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The Gardening Starts Today.

Chris Evans | 10:41 UK time, Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Tried the gym yesterday after the Christmas/holiday lay off and to be frank it just didn't do it for me. To be honest I'm not sure it's the right weather to lose fat at the moment. In fact, I think we all actually need a bit as it's so damn cold out there.

I do however want to start moving again, and so it's thermals on and it's out in the garden for me for the next few weeks. We have so much that needs doing around our pile and I love the idea of being able to eat what I want for lunch after grafting for a few hours every morning.

If you see a bright red nose glowing around the Berkshire area - it's probably mine. See you on t'radio.





  • Comment number 1.

    Hi Chris: it's way, way too early in the year to be going to the gym! It's still too cold! Think your idea of getting into the garden is excellent - I can't garden for toffee, but I have started walking a wee bit more since the ice disappeared!

    C xx

  • Comment number 2.

    enjoy the gardening dont get to cold .have nice day.

  • Comment number 3.

    I'll be joining you with an equally glowing nose CLP.

    There's a whole lot of digging to be done out there.

    Todays excuse is that the ground is still too hard.

    Morning everyone, I treated myself to a nice lie in this morning, the only downfall being that now I must shake myself and get a move on.

    I hope you get those results today Deevs, thats not good enough.


  • Comment number 4.

    Did I see Mona drop by?

    Thats has reminded me that I must get some oven cleaner today ;)


  • Comment number 5.

    Greetings CLP & ALL Blog Dudes... Doing It Like A Dude....

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - Yes a fully agree with you, this time of year a sort of feel a can't go ter the gym!!!!!!
    A don't know what is wrong with me... But a just feel too knackered!!!!!!
    INDEED everyone a speak too says the same... they feel lacking in energy!!!!!!
    A personally think it may be terdo with the VERY cold December we 'ad... we've all sort of climatised ter be like Eskimos!!!!!!!!
    And now it's warmed up a little... We are all struggling ter climatise back - know the points of the situation am tring ter 'it 'ere!!!!!!!!!

    A also feel like everything is sort of in limbo at this time of year - Sort of we're all waiting for the winter ter end & the year ter actually get going!!!!!!!
    And WHATTA COINCIDENCE - A was only 1 'our ago saying ter me mother a will sort 'er garden out soon/ tidy it up - 100% TRUE!!!!!

    And don't forget 'The Bingo Star First Day Of The Month Weather Prediction Sets A President For The Whole Month Ahead!!!!'
    Today a beautiful sunny, spring like but chilly day!!!!!
    Does this mean Feb is gonna be most sunny & pleasant???????

    PS CLP - Am a very good gardener... landscaped me mother's whole garden aged 14... waterfalls, ponds, patios, greenhouse, bridge over a stream, rose arches... all built meself... And still standing 24 years on!!!!!!
    Am more than willing ter 'elp yer do your garden CLP if yer need a 'elper... But ONLY on one condition - If a can work me way up yer garden inter that garage FULL of motoring magnificence - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!!

    Okay, as promised:

    Bingo Star's 10 feet From Getting Cheryl Cole's Phone Number PART 3: ('ope all enjoy reading & 100% TRUE!!!!!)

    I was still in the restaurant, in Liverpool, with my new Thai girlfriend & 'er 5 thai girlfriends... still worried could I be on a Christmas night out with 5 lady boys after one of 'er girlfriends 'ad told me all about them & 'ow yer can't tell the difference, still feeling a sense of this would just be my luck.... When suddenly I spotted a famous female poptastic singer.... One of the famous in the UK of recent years... at the next table less than 10 feet from!!!!!
    And looking my way!!!!!!!
    It was Nicola Roberts of Girls Aloud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Yes Runcorn's very own of which a felt a bond with 'er... As a used ter go inter Runcorn Docks every night, sometimes 4 times in a shift, ter pick up 27 tonnes of molten sulphur in me tanker & take it round the corner inter the giant ICI chemical works & bang in inter their 1000 tonne storage tank!!!!!!!!!!
    AND me favourite of Girls Aloud when they first came out was Nicola... A just liked 'er as she seemed the quiet one – something a find attractive in a woman – know what am sayin'!!!!!!
    That was before a discovered Cheryl Cole is a cancerian!!!!!

