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Picture This

Chris Evans | 11:39 UK time, Thursday, 21 October 2010

I have a picture of my son as my mobile phone screensaver.

I changed it last night from one of him in my garage, wearing an oversize cap - cute and funny - to one of him during last night's bath time, laughing his head off - joyous.

I thought the garage/car snap was wonderful, but this new image makes me feel almost indescribably positive and lucky inside - every time I catch even so much of a glimpse of it.

So, perhaps you might want to change your screensaver now and again, until it makes you feel more of how you want to.

Have a great day.





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  • Comment number 1.


    1 !!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 2.

    Morning Chris

    My screensaver is a photo of my grandson and it always makes me smile!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Hi Marjie, how are you?

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 4.


    Loved the story about Noah and the Play Doh!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 5.

    Hello CLP & Everyone.

    My mobile phone saver is fish swimming underwater and my computer screen is a beautiful water fall. I don't know why but I always seem go choose water themes.

    And I never change them, maybe I should be a bit more adventurous.

    A cold and wet day here in Wirral!

    Hope everyone's well.

    MM x

  • Comment number 6.

    Hi CSN.

    I'm OK thanks but not sure whether I'm on the edge of getting a cold.

    Hope everything's OK for you.

    MM xxx

    PS I got a bit carried away with the No. 1 there LOL

  • Comment number 7.


    I feel like I'm getting a cold too.

    Got three jumpers on here and still feel cold. LOL!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Hi CLP,

    Don't have any children myself but I do have my animal children, I have varying photos of them on my phone, computer and desk at work, they cheer me up no end.

    Have a good day everyone.



  • Comment number 9.

    Hi Chris: how lovely! I love when you tell us about Noah! And, Chris, thank you for Paper Roses this morning - for those brief moments I was 17 again!

    My screensaver is Mr Glenister from Life on Mars ... woof, woof! But, you are right, I should change it - just how long ago was Life on Mars??!

    CSN: thanks for the heads-up for the new blog.

    Marjie: well done on No.1 - quick work!

    Both ladies: get yourselves some Pulmo Bailly - the most vile concoction known to man, but frightens off the toughest of colds!

    C xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Hi Chrissie.

    Is it OK to take Pulmo Bailly with other medications? If so I'm off to get some. Not sure if cold coming on or not though, sometimes I think that my large combination of stuff keeps most colds away.

    MM xxx

    PS I did type new blog but in my excitement it seems to have got lost, maybe I did'nt wait for the second countdown.

  • Comment number 11.

    i know what you mean CLP - my screen savers are usually pics of my children!! sometimes you just catch them laughing or doing something and it makes you glad to be alive just looking at the picture!

    at the moment my computer one is from holiday (some of you may have seen it on fb) and the phone one is also from hols - both kids on the beach with massive sandcastle, tanned, smiling, just fab!!

    still cold here and no sign of furniture!!!

    RC xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Hi CLP - great blog, but how about you share the wonderful image with your loyal bloggers - you know we love a photo blog now and then!



  • Comment number 13.

    My screensaver is a photo of my horse - it reminds me why I have to go out to work (and how I have to pay for him!!) and it keeps me positive & motivated

    CG x

  • Comment number 14.

    Chrissie, what is Pulmo Bailly?

    RC, hope your furniture comes soon.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Hey CLP and gang!

    My screensaver is of course my gawjus fella as I have no munchkins of my own. H owever, I have just had the most rewarding of lunch breaks in a very long time .....

    Nics little fella is off school with a poorly bug today and is spending the day at Grandmas. I have just been to visit him, wielding 2 big helium balloons just for him. His little face was a picture and we had a lovely cuddle whilst I had a chat to the "ma-in-law".

    The memory of his grin will get me through the afternoon!

    Happy Dayz


  • Comment number 16.

    Afternoon all,

    CLP I have a photo of my wife on my phone. It was taken at a special moment and with the expression on her face I affectionately call it my gargoyle! Oh how it makes me laugh. LOL I am sure when our first grandchild arrives in 6 weeks he will be the star of the show for a while. ;-)


  • Comment number 17.

    Deevs, that is so sweet.

    Bet that really cheered little one up.

    Hope he feels better very soon.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 18.


    for a while my darling niece and newphew were on my phone but now I have my baby emocat 'playing' the PS3, it always makes me smile.


  • Comment number 19.

