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That Was The Week That Was

Chris Evans | 13:33 UK time, Friday, 19 March 2010

I've only just realised that title can be pronounced two ways.

That was the week that was - indicating a double past tense.

And then perhaps in a Cornish accent - 'That was the week, that was' - to suggest a reconfirming of the week gone by.

No matter, I've done so many things in the last five days, my head is spinning for all the opposite reasons that it used to. Sobriety and toil taking the place of drunkenness and apathy.

An awards show with Ronnie Corbett last night, basketball with Jonny and John Amaechi on Wednesday; a birthday party for my agent later that evening. Dinner with Parky and his Missus tonight. Super Saturday tomorrow, and Supercar Sunday the day after - plus 10,000 more words down on the book...and the first interview for the new book ! Then there's the small matter of a Breakfast show every day, and Tash and Noah as the icing on the cake.

More of the same next week, just gonna have a quick snooze, think I'm gonna need it.

So it's good night from me.

And it's good night from him.

Good night.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Or you could sing it a al Millicent Martin?

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 2.

    Sorry I meant a la MM - meaning in the style of....

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 3.

    Good night.

  • Comment number 4.

    I knew what you meant MTD.

    It looks like it's just you me and the lurkers at the mo.

    Gaily B

  • Comment number 5.


    I have had an interesting but good kind of week and I hope for the same next week. No alcohol since Sunday (ok, so it's only 5 days but it's a start!)

    Nic the semi Jedward

  • Comment number 6.

    What a busy life you lead. Enjoy seeing Parky and his wife later. Still enjoying the show and it was nice to hear Frank Sinatra on the show this week. Play more golden oldies please.

  • Comment number 7.

    Have a nice nap, CLP! You deserve it. Best wishes to Parky - do miss listening to him on a Sunday but Messrs Ball & Wogan fill his shoes.

    Nic - found me out! Whilst you and Deevs enjoyed Hamlet t'other night, I was dressed in black and hanging upside down from the chandelier fitting the webcam!! Nearly got caught too - fortunately I heard Cheryl signing "To Be or Not to Be" as she walked up the path and I had time to aqueeze myself through the air vent (why don't we have those handy air conditioning ducts in this country? Tom Cruise and Matt Bourne always find one - me, its an Expel Air and trust me, it hurts).

    Anyhoo, sorry for the covert (and totally unintentional) spying action. I would say step out of my dreams and into my car but 1) don't have a car and 2) your lady would be after me with a hatchet or a twice baked garlic potato.

    To said lady: hope this pm is going well!

    Miss P

  • Comment number 8.

    Busy lad then Christoph. Enjoy your snooze. When, where, who the first interview for the new book? Need to know.

    Well the sun has gone, - just watched the forecast and it looks like you are sending the rain up my way Darce.
    Better get the first roll up done quickly JTT - the green is going to be wet.
    Heard from MTF - been to docs - up to her ears in medication (why do I always think of Hylda Baker with that word) but the little monkey is still going to try and do some work. Just get your butt back home to bed MTF!
    Been sending good vibes out to all who need - hope they are working ? Wait to hear from you all with the results, baby, work, driving test, health - etc etc.

    Beez xx

    You're the one that I want - woo hoo hoo hooo ............

  • Comment number 9.

    It's been a long week for me. Despite having had my day off on Tuesday, having to work today has made it seem intolerably long.

    Nic, I hope you have an interesting and successful week next week.

    By the way, I know someone mentioned CLP stands for Chris Lambie Pie but I think it really stands for Chris Leopard Print - I can just imagine him in some leopard print silk jammies - it'd go lovely with his colouring.

    Only 22 mins 'til home time.


  • Comment number 10.

    Don't mock me with your "22 minutes til home time", GB!!! I have hours yet!

  • Comment number 11.

    Same here - 160 mins (not that I'm counting ;)

  • Comment number 12.

    Miss P, it's not all roses once I get out of here I'm afraid - I've got to collect youngest from school and then crack on with some domestic engineering.

