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2009 Folk Awards - and snow!

Mike Harding | 08:54 UK time, Thursday, 5 February 2009

Well, I just don't know! Four inches of snow and the financial capital of the world grinds to a halt, not a red bus leaves the warmth of its garage, the Underground (does it snow underground in London?) gets its underpants in a twist and people who ought to be at their desks spend the day sliding down hills on tea trays!Ìý

Now if that was the North we would be using our whippets to eat the snow and pouring mushy peas on the roads so the buses could get the women out to the treacle mines and the parkin mills. Still, enough of us did make it to London to ensure that the 91Èȱ¬ Radio 2 Folk Awards was yet another cracking evening.

A plethora of acts were given awards and another plethora (I think you can have two plethora) entertained us on the night with some wonderful music. I know the other performers who played on the night won't mind me saying that the high spot, for me, was seeing and live on stage after receiving their Lifetime Achievement Awards. There was nothing flash or slick about their performances, just something magical; Judy's voice is still wonderful after all these years and James Taylor - well he sang and played like a twenty year old.

You can hear both magical performances on my programme plus more magic from , , and all the other great performers.

You can watch higlights of the event plus some of the performances from the night, and see photos on our Folk Awards website, where you can also download a free version of Bert Jansch and Ralph McTell performing Angi - their tribute to the late Davey Graham.


  • Comment number 1.

    Fail, the Radio Times listed the programme on Wednesday from 7pm to 8pm as usual and, as I couldn't listen live, I set my recording system for the hour and thus missed a third of the programme. The repeat on Friday is also listed incorrectly as 3am to 4am.

    As a broadcasting licence payer I'd much rather have seen the 2009 Folk Awards on television than some mini video clips online.

    If the 91Èȱ¬ is filming to produce these video clips then why cannot the whole event be filmed, edited and broadcast in the same way as it's recorded, edited and then put out in your Show slot.

    91Èȱ¬ Four TV is full of Folk Concert repeats at the moment in the Folk America Series and gave us two live Concerts of American Folk from the Barbican. I would have thought the opportunity to film the Awards Show with the two Lifetime Awards going to Americans was excuse enough to slide it in one evening with the Folk America stuff.

  • Comment number 2.

    EnglishFolkFan, I think you'll find the change to the running time of the radio show changed after Stuart Maconie and Mark Radcliffe failed to get to London on Monday. I suspect that was what then caused the re-timing of the Mike Harding Show on the Wednesday. You are completely right that Radio Times showed the usual hour and even the online schedule only showed one hour earlier this week. I'm not sure when it changed. I looked on Monday. Fortunately some kind soul actually posted on the Radio 2 Folk & Acoustic Message board that the timing had changed, so I did actually catch all of it.

    The stupidity of filling the 91Èȱ¬ 4 schedule this week (and last) with hours of repeats of folk concerts from 30-50 years ago (some in black and white) while only putting the Folk Awards footage on the website is just pathetic. The filming and the editing are already done, SHOWING the programme is not going to increase costs that much. This on the channel that shows hour upon hour of interminable Proms every summer!

  • Comment number 3.

    Some great performances in those videos, wish I'd had the chance to catch the full show.


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