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Monday In A Lay By

Chris Evans | 12:00 UK time, Monday, 13 September 2010

In a lay by, writing my blog, nothing more sinister than that. There's something about lay by's don't you think?

They are there for emergencies, toilet breaks and the like but there's nothing better than pulling into one just to have a moment. Strangely peaceful - the old lay by.

Contemplating the weekend that has just passed and what might befall us this week - having already had Sir Elt. on the show this morning, announcing the first of three simply magnificent Radio 2 Electric Proms this year - I am in one of my "I can't believe I get to do this for a living" moods.

I am so lucky, I can't tell you but I s'pose I just have. Anyway, I hope you get me gist.

Have a fabulous Monday, and let's all get on with growing our gardens shall we ?





  • Comment number 1.

    Why is it, that the things that grow best of all in the garden, are the pesky weeds?

    They need no tending, they do it all by themsleves.


  • Comment number 2.

    Morning CLP

    So, it's National Bargain Day eh?

    For me, the bestest bargain of all is this 'ere blog. It's free, and it has introduced me to some of the most wonderful, friendly people I have ever had the pleasure to know. Not to mention my future in the shape of MrFantasticRolastic.

    Thanks CLP - I'm certainly not going anywhere. Yet!



  • Comment number 3.



  • Comment number 4.

    Howdy Doody Deevs.


  • Comment number 5.

    Aye up MTF! Y'alreet?


  • Comment number 6.

    Morning Chris,

    Well done on the great Hyde Park concert yesterday - it was absolutely brilliant and such a great atmosphere. Can't remember when I've enjoyed a concert so much. Well done all involved.

    Happy Birthday Andy.

    Darce x

  • Comment number 7.



  • Comment number 8.

    'Proper Job' Deevs ta.

    Thats whay they say round these yer parts for being alreet.

    Morning Darce too and yes......

    A very happy Birthday to you Andy.


  • Comment number 9.

    Ok, its afternoon, whatever.


  • Comment number 10.

    Hello CLP & Everybody.

    You're right Chris, there's nothing like a lay by, I like to have a picnic in one. I wish I was in one right now!

    Thanks for bringing the music to us.

    Happy Birthday Andy!

    MM x

  • Comment number 11.

    Hi all

    Me again. Slowly writing this on the raspberry - tiny keys.

    I like the idea clp - as usual life rushes by, nice to just sit and reflect.

    From previous blog, just want to say hear hear to Dozymac.

    Nice to see you MTF.

    Hope I'm not too late to wish Clodagh a lovely trip.

    Happy Birthday Andy


    Mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 12.

    PS I would put a picture of my insanely selfish ex husband on facebook but it has too many pin pricks in it!

  • Comment number 13.

    Good afternoon from a torrential Ayrshire, sitting here looking out of the window at work you would think it was February, typical Scottish changable weather as it was absolutely glorious yesterday.

    Hope everyone had a lovely weekend. David and I completed our 51 mile cycle yesterday (along with approximately 9000 others), he even did the last couple of miles with 1 pedal! And on Saturday we climbed Loudoun Hill, which is near to where we live, it was a bit hazy so we are going to go back up some day when it is clear as the view is going to be amazing.



    Happy Birthday Andy-T!

    So I didn't spend any time yesterday in laybys but I did stop at the side of the road several times to get my breath back!!

  • Comment number 14.

    CLP, i too sometimes think - "i cant beleive CLP gets to do this"!

    Gail well done on the bike ride, most most impressive! Wet and windy here too in Brizzle.

    AndyT - Happy Birthday - there thats three times I've said it now!

    From previous blog CG - no, just walking slowly and steadily! And Baths, arh yes baths!

    right back in a bit

  • Comment number 15.

    Deevs - I for one am very glad to hear you're not going anywhere. I read the recent postings and would simply say please don't let one idiot ruin it for you or the for the rest of us - all we're trying to do is get on with life with a laugh - and occasional cry - along the way. Thankfully we are in the majority xx

    Dozymac - I've had to have a lie down after reading your post - well done!!

