At The End Of The Day
At the end of the day it's like this.
You have to be exhausted. I think that's the point. Like a good work out session at the gym. There's no point unless you're pooped. Otherwise it's a waste of time. Sure, you can have your lazy days but generally you should be on your last legs.
I am completely shot and it's only just past seven. No booze, only light food all day, life has been the only other sustenance I have partaken in and it's done me like a good 'un. Active kids are pooped most days, that's why they sleep so well and look so bloomin' healthy.
So, it's a couple of glasses of rose, a man's slice of red meat (I don't care to be honest - I love it) a few vegetables and another night falling asleep in front of the television/crossie.
Comment number 1.
At 24th Jun 2010, brightAnnie-G wrote:Well, Chris, I've been exhausted all day, don't know why but I can't wait to get to my lovely bed.
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Comment number 2.
At 24th Jun 2010, clodaghrubbish wrote:Damn right Chris.
I always find I'm tired and lethargic at the end of a day which I've spent hanging around, not achieving much; and then I sleep fitfully. But after a day charging around, driving from one end of Ireland to the other (and sometimes back again), running between venues and generally behavin' like Missus Billy Busy, I'm asleep as soon as me head hits the scratcher and perchance to dream.
And then there's the jet-lag. I know people who claim to be knocked out for days after a journey over the Pond; but I've done a trip back (overnight, mind,) from NYC to Dublin, grabbed a couple hours' kip on the plane, arrived in Dublin at 6, driven straight to Cork, worked all day and all totally fine. Had to be lifted outa me dinner an' put to bed fully clothed at 7.30, mind; but fine.
It's a state of mind. Not easy for some, I know, but that's what it is.
..and a clear conscience of course... er... ok best shrup...
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Comment number 3.
At 24th Jun 2010, brightAnnie-G wrote:Howya Clodagh.
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Comment number 4.
At 24th Jun 2010, brightAnnie-G wrote:How's the leg?
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Comment number 5.
At 24th Jun 2010, Ozgirl wrote:Exhausted... that's me most of the time Annie! I do sometimes wonder if my medication has anything to do with it, but then I remember I'm generally a busy bee. Managed an early night on Monday, in bed by 8:15pm with a book, stopped reading well before 9, and fully expected (based on previous experience) to be wide awake at 3am... it was, therefore, a jolly nice surprise to wake up as the alarm went off at 7am. Have to admit I kept yawning all day though, do you think I over did it?
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Comment number 6.
At 24th Jun 2010, clodaghrubbish wrote:And then there's Renee.
"Ooo I can't sleep these days, didn't get a wink last night," says she, face on 'er like Clement Freud's dog chewin' a porcupine. Not sussin' that the reason for this phenomena is that she's spent from 7pm noddin' in front a Coronation Street like summat on the back of a Morris Minor.
Bless 'er.
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Comment number 7.
At 24th Jun 2010, clodaghrubbish wrote:Howya Annie!! Well now, I've just 'ad a peek. It's turned from a lump a pork fillet into a badly stuffed haggis. In fact am surprised Doctor Killmore didn't shove a couple a bayleaves an' 'alf a lemon in there an' shove an apple in me gob whilst 'e was at it. Ew looka that. That's MY days as model for Pretty Polly well an' truly stuffed. More like the model for Pretty Polly, Long John Silver's flippin' parrot.
And as the Brother-Outlaw compassionately pointed out, if me leg drops off I've no need to worry; it won't affect the quality of my dancin'.
Bloody cheek.
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Comment number 8.
At 24th Jun 2010, clodaghrubbish wrote:...mind you I won't 'alf 'ave access to lots a shoes, fresh off the High Street.
.. um..ah NO, 'ang on; it's me right leg..
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Comment number 9.
At 24th Jun 2010, Sezzagirl wrote:Phew, I think, crisis averted - just and at no little cost to us!
It's all a game of Dare and we're not very good at that
Hopefully we're clear from here
Thanks for the good wishes, they are much appreciated
Clodagh, I hear Bernard matthews is looking for a poster girl for his drummers - there's your big break!
Seza xx
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Comment number 10.
At 24th Jun 2010, clodaghrubbish wrote:Ey Seza watch it. 'Ave you bin' spendin' time wit my Brother-Outlaw yous little minx?
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Comment number 11.