    Don't know if you noticed in the previous blog, I was wondering if you'd now be Miss E.S. P after Nic confirmed your dream was so accurate.

    4 or 5 minutes now depending on which clock you go by. I'm going with the 4 minutes.

    See you all for FNWC, hopefully.


  • Comment number 13.

    Sounds like a busy week Chris, enjoy your snooze and the weekend - which also sounds busy!!

    I've had a hectic week too, but no where near as good as yours Chris. Went to see the house this morning that my friend is hoping to buy and I had very good vibes about it, so I told her to go for it! It was a lovely house and she and her family really deserve it.

    I'm off now to see a woman about a dog, which won't be an easy conversation and then to said Best Friend above for a take away and Sport Relief.

    Have a fan-dabby-dozey weekend everyone whatever you do and who ever you do it with ;)

    Love and Stuff
    AliB (Who is also a 2:30 finisher on a Firday)

  • Comment number 14.

    See you later GB!

    Miss ES P!!!

  • Comment number 15.

    Message for MTF - Go home, go directly home, do not pass go, do not collect anything, stay there until you feel better - you do not, repeat do NOT want to get pneumonia again do you......

    Crazy lady ;-)

    mtd ffb xxx (walks away tutting)

  • Comment number 16.

    Enjoy your busy weekend Chris kicking off with dinner with Parky & his wife tonight. Nearly finished reading his book and its a really good read - nearly as good as yours! Hoping to get along to Supercar Sunday if I can get someone to come along with me.

    Sorry about the rain Beez - its stopped here now!

    Hope your daughter is ok CSN - any news yet?

    MTF - stop working and get back to bed xx

    Darce x

  • Comment number 17.

    See MTF - we are all saying it - go back to bed !! love the tutting mtd.

    I've got a blackbird in the tree next to the office singing his little heart out. Can't help but smile can you? (even though the rain has now reached me Darce !!)

    Sorry I missed you AliB - enjoy your evening with your friend.
    Alright for some Gaily - probably see you later -I'm still working here doncha know.

    Can't get the vision of MissP dangling upside down at cheznic - long tresses trailing as she exits the air vent !

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 18.

    Christoff, enjoy your hectic weekend and your well deserved zzzzzzzzs. I've also got a busy weekend coming up, what with a trip to ELH in the morning, haircut after lunch then out to the pub with friends for a meal in the evening. Also, planning to come along to Supercar Sunday, so hopefully see you there.

    Darce, hello, hope to also see you there, which is going to be a miracle as I have no idea what you look like, unless you wear a red rose, ha ha.

    Hello to everyone else, I have been lurking but not participating of late.

    Still raining here, boo!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 19.

    Pen and Darce - haven't you two had that mini meet yet? Hope you manage it on Sunday.

    Thanks Beez. This time next week we should be well into our first bottle (actually knowing us and if Chrissie is there too probably our second.) Not that I am getting excited or anything........

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 20.

    Hi Chris: yes, what a fantastic week you have had, it's all great stuff. And as you say Tash and Noah are the icing on the cake. Have a great weekend xx btw: loved the basketball video - genius!

    CSN: Hope everything is ok with your daughter.

    MTF: back to bed, young lady - remember the last time?! Seriously, take it easy and no heroics!

    Hi everyone else!

    C xx

    P.S. What must it feel like to finish work at 2.30 on a Friday?!

  • Comment number 21.

    Afternoon all,

    Thought I'd pop in and say hello, been lurking this week and it's about time I said hello.

    Sounds like a busy week, CLP - grab a nap you deserve it.

    MTF - STEP AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER AND RETREAT BACK TO BED. seriously though if you're lurking hope you feel better soon.

    Happy weekends to all,


  • Comment number 22.

    mtd #19: I can't help it if I get thirsty! Oh, I know, only one week to go - can't believe it!

    C xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Hi guys

    CLP - phewski! whirlwhind down your neck of the life aint it! Dont burn yoursel out mind! We couldnt have you poorly now! Agree with Beez - what interview where!!!!