    It was from the girls aloud of the 6 Thai babes a was with, grabbing the attention of everybody in the restaurant... ter a possible 1 thai babe & 5 lady boys.... suddenly ter Girls Aloud themselves aka 5 pop babes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    THEN... It 'it me all.... It 'it me that a know Nicola is best friends with Cheryl Cole!!!!!!
    INDEED the very night a was at The Children In Need Wrocks The Albert 'all gig... Nicola was there behind me... And the reason why she was there... A will tell yer >>>
    Ter support Cheryl Cole who 'ad only just turned as a solo singer... And who was perfoming one of 'er first BIG events as a solo artist with 'er new single!!!!!!!
    INDEED Cheryl being a sensitive cancerian was feeling very nervous about performing as a solo artist & that's one reason why Nicola (being 'er best friend) was at the Albert gig, ter offer 'er support ter The Cheryl!!!!!!!
    A realised Nicola being Cheryl Cole's best friend would 'ave in 'er phone.... CHERYL COLE'S PHONE NUMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!!@!@!!@!!!!@!!!!!!!!@!

    MY GOOOODNEESSSSSS a thought!!!!!!!
    Am less than 10 feet from Cheryl Cole's number!!!!!

    Me mind was working overtime!!!!!! Working over... time!!!!!!!
    A was already stressed out from the fear on the possible lady boys issue... But suddenly that didn't seem ter matter... All a needed was Cherly Cole's phone number.... And a needed it FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!
    A felt guilty though... Ave just found a wonderful new girlfriend.... And with even more beautiful dark eyes than even Cheryl Cole!!!!!!
    IN FACT... Only this morning, a sent 'er a text saying 'You are my babybean, richer than the most alluring coffee bean & full of eastern promise!!!!!!!'
    A couldn't run off with Cheryl Cole!!!!!!!
    Or maybe a could..... A 'ad ter get Cheryl Cole's number!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A decided to devise a plan!!!!!!!!!

    PART 4 & the final part continued on the next blog!!!

  • Comment number 6.

    Morning Chris and peeps,

    I am itching to get out in the garden, too. Lots to do, but as MTF says, the ground is pretty hard, and we have a lot of clay in the soil here, so a double whammy of solid slog!!

    I can't even prune my poor frostbitten hebes bushes as it is still too early in the year and Jack Frost is still around.

    Loved the bits of the Breakfast show that I managed to catch, think I might treat myself and listen to the whole thing on iplayer later!

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 7.

    Just a couple of things from the previous blog:

    Mona: you are, of course, entitled to your opinion, and you could be right. I do think it is very interesting that you would think Chris Evans has the time to contribute to his blog throughout the day! Simon Mayo also has a blog - that is written, and then it is "taken over" by the people who chat on his blog. And, yes, both blogs are written by Ricky Gervais. That's a fact.

    Cheryl: really, really sorry to hear you are so ill. GF not good, so I hope it's not that. Now, you know me, always in there with advice. But I have to say, this is not good enough from your doctor's surgery. I really would advise that you speak to a doctor - if you request this, a doctor will phone you when he has the time. And I would tell him how ill you feel, and that you are very concerned that you may have to wait for your results to arrive by post - it's just ridiculous.
    You take it easy, ok?

    C xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Hi Mcw, thats how I listen to the show.

    It works out better for me that way, due to the useful pause button.

    I have lost all my ecciums to the frost and this is their second year, so the year that they would have shot up to about 15ft and guarantee a garden full of bees :(

    On the plus side, the frost got rid of any pesky weeds.


  • Comment number 9.

    Thanks Chrissie and MTF.

    Update: Just phoned the hositpal myself. They can only give my results to the surgery. So, phoned surgery again. Same surly recpetionist said that because I was "distrssed" earlier on the phone, she rang the hospital for my results. Results are now with Doctor, for him to look at after morning surgery. So, I await a phone call .....

    Christoff, good for you getting out in the garden! Very brave given the coldness out there: hope you have a good stash of gardening gloves? If Tash is so inclined (or yourself if time allows), I'd suggest some hearty home-made soup and hot bread for lunch after a session of taming the wilderness!