At 24th Jun 2010, brightAnnie-G wrote:Clodagh, your leg reminds me of Kirstie's leg in the outer hebrides. Invaded by a burrowing whatsit I can't remember the name of - was terribly yukky.
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Comment number 12.
At 24th Jun 2010, Sezzagirl wrote:Annie - Eeuuww!!
Sorry Clodagh, ;-)
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Comment number 13.
At 24th Jun 2010, cleverSupernanny wrote:Evening all
My feet never touch the ground from when I get up, till when I go to bed. Knackered!
csn. xx
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Comment number 14.
At 24th Jun 2010, clodaghrubbish wrote:WHAT?? Ah NO, Annie that's done it now. Burrowin' what? Ew ew ew.. Am itchy scratchin, an' am sure I can see summat twitchin' its whiskers at me.. oh no, that's the stitches.
I tell yous what. If I'd produced that for me degree show as me Embroidery Project I'd a failed outright. Mind you it's got a nice bit a smockin' at each end.
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Comment number 15.
At 24th Jun 2010, clodaghrubbish wrote:By the crin csn, I never knew yous were a skydiver.
Go figure.
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Comment number 16.
At 24th Jun 2010, cleverSupernanny wrote:Clodagh, I feel like one at times.
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Comment number 17.
At 24th Jun 2010, clodaghrubbish wrote:Hahahaha csn I'm sure you do!!
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Comment number 18.
At 24th Jun 2010, cleverSupernanny wrote:Clodagh, your posts always make me laugh out loud.
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Comment number 19.
At 24th Jun 2010, brightAnnie-G wrote:Yes, Clodagh, burrowed right in and only it's wing was sticking out of her leg. What was the name of the bloomin' thing?
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Comment number 20.
At 24th Jun 2010, brightAnnie-G wrote:TICK!!!! That's it.
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Comment number 21.
At 24th Jun 2010, cleverSupernanny wrote:Annie, I hate ticks!
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Comment number 22.
At 24th Jun 2010, brightAnnie-G wrote:CSN, never seen one till then, but she would fly her kite on a beach in Barra, after trecking through cow pats and sheep droppings. Disgusting.
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Comment number 23.
At 24th Jun 2010, Sezzagirl wrote:Annie - still eeuuww!!
CSN, have you got over your weekend visitors now?
Seza x
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Comment number 24.
At 24th Jun 2010, cleverSupernanny wrote:Tonight, I am a taxi service and still got dinner to cook yet.
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Comment number 25.
At 24th Jun 2010, cleverSupernanny wrote:Hi Seza, I never have time to get over anything here.
Have you got a moving date yet?
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Comment number 26.
At 24th Jun 2010, Toots wrote:Oh Clodagh, you poor thing, don't be listening to them, I'm sure you're leg will be fine and if not you can draw inspiration from Heather Whatsherface...
My legs are in a bit of a mess with bites and I'm smelling like gawd knows what. The Tiger Balm is doing the trick and giving me some relief at the mo but it doesn't half smell. I had to send an e-mail round the office today explaining the smell, everyone was very kind and said they really rather liked it. Bless them.
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Comment number 27.
At 24th Jun 2010, clodaghrubbish wrote:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWW ah beeeeartth pffth pffth eugh ah NO.
Annie I'll flippin' tick your ear when I catch up wit you. Never mind Doctor Killmore, am off to the ruddy VET tomorrow.
Mind you. Am reminded of the DDF again. After a particularly, em, boisterous AGM, drunk as skunks, he and his rugger-bugger cronies all ended up back at the house of one of the louder and more colourful chaps for a Nightcap. Having gained access through the window as said chap's missus refused to let them in (they weren't speakin' at the time), they all wired into the whisky. Whereupon Jack (the psycho) decided to deliver a monologue on the hideously posh and expensive glass table. Naturally, the thing smashed, laceratin' Jack to pieces in the process.
Now, fortunately, one of the little band of revellers was the local vet, and it was his car they had driven in (this was pre-breathalyser days), so he had his bag with him. And so what a sight greeted the missus the next day, Jack covered in plasters, bright yellow and smellin' like hell from the horse-liniment. It was several weeks later that Renee found herself servin' tea an' pies during a cup game with Missus Jack, and enquired after Jack's injuries, recounting the tale.