    Darce and Penny - go for it - Penny - the Darce miester is the gorgesist petite lady with the biggest glass of red you will spot - aint that so Lady Darce! oh so jealous - if it was one of my up darn essex sundays I'd join you en-route!

    Right off to see what Jed nic and MissP have uncovered on the rest of yesterdays blog.....

    and yup - me too am pretty much done for a Friday


  • Comment number 24.

    Hi Pen - I'll be Billy no mates on my own - easy to spot! Look for a small blonde woman on her own and come up and say hello. Give me a clue on how to spot you! I'm there for dinner tonight as well with some girlfriends.

    Darce x

  • Comment number 25.

    OK - so not much that I missed then

    But MC - it was one of "them" pies - didnt finish it - think I am going off "them" pies - oh no - the end of the world must be nigh!!!!! Tis never appened in me 40 summat years on this planet that I would go off one of "them" pies.........


    (i'm gorn)

  • Comment number 26.

    Well Debs - thank you for your rose coloured description but the true bit is the big glass of red - but pleeese this is early morning we're talking about, even I don't have a glass of red with breakfast!!

    How's the eye coming along?

    Darce x

  • Comment number 27.

    Pen - I can't believe you and Darce haven't got together. She's easy to spot - just huff and puff and Darce will be the one blown over on the floor - she is teeny and blonde and gawjus.

    Debs - you coming down with something? Going of those pies? Oh dear.

    Hi Dragon - that's telling MTF - we haven't tried shouting yet. Hope all is well with you over there.

    mtd - agree - Chrissie - I thought I could drink ..... I am saying no more - cept see you next week - yay!!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 28.

    Darce, that's made me feel great, 'small and blonde'! As for me, look for the opposite, ie short, old and definitely not small. Will be with Mr P, who is 6 foot and quite slim - so if you see a couple that resemble little and large ............ LOL. Seriously, as you know, I have not admitted to any of this so will have to be discreet. He does know I read the blog tho'. If you think you have sussed me out come and say hello and I shall act as if I know you.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 29.

    Ooooh Pen all this cloak and dagger stuff!! Can't very well come up and call you Pen though can I?! Will think of something if I spot you. Mind you if I'm still there at 12, I will have a big glass of red in my hand! Really hope I do meet you at last though.

    And Beez - its not the huffing and puffing that normally makes me fall over!!

    Darce x

  • Comment number 30.

    Guess what my boss told me to do?


  • Comment number 31.

    LOL Darce !!!

    MTF - why aren't you in bed ?????

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 32.

    #30 Ummm Go home and stay there???

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 33.


    Thank you to everyone for all your kind words, yesterday and today.

    Don't know what is going to happen yet.
    Daughter and baby still being very closely monitored.
    Scan being done on baby this afternoon to make sure little one is still doing ok in mummy's tummy.

    Only had time to read some of the posts here and one stood out from the others because it made me laugh, smile and giggle all at the same time.

    Big Thank You Miss P. What a dream you had!

    Mr CSN, just told me I am losing the plot today, because I keep doing silly things. Never mind!

    Lots of love to everyone, csn.xxx

  • Comment number 34.

    Afternoon all, it's a rotten miserable day here, have got soaked twice so have now retreated to the sofa and decided that OH can walk the dog when he gets home :)
    CSN hope all is well with your daughter x
    MTF do as your boss instructs and get plenty of rest {{hugs}}
    Have a vision of Pen n Darce stalking each other on Sunday, hope you manage to meet up.
    Miss P loved your dream and Clodaghs interpretation, cheered me up no end and still giggling :)
    Is it 5 o'clock somewhere yet?? have a nice box of grape juice that needs and outing from the cupboard ;) well, it is the weekend!!
    Hope everyone has a good weekend
    GM xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Thats right where I am Beez.

    Bossman phoned me a coupla hours ago and said...Go to bed!!

    So, thats what I have done, just popped in to see the same advice off some of you.

    Thanks all.

    I didn't exoect to go down with anything like this, so soon after the last lot.

    Blimey, nothing for years then wham, gets you twice in a couple of months.

