Top Three Telly
Still don't get...
...The Apprentice. Tash watched the final last night and loved it, as well as the after show show with Adrian Chilly. Roll on year six...if S'rAlan is allowed to do it that is what with being a Lord and all - they stopped Mel Bragg hosting Start The Week because of a poss conflict of interest when he took up the ermine.
On the telly front, I am in trouble because me and my mum have discovered America's Got Talent which runs all morning on ITV 2 on a Sunday.
It's like our one, only ten times better. There's a guy singing opera on there at the mo' and he just breaks your heart; plus there's a martial artist who smashes concrete with his fingers..but only when it's on fire; and a street dancer who slides across the floor on his head - very difficult to explain but breathtaking.
There's also a couple who do the greatest illusion I have ever seen. She swaps places with him in a sealed box in less than half a second. I'm sure it's all on YouTube.
One more tellly thing - there's apparently another show in the US called Man Versus Food. A guy goes around The States taking on any food challenge anyone can throw at him. That's all I know - off to research this one myself now. May try to get him on the show.
Regards from the M25 on a Monday morning. Why do we do it?
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Comment number 1.
At 8th Jun 2009, Noholidaythusyear wrote:Morning Chris
You are an early bird
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Comment number 2.
At 8th Jun 2009, CrimboDeevs wrote:Morning Lambie Pies
The Apprentice was fab last night! Worried about next year with no Margaret though. It just won't be the same without her eyebrows. My money's on Karen Brady to take on the Margaret Mountford role ......
So, when's Monsieur Blanc returning with The Restaurant!?!? My other fave reality show.
(from prev blog) - TangoBaz - nice one!
Sweet Child Deevs
x x x x
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Comment number 3.
At 8th Jun 2009, Tangobaz wrote:Morning CLP.....early today aren't we???
Sweet Child Deevs....yeah Margaret will be missed big do you ALL agree that Kate should have won, or is it just me.
CLP- re AGT, it is fantastic!!!!
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Comment number 4.
At 8th Jun 2009, CrimboDeevs wrote:Hmmmm. Sorry Baz me auld mate, I was in the Yazmeeeeena camp from the catering task week when she got them all motivated. And dind't make her team wear togas!
And no, I've not read the Slash biog yet. Managed 8.5 books whilst away. Just fnishing off Neverwhere by Neil Gaimen and then will tackle Slash. So to speak!
We don't need no Civil War in Paradise City!
Deevski x x x x
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Comment number 5.
At 8th Jun 2009, Tangobaz wrote:CLP-a food challenge...don't tel Terry W!!??
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Comment number 6.
At 8th Jun 2009, Tangobaz wrote:Touchee Deevs..where the grass is green and the girls are pretty...take me home...xx
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Comment number 7.
At 8th Jun 2009, gingembre- wrote:morning all, hope you're well?
Thought Kate should've won but I only watched the semi and the final plus she was the prettiest (shallow? me? err, yep!)
I do like Adrian Chiles, very good at what he does, makes it look easy which I guess is half the battle?
Don't watch AGT, not a Sharon Osbourne fan at all. Her judging talent eh???
Oooooh, haven't sat on the M25 car park for a while, don't envy you Chris.
I have a tv idea - why don't you allow DFYT to be aired on one of those repeat channels? pleeeeease?
bonnet de douche
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Comment number 8.
At 8th Jun 2009, music_geek wrote:Morning guys,
Hope you all had a good weekend. Welcome back Deevski, hope the break was a good one too!!! Now Mr CLP. a wise man no doubt about it but I dunno how you can't get The Apprentice but watch won't find much better talent than what we saw last night both on the deep and erm the shallow level as pointed out by gingembre.
I think Yasmina was the right choice though, even though on paper Kate was the better of the two. Its just one of life's curiosities.
Happy Mondays folks...
Mentals :)
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Comment number 9.
At 8th Jun 2009, Tangobaz wrote:KW...OMG DFYT...that takes me back...probably does CLP too...miss Zig 'n' Zag also...TFI Friday with the U2 BIG HEEEEDS and Wiiiiiillllllll..sweet memories..used to come in from work, cans of beer lined up ready for the clock to strike sad is this....if still half awake used to watch the repeat later on.
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Comment number 10.
At 8th Jun 2009, gingembre- wrote:tango-
did you light your lemon...
...or flash your flake?
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Comment number 11.
At 8th Jun 2009, Tangobaz wrote:Ginge...yeah, all of the above...turned lights on and off too!!
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Comment number 12.
At 8th Jun 2009, CrimboDeevs wrote:But are you a Freak ... or unique?
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Comment number 13.
At 8th Jun 2009, Tangobaz wrote:Always FREAKY not so uniquie...
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Comment number 14.
At 8th Jun 2009, Penny_Forem wrote:Morning CLP et al
Don't watch AGT or BGT. Of the minority, I know but just not my cuppa. Now, the Apprentice - loved it!
TB #3 - No, don't agree!
Beez - #583 thanks for hugs. Trying to count my blessings but still not firing on all cylinders. Hope you're ok? ((xx))
Not worth talking about the I won't!
Pen xx
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Comment number 15.
At 8th Jun 2009, clodaghrubbish wrote:Mornin all!!