    Our garden is manageable but still takes time in the spring/summer. Roll on those warm summer evenings when we can sit out on the patio, after a BBQ, with some vino and good old fashioned conversation.


  • Comment number 10.

    Chris, enjoy the gardening!

    Chrissie, lovely post to Mona and 100% True.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Deevs, hope you get a call soon.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Nothing like a spot of winter gardening to blow the cobwebs away Chris - I'm with you on that one...much more fun than the gym!

    Deevs - I've just been diagnosed with nervous exhaustion & my GP recommended boosting my immune system with Echinacea. He said it's also fantastic for GF suffers as it lessens the symptoms (when Miss CG was 16 she had GF & Echinacea certainly helped her too) Might be worth a thought?

    Anyway, hope you get your results today & get well soon (((xx)))

    CG xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Cheryl: that's good - well done on getting that receptionist to do her job!

    CSN: love it!


  • Comment number 14.

    Wooo Hooo! it's NOT Glandular Fever!

    Call from surgery. White blood cells indicate "nasty infection" but it's not GF! There's a prescription with my name on waiting at the surgery reception (different antibiotics to last week apparently - I'm hoping they're from the "Finest" range rather than the Value range and do a better job this time!

    So, so relieved. Still feel pants tho!


  • Comment number 15.

    CLP, I couldn't agree with you more, I wouldn't dream of paying good money to join a gym when I can get outside and walk (or run if you prefer but I'm not built for running, too top heavy). Every morning before work I take the dogs a 1 mile brisk walk and then after work I take them a longer walk, and every weekend David and I are either off walking in the country or cycling (when the weather improves), it is free and very good for you.



  • Comment number 16.

    Cheryl: no wonder you are relieved - good to hear it's not GF. Hopefully once the "Finest" range get to do their stuff, you will feel better soon. Meantime, just stay nice and warm, and step away from the washing machine!


  • Comment number 17.

    LOL Chrissie. I'm drawn to it ... like some demented Widow Twankey!


  • Comment number 18.

    I love to see a nice garden, and thankfully Mr P does a good job. As for me, I’m about as useless as a chocolate tea pot; however, I’m okay at dishing out the orders and supplying the sustenance! In fact I’ve recently reminded him that the lawn will soon need aerating, get me!

    Chrissie, loved your response to mona, it right made me chuckle. My thoughts are still with you xx

    Deevs, good news! Hope you start to improve soon x

    I think what we could all do with is some warm sunshine, but no sign of it here today, although it is a tad warmer, but oh so dull!

    Hello to everyone else, in particular those who are feeling poorly. Thoughts also to CG x

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 19.

    CG: I am not surprised in the least you have nervous exhaustion - please look after yourself. xx

    Hi Pen: thank you. xx And, thanks - I just could not resist it! I agree about the garden, Pen. I am excellent at pointing out little, and big, chores for MrS, while I sit indoors watching a movie!

    C xx

  • Comment number 20.

    Hello CLP & Everyone.

    A bright sunny day here and a bit milder than yesterday.

    Chris-surely with your large sized garden which is more like a park you will get far more exercise over the next few weeks than you would by going to the gym. Having said that, gym exercise builds up your strength enabling you to garden more easily.

    Do you have a ride-on lawn mower? I would love to have a go of one of those. I can't do gardening any more because of health reasons, the last time I tried I was far too out of breath. If we had a larger garden all would be well with a ride-on mower.

    Don't worry about wearing thermals, in my experience gardening makes you sweat so much even in the cold weather (unless it was my blood pressure).

    Happy February Everyone!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 21.


    we have a tiny garden, full of bushes and stuff, we both hate it and I wish I coould afford someone to turn it into something useful! I do have a bench in the corner that I can sit on if the budleia is cut back but in four years I don't think mr bp has used the garden for anything more then hanging out the washing. It is completely overlooked but in my opionion thats all we could have afforded.


  • Comment number 22.

    Afternoon all,

    Now, I just love gardening, and really look forward to the better weather and getting my snippers out .
    Baggy, its a shame you dont live nearer, I would gladly give you a hand. I could do with a project .

