The right to be offensive (within House Rules)
"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear"- yep, Orwell again, right as usual. I've just had a very interesting chat with the 91Èȱ¬ people responsible for moderating comments on this blog. Across the 91Èȱ¬, they deal with up to 15,000 blog comments every day. So it can take a while for referred comments to see daylight. Commentators who "game the system" to deny to others the freedoms they enjoy themselves simply create work for 91Èȱ¬ moderators, but it's not in my nature to ban anyone from this blog.
Comment number 1.
At 5th Oct 2010, John Macloud wrote:I fully understand the need for moderation and your piece explains why some comments disappear into the ether awaiting moderation. I left a comment on 24 September on second home owners and voting - that letter! The comment still has not seen the light of day. It is now of little importance since the moment has passed but I hope the moderators are not being overcautious. Too many references to moderation disrupt the flow of online comments.
Any news on that letter by the way?
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Comment number 2.
At 6th Oct 2010, Peter Tregantle wrote:The problem seems to be moderation do not read the comments in the context of other comments, for example if a person starts bashing on about nationalism, others should be allowed to point out how trivial the movement is and not relative to the topic. Two nationalists here have a history of board abuse (no names) they use the report facility to hide comments they are unable to counter or do not like because they show nationalists for what they are. If they must drag topics down the back streets of nationalism at least have the skills to stand up and counter realisms
George Orwell once unknowingly described the thought pattern of these nationalists perfectly
As I write, highly civilised human beings are flying overhead, trying to kill me.
Thinking there is a war is the problem, not commenting on a blog
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Comment number 3.
At 6th Oct 2010, P_Trembath wrote:Peter Tregantle wrote:-
"...for example if a person starts bashing on about nationalism, others should be allowed to point out how trivial the movement is and not relative to the topic."
And not a Nationalist in sight.
Peter Tregantle wrote:-
"If they must drag topics down the back streets of nationalism....."
Once again, it is Mr. Tregantle who is doing all the dragging. This thread is not about Nationalists V Non-Nationalists, it is about people, and how they communicate.
Perhaps Mr. Tregantle should consider the fact that if he slags of a person, or a group of people, then they have the right to defend themselves. If Mr. Tregantle makes a statement, then, if that statement is challenged as false , he should be prepared to provide evidence to back up his statement. Mr. Tregantle should realise that he is not Moses handing down Gods word.
For the record, I have only ever reported posts that contained insult and abuse that was directed at myself, and a few that were outright racist. It is to be noted that on all but a few occasions, my complaints were upheld, and the posts were removed, including some of Mr. Tregantles, although he was using a different handle/handles at the time.
That said, Graham, would you, or a member of the moderation team, please like to confirm that I have never used the "Complain about this comment" function on this blog? If not, we will continue to have Mr. Tregantle accusing me of doing so.
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Comment number 4.
At 6th Oct 2010, P_Trembath wrote:To get back on topic,
There is a difference between finding a persons opinions or beliefs offensive, and deliberately setting out to cause offence.
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Comment number 5.
At 6th Oct 2010, Andrew Jacks wrote:Any person unable to counter comments via a written comment should not be commenting, Tremabth's version of what constitutes an insult and abuse are the only misuse here, I still await a comment worthy of reading from him, it seems his days are filled picking fights as his last three comments properly demonstrates
One above here – Trying to fight Peter
Again on From Mike Chappell thread
And fighting slimslad on blog changes
He does not debate he comes here to vent his anger @ being a nat. He seems unable to debate in a constructive manner and he thinks he has the final say
Dont ban him just be careful when he complains and lets see if he able to a comment worthy of reading
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Comment number 6.
At 6th Oct 2010, Graham Smith wrote:The moderating team is currently considering ways to prevent abuse of the "complain about this comment" feature, including possible technical fixes, and hopes to have approved or rejected all of the "awaiting moderation" comments in the next few days. Disclosing the identities (or user-names) of those who have (or have not) complained raises other issues - but I'll dig ever deeper into 91Èȱ¬ policy and see what the answer is.
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Comment number 7.
At 6th Oct 2010, Andrew Jacks wrote:What is done is done Graham onwards and upwards
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Comment number 8.
At 6th Oct 2010, P_Trembath wrote:Mr. Jacks,
perhaps you should try looking in a mirror before you accuse others of "picking fights".
