they receive a payout. The money shouldn鈥檛 have to come out of taxpayer鈥檚 pocket.

    Why does politician have to talk in jargon? I was listening to the NHS debate last night 鈥 I still have no idea what it is they are changing in the NHS and what has changed since Nick Clegg 鈥渇lipped out鈥 after May鈥檚 election. All I heard was a lot of hot air about efficiency savings and integration, and duty of monitor - whatever that means. It is no wonder the government is having sp much trouble finding public support to back their health reform.

    I really enjoyed Paxo鈥檚 interview with Amy Chua and the lady from mum鈥檚 net. I especially agree with the point that western parents rely too heavily on innate talent and giftedness. Don鈥檛 give up on your children 鈥 keep practising and drilling with them; talent takes time to develop.

  • Comment number 28.

    #23 - delightful reading - thanks.

    #25 - DISMANTLE WESTMINSTER and we can start managing the country instead of playing PARTY GAMES.

    #26 - Nice!

    #27 - Talking jargon is part of being a 'great parliamentarian'. Talk sense - worse, talk truth - and you are out. If you can master talking 'oar-supports', you get to be Prime Minister. It's all a game.

  • Comment number 29.

    "I really enjoyed Paxo鈥檚 interview with Amy Chua and the lady from mum鈥檚 net. I especially agree with the point that western parents rely too heavily on innate talent and giftedness. Don鈥檛 give up on your children 鈥 keep practising and drilling with them; talent takes time to develop. "

    i agree, but there IS a difference between short-term self-confidence crisis, and genuinely not enjoying the experience. This can happen to both forced and chosen training, it can happen because of not liking the rest of the class, it can be affected by other, apparently unrelated incidents.

    children as well as many adults may well benefit from more "guided encouragement", but such should be *entirely* intended in their best interests, and also free from desires and ego from the "guider", parent, teacher, or friend. And getting their genuine cooperation is best achieved through dialogue as equals, with long-term trust. Again, this is as true of kids as it is adults.

    remember your own childhood, and which adults had the best influence on you.

    peace. :)

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