    Deev, sorry to hear you are poorly, get well soon.

    I am on week 6 of lurgy land, and am taking matters into my own hands , starting tonight. I have been eating well, sleeping for England, taking vitamins, and loads of fresh fruit , and still " the throat" wont go.
    So, I am trying reverse eat-ology. I am going to eat & drink all the Christmas goodies, and expect to be fighting fit by weekend.

    The electrician that I have been waiting for , and had let me down twice last week, has just turned up for my key today. Why do they do that ???? I would have tidied up a bit had i known .......

    Chrissie, you take care of yourself, am thinking of you .

    Right, must dash.

    Love and hugs to all

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 23.

    Maddy: Happy February to you, too!

    Baggy: if it wasn't for the fact that MrS is just terrific at gardening, ours would be a wilderness. Many years ago, he looked after his own mum's garden, my mum's garden, and ours. Bit of a show-off, it must be said. If it was left to me, I wouldn't even be able to get out there to hang out a washing!

    MC: yes, get right into those Christmas goodies - it will soon be Easter! As for the electrician ... aarrggh! They ALWAYS do this!

    C xx

  • Comment number 24.

    JG (from previous blog) Woo hoo, got everything crossed for you.

    Bingo, can't wait for the final part!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Deevs - so glad it's not GF but whatever it is, I hope it clears off soon xx

    JG - well done on the provisional 'yes' (from previous blog) and fingers crossed it all works out for you.

    My favourite creatures are penguins and I thought this might make you smile if you haven't already seen it:

    Take care all

    jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 26.

    Evening CLP and the now not bouncing blog, I'd love to have a garden but I'm not particularly greenfingered. I may compromise and get some window boxes for my flat, I could at least grow my own herbs for cooking! My Mum loves her garden and desperate for the better weather to return so she can get out there (and use her Christmas present from me: some gardening kit).

    I agree with you about the gym thing, I think it's far better for the soul to get into the outdoors to get exercise! I'd like to get myself a bike for the better weather, in fact I was thinking this while driving home from work how nice it would be to cycle to and from work, good exercise and it would save on petrol! The only problem is my route to work is quite busy with traffic usually, and the roads are not that wide, so I'd be quite scared of being knocked off!

    Hope everyone has had a good day.


  • Comment number 27.

    hi everyone, sorry about the absence, it's been a bit hectic, what with one thing and another....

    I have finally have my number plate on my car, and all the paperwork sorted...Phew!!

    Trying to dig out all the documents needed for the mortgage folk...I thought I knew where everything was, apparently not! Thanks for all your good wishes and especially to MTF for her Yaaahoo!! lol

    Gail, well done getting that lot to the vets!! I have enough trouble with just Finlay!!

    MC, I live closer than Baggy.... ;) lol

    Deev, so glad it's not GF! I did warn you on t'ther side that it can take a while to shift, so take care of yourself!

    {{{Hugs}}} to Chrissie and CG xx

    And Hi to everyone else!

    JG x

  • Comment number 28.

    Evening each

    I love my garden - love sitting in it and planning what I'm going to plant. Doesn't always happen but it's nice sitting there in the summer.

    Chrissie, hope you're looking after yourself.

    Deevs, hope you're feeling better soon. Listen to Chrissie, don't go near any housework.

    Rosie, DO NOT even think of riding a bike in Edinburgh.

    JG, good news

    Hallo to everyone.


  • Comment number 29.

    Evening peeps - I was going to say "hope you are all well" but having caught up on some recent posts, I can see that several of you are not.

    Please spend some time cossetting yourselves and don't feel you have to fight it, all the time. Sometimes you just have to 'flop' until you feel better.

    I think a bit more sunshine would do us all a world of good. I know I was feeling quite chipper on the drive home because I had my sunglasses on.

    I actually left work a bit earlier today to take a slight detour via Wroxeter to see what the Roman villa that is being built on "Rome wasn't built in a day" looks like. It is huge!, but doesn't look to be open to the public - yet. I don't know if any of you have seen the programme but it is highly entertaining and in the last one, the team of builders were taken to Ephasus (sp) in Turkey (I think that's where it was!) to see the most complete original buildings of this type - just spectacular.