And, yes, I do find your post (5) insulting and abusive, congratulations.
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Comment number 9.
At 6th Oct 2010, Peter Tregantle wrote:Care to explain to Graham what is abusive about Andrews comment number 5 Tremmy. Let's sit back and prepare to be enlightened
Complain about this comment (Comment number 9)
Comment number 10.
At 6th Oct 2010, P_Trembath wrote:I am sure that Graham is quite capable of working that out for himself, as a lecturer in Pure Maths once said, "It's obvious".
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Comment number 11.
At 6th Oct 2010, Andrew Jacks wrote:People have the measure of you now. You may think your dim-witted comments when caught out cover-up your ignorance, but just to let you know, we see it for what it is.
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance. Confucius correctly stated.
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Comment number 12.
At 6th Oct 2010, Saltashgaz wrote:What a fair reaction by Graham stopping the usual frolics of a person with a history of abuse, I second Andrews comment
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Comment number 13.
At 7th Oct 2010, Peter Tregantle wrote:No doubt were Sigmund Freud still around he would have extended his famous quote to the following
What progress we are making. In the middle Ages they would have burned me. Then they were content with burning my books, now they would report me to the moderator for further consideration.
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Comment number 14.
At 7th Oct 2010, Andrew Jacks wrote:I am sure even the unyielding bbc moderators would have had a chuckle at the one Pete
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Comment number 15.
At 8th Oct 2010, Peter Tregantle wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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Comment number 16.
At 12th Oct 2010, Tynegod wrote:It was a quote that was quickly removed from the C24 site on Sunday morning.It was not very pleasant towards politicians. Love them or hate them politicians are the only way forward for Cornwall. Anyone who thinks differently is naive in the extreme. Flags and bagpipes might get limited media attention, but the focus will be on Parliament today, when the Bill goes to Committee.
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Comment number 17.
At 12th Oct 2010, P_Trembath wrote:Slimslad wrote:-
"Love them or hate them politicians are the only way forward for Cornwall."
Not quite sure why you posted this here, but you are absolutely correct. Politicians are the way forward. And it is up to us, all of us, to inform those politicians of our opinions so that they can then, hopefully, do their jobs, and help us move forward in the way we all want. Democratically.
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Comment number 18.
At 12th Oct 2010, Tynegod wrote:I am not sure how the post got here, , P_Trembath?
Anyway, the post followed on from comments made by Mr Chappell regarding his attitude to politicians. Mr Chappell has given himself no "leeway" at all to work with politicians, in my opinion. As an individual, this is his democratic right.But, as a representative of The Celtic League, I think he must alter his approach towards politicians. Nationalists elsewhere have discovered this in the past.
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Comment number 19.
At 13th Oct 2010, P_Trembath wrote:Slimslad, it is refreshing to see a post that does not attempt to claim that all nationalists are "the same", a post that deals with the views of an individual, and not claiming that all nationalists share those views. A post that is not insulting or abusive or containing "misleading" information. It would be nice to think that it can continue in the same way.
Now, not being Mr. Chapple, I can only give my opinion. I assume you refer to his commenting that he does not trust any Westminster politician. A statement, that taken at face value, is one that I think most people would subscribe to. In fact, another poster on this blog commented that "Politicians broke the trust barrier when they said we could have a vote on Europe" indicating that he has trust issues with politicians also. So, in a way, he is merley giving voice to an opinion that a great many people already hold.
I also feel that most politicians already know that they are not the most trusted of people these days, whether that mistrust has been brought on by the expenses debacle, or by the perceived failure to keep a promise, like the "vote on Europe", or their perceived failure to act in the way in which "we" wanted or expected them to. Politicians have thick skins, or they would not be able to do the job. The fact that someone has stated publicly that they do not trust politicians should not create a barrier preventing discussion and even cooperation when the time comes.
Digging deeper into the statement, it could be seen as a challenge to the Westminster politicians, "I do not trust you, now prove me wrong" sort of thing.
You feel that Mr Chapples self imposed "lack of leeway" has placed the Celtic League in a similar position. Apart from not quite agreeing that Mr. Chapples statement has placed him in the position you describe, I feel that as, as far as I am aware, the comment was made on a personal level, there is not that great an effect on the maneuverability of the Celtic League. I do feel, however, that if Mr. Chapple made a statement that the Celtic League considered to "out of order", or that put them in an untenable position, the members would move to do something about it.