    Ok, not staying around, can someone pass my best on to CSN and her daughter(s).

    Have fun this evening.

    You lovely lot.


  • Comment number 36.

    Darce, hadn't thought of that! We could say something on the lines of, 'hello, didn't we used to work together, but can't seem to put a name to the face', then maybe just open up. It might be simpler for me to admit to all this, but he would never understand why I'm called Penny Forem!!

    Fairy, take care xx

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 37.

    Doh, me and my slow typing, all the best CSN.xx

  • Comment number 38.

    Thank you MTF, Get well soon.


  • Comment number 39.

    Good afternoon blogettes

    Well it worked ............... the 'little fella' passed his driving test this afternoon. Thanks for all the vibes you had been sending out - they worked. Have also been sending our good vibes to Deevs & MTF - (my head now hurts).

    Good weekend to one & all - finish work in a few minutes.

    Proud PJ

  • Comment number 40.

    Quick hello as nicked boys laptop

    My lap top very very sick and nice man has taken it away to "try" to fix it!!

    might be back...............soon I hope

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Penny and Darce - like a mysterious meet! LOL - soo tempted to come anyway to see it evolve - have you seen Moulin Rouge - can just picture the "stalking/checking" to the version of Roxanne.....

    MTF - GET AND STAY TO BED! now there - that's alfie and tia tellin yoos too!!!!

    ChrissieS - ooooo - if Beez is admiting your skill - might have to get into training! Got lunch with GBF tomorrow - will get a taxi and get right onto it!

    CSN - really hope all is well with both GDs but spech one in hopical right now - best place for her - I know people slag off the NHS but when it comes to real dramas - dont forgot all the private consultants "moonlight" at the NHS too! You might wait a bit longer and not have a private room, but all the expertise is there. (as someone who has had both state and private healthcare).

    So all in all, I hope people that can are winding down to the weekend and really enjoy their lot


  • Comment number 42.

    PJ - congratulations to 'Little Fella' on passing his test, bet he's walking on air.

    Debs - you're right, very mysterious meet, shame you can't be there, Pen and I could stand back and let you take charge. Have visions of you charging across the bridge to MTF and Bids now!

    Pen - if hubby knows you read the blog, we could chat without mentioning your blog name? My friends and family know I read the blog and that I've met up with people but they don't know my blog name.

    Darce x

  • Comment number 43.

    Darce - LOL - I think a LOT of people have the vision of me charging across the bridge! (and chatting to the chickens, and the fairys and the pirates....) ah good times :-)
    hee hee hee hee

    right got a family drama unfolding so off to buy comfort food and WINE!


  • Comment number 44.

    Darce, he knows I read the blog but doesn't know I contribute, so I've just made an executive decision to tell him this evening that I've chatted to you and hope to meet you on Sunday. Phew gone all hot and bothered now!

    CSN, hope all goes well with new grandchild, I remember it well x

    PJ, pleased for 'little fella', I also remember that well, now all the worrying starts!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 45.

    Crumbs - MTF - that's a first - pleased you are doing as you are told though.

    PJ - well done that boy! Now all you need is a mortgage for his insurance.

    Thanks for the update CSN. Still keeping all crossed for daughter.

    Debs - Chrissie leaves us standing - well other way round really - she would be standing, we would be flat out!! Great description of Darce and Pen trying to find each other !! I still laugh at you batting over that bridge in Bristol having your Anneka moment - people parting like the red sea to let you through - Oh My !!!

    GM - go on - start now - I'll be joining you in a couple of hours!

    Hi Sez - Bye Seza

    Just realised I only have three days next week to work flat out and get ahead of myself - Panic !!!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 46.

    Debs - you forgot the country gentlemen !! Lost count of the number of times I was sent off to drag you away from a stag do !!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Going home now - hope to see you Sunday Pen x

    Have a good weekend all.

    Darce x

  • Comment number 48.

    Ok Darce, enjoy your meal later x

  • Comment number 49.

    Have a great weekend all. Work still getting in the way of the blog but lurking when able.