    Andy - happy birthday x

    jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 16.


    Good to see you all

    MTF Yes weeds and Aqua Leiga(sp) grows everywhere you don't want it!

    Dosy, love the common sense piece. I put it in my newsletter at work once and got more comments on it than almost anything else!

    Deevs, How was Joseph (and who was Joseph)?

    Debs, good to hear you up and about and clean! Take it easy tho, don't try to run before you can walk and watch your post box!

    Maddy, Don't let the wotsits drag you down! ((()))

    Jilly, Hi! Don't talk to me about majority today though! Following on from last weeks trauma - 5 Bungalows, 5 Bins - today I have 6 Doors, 2 Colours, Dead Heat!

    I tell you, I think I need to borrow Renee while Clodagh's away, that'll sort them out. All I need them to do is agree on 1 colour not rewrite the european constitution!

    Oh well, back to the battleground. If i'm not quick Mrs No.47 will have painted the lot orange!!!


    Seza xx

  • Comment number 17.

    Afternoon to you too MTF X

    Good to see you back on your foot Debs!! Enjoy those baths.

    Wow - well done Dozymac and loved your post from previous blog.

    Darce x

  • Comment number 18.

    I don't think I've ever had a picnic in a layby but I often pull into them to text the show!! There is one on the hill down from Mevagissey where you have a GORGEOUS view of the bay - have frequently been known to stop there and simply look at the sea. When I do that I have a "I can't believe I get to live here" moment in similar vein to yours CLP!

    Bet you never appreciated a bath so much, did you Deb?! glad things are improving.

    and hi everyone else - REALLY glad you're all here!!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 19.

    CG, I know that very hill.

    Its simply stunning and I am the same and stop every now and again and take it all in.

    We live in a beautiful country.

    I keep my camera in my car for such moments.


  • Comment number 20.

    Hi there, Monday lunchtime movie trivia!

    Just watching Singing in the Rain, did you know that in the song where Gene Kelly is in fact singing in the rain that the rain is water with milk in it so that it would show up better on film! And that he had flu and a temperature of 103 whilst he did it! And that he and Debbie Reynolds hated each other! Wowser, you wouldnt know it to watch

    back to it!

  • Comment number 21.

    MTF - am glad of that camera cos i love the pics on t'other side!

    and Debs - SITR is Mr CG's favourite film EVER! had heard about the animosity between them - didn't Debbie Reynolds once say that he made her do the "good morning" routine so many times her feet were bleeding!!
    who should think it?

    my favourite character has to be Lena Lamont!! just love her!!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 22.

    Debs, you need to get out more!!

    I'll see what I can do next Saturday.

    If you're free?


  • Comment number 23.

    Thanks CG, sometimes, its the simple things in life, that provide the most pleasure.

    Must get ready for work.

    Multi cheerios.


  • Comment number 24.


    Joseph was FANTASTIC!!! The lead was meant to be played by Keith Jack (the one who came 2nd to the gawj Lee Mead on Any Dream Will Do) but instead we got his understudy, whose name escapes me. He was absolutely brilliant though, and I wasn't disappointed.

    It was my 6th time of seeing Joseph, and every production has something slightly different to the last. This time certainly didn't disappoint but I have to say that Lee is still my favourite EVER Joseph (altho any fit chap on stage in a lioncloth takes some beating!!!)

    Hellooooooo everyone else, and Jillygoat, thank you. xxx

    And to the lurkers who have messaged me on Facecloth, thank you too. Don't lurk - join in!!!

    Muchos Amore


  • Comment number 25.

    Afternoon all

    Thank you for all your lovely birthday messages both on here and the other side. Debs better to have three times that none!

    Having a fairly lazy day today as we had the MIL's 80th party and my 40th party yesterday so all afternoon and evening, but a good time nonetheless.

    Deev's I'm glad you're back and well done Dozy, great effort and great pics.