The simple fact is, that the Celtic League is just one of the groups involved in Cornish Nationalism. These groups all have their own way of working towards their particular goal. The Celtic League is a pressure group, there are others, that is working in the way it feels is best, not being a member, I am not privy to their "inner thoughts". All, legitimate, groups agree that working within the law/system is the only way. Challenging the system, in the way that the Celtic League are doing of late, is a legitimate way to raise awareness of the issues. Is it the best way? I think that history will have to be the judge of that.
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Comment number 20.
At 13th Oct 2010, Tynegod wrote:"A post that is not insulting or abusive or containing "misleading" information. It would be nice to think that it can continue in the same way."
Why didn't you go the whole hog and give me marks out of ten, P_Trembath.?
Have you listened to yourself?
You sound like a very patronising school-master.
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Comment number 21.
At 13th Oct 2010, P_Trembath wrote:I apologise if that is the way it seems, it was not my intention. I was merely reacting to some of the other posts that had been made yesterday, yours seemed like a breath of fresh air.
But, if you insist, I think you deserve a "B".
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Comment number 22.
At 13th Oct 2010, Tynegod wrote:Thank you. Although I think a B+ is nearer the mark. I am never deliberately rude, whatever others may think.
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Comment number 23.
At 13th Oct 2010, Tynegod wrote:"All, legitimate, groups agree that working within the law/system is the only way."
I draw your attention, P_Trembath, to the Celtic League on nationalist graffitti.
"The Celtic League neither condone nor condemn graffitti"
Not exactly against the law, but not the stance that I would suggest is helpful.
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Comment number 24.
At 13th Oct 2010, P_Trembath wrote:Graffiti, has it not been used a a form of political protest throughout recorded history?
As far as protests go, it is relatively harmless, provided it steers clear of racism and bad language, but can create a huge impact on the awareness of an issue. It also has to be said that some graffiti, nationalist or otherwise, can be quite amusing.
But, as far as the Celtic Leagues stance on it is concerned, I have to point out, once again, that not being a member, I am not a party to their thinking behind this, or any other, issue, nor do I have any influence with them. Why do you have such a fixation with them, most of your posts seem to be connected with them, or Mr. Chapple in some way. If you wish to know my opinion on a particular subject, ask me, if you wish to know theirs, or the thinking behind it, ask them.
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Comment number 25.
At 13th Oct 2010, Tynegod wrote:Pehaps because you are the only person that comes here that seems to have any sort of affinity with the more extreme views of the Celtic League?
My "fixation",(as you call it), is with democracy and justice. Not the "bully-boy" tactics of those that think it is alright to daub xenophobic comments. Then there are those,(like yourself, it seems), who find graffitti "amusing" and post photographs of their "favourite" examples.
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Comment number 26.
At 13th Oct 2010, P_Trembath wrote:Slimslad wrote:-
"Pehaps because you are the only person that comes here that seems to have any sort of affinity with the more extreme views of the Celtic League?"
I consider myself to be a Cornish Nationalist if that is what you mean.
If you read my post, you would see that I stated "provided it steers clear of racism and bad language", so I hardly think that I could be said to be in favour of "xenophobic comments".
As for finding some graffiti amusing, I am sure that we have all walked past a piece of graffiti that we have found amusing, if you haven't, then you should open your eyes more. I saw a piece on a wall at Plymouth University some years ago that I found quite amusing, "Gravity's a myth, the Earth Sucks".
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Comment number 27.
At 14th Oct 2010, Tynegod wrote:"I hardly think that I could be said to be in favour of "xenophobic comments"."
Seeing that you call yourself a "Cornish Nationalist" and the basis of "Cornish Nationalism" is seeing England as a "foreign country", then it follows that graffitti that "amuses" you, that says "English out of Cornwall" is xenophobic and makes you "in favour of xenophobic comments" P_Trembath.
You can't have it both ways.
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Comment number 28.
At 14th Oct 2010, Tynegod wrote:"If you read my post, you would see that I stated "provided it steers clear of racism and bad language", so I hardly think that I could be said to be in favour of "xenophobic comments"
My turn to be the pompous school-master, P_Trembath.
Xenophobia is not "racism" or "bad language" for that matter.