    Keith, I'm sure new baby will be your screensaver.

    My husband's screensaver is a photo of all the children and grandchildren together.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 20.

    ps - countrygirl, i read yours at first as a picture of your house - i thought each to their own, glad to see it was actually your horse, that makes more sense

  • Comment number 21.

    CSN, only six weeks and I am not excited at all! No honest, I'm not! Why won't people beleive me......lol :-) I have even bought my daughter a camcorder so that I do not miss him growing up. Just a big marshmallow man me. ;-) xx

    Deeves, balloons, nice touch. ;) xx

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 22.

    I've got a piccie of my Mum and my eldest son. They look lovely together!

  • Comment number 23.

    On my phone, that is hehehe. Don't use screen saver on the computer.

  • Comment number 24.

    Keith it sounds like the little one will be doted on - just as it should be! my parents were with friends for the evening when my daughter was born and my dad was so excited when he got the call, he ran laps round their garden!!!

    He now says if he'd known having grandchildren was going to be so much fun he'd've had them first!! but my mum and dad are FAB - never miss a concert, play, pantomime, competition, sports fixture, nothing! My poor mum stands on the freezing touchline watching rugby, footie, netball - at least the cricket for my nephew is in the summertime! And even when we say they don't have to come, they always do!

    we love em loads and loads!

    RC x

  • Comment number 25.


    Well I've walked up the hill and I am now at another job which hopefully won't involve stroppy people!

    Great blog Chris and as Debs said can we see the photo or if not that one, an up to date one would be ace....thanks.

    Deev, You big old softie you :)

    My screensave is Patrick Dempsey ;)

    Keith, Bless you, keep sharing with us we are with you every step of the way xx

    Oh well best get on.


  • Comment number 26.

    I interchange on a regular basis, they are almost always of the grandchildren! Proud grandma or what? In fact have two of them overnight tonight as tomorrow is an 'inset' day. Never had them in my day!

    Don't wake me on Saturday, I will need my kippo, lol

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 27.

    I've not got anything on mine, mainly as I've not yet worked out how to put one on!

    Struggled this morning to send a text to someone new, instead of simply replying to a previous message! Doh!

    JG x

  • Comment number 28.


    I change the picture on my 'phone fairly regularly. Currently, it has my boy with his hair spiked up for the first time ever on it!
    On my laptop at home, I have a picture of Deevs sitting on a bench, with my boy's head sideways directly obscuring her head. Priceless!


  • Comment number 29.


  • Comment number 30.

    Afternoon each

    I agree with everyone else...a new pic would be lovely!

    as for screen savers..my background on work and home comps is a compilation of Italy photos and my phone screen saver is my gorgeous nephew facepainted as a tiger..its about 2 yrs old now but still never ceases to make me smile! (Aunties are just as mad as grandparents by the way...have done the nativity, harvest festival etc..just waiting for the sports to kick in!)

    Lovely blog yesterday too CLP..what a lovely trip along memory lane and such a nice touch to mention individuals.

    On a similar but totally different subject (!)..I remember going back to my first school a few years ago and remembering the `really long corridor` was actually only about 10ft long..and the `massive wall where we played 7`s` was only about 6ft high... oh the joys of getting taller!

    Anyway..have a question that i know at least one of you lovely peeps will be able to help me out with..

    I need to but a `back slash` into a password and I cannot find the `back slash` key on my keyboard... anyone?! (And i just know i`m going to have a `doh` moment when someone points it out!)


    mSc *waiting patiently whilst everyone now looks down at their keyboard*... x

    PS - Deevs..lovely touch! x

  • Comment number 31.

    Don't know about anyone else, but my back slash is to the left of Z


  • Comment number 32.


    Either the / on the same key as the ? next to the shift key, or the \ on the left hand side bottom row next to the shift key.


    Deevs, a big kid at heart!

  • Comment number 33.

    Ooooooooh ...


    How good was that!?!?


  • Comment number 34.

    DOH! See..told you!

    Thanks Gail...,just going to stick my head in a bucket of cold water to waken myself up!

    Isn`t it amazing how you can look at something 20 times and still not spot it...or is it just me?!

    mSc ...looking suitably embarrassed! x

  • Comment number 35.

    Scoobs .... do you need an optician ....!?!?!?



  • Comment number 36.

    Thanks Deevs too!

    ooh.../\*/\*/\*/\... 2 can play that game.. or i can now anyway!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 37.