"Hm." Says she. "I wondered what that was all about."
"Didn't you ask 'im?" Asked Renee, staggered.
"Of course not. I'm still not speakin' to 'im."
It's grim oop North.
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Comment number 28.
At 24th Jun 2010, Toots wrote:I know precisely what you mean CLP. Since I started running I've been sleeping like a log - it's fab.
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Comment number 29.
At 24th Jun 2010, clodaghrubbish wrote:Ok.
Chap goes into hospital to 'ave 'is leg off.
Comin' round from the anaesthetic, the doctor says grimly,
"Well, now, Mister Grimshaw, It's good news and bad news. Which would you like first?"
"Oh no, doctor.. ok give me the bad first."
"We've amputated the wrong leg." Says the doctor.
"AH NO..... oh my sweet sufferin' holy bejayzus.. what's the good news?"
"Your bad leg's gettin' better."
Aye Thangyou.
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Comment number 30.
At 24th Jun 2010, cleverSupernanny wrote:Surgical spirit is good for ticks!
lol. csn. xx
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Comment number 31.
At 24th Jun 2010, clodaghrubbish wrote:Vodka's better still, csn.
Bottoms up.
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Comment number 32.
At 24th Jun 2010, Toots wrote:Lol Clodagh - loving the joke. I may have heard it before so thank God for a failing memory ;)
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Comment number 33.
At 24th Jun 2010, cleverSupernanny wrote:I've got to go out and pick up a man now.
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Comment number 34.
At 24th Jun 2010, Toots wrote:Oh and btw CLP, at the end of the day, it's night. ;)
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Comment number 35.
At 24th Jun 2010, Toots wrote:Lucky you CSN, can you see if there's one there that would do me, please? I could be doing with one at the mo - I have some fencing that needs creosoting.
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Comment number 36.
At 24th Jun 2010, clodaghrubbish wrote:An' yous can just shrup too, Gaily. Heather whatserface indeed.
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Comment number 37.
At 24th Jun 2010, brightAnnie-G wrote:Ah Clodagh, you do make me laugh, you daft bat.
Kirstie's tick was smothered in lip salve, there being no vaseline on hand. And, after I'd dropped her off at home, she phoned me to say that the tick had gone - probably dropped off in my car. Still haven't found it - and I truly hate her.
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Comment number 38.
At 24th Jun 2010, Toots wrote:Aw Clodagh, gawnae no say that. Ah wis just tryin' ti see the bright side and cheer ye up, ken.
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Comment number 39.
At 24th Jun 2010, i_amrosieposie wrote:Evening CLP and gang, hit the nail on the head CLP! I've had a busy old day too and am cream crackered... full day at work, dropped off some stuff at my new place, back to the rented place to make something to eat, cleaned up, mopped kitchen floor and hoovered my bedroom (under the bed- yuckity yuck!!!)
And tomorrow I've got to go to Glasgow for a training course, so will have to be on the 8:30 train. And I just know that it's going to be mind numbing...
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Comment number 40.
At 24th Jun 2010, brightAnnie-G wrote:Gaily, as someone said on here a while ago - yairairseisootthewindae.
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Comment number 41.
At 24th Jun 2010, clodaghrubbish wrote:BAT? Ah jayzus Annie I've 'ad bats in me belfry for some time now. It's spendin' too much time around Renee an' the Old Trouts. You know the conversation don't you.
Back a the car.
"Ere, Dot, this Womans' Weekly 'as some good recipes in it."
"Recipes. The Woman's Weekly."
"Oh yes, I 'ave to go for mine next week. 'Ave to take a specimen with me. 'Ave you been for yours yet, Joan?"
"Your Flu Jab. 'Ave you 'ad it yet?"
"Yes, 'is funeral's on Friday."
"Flo's dad."
Give me strength.
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Comment number 42.
At 24th Jun 2010, brightAnnie-G wrote:Sounds like me and the gorgeous daughter Clodagh, while the son-in-law is smirking on the sidelines.
It's so not funny.
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Comment number 43.
At 24th Jun 2010, brightAnnie-G wrote:PS: Well, it is, after I've slapped him with a wet fish.
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Comment number 44.
At 24th Jun 2010, Toots wrote:Annie, you are on form tonight. ah wid've said yerairseisowerthedyke ;)
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Comment number 45.
