Garden news
In the news....
'Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower;
We will grieve not, rather find
Strength in what remains behind.'

The Wordsworth House Garden (image: NT/Val Corbett)
Wordsworth might have written Intimations of Immortality while looking on his childhood garden, . The Georgian walled garden at in Cockermouth was all but destroyed by the torrential rainfall: oak gates were ripped from walls and the terrace where William and his sister Dorothy played was largely washed away.
He'd be celebrating this week though: the Wordsworth House Garden is one of five National Trust restoration schemes chosen by the public in the competition, which asked people to vote for projects they wanted to give £20,000 to. Other garden winners included in Keighley, West Yorkshire, and in Morpeth, Northumberland.
Meanwhile a report just out is suggesting the organics bubble may have burst. After years of steady growth, sales of organic fruit and veg fell by 13.6% in 2009 - the blames the government for not encouraging farmers to make the switch. The dicey economic situation - but maybe it's just a reflection of the fact that ?
Elsewhere on the web...
Two must-watch moments on the web this week: French environmentalist 's remarkable and beautifully-filmed essay on the world's forests, made to mark the launch of the this year...
...and, possibly lowering the tone a little, internet phenomenon have been busy again, this time . Worth watching for top designer 's priceless compost-sieving technique alone.
Out and about...
There's nowhere quite so romantic as a garden, even one in February. It's all that perfume (wintersweet and witch hazels) and flowers (snowdrops in your hair rather than roses, perhaps, but this is no time to be picky.) Yes, it's Valentine's Day on Monday; time to cast aside all inhibitions and get seriously smoochy.

Judith Blacklock's Valentine's arrangement
After decorating your table with Judith Blacklock's romantic arrangement picked from the garden, present your loved one with a heart woven of willow ( at in Wiltshire) and a free hand-carved love spoon, given to all visiting lovers on February 14th at in Carmarthenshire, Wales - surely one of the most romantic gardens of them all.
One last thing: the , on the 15th at the Horticultural Halls in Westminster has and free . Clear your diaries now.
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