" Xenophobia is an irrational, deep-rooted fear of or antipathy towards foreigners"
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Comment number 29.
At 14th Oct 2010, Andrew Jacks wrote:Slimslad you make a good teacher, wouldn’t your time be better utilised correcting those willing to learn?
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Comment number 30.
At 14th Oct 2010, Tynegod wrote:Thank you, Andrew.
But, as a follower of Saint Jude, I enjoy hopeless causes. And...
As causes go, you couldn't get any more hopeless than "Trembath's Troops".
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Comment number 31.
At 15th Oct 2010, P_Trembath wrote:Slimslad, as you are not a Cornish Nationalist, and you do not agree that Cornwall and England are Foreign countries, but are in fact the same country, then the graffiti you complain about is far from being xenophobic. For you to be able to use that particular label, you would first have to agree with the Cornish Nationalist stance.
You can't have it both ways.
As for your comment:-
"Xenophobia is not "racism" or "bad language" for that matter.
" Xenophobia is an irrational, deep-rooted fear of or antipathy towards foreigners""
It is true to say that xenophobia is a form of racism, it is one of the ways in which racism rears its ugly head. If you actually read what was written, instead of looking for extracts to find fault with, you would not keep making yourself look so silly.
As we're being pompous, "Trembath's Troops" would be a physical entity, a group of people, whilst a cause is "a goal or principle served with dedication and zeal". Whilst "Trembath's Troops" may well follow, serve, a cause, they can not actually BE it.
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Comment number 32.
At 15th Oct 2010, Andrew Jacks wrote:It shouldn’t take a rocket scientist to work out one is an IRRATIONAL fear of a race (Cornish nationalists) and the other is looking down on another race with contempt.
Worth noting the Cornish are legally not a race, confirmed by courts in this Country and Europe, so it impossible for anyone to hold either view towards them.
Seems some have spent too much time reading Cornish propaganda they failed to learn common English parlance. How can anyone moot with person who has no grip of Basic English?
It is no surprise all the other nationalists have long gone left, this is really embarrassing without a basic command of a language it is almost impossible to have a serious debate, in my rush to type comments I often make errors and as the system here has no correction facility, we are forced to accept the mistakes we make, but having a person teach you what words mean, no comment.
Almost every Cornish nationalist I have met is a xenophobic bigot predominately from the West around Penzance, Truro, Cambourne and Falmouth. Council house and no savings blaming England for having nothing.
Hate eats away at a person and pushing them more and more to the fringe of society, no response required by Trembath my comment is directed towards the English and is my opinion only.
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Comment number 33.
At 15th Oct 2010, Tynegod wrote:You are correct, I am not a "Cornish Nationalist".
But you are.
Now, read my post again.
"Seeing that you call yourself a "Cornish Nationalist" and the basis of "Cornish Nationalism" is seeing England as a "foreign country", then it follows that graffitti that "amuses" you, that says "English out of Cornwall" is xenophobic and makes you "in favour of xenophobic comments" P_Trembath."
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Comment number 34.
At 15th Oct 2010, P_Trembath wrote:Andrew Jacks wrote:-
"Worth noting the Cornish are legally not a race, confirmed by courts in this Country and Europe..."
What courts have "confirmed" this, and when?
Andrew Jacks wrote:-
"Hate eats away at a person and pushing them more and more to the fringe of society"
How true, just look at what it is doing to you. The way you talk to, and about, those you disagree with, those you hate.
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Comment number 35.
At 15th Oct 2010, P_Trembath wrote:Slimslad wrote:-
"....then it follows that graffitti that "amuses" you, that says "English out of Cornwall""
No, it does not follow at all, where have I said that that sort of graffiti amuses me.
Slimslad wrote:-
".....that says "English out of Cornwall" is xenophobic and makes you "in favour of xenophobic comments""
As you wish to make a clear distinction between xenophobia and racism, it is clear that such a statement can also be looked on as racist. However, as xenophobia and racism are manifestations of the same mindset in my opinion, as I have stated before, then your whole attempt at trying to discredit me with your word games falls flat, once again.
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Comment number 36.
At 15th Oct 2010, Saltashgaz wrote:Is it possible to be xenophobic towards yourself?
Sounds more like a case of self inflicted psychosis, if you irrational fears of what you are and prefer to be something fictional.
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Comment number 37.