  • Comment number 26.

    Hi Deevs.

    I'm a lurker who watched the video link,thanks for putting it there.

    Glad you enjoyed Joseph (again). I love most musicals, there's nothing like them.

    Right, I must stop lurking now and get some things done.

    Will be watching Lee (with a glimpse of John Barrowman) again later!

    MM x

  • Comment number 27.

    Lee in a loincloth ..... swoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon!!!



  • Comment number 28.

    Happy Birthday Andy - 40 years young, eh?
    Monday is *such* a good day for a Bday because you've the best excuse [without really needing one] to celebrate all week!


  • Comment number 29.

    Afternoon All,

    You can't beat a lay-by with a view....Fact!

    Congratulations Hellenbach - for those not on Twitter. She was one of ten people who follow Peter Jones (the dragon) who were chosen at random to receive a prize......how cool is that?!

    Happy birthday Andy...



  • Comment number 30.

    MTF - thank you for your kind offer of "getting out more", I hope to! So yes, I am around!

    CG, yup you are right about Debbie R's bleeding feet too - aint wikiwhatsit great!


  • Comment number 31.

    Afternoon all

    Cold day here. Heating on!

    Chris, loved the concert last night and I agree with you about a lay-by being peaceful!

    Maddy, sending you big hugs.

    Debs, glad your feeling better and enjoying your baths.

    Gail, well done on the bike ride and lovely photos.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 32.

    Wooo Hooo,
    Hiya everyone !
    sooo pleased to see the blog looking so much more up beat today! Glad certain people are back on - We love you!!
    We lurkers are terrible people you know - shout as soon as we are hurt but cannot take time out to blog! Well to prove I will try harder here I am again, with not a lot to say really! That is probably why I lurk as opposed to blog!
    anyhow I hope all are feeling good that Monday morning is well and truly behind us, and that even though the skies are grey and mis at least we are all in one piece and live to see another day!
    Happy birthday to my Dad today - he would have been a grand old 90 today! Miss him loads xx
    oh well off to the vets for doggy booster time - kiss goodbye to the best part of £80!
    Happy evening all

    Jo x

  • Comment number 33.

    Warm Greetings Ter CLP & ALL Bloggies...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    Firstly can a just wish Sally Boazman a most 'APPY BIRTHDEE & large 'POLOGIES for me doing me throat in whilst singing a special birthdee song down 'er travel 'otline!!!!!!!!

    'APPY BIRTHDEE SALLY B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    CLP - Lay-by's... Yes they are the part of ym job were a can 'ave me tacho break & a power nap ter get me through me 15 'our shifts trucking!!!!!!!
    My favourite are the ones with a big grass/ tree lined area between them & the road!!!!!!!!
    A can't stand those tiny ones were yer 2 inches from passing 70 mph vehicles... yer rig rocks big everytime something goes past yer!!!!!!!

    In fact a when a was away all week a used ter mark on me road atlas the best lay-by's suitable for a good night's sleep when parking me rig in there!!!!!!!!!

    Most interesting ter 'ear yer were in one yersen CLP!!!!!!!
    Fancy that if a pulle dme rig in a lay-by ter blog.... And there's CLP writing a blog from a lay-by!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 34.

    PS ALL... Check out this link... 'ope yer ALL 'ave fun with this!!!!!!

    My favourite is 'The Long & Winded Road'!!!!!!! (5 across - 2 down!!!!!).


  • Comment number 35.

    Lol Bingo, bet you could write the book on lay bys!

    Hope you're having a good driving day today!

    Hi Jo, good to see you again, whatever you've got to say

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 36.


    I'm in shock! I just had to do a load of (well, 5 actually) online tests for a recruitment agency and I scored higher on the Excel than the Word.

    Who knew?!?

    Generally pleased with self.

    Telephone interview tomorrow.

    Til tomorrow, play nicely .....



  • Comment number 37.

    Evening all, Dixon of Dock Green again!

