Your letters
Apparently, "Japan has the fastest population in the world". I would have guessed that all populations age at the same speed, but what do I know?
Dr Swift, Manchester
Re: . Starting young aren't they? My children have to wait until they are in secondary school to get one...
Janet Hayes, Pontypool, Wales
Comment about . It quotes Dr Pacey, who is honorary secretary of the British Fertility Society, as saying: "If you are holding it up to your head to speak a lot, it makes no sense that it is having a direct effect on your testes." Yet people seem to be missing the fact that you move your phone to a location nearer to your brain when you talk... we all know the brain is for thinking... we all know that men think with their... So maybe that should be factored into the research?
James B, Sheffield, UK
Regarding today's story "", can I have mine medium rare please.
Mike, Lewes
Re: the . It's an impressive feat. Eating the train in the first place must be no less impressive.
John, Belgium
Following on from the Bob, Chester letter. Would a politically correct, police constable's personal computer be a PC Pc's PC?
MCK, London
Vicky, mentions the letter publication race. I didn't realise it was about speed as well as content! I must change my tactics...
Sarah, Edinburgh
I like the multicoloured maps.
Olivia, London