    Best wishes to all. Get well soon to anyone feeling under the weather.


  • Comment number 50.

    Beez # 46 - "where theres a stag doo there a debs" LOL (Annie - or a wedding reception.....)

    Thought best get that in before you

    Darce and Pen - hope you get to meet up on Sunday - maybe a photi with the lovely CLP for FB???

    right of to station to collect traumatised GD - will prob not be back on till tomorrow am so have a good FNWC tonight and say a cheers to me!


  • Comment number 51.

    Hiya Troops:

    Just on here to defend myself before the weekend begins! Oi, mtd and Beez: I don't think I was alone in the bar at the hotel at the O2 when they asked us (including Mary) to leave!

    And, Debs, love you dearly, but I was not the one hijacking a wedding reception in Liverpool!

    Hey Ho, what japes!

    PJ: great news about your son passing his driving test. He will be made up!

    Darce/Penny: I can understand the difficulty in explaining to your partners how you know each other. I just did not know how to tell MrS about the first blog meet I went on in Glasgow. I decided to tell it like it is, and he was really fine ... after a while. He used to have a look at the blog from time to time, but not now. Though, he DID check out the Bye Bye Drivetime video, where I look like Shaun of the Dead! Hope you both meet up.

    CSN: Debs is so right about the NHS/private healthcare thing. These Consultants are the best, and they will look after your daughter so well, I am sure.

    Right, heading off home, perhaps for a glass of wine. Who mentioned wine?! Have a good weekend everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 52.

    LOL - Debs - forgot the wedding reception - with my shoes on !!! Yikes !

    Darce and Pen - that would be good - a photo with CLP.

    Hi Thunder - know what you mean about work ! I'm still here and now I am in a panic with my short week next week and the one after - I may well be here over the week-end!

    Just spoken to Hazel love (on the bus on her way home !!)she is still a poorly girl but hopes to make next week-end. Too poorly for the train so come on BA/unions/whatever - get your act together !! As our vibes seem to be working so far today - let's send some to her too?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 53.

    Friday night messages before I hit the road.

    CSN - Hope things are looking better today - keeping my fingers crossed. Which is why I keep spilling coffee on my keyboard.

    MTF - You're sick so often, Clinton's have started stocking a range of `Get Well MTF' cards, especially for you. Hope you feel better soon - again :-)

    PJ - Congrats to Little Big Man (a toy I had when I was a child BTW. He had a dinghy that sprung a leak and subsequently sank. DOn't know whay I'm telling you this, but hey-ho).

    MissP - much as I admire your determination, perhaps sticking to the day-job may be the way forward.I'm no expert, but I suspect that either Nic or Cheryl will spot a) the footprint you left on the ceiling, b) the plaster dust that fell on the floor and c) the length of cable running from the webcam hidden in the chandelier across the ceiling and through the air vent (and probbaly all the way back to your house). For future reference, Tom Cruise always has a detailed plan, a crack team of agents to assist him and a exit strategy in case of problems. You seem to have wild impulses, a few people from the pub and a pushbike. This does not a spy make.

    Nic/Deevs - don't worry about that thing that looks like a cable running across your ceiling, it's probably just a cobweb. You carry on practising your Ice Ice Baby dance routines in peace.

    Have a great weekend one and all.


  • Comment number 54.

    Hazel, hope you improve enough to make the blog meet next weekend. Sending you lots of love and best wishes. You are sorely missed on the blog along with your brilliant array of pomes xx

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 55.

    Twice Carl, and I swear this last bout has come from you spreading your man flu germs around here.

    Will look out for the card tho ;)

    Gosh, I get bored easily.

    Ok, going !


  • Comment number 56.

    Hi MTF - you take it easy now, as we don't want a repeat of what happened last time, do we?? Nag, Nag, Nag!

    CSN, as the others have said, your daughter is in the right place, and the folk at the hospital will be being very cautious, my sister in law had to spend a few days being monitored, but has a very healthy 10 year old now!