    Deevs..was going to say i need my eyes testing..now,anyone recommend a good opticians?! hee hee..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 38.

    Afternoon all

    Sorry not been around, been on hols and v busy at work trying to catch up!

    Have to agree two days of great blog sentiments CLP.

    I have a picture of my OH and the GD and GB on my phone, which I took recently of them all playing about in the chair. Always makes me know where I need to spend my time when I see it.

    Nice to see you Scoobs even if you are struggling to see us! ;)


  • Comment number 39.

    Hi Troops:

    I have tried several times since 1pm to send a comment, but the blog won't let me! Trying again!

    Marjie: re: the medicine, I would definitely check with a pharmacist, it is pretty strong stuff. Sorry, I just come on here with random stuff sometimes, without really thinking it through.

    CSN: Pulmo-thingy is a cough medicine - clear, and mixed with water. I do want to warn you, it is foul, but works like a dream for me!

    Cheryl: what a lovely thing you did today - what a wee softie you are, really!

    Keith: how exciting about your first grandchild. I am sure I will faint when my time comes!

    RC: sounds like you have tremendous parents - I can only hope that in the future, if it's in "the plan" I can be half as supportive.

    Scoobs: no worries about not finding the back-slash, could happen to anyone at any time!

    C xx

  • Comment number 40.

    Good grief, it went through!


  • Comment number 41.

    Morning all from a sunny and mild upstate. Wintery mix in the forecast for tomorrow..... Groan!!!! That will probably kill the outdoor footie at the weekend for me! Folks here don't like playing in the cold, weird I know! Hope you are all having a great Thursday!

  • Comment number 42.

    Yep, I'm a softie, a big kid at heart and also truly madly deeply head over heels with my man.


  • Comment number 43.

    Thanks Chrissie for your supportive comments..unlike some of you..Mr Toverson! hee hee.. seriously..hope you well AT..gonna make it to York?

    Meant to say earlier too... AS, good to see you back and glad you`ve settled albeit minus a job! something will turn up although if you are up against our Deevs then presharpen those elbows now! Have a fab birthday tomorrow.x

    Right.. brew time then sort out time then home time.. got a joiner coming about some worktop tonight, the new kitchen sink we`ve bought is apparently too small to fit the hole but we like it so are having a run of worktop replaced to fit it.. hopefully! Small jobs always end up being bigger dont they?
    Speaking of which.,,.anyone seen MC since her `repairers` tuend up?!

    Enjoy your evenings everyone..

    mSc x

    PS - Wotcha Chrissie..just for you! x

  • Comment number 44.

    Please feel free to replace tuend with turned in that last comment...need tea!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 45.


    can I add, I hope rips FNWC goes well tomorrow night and feel bad I cant attend (leaving drinks at work), but hope you have a good night.

    Also - feel a bit rubbish and thinking a glass of adult falling down water is in order - is it too early?

  • Comment number 46.

    Wotcha, Scoobs!

    Rips: just while it's in my mind, I have been in touch with my Wine Merchant and have secured a delivery of the finest wines in anticipation of tomorrow evening's FNWC. Translated: I have been to the M store, and stocked up!!

    C xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Baggy, you and I were posting at the same time! Great minds, and all that. It's certainly not too early - it's alreay 5pm-ish in Spain!


  • Comment number 48.

    Chrisse - thanks - If Mr bp questions me can I say you said it would be okay?? I think a baileys coffee is in order ;-)

  • Comment number 49.


    Have a go at these .... they are very therapeutic:-



    ps: howwas the choc mug cake??!


  • Comment number 50.

    my mug cake was grand thanks, and had choc custard to go with it!


    see what you mean

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ is also a personal favourite

  • Comment number 51.


    i lost some last time?

  • Comment number 52.

    See, now there's a weird thing. When you do a load of

    \/\/\/\/ it shows on your browser as a load of \\\\\\\\\ until you refresh and then it shows as \/\/\/\/\/\/

    Madness and joy!

    I have a choc mousse thing in the fridge which may be imbibed later whilst watching Karl Pilkington.


    (I can't do any wavy squiggles as my hash key doesn't work!)

  • Comment number 53.

    deevs, i had that too, thougth i was the only one

    and just for you ~~~~~~~~~~~

  • Comment number 54.