    On another note, I have put something on FB about a get together in Chester in April. Lots of Roman stuff to do there and I thought it might appeal to those with little 'uns, if it's not too far eg Daisy or Nic & Deevs.
    Don't know how folk are fixed, but even if there's only limited interest, the relative locals might fancy a mini-meet lunch? How about it Plane Janet, Ash, MC, JG etc?

    Off to do a bit more line-learning as next production is in about 7 weeks and I know next to none of the words I am supposed to be spouting as Roma Smethurst!

    ttfn, Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 30.

    Lovely to see you Crumpy - how are you?

    Wish I lived nearer, your mini-meet sounds lovely.


  • Comment number 31.

    Me again

    Rosie - have just remembered that I once saw a car at the roundabout at the top of Leith Walk, facing the wrong way, with a sign on the back window - 'Confused American driver - please be patient'!!!!! See????

    No cycle riding.


  • Comment number 32.


    It's me, the sleepy one!

    Crumpy, lovely to see you blogging. Good luck learning your lines and I'll mention Chester to Nic when he's here (round at his son's at the mo, then off out to the pub quiz).

    Thanks for all your Get Well wishes. I'll do my best! Starting this evening with a date with Jimmy on his farm at 8, and then another dollop of gypsy weddings, all accompanied by PJs and ice cream, of couse.

    I can honestly say I've never slept so much tho ....


  • Comment number 33.

    Don't worry Annie I won't be cycling round Edinburgh any time soon! Plenty do though, and I see a fair few riding about with no helmets on. Now I know they're not a legal requirement but they're definitely a lifesaver in an accident.

    Deevs I hope you're feeling better soon! Btw I downloaded the new Duran Duran album and am loving it!


  • Comment number 34.

    Deevs, I can hear Chrissie's voice saying ' Your body obviously needs to rest, that's why you're sleeping so much'. Listen to it.

    Rosie, so pleased you won't be under a Lothian bus any time soon.

    I'm looking forward to the Gypsy Wedding programme too. They all seem like really nice people, so WHY do they think those dresses are the bee's knees? And as for the little girls' outfits!!!


  • Comment number 35.

    Hi annie
    I'm well thanks - managed not to get the lurgy that seems to be affecting so many.

    Busy at work and learning lines (not!) hence being AWOL from the blog.
    I do try to catch up in work at lunchtime, now and then, but can't post from there and when I get in, I just eat tea the plop on the sofa until it's time for bed - usually about 9.30 to 10pm, for me!

    Not a night owl like you and MTF to name just two.

    Deevs, it would be lovely if you and Nic could bring young Mr Cooper to Chester. Easy to do just for the day and as I say loads of stuff to see and do. I also though it might be nice not to spend a whole day just in a bar, so weather permitting there are walls to walk and loads of free stuff to do, hence the idea of making it child friendly.

    Enjoy Gypsy Weddings! Adam and I sit here with our mouths hanging open at the state of some of them, and I have to agree with who ever it was that said the clothing and suggestive gyrating of the little confirmation girls, was just sooo wrong!!

    C x

  • Comment number 36.

    Howdy all!

    MTF - thanks for your post on the previous entry. I'm only a couple of hours from Bristol myself, so only ½hr less than you, but thank you for the advice and info. I am still (DEFINITELY) going to the wedding, it's just that I wanted to stay for the evening do (I am a pretty young single lady, after all!) and, if condemned to going with my parents, am thwarted yet again. M&D tell me: "Of course we will take you! But 8.30pm is late enough for ANYONE." Arrrgh! Flashback to School-Disco-Mortification! I'll find a way. Jasper has local folk fighting amongst themselves to get to look after him whilst I'm away, so just me to sort out, hehehe...

    Mona Lott - Yes. My apologies to you and other posters - as well as to Chris - for anything I may have posted about my own problems post-Gin-o'-clock that may have been less than Chris-Breakfast-Show-relevant, or which made anyone uncomfortable.