At 24th Jun 2010, brightAnnie-G wrote:Not heard that one Gaily, but I'll remember it for son-in-law.
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Comment number 46.
At 24th Jun 2010, Toots wrote:Have you not Annie. I used to use it regularly but not so much now, I don't think I know anyone here who would comprehend such vulgarity! ;)
My eyes are smarting; I think it's from over usage of the old Tiger Balm.
Rightio, I'm outta here - offski for a cuppa the old redbush tea then an early night.
Not much planned for the weekend but think I may have to creosote the fence at some point :( Tomorrow after the school run, I'm off for coffee(s) with a group of friends that I used to work with. We often spend 3 hours holed up in this lovely farm shop / cafe drinking coffee and eating whatever delicacies they have to offer. There can be anything from 3 or 4 to about a dozen of us - it's great.
Night night everyone. Sleep well and sweet dreams.
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Comment number 47.
At 24th Jun 2010, brightAnnie-G wrote:Night Gaily, enjoy your cakes tomorrow. I'm having a shopping trip with gorgeous daughter, then an hour with son-in-law giving me IT training. Won't understand a word he's saying.
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Comment number 48.
At 24th Jun 2010, Toots wrote:I'm going now honest, just wanted to say Annie, enjoy the shopping trip. I hope you can stay awake for the IT training - best of luck on that one my lovely.
Definitely going now.
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Comment number 49.
At 24th Jun 2010, Simple with a dimple Sal wrote:It seems that everyone is shattered.
I was going to come on here and say how worn out I feel today, but it seems I am in good company.
I survived the Glastonbury traffic, which wasn't as heavy as I thought it was going to be.
However, I have sat behind several tractors today chugging away at their own pace.
Lovely clear sky here now so I think the campers will get a dry night rainwise!!
Off to get bunnies in and an early night I think.
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Comment number 50.
At 24th Jun 2010, brightAnnie-G wrote:I'm off too folks. Have loads to do tomorrow - shopping with daughter, IT with son-in-law, lawnmower out, ironing, pack case for Leeds, then early night.
Will put photies on FB on Monday.
Night all.
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Comment number 51.
At 24th Jun 2010, cleverSupernanny wrote:Annie
Have a lovely day tomorrow and enjoy Leeds, look forward to seeing photos.
lol, csn. xx
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Comment number 52.
At 24th Jun 2010, cleverSupernanny wrote:Am I the only late night blogger left here!
Hope all is well with you MTF.
csn. xx
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Comment number 53.
At 24th Jun 2010, cleverSupernanny wrote:Night everyone
Just taken holly for a walk, it's a beautiful night out there.
Sleep well.
lol, csn. xx
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Comment number 54.
At 25th Jun 2010, floozy_suzie wrote:Dear all and CLP
A long and a good day are the best for a deep satisfied sleep - don't think I'll have one tonight though...
A late one from me... am knackered... been out for drinks with one of my oldest and bestest friends... WD I call him... I've known him for 30 years! We see each other every couple of months and we're family... but it is cathartic to be with a friend who knows you best and makes you laugh at your self... and we did - laugh at me a lot! In fact still giggling...
Well... flying to France in a couple hours...haven't packed and I really don't care... just loving life at the moment... Hope you are too.
Suzie xxx
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Comment number 55.
At 25th Jun 2010, misstoedipper wrote:Morning All
I'm confused - got down a bit late and missed why the Candyman was being played early. Can anybody let me know.
Ta muchly.
mtd ffb xxx
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Comment number 56.
At 25th Jun 2010, pip7890 wrote:Good morning.
Haven't had time to properly catch up. I hope everyone with poorly bits soon feel better and everyone who is in the process of moving survives the experience!
We had a fabulous time in London last weekend, and the course I was on mid-week wasn't too bad either. Away again next week for another 3 days - Lincoln this time.
Very much looking forward to Leeds. Looks like there'll be around 18 of us which is a good turn out. It will be good to see some new faces as well as some 'not so new' - didn't want to say old 'cos I'm scared of some people! The weather forecast is looking good - 25•c - so should be a good 'un. It's not too late to join us. Just get in touch with me, Scoobs or AF if you want more details.
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Comment number 57.