At 15th Oct 2010, Tynegod wrote:"Word games", P_Trembath?
Cornish Nationalists look on Cornwall as a sovereign nation.
Cornish Nationalists look on the English as "foreign invaders".
"Xenophobia is an irrational, deep-rooted fear of or antipathy towards foreigners".
I won't add the link to the graffiti.
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Comment number 38.
At 15th Oct 2010, P_Trembath wrote:Cornish Nationalists look on Cornwall as a Nation.
Cornish Nationalists look on the English as the people born in the country next-door.
No-where in the above is there any indication of fear, antipathy, or even hatred.
Look at the posts on this blog, where are the insults, abuse, and mockery coming from? Where is the hate truly emanating from?
Slimslad wrote:-
"Xenophobia is an irrational, deep-rooted fear of or antipathy towards foreigners"
Antipathy is a feeling of intense aversion, dislike, or hostility, therefore:-
Xenophobia is an irrational, deep-rooted fear of, or feeling of intense aversion, dislike, or hostility towards foreigners
Looks kind of "racist" to me.
You can add whatever links you like, I have nothing to hide, and I have only ever posted under my own name, unlike some here.
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Comment number 39.
At 16th Oct 2010, Tynegod wrote:"I have nothing to hide, and I have only ever posted under my own name, unlike some here."
Here, perhaps,P_Trembath
But you were banned from T.I.C. for having "multiple personalities".
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Comment number 40.
At 17th Oct 2010, P_Trembath wrote:No, I was not.
E-Mail received 17 August, 2010 11:36.
"Hello Mr Trembath,
Apologies, your reports were received but not acted on as quickly as they should have been, so it’s cock-up rather than conspiracy this morning, we are usually more consistent. The comments have now been removed.
Later today we will be banning anyone who has posted under multiple IDs in the past week, a number have already gone.
I haven’t found any evidence that multiple usernames are used with the account *.**@****.***. Our future response to such allegations will reflect that.
Kind regards,
Julian Boardman"
Email received 18 August, 2010 13:16
"Hello P**
You’re banned from commenting until such time as we feel that we need you back.
Your constant tit for tat reports and bickering with Gary are soaking up a disproportionate amount of my team’s time (and mine)
You will be the seventh person banned in the last 24 hours from thisiscornwall, so please don’t feel you have been singled out.
Kind regards,
Julian "
In short, I was banned from that site for objecting to the abuse, insult, and lies, that a poster named "Gary" constantly posted. Almost all of the posts made by that poster that I objected to were removed. So, it seems that instead of addressing the underlying problem, that of posters believing that they can post whatever they like, however insulting, abusive, or untrue, they chose to ban us both. Which is rather funny, as I only started posting there in the first place, in an attempt to get the personal lies, insult and abuse that the poster known as "Gary" had been posting on that site, about me, for some time, had the lies, insult and abuse stopped, I would not have bothered with the site anymore. The way the company reacted to the attacks made on the TICornwall forum was enough to prevent me wanting anything to do with them again.
Now ask Mr. Tregantle what he was banned for.
And what about you, were you banned, or do you still post there under a different name.
As I have said, I ONLY post under my own name, I do not hide behind aliases.
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Comment number 41.
At 17th Oct 2010, Tynegod wrote:Basically, P_Trembath?
You can "give it out, but you can't take it".
You were banned because you "objected" constantly.
If not objecting, you ignore any facts that might criticise your political stance.
A "proper politician", in other words.
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Comment number 42.
At 17th Oct 2010, Saltashgaz wrote:It would seem some people never learn. Don’t involve me in your endless handbags fights Trembath, you are an embracement to all things Cornish and now fighting a northern lad who is playing with you, who is the fool?
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Comment number 43.
At 17th Oct 2010, Saltashgaz wrote:Slimslad in the end I got banned because of protest started by Mike on C24 demanding everyone complain about me, but my passing gift was getting Mike and Tony banned. Trembath adds nowt and knows less, best ignored. He seems full of stories, shame they never have anything to do with the topic, you slipped through the net, but it is much more boring place now. To be honest best thing that ever happened to me, I have no regrets as I done what I set out to do.
He who laughs last
I could not have got banned because of PT because I refused to moot with him, as anyone reading at the time was fully aware, my tactic worked I upset all nats with truths, pointing out the damage they do to MK and all Cornish nationalists
Have fun – Last comment from me
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Comment number 44.