    And in that spirit - WHY mention gardening, Chris, WHY?!?! My own little garden is a barren wasteland! Last year, I bought a book called "The Small Garden Year: Month by Month". How many of the 'January' bits have I adhered to? The answer rhymes with 'pun' and starts with a big, fat 'N'. I should have pruned and splayed my climbing roses and sown my broad beans by now. Fortunately, Jasper assures me that he will not eat (for the third year-running) my border-plants again this summer and I have high hopes for my honeysuckles.

    Who am I fooling...? Myself, chiefly. My plants are DOOMED - but hope and good intentions spring eternal...

    Keep smiling!

    Roo xxxx

    P.S. CG - Love German Shepherds; my aunts had a white one! And Jasper is PETRIFIED of cats. I once had to carry him up two flights of stairs in an hotel as he was too scared to walk past a friendly sleeping elderly moggy. Please don't anyone tell Jazz that I grassed him up. ;-) x

  • Comment number 37.

    Good Evening Lovely People,

    Chris, I couldn't agree more. I'd love a garden to potter about in, but alas I live in a flat. However, my Mum does me some beautiful tubs all year round, which make sitting out there so much nicer. Although I don't sit out there in the winter, too bloomin cold!

    Crumpy, Lovely to read you xx

    Deev, Listen to everyone and get better soon xx

    Big hugs going out to all those in need especially CG and Chrissie xx

    I've had my personality type worked out today on a course. I'm pleased to say no surprises!!

    I'll be watching Silent Witness tonight, although I am still recovering from last weeks episodes.


  • Comment number 38.

    Roo, I've got that book too - and ignore it. Pretty pictures, though.

    Enjoy the wedding - stand up to M&D - stamp your foot and tell them you're not going home!


  • Comment number 39.


    HELLOOOO! Nice to see you back. And I most certainly will fight for my right to party. At last family wedding, I had three (almost four) offers from hunky chaps and had to scuttle off from all of them ("Roo, stop drawing attention to yourself and come and help me with loading Mrs. ***'s wheelchair into the car." was one prize anecdote from my father. A mere diversionary tactic from my father - I neither knew, nor was related to, the chariot-bound pensioner). Bah!!!

    Love to you,

    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 40.

    Never had the jumping blog that everyone is on about................UNTIL NOW!
    b****y annoying ain't it!

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 41.

    Arrghhhh!! Jumping blog syndrome here again, can't read, or hardly write...

    JG x

  • Comment number 42.


    You ain't wrong!

    Roo x

  • Comment number 43.

    GR - bummer, isn't it? Makes your eyes go funny.

    Roo - almost four?? Explain please.


  • Comment number 44.

    Yes, please do Roo!! lol

  • Comment number 45.

    Easy solution, reading the blog whilst on the trampoline. Simples.

    Evening all.


  • Comment number 46.

    If we tried to do that MTF, you can bet we would be on the up whilst the blog would be on the down! Sods law, y'know.

    C x

  • Comment number 47.

    Haha! You ain't getting nothing out of me!!!

    Seriously, though, Number Four was married. I don't do that. The sisterhood rules, right?!

    Roo x

  • Comment number 48.

    Not to mention the motion sickness Crumpy.



  • Comment number 49.

    Roo, you're so right. I've always thought that but not all women do. For instance, the woman who is now living with my husband!! Good luck to her, I say.


  • Comment number 50.

    Woohoo, I get the tv controls for the next hour.


  • Comment number 51.

    Evening all,

    Crumpy, good to see you , and thanks for starting off the Chester link. Am looking forward to it already, if you need me to try out any eateries , you know where I am !

    JG, oooh, eagle eye ! trust you to spot my offer of gardening LOL .

    Roo, just when is that wedding, I think I may be free that weekend :-)))

    So, the get rid of the cold campaign has kicked off nicely. Half a dozen Terry's Old golds and a bowl of crunchy nuts, and I'm feeling good .

    The electrician did his best , but out of the twelve bulbs that should be working, we can only put six in before it blows again. I think we should use it as a party game for next Christmas .

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 52.

    Oh, I just remembered , and i really hate to ask , incase you all laugh at me .... but Ricky Gervais ...... is it true ? Chrissie ????