At 25th Jun 2010, Super Bagpuss wrote:morning all
GB - I have red tiger balm and I love the smell of it! I ahve always used it for headaches but if it helps bites then woohoo.
I'm glad I'm not the only tired one - I feel really wiped out this week, didn't make it to the gym last night as it was too hot so have to remember no cake today!! I have the inlaws coming round for veggie BBQ tonight - our first one so hope it goes okay - they are also coming to sort out my front boarders (I am spoiled) so looking forward to having a tidy garden again.
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Comment number 58.
At 25th Jun 2010, Simple with a dimple Sal wrote:Salutations everyone.
Good trip Suzie, hope you got that flight!
A nice early night last night has left me nicely refreshed to face what is going to be an extremely busy Friday.
I threw the windows wide open and inhaled some very deep breaths of the fresh morning air.
It is a lovely day, so there should be some very happy campers at Glastonbury.
Right, lets hope we can secure this weather for everyone that has something plannned this weekend, also for those that just fancy chilling out!
So, Leeds bound bloggers, whoop whoop to you all, have a great time. Looking forward to the pics.
Bids, have a wonderful break with your GD. Tell me all about it when you get back.xx
And anyone else heading off for a break, have a great time too.
Right first job, back to the oven cleaning.. part 3!!!
What a chore.
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Comment number 59.
At 25th Jun 2010, Super Bagpuss wrote:MTF - how often do you clean your oven - I don't think we ever have done ours (its nearly 4 years old) - is that bad?
From a completely undomesticated baggy cloth cat
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Comment number 60.
At 25th Jun 2010, Simple with a dimple Sal wrote:Once a month Baggy, it gets a lot of use catering for everyone.
Other wise, it smokes the kitchen out.
It looks like new when I have finished, but its a job I hate, I must admit.
I was probably just as undomesticated as you at the same age, that all changed when I hit the big ( well not so big to me now!) 30.
Now I am approaching a bigger Birthday in a couple of years time, I thought things might have got a bit easier again. How wrong could I have been!!!
Never mind, the rewards are there somewhere, LOL.
Right marigolds at the ready!
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Comment number 61.
At 25th Jun 2010, Super Bagpuss wrote:MTF - so in 6 months time I'm going to want to clean my oven - I'll look forward to it :-)
I do sometimes spray in some heavy duty stuff and give it a wipe down and the hob is kept very clean by my cleaner so at least its better then a student cokker.
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Comment number 62.
At 25th Jun 2010, Simple with a dimple Sal wrote:A student what??
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Comment number 63.
At 25th Jun 2010, cleverSupernanny wrote:Morning everyone
Hot and sunny here.
Just been singing and dancing to The Candy Man.
Hope you all have a good day.
csn. xx
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Comment number 64.
At 25th Jun 2010, Super Bagpuss wrote:MTF - LOL indeed - its probably more accurate then what I meant to say!
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Comment number 65.
At 25th Jun 2010, Simple with a dimple Sal wrote:My responsibilities changed somewhat when I hit my 30s Baggy.
Right, goodbye. I'm going in...............
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Comment number 66.
At 25th Jun 2010, cleverSupernanny wrote:MTF and Baggy, I clean my oven once a week.
csn. xx
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Comment number 67.
At 25th Jun 2010, Super Bagpuss wrote:CSN - what can I say - I am suitably impressed!
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Comment number 68.
At 25th Jun 2010, CrimboDeevs wrote:Morning all
Just a quickie to say hi until later - I'm being taken out this morning on a couple of site visits by my new boss - wooo hoooo!!!
Last night was lovely. My man took me to a nice pub for a quick drink and then we had some vin rouge back at home and ended up dancing in the kitchen way past our bedtime.
Today, the sun is shining and all is brillig with the world.
Back later, after my trip to some midlands industrial estates!
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Comment number 69.
At 25th Jun 2010, Tina Biscuit wrote:MTF - not that I'd dare advertise on a 91Èȱ¬ blog, but have you tried that oven cleaner that is 'so easy even a man could use it'? I wouldn't use anything else now!
I'm permanently tired at the moment, but that's more due to suffering the neighbours from hell rather than anything else.
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Comment number 70.