    Thanks Baggy! Where would I be without you ..... x

    I've had the most pleasant day of bloggery action, both here and "next door" with the DT bunch. Won't be able to blog much (if at all) tomorrow as person who sits behind me will be in all day .... booooooo!

    Will catch up with FB messages and Scrabs games later - can't get on FB from work at the mo.

    15 minutes and counting ....


  • Comment number 55.

    Loving the new extended show!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 56.

    What time does it start in the US of A Bondy?

    And I needed to do one of these


    MM x

  • Comment number 57.

    News Alert.

    Chris doing tonight's One Show, standing in for Jason.

    MM x

    PS Should have said What time do you listen in USA Doh!

  • Comment number 58.

    MM It's 1.30am here when the show starts, I listen to it when I get up at 6.30am when I geet up via iplayer, so that I don't have to listen to JV!

    I'm enjoying DT in real time at the mo,and will catch the 1 show later.

    have a good evening all.

    MaW XX

  • Comment number 59.

    Thank you Marjie.

    Hi Bondy.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 60.

    that should be get of course!

  • Comment number 61.

    Hi MaW,

    Hope all is well with you.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 62.

    Woo Hoo does that mean double CLP????

    Sorry all - hello from an occasional blogger (interweb is getting better though).

    Loved the last couple of days blogs.

    My phone wallpaper is my old dog, the laptop has the Nat trust calendar (it changes every month and there are beautiful pictures).

    Nice to see our friends from over the pond - I assume if you've got wintry weather Bondy, it is heading in our direction.....

    Not long now till York, mind you I still haven't booked the coach or hotel - will do that this weekend.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 63.


    I find it hard ensuring that I get the balance between photos of the kids and photos of the CMM on all of our various gadgets and gizmos......

    Don't know why I bother, as there none of me anywhere.
    Can't think why!

    Sorry for my absence this week, but can I just say......HOSTING!!!!

    I ain't hosting nought. And it certainly isn't my FNWC tomorrow - I'm not taking responsibility!! ;-)
    It's a completely open house and I'm sure it will follow the usual straight as a zig zag narrative.
    I shall be around as soon as the nightmares are in bed and hope to see as many of you as possible.

    The idea was simply to target a Friday and get as many involved as poss - all lurkers and newbies would be more than welcome.




  • Comment number 64.

    evening all, hope you're well?

    Great blogs all week Christophe.
    Excuse my absence, busy busy and all that.
    I carry 2 phones as I try to keep work and play seperate and at the moment I have the 3 kids on one and a rather delicious pic of MrsW on the other. I tend to change the pic now and again depending on mood and time of the year but normally revert back to said images.
    Keith - wow! bet you can't wait mate? Best wishes to you and yours.

    Went for a run earlier. haven't been since charity effort as I strained my calf (apparently due to the strapping on the knees - just move the pain around i say!!!) but tonight I just needed a dose of fresh air and a bit of 'me' time. Here's why....
    Work has been crazysexycool recently and I'm only a few days away from the end of my 6 month probationary period within my new role so I've been fully committed to doing well. The build up to and doing the race was an emotional rollercoaster for obvious reasons. (I miss her terribly)
    I've also been feeling rough this week and wanted to blow the dust from my shelves before it got into my system (if you know what I mean)
    Plus I received 3 texts today, one telling me that good friends are expecting, another that a friend who is 14weeks pregnant has got an all clear from a nasty scare and the the third was that another good friends mum will probably leave us this within the next 24hours as she loses her long battle with cancer.
    Hence I just wanted to go and have a good blow-out, moan and pop out a few expletives en-route. The world had started to close in.
    Life's a strange one and I feel better for the exercise. My thoughts are with my friend and my prayers with her and the fam.

    Earlier this year I had a wobble, that's why i left the blog but I notice these things now before they get out of hand. Too much pressure on myself and a few sad events to boot.

    I'm not the only one with a lot on his plate, that I'm aware of, love & xxx's to all of you this evening.

    bonnet de douche


    ps, weren't Spurs nearly the embarrassment of the season, good job we've got Bale eh?

  • Comment number 65.

    please excuse the punctuation x

  • Comment number 66.

    KW - I was fearing for my sanity at work today after 15 minutes - That Bale lad is a good 'un, and I hope they can keep him! Unfortunately I hear Man Utd are after him though :(

    Rips, I was hoping you were going to provide the peanuts! Count me in!

    Cheryl, thank you so much for the card, so sweet of you!