    MC *wishing she hadnt asked, but needed to know, and will probably regret pressing the button *

  • Comment number 53.

    Hello all

    Jumping blog!

    Spent all afternoon at hairdressers, now have multi coloured hair. LOL!

    Hope your all ok.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 54.

    Now 'thats' what I call a cake. Wowee.


  • Comment number 55.

    MC, they can laugh at me too.

    I was too scared to ask. LOL.


  • Comment number 56.

    Evening ALL,
    Have'nt had much time to catch up sorry ,but you know that spring that I had in my step this AM.Well i did certainly need it .
    I have had a over busy day today and lots going on so I was glad to get home and have now just consumed a very well earned Brandy ,and I might just take one to bed with me when I go shortly.

    Did see that it's good news hopefullly for JG,hoping it goes well for you .

    Crumpy ,how lovely to see you popping in ,and good luck with the play ,and is it too early to say Break a leg.

    and I'm sure I just caught sight sight of MC ,nice to see you back also and don't forget ,little steps ,and that goes for you Deev if your about .

    right Im going to pour that other Brandy shortly and go and lord it in bed and I might even open the choc's ,can it get any better ,don't think so .

    Take care all on this very damp and foggy night here in the south .

    sleep Well .Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 57.

    Just popping in for a 'Bingo Blog Blast'...

    Penny Forem & CleverSuperNanny - Thanks so much, am glad am entertaining a few & am looking forward ter me final part on the next blog.... Of which.... A can feel a trailer coming on for me final part of me story:

    (In The Tone Of Fast Flowing But Friendly & 'ighly Authorative Voice Over Man- Bit Like X-Factor Voice Over Dude):-

    "Will Bingo STAR.. find out his Christmas night out with 6 beautiful Thai babes was with only one babe & 5 Thai lady...... boys!!
    THUS leading to to him BREAKING his ties... with the Thais???"
    "Will Bingo STAR.. get the NUMBER he's always longed for of his number 1 favourite singer who's had a string of number 1's???"
    "Find out.. ONLY on Chris Evans 91Èȱ¬ Radio Blog, ONLY TOMORROW!!!!"


  • Comment number 58.

    WELL!! Gypsy wedding - what can I say? Don't think I'll be watching that again - found this one quite disturbing.


  • Comment number 59.

    Annie - it's a bit like driving past an accident when you're out in the car: you know its rude and wrong to look and stare, but somehow you're kind of drawn to it.

    I can't get over just how charming those Gypsy men are! Ahem ......!


  • Comment number 60.

    Which bit Annie, I missed a chunk of it.

    It seems that guys get the better deal to me.


  • Comment number 61.

    They certainly must earn some good money.


  • Comment number 62.

    Deevs - aren't they? NOT!

    MTF - you're so right.


  • Comment number 63.

    MTF, all of it - very disturbing. Girls leaving school at 13 to cook and clean. Girls getting married at 16 and not expecting to be anything other than housewives/cleaners. Boys who 'grab' - and what's that all about?


  • Comment number 64.

    I'd like to know how much ££££ that dress-maker woman makes from the Travelling community. Those chavvy dresses must cost thousands.


  • Comment number 65.

    Yes Deevs. Awful as they are, they must be a bu***r to make.


  • Comment number 66.

    Right, time to switch this off, read a few chapters of Dawn French and await the return of my fella (hopefully triumphant) from the pub quiz!

    Sweet dreams y'all.


  • Comment number 67.

    I'm reading that too Deevs.

    Night night.

    I'm off too - night all.


  • Comment number 68.

    Just had to dash off and bath a bunny as you do.

    Night all.


  • Comment number 69.

    MTF, I'm hoping that's NOT a euphemism ....!

    I'm gone!


  • Comment number 70.

    More of a Ewwwwwwwphenism Deevs LOL.

    Poor bunny, he's nice and sparkly now though.

    Night night.


  • Comment number 71.

    Bingo, your posts always make me smile, looking forward to tomorrow. xx

    Deevs, lots of rest and no housework. xx

    CG, thinking of you and hope you feel better soon. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 72.

    Oh dear, replace the n with an m!