At 25th Jun 2010, sandraholbrook wrote:Hi Chris and Johnie. Your radio show is just the tops! I listen every morning. Thank goodness we have you at the start of the day instead of Terry Wogan (oh my gosh he was passed his sell by date) You are all great, the show is fantastic your Wed "activities" are hilarious. Brill Brill my housework is delayed by two hours every day. Thanks for great show. Sandra. P>S> We are putting on a Boat Festival Pageant on Sat 3rd July on the River Wey, Guildford 19 decorated boats in the pageant, 80 boats booked in with a Raft Race at 3p.m. Great fun for Noah and its all free down by the river. Bring a picnic. Sandra
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Comment number 71.
At 25th Jun 2010, Aliwesty wrote:Morning All,
It's lovely here in Kent and long may it last. I've been mad busy for weeks now and am looking forward to a weekend when I don't have any commitments which is the 10/11 July that will be the first one since early May! This week I have slept really well and woken up with the alarm each morning, usally it's 5:15 when the neighbour above me gets up, so I must be tired if I'm sleeping through that.
Tonight I've got Street Pastors, so that's a 4:00am finish just as the sun is rising I shall be going to bed! But I am determined not to sleep tomorrow away, so I am going to my parents for lunch and then shall sit in their back garden for the afternoon. Sunday morning I'm leading the service at church....eek! And we all know what I'll be doing on Sunday afternoon - yup - hiding beind the sofa!
Have a wonderful Leeds meet and I look forward to seeing the pictures on FB. If anyone is interested there is a mini meet going on Up Down Essex on the 4th July, FB me, Seza or Debs for details.
Lots of love
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Comment number 72.
At 25th Jun 2010, debshasjoined wrote:hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
1 and I'm back in the blog!
Crikey - what a week! So so busy and what with me bad foot - such hard work just getting from a-b - so yes CLP - I too have been sleeping like a baby - just like you Ali - waking with the alarm not at 3!
Right not a hope of catching up with what you have been up to so will leave it at that.
Just one thing tho - yip yip yipeee its off to Leeds I go tomorrow!
Yeeh hah!
laters taters
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Comment number 73.
At 25th Jun 2010, Super Bagpuss wrote:Ali - your leading the service?? you really are brave.
I'm doing extra creche this sunday to cover holiday and I thought that was bad enough ;-)
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Comment number 74.
At 25th Jun 2010, Aliwesty wrote:Whoops - The Mini Essex Meet is MONDAY 5th JULY 6:30pm!
Baggy, Brave or mad! Now that I'm an Elder it's expected of me, fortunately the bloke who is preaching likes to talk for an hour (and he's really good, so the hour flys by) which means that I only have to fill half an hour before hand - result. I'm using the program Flash Forward as my theme, would we really want to see our future and what would we do differently if we did?
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Comment number 75.
At 25th Jun 2010, Super Bagpuss wrote:ali - thats a great theme - if I wasnt at my church i would come to yours - are your services online so I can have a watch (ours are)
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Comment number 76.
At 25th Jun 2010, Aliwesty wrote:No the're not thank goodness!
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Comment number 77.
At 25th Jun 2010, GeeGee wrote:Hi everyone,
Nearly there - finish work at noon, train from Glasgow Central at 3pm Leeds bound!!
Can't wait to see you all there.
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Comment number 78.
At 25th Jun 2010, AuntieSandy wrote:Howdy folks!
Not blogged much this week (if at all, can't remember!) as haven't really had anything to say!
Seza - pleased to hear the crisis has been averted, hope nothing to do with move!
MTF/CSN - please free to come to Cambridgeshire to clean my oven :)
Ali - wow, good luck for Sunday
Bids - have a good weekend with daughter
Scoobs - hope grandad is making a good recovery after his op
Loving the weather - bbq on Sunday me thinks :)
AS x
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Comment number 79.
At 25th Jun 2010, Simple with a dimple Sal wrote:AS, I would, but I think I need a holiday after doing mine.
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Comment number 80.
At 25th Jun 2010, Simple with a dimple Sal wrote:Yes Ali, good luck.
Hope tonight sails by for you too.
Having worked nights, I know, what its like when it gets to 4 o clock. That is the real struggle hour.
Hope you get to finish on time. Isn't your bed just the most wonderful sight to behold?
As for what the future holds, no ta, not for me.
Live each day....
That is only my opinion.
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Comment number 81.
At 25th Jun 2010, AuntieSandy wrote:MTF - no worries, I can wait a couple of weeks :)
Future - if it was all good news then maybe!