    Back in a while when I've caught up proper-like...

    JG x

  • Comment number 67.

    My wallpaper on the work PC is a photo of the path down to Marloes Sands in Pembrokeshire, it'll be on FB somewhere under Little Haven if anyone wants to take a peek! It's the most beautiful beach I've ever been to, and I've been to quite a few!

    Don't have one on this lappy, not sure why...

    It's phone I'm having trouble with!

    Right, can I have some advice please? As a lot of you probably know, I'm terrified of heights!!!!

    Now, tonight on the way home over Warburton Bridge, I had what I can describe as a panic attack...almost to the point of not being able to go over it - which would be pretty awkward, as I'd block the road up!! I had to pull in once over the other side to get myself together for the rest of the journey...

    The bridge is quite narrow and high...and my only reasonable route to work...

    How can I get this issue with heights to subside, as it's getting worse (not accupuncture (sp), I'm almost as bad with needles)? I really don't want to have to start driving the long way home!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 68.

    KW - glad to see you, xx

    Rips - glad to see you too xx

    JG - I also have a fear of heights and bridges and wish I could help, when crossing bridges I only look ahead and never down and just 'follow' the car in front, wish I could be more help

  • Comment number 69.

    CLP looks tired on The One Show .....


  • Comment number 70.

    CLP doesn't look as tired as I feel!!

    Am worn out but I don't know why.

    JG Don't think there's an easy answer for you. Just take care. Sent you message on t'other side

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 71.

    Sorry!! Didn't mean to break the blog!

    hope you're all ok!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 72.

    Thanks Seza! I'm fine, but have a grumpy dog who needs a cuddle!!

    Bye bye lappy, hello Finlay! lol

    JG x

  • Comment number 73.

    Evening all

    Gingembre, lovely to see you , and well done with keeping so focussed through the thick and thin of life . x

    JG, I know that bridge so well, may i suggest a blindfold ??? ;-))
    To be honest , when i drive over bridges - (think Barton) i find myself driving over to the left a bit too much, its almost like a magnetic pull and i cant fight it.

    Now the good news .... da dah ..... is the bathroom is finished. The plumbers were here until 7pm last night.
    I now have rubble and stuff to clear up, but thats the least of my problems.

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 74.

    MC Hooray for a usable bathroom. Bet Mr MC is really please that HIS idea is working now!! ;-)

    JG, I've had to remove a snuggly boy who was collapsed all over me. Used to be quite cute having them on your lap when they were little but not now he's bigger than me.

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 75.

    Seza, have removed Finlay already, guess your boy weighs more than 2 stone, but IMHO that's enough to have sprawled over your legs, when you're sat on the sofa!!

    Good news MC!!!!

    Also MC, don't think a blindfold will work somehow...although I do tend to close my eyes, not good either!!

    Cheryl reminded me on t'other side that the clocks are about to change, so it'll be dark, so I won't be able to see anyway!! RESULT!!!!

    Until March, that is...

    JG x

  • Comment number 76.

    I have a Wabbit that weighs more than 2 stone!

    Life is a bit of a bummer at the moment, but I guess I am not alone.

    Roll on March.


  • Comment number 77.

    Hi Seza, Oh Yes, you hit the nail on the head ! LOL .

    JG, maybe you should try some hypno therapy. I am petrified of fish, ridiculously so , i'm not afraid of the plane crashing, as long as its not in the sea .

    MTF, hello , whats up chuck, msg me if you want xx

    Have been so un- busy at work today, i am more tired than if i had run my socks off.

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 78.

    MC, lol!

    So you plan your trips - quick hop across the channel - no fish left alive in there - fly across the continent - down over the Sahara - that'll fool'em!!

    MTF, Dat's some bunny!!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 79.

    Sorry all.

    Just having a wallow. Thanks MC.xx

    A pretty horrible thingy on the motorway just didn't help matters today.

    Still, onwards and hey ho, its Friday tomorrow.

    Am I right in thinking, that there might be one or two of you here tomorrow??


    You will wait for me wont you?


  • Comment number 80.

    MTF, take care and chin up chuck x

    Seza, its trans atlantic flights that give me the jitters !! Too much ocean, and theres got to be one or two tiddlers in there . We went to the Trafford Centre at the wkend and they have a shop called Appy feet, where you put your feet in tanks and the fish nibble your skin . I wss almost unable to breathe just watching folk put their tootsies in.