    And have never quite worked out why Everton walk out to the tne of Z-Cars...

    Jo, nice to see you again. Most of us don't say a lot, so don't worry!
    Good luck at the vets, it takes both of us to get Finlay there!!

    Well done Deev! I like excel, but not the new version they've put on our 'puters

    Seza, hope you sorted out the doors eventually!

    Well, haven't got much news, like groundhog day at work, asked for stats I can't produce, and said no yet again....

    Have just poured a glass of the white stuff! Yes, I know, it's a work night..

    JG x

  • Comment number 38.

    Back from a busy old round, its going to be the norm now to get home in the dark.

    As I went up to the lab today, I followed an elderly couple that were obviously lost.

    We get no end of people turning up at the lab, that have followed their sat navs, adamant that the bridle track ahead is a through road to the next village. They usually end up beong pulled out by the local farmer, who is good enough to do so.

    So today, I thought I would help this couple out and pulled up alongside and enquired..'were they lost?'

    The Terry Pratchet lookalike, replied ...

    'No, we are following our map thank you, now Off you go!!!'

    Whereas, I was impressed by his determination, to find his own way, I was a bit taken aback at being told to go on my way!



  • Comment number 39.

    MTF - Are you sure it wasn't Terry Pratchett? Sounds like his turn of phrase!

    Drive carefully out there in the dark won't you.

    JG I think I'm going to have to assist them in making a choice!

    Deevs, good luck with the interviews

    Night all

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 40.

    MTF, if I didn't know he was safely upstairs, I'd have said he was Mr JG!! Not that he as old as Terry Pratchett though! But the same mentality with sat-navs!!

    Well, I need my bed now, just glad I am out of Salford now! Watching the news, and am fearing for the Pope's visit...How times change....!

    JG x

  • Comment number 41.


    Regarding post #108 on previous blog, this is what I was referring to:

    MM x

  • Comment number 42.

    Hi maddy

    Just read it.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 43.


    Awful, poor woman.


  • Comment number 44.

    Hello CSN.

    Wasn't it terrible what they did to the poor woman who devoted her life to the animals. After what happened with the ducks (not far away from us)

    MM x

  • Comment number 45.

    PS Bingo just showed me how to do the link, with a bit of luck I should be able to do them from now on.

  • Comment number 46.


    I agree it was terrible what they did to her.

    What a lovely son you have.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Night Maddy and everyone

    Sleep well and sweet dreams.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 48.

    He is a good son CSN.

    And you have a lovely family, I was looking at your facebook pictures.
    The grandchildren are just so cute.

    You must be so proud of them.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 49.

    Night CSN & Everyone

    MM x

  • Comment number 50.

    Just seen your link and yes - I think this is so typical of that particular Animal Charity.
    They are so quick to swoop on that kind person actually doing some good and yet, we here last winter (bear in mind temps of minus 5 on a regular basis)reported to them several ponies left in a field without shelter, no horse blankets, on scrub land just open to the elements by travellers - (who by the way were nice and warm in their caravans)only to be told that the animals had access to water (frozen) and "appeared to be coping" ?
    Personally I would have turned the owners out into the field to see the result!
    Ah well, us animal lovers will always be that way I s'pose!

    Nt all


  • Comment number 51.

    Thank you Maddy. xx

    Night Joran.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 52.

    Sorry all.

    Just popped back from the daftness on the other side.

    Wouldn't it be lovely to think that it was Terry, not so sure though, despite his amazing alertness, that he would still be driving.

    It did look just like him though.


  • Comment number 53.


    Should have gone to bed but back again.

    Yes Jo. it seems to me that they won't come out when needed and yet interfere in other people's good work. The little cat in my garden is looking a little better, still very thin but not hungry any more.
    I do have a feeling that I now have three cats!

    MTF-I do hope it was Terry Pratchett, does he live in Somerset?

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 54.

    Marj, I have just briefly read back over your post and am about to watch the link too.