  • Comment number 73.

    Night Annie, Deevs and everyone.

    Sleep well.

    Lots of love.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 74.

    Good morning ALL,
    Another good nights sleep was had and raring to go again .Just deciding wether to boil myself an egg for breakfast,they say you should go to work on an egg don't they .And just maybe some shoulders to dip.

    The fog that was around last evening has now lifted but still a little damp.
    Another busy day ahead fo me ,so better go ann get that egg on the go .

    Take care out there,and have a good day all.


  • Comment number 75.

    Just done my ( Soldiers) Think them there shoulders would have been a bit tough .xxx.

  • Comment number 76.

    Morning peeps

    Guess what? I slept for a full 8 hours - yay!! I think the anti-biotics are kicking in: throat still sore and I'm all achey BUT not as bad as the last few mornings.

    Bids - I'm thinking of a poached egg on toast for my breakfast.

    Today I shall be mainly resting, reading, puzzling, a bit og jigsawing and maybe even some dozing in the pm of the day.

    Back later.


  • Comment number 77.

    Hi everyone:

    JG: re: looking for documents - nightmare, isn't it? You know for a fact that they are "in that drawer" but then when you look for them ... err ... they are not!

    Annie: thank you, I really am trying to look after myself. xx And, would you believe, what you wrote to Cheryl, was exactly what I was going to say!

    Crumpy: how lovely to see you! I just had to check out Roma Smethurst - sounds like a fantastic part. I don't know that play at all, but it sounds really terrific - it should be a lot of fun!

    MC and MTF: well, according to Mona, Chris does not write his own blog. So, I phoned Ricky Gervais and he confirmed to me that yes, indeed he writes the blogs for Chris and Simon. Hard to believe, eh?!

    Bingo: brilliant trailer!

    Cheryl: good to hear that you are feeling a wee bit better. Well done on listening to your Auntie Annie!

    Hope everyone is ok on this blustery Wednesday!

    C xx

  • Comment number 78.

    Morning All,

    Just popping on to waffle for a bit while I wait for a meting to start - the view I have, is of Parliament and Westminster Abbey with Westminster Cathedral behind me, can't see much else as the fog has descended.

    Chris - I hope you haven't started to dig a pond! The last time you did was at the end of the crazy years....

    I watched My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding last night expecting a light hearted look at a different society.
    What I saw was horrific - 11 year old girls being removed from school to tend the house, until they are selected in what looks to me like an abusive ritual at 16 to become their husband's keeper.
    What on earth is funny about that?! Aren't we in Afghanistan trying to deal with this sort of thing....
    Sorry - a bit extreme maybe, but how can that be going on, what year is it?!?!?!

    On a lighter note....
    If any of you heard Simon's discussion on Drivetime over the last couple of days, about Kim from Cornwall whose chickens are laying green eggs - That Kim is my little sister!
    Haha - One of my other sisters, reckons we'll taking over radio 2 soon.

    Hugs and hopes of best wishes to all especially CG x

    Take care



  • Comment number 79.

    Oooh, I did mean to say hi to AliB: thank you xx

    CSN: how's the hair?!

    Rips: always good to see you.

    C xx

  • Comment number 80.

    Morning each

    CLp - sounds very virtuous(sp?).. we will need pics you know!

    I dont like gardening..hence our `landscaping` efforts in the back garden a few springs ago! Now, the back garden is there for what gardens are intended for imho... sitting in in the summer (i live in hope!), drinking some adult pop and reading..with maybe a bbq and a little snooze thrown in there somewhere!

    However, the GM declared last week that our `week off` at the end of March is now to be dedicated to `landscaping` (and i use the term loosely..) our front garden. Now this is only a very small area but it will involve removal of all grass, laying of sleepers, new planting..not forgetting levelling and a ton of slate to be distributed... I feel my back ache coming on already!

    As ive been absent (no note sorry) I`ll shout a get well/huge hugs/burger off/best wishes/woohoo/urgh and a thinking of you at all you lovely peeps... please accept my apologies for not doing individual..suffice to say you have all been in my thoughts..

    Oh, and a wotcha to anyone who wants one!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 81.

    New blog!


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