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 81.

    OH MC, that's just horrid!!

    Finlay likes to lick Mr JG's feet and toes and in between, it's making me queasy just typing it!!

    The thought of fish doing it is much much worse!!

    I like our fish just swimming around though...and would you believe it Flintoff is now 1 years old!

    JG x

  • Comment number 82.

    Evening CLP and all,

    Was a tad confused seeing you on the one Show this evening, and had to stop and remind myself that today was actually Thursday!

    I love photos. I don't actually have a screensaver, but I do have a lovely photo of my Goddaughter on my mantlepiece, where she's standing at the top of a slide. She's visiting tomorrow, with her Mummy and Daddy so I won't be around for FNWC, but I may get a photo for a screensaver!

    Hope everyone is ok out there, hugs to all


  • Comment number 83.

    JG, wow Flintoff is still going strong then, good stuff . Next time you are at the TC go and have a look. The queues are massive, they are doing good business. T

    Right, off to bed, today has lasted a fortnight.


  • Comment number 84.

    MC, Eeeuuuwww!!! Don't mind fish but would not want them munching on me tootsies!!

    MTF (((xx)))

    Can I have a note for tomorrow night please? My friends have very inconsiderately arranged for us to go out for dinner! I might be here later bet if not, feel free to have a drink on me!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 85.

    MTF, hope you are OK?? Msg me t'other side if you want/need, I'll be up for a while, and then will have stoopid phone...

    JG x

  • Comment number 86.

    Seza, these fish just swarm all over your feet and then cling on and do what they do . I'd rather cut my feet off than join in. Anyway, not going to mention it again or i will have nightmares, but beware, these "shops" are in several large shopping complexes in the uk - you have been warned ! LOL

    Have a nice evening tomorrow,

    MC xx

  • Comment number 87.

    Seza, yes he is HUGE!

    Despite his near death experience not that long ago, his appetite is insatiable!


  • Comment number 88.

    It sounds awful MC, and can I just add, that Finlay has been trained (learned from experience) NEVER EVER to touch my feet!!

    He and I know where we are with that!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 89.

    MC Double eeuuww! I thought the places in the shopping centre where you can have your eyebrows "dealt with" behind a screen were bad enough!

    Sleep Well!!!

    I've just discovered the Autumn watch programme on after the main show - t'is making me laugh!!!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 90.

    Thanks JG, you might be sorry you asked.

    Popping over now...


  • Comment number 91.

    MTF, never! xx

  • Comment number 92.

    Evening each

    I know,not normally here at this time but messing around on lappy whilst the GM watching footy on delay!

    MTF - big hugs lovely lady.. keep that smile going..x

    Now, fishy thing..we`ve had one open over the road from work and we went en masse a few wks ago after work. Tenner for 15 minutes and it was fabulous! It is a tad disconcerting to start with, it feels like pins and needles but soon becomes relaxing...until the fish get between your toes and it tickles! Its the bit where you take your feet out and they are still attached for a second thats a bit weird! anyway..i`ll definitely go again..and would recommend it anytime!

    Right..best be off, footy nearly finished! And i`ll be back tomorrow for FNWC..the aforementioned Dusty Springfield Tribute we were supposed to be going to was sold out before out aforementioned friends booked it..so we`re off to see a 70`s tribute the week after...yay to joining FNWC..will get the babycham and cheese on a stick ready..the GM has been warned!!

    hugs and nice thoughts to all..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 93.

    PS - noticed Bids not been on today..hope you ok Bids!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 94.

    Scoobs, I can rent you out Finlay for a tenner a night!! LOL

    JG x

  • Comment number 95.

    Ha JG! Think the original Scoobs may have something to say about that..along the lines of meow,meow,meow,meeeeeeoooowwwww.... thats thanks but no THANKYOU in cat speak!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 96.

    Oo MTF Something to cheer your day up - James May has new programme on TV soon!

    Scoob, bet you had a laugh all going together!

    Did you go for fish'n'chips after?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 97.

    Seza.. we did honestly consider it! and was brill...was 7 of us including my mum and sis and only 1 screamed..and it wasnt me! You should try it!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 98.

    Scoobs, I'll think on that!!

    Am off to bed now

    Sleep well

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 99.

    Nighty night!! So much for an early night!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 100.

    Night JG and everyone

    Sleep well.

    csn. xx


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