    Beez, hope you get your work completed, if not delegate..LOL

    No rain here yet, but it's on its way apparently - which is a bit of a bugger as I was hoping to tackle the garden tomorrow! It's a right mess, but will have to stay like that for a while longer it seems!

    So, wine poured, and just deciding on our takeaway for tonight - we've been good all week (well I have) and cooked! Someone not to far away from me has had a couple of chippy lunches...

    Back in a while

    JG x

  • Comment number 57.

    UC - laughing does not describe what I am doing. You star

    couldn't stand it any longer so left work at 3 and am now cozily ensconced in country retreat. Bliss.

    Lovely weekend to all

    miss P

    oh, UC, you are priceless!

  • Comment number 58.

    Miss P, I've just read back and am chuckling at that!!

    Enjoy your weekend in the country, I love going to my Mum's to get out of the towns up here!

    Decided, Indian for me, Indian style kebab for him - healthy? No! Scrummy? Oh YES!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 59.

    Don't you just hate it when you LOL at the blog and nobody is interested in why??? anyway LOL at Chrissie, debs, Beez, UC. I am sooo looking forward to next weekend.

    Anyway - time to break out the Merrrllooot while watching Sport Relief.

    Will pop in from time to time.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 60.




  • Comment number 61.

    Yep Deevs - its amazing what dreams serve up isn't it.

    How did this afternoon go? Did you feel the force?

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 62.

    I was going to watch Sport Relief, but someone else had other ideas, so we are watching a repeat of Coast, cos it's the Northwest....

    We're in Blackpool now...lovely!

    Deev, how did it go?

    JG x

  • Comment number 63.

    OMG, they are showing how to clean the underneath of the walk of faith on the Tower!!!

    I'm leaving the room and may be some time.......

    JG x

  • Comment number 64.

    Hello. Just popped in from next door. Now, if you will all just... LOOK AT THAT OVER THERE (whilst I snaffle a glass of merlot, and sneak quietly away)

  • Comment number 65.

    Hi Paul - I knew you wouldn't be able to resist it....

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 66.

    Wow what a week Christoph

    Watching Sport Relief think you and Johnny should do something for the next one

    How is everybody???

  • Comment number 67.

    Hi Kands

    Long time no see. Just PMSL at the animals on sport relief - back later.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 68.

    Still blinkin well cooking here!!! Just sat down to see how Diva got on and she has a thing for Jedward apparently??! :) tee hee! Come along dear - need to know how you got on today.

    Cheers me darlings - just half way down first (ok second) glass of red - really must go finish the nosh in a mo though. Seem to have been on the phone a lot tonight!!!

    Hi Kands - loving your pics on fb - what a munchkins wee puppy is!

    Do I sense a mayonnaise blogger?

    Going to put sport relief on in a tic - off to finish meal - back later. Roll on next week-end.........

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 69.

    Right, recovered from Jedwardgate!

    Today went really well. Still not had a one-to-one with the boss but he seems lovely - very down to earth and "normal" which is a good thing! Also been invited on a works social on 1st May, which felt nice to be included. Tasks lines up for Monday and feeling confident about going in and doing my thing!

    Also had news of 2 more interviews today: one next week and one on 29th March, and another Agency putting me in for another vacancy on the doorstep.

    Yes, feeling really dandy and upbeat.

    I'm switching this off now - on the 3rd glass on vino collapso and an lovely, wonderful man to give some love and attention to.

    Enjoy yourselves - it's later than you think ..... (wrong blog?)

    Happy Deevs


  • Comment number 70.

    Evening All! Been lurking again, but got the chance to join in tonight. Only on water tho'. Had a good few glasses last night and have had terrible heartburn all day. We are going out tomorrow night so need to be on full form. There. You didn't to know any of that, did you? I'm just writing it down as a way of reinforcing it! But, "Cheers" anyway!

  • Comment number 71.

    hi everyone

    Dunno why I have not been on here lately, no excuses really

    Snooky is a mummies boy bless him

    So ow is everybody and what has everyone been up to???
    How did the London meet go?

  • Comment number 72.