    I am shocked. I have had nothing but co-operation here, with the afore mentioned charity.

    Over the last few years, they have turned up on my doorstep to take away, rescued injured seagulls, bats, pigeons, ducklings and lots more besides.

    I have a wild rabbit that was injured at the roadside when she was about 4 weeks old, she is now nearly 7 and can be seen on my fb profile.

    I have raised so many baby blackbirds that have fallen from their nests and were about to be gobbled up by buzzards flying overhead.

    So, I have a garden full of wild, yet tame creatures, not always a good idea, as it makes them vulnerable once they venture further afield, but heck, they are still alive, because I gave them a helping hand.

    I am going to read this Ladies case now and try and fathom out what the powers that be, were up to.


  • Comment number 55.

    Maybe it's just here in Wirral MTF

    MM x

  • Comment number 56.


    It all started with the ducks nesting on the grass verge on the busy road not far from here. Worried residents called the RSPCA for help but they simply said that the ducks should not be removed. The mother duck got run over and this lady saved the ducklings.

    Shortly afterwards the RSPCA raided her.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 57.

    "One public complaint" is simply not good enough reason to destroy all the goodness that came from such a wonderful Lady Marj.

    I am disgusted.


  • Comment number 58.

    We have a lady here in Somerset, that probably started out with the same intentions.

    Google 'Secret World' and see what she has achieved.

    I hope its not about the location Marj. That would make it even worse.


  • Comment number 59.

    Click on her youtube link.

    Night all.


  • Comment number 60.

    Morning crew

    Grey, wet and blustery here in Cannockshire this morning, and at work already. Not sure I'm liking the 8-5 days but its nice to be building up the hours knowing how I am going to spend them next Wednesday afternoon!

    Wooo Hoooo!!!

    I've had a backache since the weekend so I'm now sitting here with one of those heat patches stuck to the appropriate area. It feels quite nice actually! Or maybe that's the side-effects of the painkillers.....?

    Right, let's get on with stuff.

    Back later.


  • Comment number 61.

    Morning all from a very grey, windy and drizzly brizzly!

    Now Deevs, you cant make a comment and not expect to be arsked? Next Wednesday?

    Right, more of the same for me today. Another classic filum on at lunchtime with Doris Day "love me or leave me" never heard of it, but its got 5*s so worth a go. One bonus of me being confined to sofa for 9 weeks (yes count them! 9!!!) is that i have caught up on many many films I have not had time for in my busy life before.

    BTW CLP - you are on FIRE today, loving loving the show, thank you for playing the Mentals, love love that song, many many happy Chalet Girl memories flooding back ;-)

    Right time for a coffee

    laters taters

  • Comment number 62.

    Morning all

    Cold, wet and windy here!

    Deevs, hope your back is better soon.

    Debs, enjoy your film.

    Better walk Holly then do some housework!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Howdy folks!

    North Warks was wet & windy when I left it at silly o'clock this morning, Cambridgeshire is for the time being dry!

    Am having a cba day at work - real lack of motivation!

    AS x

  • Comment number 64.

    Morning from grey, windy Essex

    Not very inspriring at all today

    AS think I've joined you in the CBA day, fed up with paint smell, bored with watching the paper being put up, still got to sort out the doors!

    Debs, I'd love to swap with you for the day! Bet you can't wait to be out and about and I'd love a day on the sofa watching Doris! When do you go back to the nice physio?

    Baggy (((xx))) in case you pop by!

    Best go look busy I suppose!


    Seza xx

  • Comment number 65.

    And it's only 10am!!!


    Seza xx

  • Comment number 66.

    Hello Deevs, Debs, CSN, AS & Seza.

    A cool, wet and windy day here in Wirral.

    MTF-if you are lurking I've watched the Secret World video, what wonderful caring people they are.

    My little stray cat is looking a bit better, if there's no response to this week's local paper ad I think I've now got three cats!

    MM x

  • Comment number 67.

    NEW BLOG!!



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