AS x
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Comment number 82.
At 25th Jun 2010, Aliwesty wrote:Thanks AS and MTF, My bed certainly will be a welcome sight. I shall pop on my eye mask, stolen from a plane, wack in the ear plugs and try and get 6 hours in. If I get up about 10ish then I still have most of the day before me, then it's an early night on Saturday.
I don't want to know what the future holds good or bad, as you say MTF live each day.
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Comment number 83.
At 25th Jun 2010, Simple with a dimple Sal wrote:Sorry Tina, missed your post there...
I have tried all the oven cleaners and if the one you are talking about is the one advertised by the puny man, nope, not happy with that one either.
The one I find the best is called Big D!
Available from the shop that gives you a penny change from a pound.
Funny, alaways thought there were peanuts called big D, not to be confused.
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Comment number 84.
At 25th Jun 2010, msScoobycat wrote:Afternoon each
Sorry - have also been MIA this week..but its nearly over and off for a wk next wk so yippee!
AS - grandad had a comfortable night bless you for asking. He may have to have another op tho but we are taking it a day at a time! Off to see him tonight..if he`s talking we know he`s feeling brighter!
And meant to thing looked/sounded wonderful - lucky you!x
MtF/Baggy/AS - I have a lady who comes and does my oven approx every 6 £45 quid i spend!
Oh, this could go on forever, so much to catch up on but really have to get bits finished so i can pop off at 5.30 and not think about this place for 10 days!
So, i will just say have a wonderful weekend one and all...hope the sun keeps shining! And i`ll see some of you PiP says, always room for more!
mSc x
PS - Seza, glad crisis was averted! AliB -great job you do! Clodagh - hope leg gets better soon! and Divavontease..couldnt think of a better name for you hon! Gotta run...x
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Comment number 85.
At 25th Jun 2010, Tiggs xx wrote:Just noticed some strange yet vaguely familiar lady had popped in so I shall just quickly say
HELLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Debs, missed you honey xxx
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Comment number 86.
At 25th Jun 2010, Malcolm_Powder wrote:Greetings all! I'm putting a toe in the water of the CLP blog, having spent some time now making my voice heard in the SM Drivetime pages. Haven't quite got enough time to go back, read and absorb everybody's posts for the page but good to see some good healthy convo-sation. And good to see Clodagh is still up to no good...
I can't believe Ken Bruce wouldn't read my full name out - shocking!
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Comment number 87.
At 25th Jun 2010, Tiggs xx wrote:Hello Malcolm!
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Comment number 88.
At 25th Jun 2010, Toots wrote:Hey Malcolm, welcome my lovely, stick around there's fun to be had.
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Comment number 89.
At 25th Jun 2010, Malcolm_Powder wrote:Thank you - currently trying to spread myself between here and SM's pages (and do enough work to justify my wage packet).
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Comment number 90.
At 25th Jun 2010, Super Bagpuss wrote:heeeeeeeelllllllooooooooooooooo MP
welcome to the bright side :-)
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Comment number 91.
At 25th Jun 2010, Malcolm_Powder wrote:Cheers Ms Puss!
I actually got round to watching the motorsport sporting challenge video last night with Mika Hakkinen - soooooooooo funny. When Chris pulls up and says 'Sorry I'm late Jonny'! Superb. And Jonny - what on earth were you doing?!
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Comment number 92.
At 25th Jun 2010, debshasjoined wrote:HElloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo M-P!!!
Helloooooooooooooooooooo Tiggs - waddya mean strange!!! oh yeh OK then! :-)
OK excitement going off the scale for Leeds now - got a taxi booked to take me from station to bar and back again - really - at least that way I wont get run under a bus hey PiP (who literally saved my life last time!)
BTW M-P - you will get to know me as the "accident prone one" - as my daughter puts it "if there is a group of people having a good time and there is one accident - it will be my mum" - I had the first blog meet in A&E you know!
Gonna be a scorcher for most of us this weekend so I hope those that cannot join our merry band have a wonderful time what ever you get up to.
AliB - on bacon butty duty again tonight? you really are a saint!
right now where is that bag of peas - need to "elevate"....
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Comment number 93.
At 25th Jun 2010, Super Bagpuss wrote:new blog
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