    Ooh, just spotted David Ginola... Corr!

  • Comment number 73.

    needinspiration - my thoughts exactly!!!

    Have managed to persuade him to put it on now! And have donated via work, cos they double what is put in!

    JG x

  • Comment number 74.

    Yes, i'd forgotten all about the good cause!

  • Comment number 75.


    I'm also on the water - feeling extravagant so have put a slice of lemon in it! Got to pick himself up from the airport later. What a way to spend a friday night!!

    Meanies won't let us watch sport relief here :(

    Deevs - Good news about the interviews, fingers crossed for you.

    CSN - Fingers also crossed for you, hope daughters doing OK.

    Beez - all good here, thanks, sun has been shining so I'm happy!

    Hazel Love - hope you're feeling better.

    Hello and happy weekends to everyone else I've not mentioned already.


  • Comment number 76.

    Evening all - I've turned out the light and closed the door behind me on Simon's blog, and I'm here - everyone Ok for a drink?

  • Comment number 77.

    Evening Dragon. I can't seem to do lemons these days. Or oranges, or tomatoes! Middle age, I suppose...
    FNWC is quiet tho' Nobody playing tonite?

  • Comment number 78.

    Hi Kev

    Need a refill of Merlot in a minute - it's OK I've got a bottle open.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 79.

    #76 I wondered why Paul and I kept bumping into each other..

  • Comment number 80.

    It's the dimly lit corridor DeeBee...I almost tripped on my way here.

  • Comment number 81.

    Deebee!! When did you get here? Are you OK for a drink?

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 82.

    Wouldn't mind a top-up thanks mtd!

  • Comment number 83.

    Oh, some peeps have appeared!

    Welcome you lot from t'ther blog!! Pull up a chair, and mine's a glass of white wine please?

    Ta muchly!

    JG x

  • Comment number 84.

    Thanks for the welcome JG

  • Comment number 85.


  • Comment number 86.

    Hi Paul, you made it. Plenty of wine to go round

  • Comment number 87.

    I think I'll do my usual trick, and lurk quietly in the kitchen, for a bit.

  • Comment number 88.

    Why does it take longer to drink water than wine?

  • Comment number 89.

    Hello hello - just got myself a drink. So, I guess everyone's watching Sport Relief? Except me, as my wife's watching Embarrassing Bodies. I told her she only has to see mine...

  • Comment number 90.

    Right you mayonnaise kids - good to see you here - just opened a box of vino if anyone interested.

    Sorry JG - it's a red . How was the kebab?

    Just trying to push the last of my curry back in to my ears!! Most folk don't like their own cooking but I'm a pig!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 91.

    Paul, you'll have to lurk in the loo, Beez is in the kitchen, and I keep annoyingly walking through to get to the back door for a smoke!

    JG x

  • Comment number 92.

    #88. Is it because it takes quite a lot longer to empty a tap compared with a bottle?

  • Comment number 93.

    Kev I want to watch sport relief - suffering a double bill of Kingdom! First time round brilliant - but I know the words now!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 94.

    #90 Sorry, I've tried very hard to understand that last sentence....clearly I've had too much already

  • Comment number 95.

    Beez, his kebab was fine, my selection of starters great too...don't do main courses, cos I get bored!

    Oh, and I don't eat rice...

    JG x

  • Comment number 96.

    Could be that, yes! But I'm struggling to drink a wine glass of water! AnywaY David Beckham;s in the bath!!!

  • Comment number 97.

    Dee baby - it's coming out of my ears I have eaten so much - ditch the water - it's making your brain swim!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 98.

    Hi Beez. I wouldn;t mind but she has seen this episode, and the bodies aren;t that embarrassing..but a bit of wincing from myself watching some guy have a camera inserted up where a camera should never go, and at the same time having a finger inserted where the sun doesn;t shine to massage his prostate. Luckily he was under anaesthetic!

  • Comment number 99.

    I'm only watching for the Hamster. We have history, him and I... ;-)

  • Comment number 100.

    Kev - eeeeeew

    Beez xx


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