At 17th Oct 2010, Tynegod wrote:"It seems that instead of addressing the underlying problem, that of posters believing that they can post whatever they like, however insulting, abusive, or untrue, they chose to ban us both"
But, like you, P_Trembath, find some graffiti "amusing", I find some posts "amusing".
But,like graffiti, some posts do not address the "underlying problem".
Shame, isn't it?
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Comment number 45.
At 17th Oct 2010, Tynegod wrote:Sorry to see you go, Gaz.
Strange how some folk go out of their way to silence even the slightest criticism of their views.
I came to the Cornish sites as a result of having family in Cornwall and, from frequent visits, enjoying Cornwall as a special place.
Then I came across blokes who are photographed wearing balaclavas and carrying weapons.
I began to wonder, "Who are these idiots, and what have they to do with the Cornwall I have grown to know and love"?
I am relieved to report that these people are in a tiny minority.
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Comment number 46.
At 17th Oct 2010, P_Trembath wrote:Slimslad wrote:-
"Basically, P_Trembath?
You can "give it out, but you can't take it".
You were banned because you "objected" constantly."
The TIC sites are post-moderated, they work on people sticking to the rules voluntarily. Unfortunately, some people choose to take advantage of this, and posted comments that were highly offensive, and untrue. I did not complain without reason, and over 95% of my complaints were upheld, with the offending post removed.
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Comment number 47.
At 17th Oct 2010, P_Trembath wrote:Saltashgaz wrote:-
"I could not have got banned because of PT because I refused to moot with him, as anyone reading at the time was fully aware..."
You were banned because of your behaviour, I was banned because I objected to that behaviour.
You constantly claim that you "refuse to "moot" with me", but you are unable to resist commenting about what I post, and about me in general.
As a matter of interest, weren't you banned from the old 91Èȱ¬ message boards, in one of your many incarnations, for your homophobic remarks if I remember correctly. You were arguing with a couple of lads from Plymouth about something or another, and, true to form, got somewhat abusive.
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Comment number 48.
At 17th Oct 2010, Tynegod wrote:Bless you,P_Trembath.
"I did not complain without reason, and over 95% of my complaints were upheld, with the offending post removed."
So, you were 95% right?
That is so cute.
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Comment number 49.
At 17th Oct 2010, P_Trembath wrote:No Slimslad, I was right 100% of the time.
The moderators agreed with me 95% of the time.
The other 5% of the time, they were obviously wrong.
Anyone can see that.
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Comment number 50.
At 17th Oct 2010, Tynegod wrote:"Then I came across blokes who are photographed wearing balaclavas and carrying weapons."
Care to comment,, P_Trembath?
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Comment number 51.
At 17th Oct 2010, P_Trembath wrote:"I began to wonder, "Who are these idiots, and what have they to do with the Cornwall I have grown to know and love"?"
Couldn't agree more.
But then I kept coming across these morons who knew so little about Cornwall and Cornish Nationalism, that they try to portray such idiots as being representative of all Cornish Nationalists. People who think it clever to insult and abuse, who think it clever to tell outright lies.
"I am relieved to report that these people are in a tiny minority."
Care to comment Slimslad?
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Comment number 52.
At 17th Oct 2010, Tynegod wrote:Of course,P_Trembath!
Some of these idiots are still at the forefront of "Cornish Nationalism".
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Comment number 53.
At 17th Oct 2010, Tynegod wrote:You say, P_Trembath
"People who think it clever to insult and abuse, who think it clever to tell outright lies."
I say, P_Trembath.
"Then I came across blokes who are photographed wearing balaclavas and carrying weapons."
"Outright lies"?
Care to comment,, P_Trembath?
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Comment number 54.
At 17th Oct 2010, Tynegod wrote:I thought not.
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Comment number 55.
At 17th Oct 2010, P_Trembath wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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Comment number 56.
At 17th Oct 2010, P_Trembath wrote:The removed comment contained links to pictures that were far more worrying that that of the aforementioned idiots. The 91Èȱ¬ have deemed them inappropriate to link to from here.
However, they were pictures of the EDL, BNP, NF etc, showing that your fixation on the picture taken by the aforementioned idiots, is slightly pathetic. You should be looking closer to home.
By the way, unlike some, I do not sit around waiting for someone to post.
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Comment number 57.
At 18th Oct 2010, Tynegod wrote:"However, they were pictures of the EDL, BNP, NF etc, showing that your fixation on the picture taken by the aforementioned idiots, is slightly pathetic. You should be looking closer to home."
And the aforementioned EDL,BNP, NF, don't have a presence in Cornwall, then?
Dodged the issue again, P_Trembath?
You must be a member Of M.K.
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Comment number 58.
At 18th Oct 2010, Peter Tregantle wrote:I have never heard Gary say anything extreme the same could never be said for Trembath, a serious of very low and degrading comments sums up this person Tremabth.
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Comment number 59.
At 18th Oct 2010, Andrew Jacks wrote:A few times over the weekend I thought about complaining or joining in the name calling but I held fire. Without opposing opinions it is very hard to have stimulating debates, but when a person resorts to name calling and unsubstantiated claims that people hold bigoted views in order to either start fights or win debates the merits of debating are rendered worthless
Trembath brings little novelty or inspiration so long as he is allowed to abuse people, I am going to join Gary in removing my support for these forums. Trembaths behaviour and endless fighting makes commenting worthless, he would have been banned from any other site for this kind of behaviour and then we would all be left agreeing which is better than having our comments stomped on with personal abuse. It is worth remembering this thread was created because this same person was abusing the report facility, I am bored with the childish antics of this person, it is not clever to think you can win a debate via any form of abuse
Example Comment 51 " But then I kept coming across these morons"
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Comment number 60.
At 18th Oct 2010, P_Trembath wrote:Slimslad, earlier you said:-
"I came to the Cornish sites as a result of having family in Cornwall and, from frequent visits, enjoying Cornwall as a special place.
Then I came across blokes who are photographed wearing balaclavas and carrying weapons."
If you came to them, "Cornish sites", at the time of the pictures "release", then you would already know my opinion. My opinion of the picture, and all that went with it. I have stated here my opinion of the photograph. I am not prepared to continually repeat myself.
But if you really wish to talk about dodging the issue, how about a comment on the abuse, insult, and untruths, told by a small few on this and other sites. You'Ve tried dodging it with childish graffiti, you've tried dodging it with a stupid photo, what will you try next?
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Comment number 61.
At 18th Oct 2010, P_Trembath wrote:Andrew Jacks,
A/ I have never us4ed the "Complain about this comment" function on these boards.
B/ Attempting to claim that I am behaving in the way that those I complain about just does not hold water.
"it is not clever to think you can win a debate via any form of abuse"
Oh how true, perhaps you should take note of it.
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Comment number 62.
At 18th Oct 2010, Peter Tregantle wrote:Example Comment 51 " But then I kept coming across these morons"
I know it is there for all to read
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Comment number 63.
At 18th Oct 2010, Tynegod wrote:"what will you try next?"
I will join Andrew and Gary in not posting at all.
Talk to yourself.
You may make a little more sense.
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Comment number 64.
At 18th Oct 2010, Peter Tregantle wrote:I will join Andrew, Gary and Slimslad because Trembath has gone OTT
Have fun tremmy
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Comment number 65.
At 18th Oct 2010, P_Trembath wrote:Orders from HQ?
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Comment number 66.
At 19th Oct 2010, clairecgrant wrote:Silence from Mr know-it-all, he got his wish and prevented others contributing and now lurks in the shadows, his job is done.
For sure TK and the other nats will return to continue the abuse and the thug can return to the shadows unable to stimulate debate, his job is to silence it as history shows us, more of a thug than blogger as his ignorant comment above confirms
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Comment number 67.
At 19th Oct 2010, P_Trembath wrote:Oh look, another one.
For the record, all I wish to silence is the offensive posting that some seem to think qualifies as debate. The above post being a good example. "Know-it-all", "Thug", "Ignorant", "Unable to stimulate debate", etc, when you lot learn to disagree with someone without resorting to such behaviour, then I will not have to object to it.
I have prevented no-one from contributing, and I never "lurk" anywhere, let alone in the shadows. I refuse to be bullied, insulted, and silenced by the likes of you and your cohorts. Blogging is about airing your point of view, not slagging off those whose opinions you disagree with, nor about following people around the Internet, using a number of different handles, to do so.
Isn't it strange how all of a sudden, a new name appears, posting as if they have been here all along.
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