Welcome back, Chezza, bronzed and gorgeous I hope.. d'you know that's my bet exactly, Karren Brady for Margaret's spot. Completely different personality from the spectacular Margaret (whom I want to be like when I grow up by the way), and I reckon the dynamic between herself and the man of my dreams, Nick, will be rather spiffing too. Mind you she'd best watch 'er step. If I find 'er gettin' touchy-feely I shall be round there like Boadicea. Hands off, missus, 'e's mine. Oh yes.
And yes, I rather thought Kate should have won; but hey. What do I know about business. Slightly less than I know about men and that's Nowt.
Young Ben, who I could have happily throttled and was extremely disdainful of as I remember, has just been on RTE Radio; I have to say I was wrong. Since 'e got trown out on 'is ear 'e's morphed into a rather nice young man. So sorry, Ben, for callin' you summat you open your drawers with. I am contrite. (That's Swahili for Wrong.)
Anyway, I'm now eagerly awaitin' the Irish Apprentice on TV3 over here. Same format but with the Irish equivalent of Lord Sugar Plum, one Bill Cullen. He who wrote his rags to riches autobiography, 'It's A Long Way From Penny Apples', which I bought for Renee and which she devoured and now tells everyone what a Lovely Boy he is. Like Terry Wogan and Parky. I met him down in Cork once and he is, indeed, a top bloke. Lovely twinkly eyes and rather flirty.
Unless you get caught out cheating on the show by e-mailing your hubby and getting wagon-loads of help on your task... and still losin'. Then he's hysterical.
So now. What time is it. Ah no, I've to be at Galway Airport in 10 minutes to pick up me lovely bessy mate before zoomin' up to Donegal for the day.
You have to time it right at Galway Airport. If you do a wheelie round the entrance to the car park you can frighten the cows grazin' next to the runway. Mind you there is a helpful sign there which goes into the Top Ten Roadsigns of Ireland as far as I'm concerned.
A large, triangular sign, right at the end of the runway where it meets the road, declaring,
Certainly shall. Last time I ignored that I had hair like Nik Kershaw for a week after.
Have a good day one and all.
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Comment number 16.
At 8th Jun 2009, gingembre- wrote:tango,
MrsW#1 used to laugh at me when I was there flicking the switch each Sat night..... brilliant!
happy days
welcome home chez
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Comment number 17.
At 8th Jun 2009, CrimboDeevs wrote:Clodagh
By all means aspire to be Margaret, but whatever you do, don't go growing up!!
Deevs x x x
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Comment number 18.
At 8th Jun 2009, CrimboDeevs wrote:Gingembre
Thank you!
You too!
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Comment number 19.
At 8th Jun 2009, Tangobaz wrote:Clodagh...yeah, who wants to grow up.....not me.
Make sure yo give way at the aeroporto tho.!
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Comment number 20.
At 8th Jun 2009, Penny_Forem wrote:Just got the photee, Chris. Gave me the laugh I've been waiting for. So glad I wasn't in that car park!!!
Pen xx
ps Welcome back Deev
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Comment number 21.
At 8th Jun 2009, Tangobaz's your perogative (as Bobby Brown once said) to disagree...but you are still WRONG!
Sorry to hear you are not firing on all cylinders...hope you feel better soon me old mucca
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Comment number 22.
At 8th Jun 2009, Darce wrote:Morning CLP and all,
I'm with Tash on that one Chris, Apprentice over AGT anyday. Hope you're off the M25 now.
Sorry Baz I'm with Yasmina, although Kate is very good she is too wooden and comes across as false.
Hugs to Baggie, Bees, JG, Pen and all who need a bit of support at the mo.
Welcome back Deev - you were missed. Nice to see you back blogging as well Ginge.
Stripey Boleyn -don't chance it for the big day - stay pale or get it done in a salon.
Nicky - good luck with the interview. Love the idea of Merlot with the housework - go girl!
Well done to your daughter Pen - good on her. Glad you had a nice lunch on Sat, ours yesterday was good as well, excellent food.
Darce xx
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Comment number 23.
At 8th Jun 2009, CrimboDeevs wrote:I was on the M25 yesterday, driving back from the delightful Gatwick Airport.
I hate that bit at the Dartford Crossing when it goes from 3 lanes to 3000 lanes at the Tolls and then back down to 2 lanes! Horrific!! Just shut my eyes and put my foot down and hope for the best ...... !!
And as for the queue to get over the QE2 bridge yesterday pm - nasty! Luckily the tunnels were moving quite freely but the "bridge" traffic was tailing back almost to the Lakeside junction.
I'd rather get stuck behind a tractor any day!
Country Gal Deevski
x x x x
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Comment number 24.
At 8th Jun 2009, Penny_Forem wrote:TB, my OH also wanted Kate to win. But then he is a bloke!!
Pen xx
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Comment number 25.
At 8th Jun 2009, B-sMum wrote:Morning all - crumbs it's not raining!!
Thanks Clodagh for making me laugh this morning - takes something to make me crack my face before mid-day!!!
Poor CLP on the M thingy car park. Been there, done that but not that M'way. Strikes me they are all the same these days - dead slow and stop.
Right - loads to do - be back later
Beezer xxx
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Comment number 26.
At 8th Jun 2009, Tangobaz wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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Comment number 27.
At 8th Jun 2009, lyndyloo_the_1st wrote:Morning Blogpeeps & CLP!
I too was a Yasmena fan though I can't say I understand why she wopuld want to go and work for someone else when she has her own business, though I dare say she will learn a lot. Personally I was 21 when I started to work for myself and quickly realised that I could no longer work for anyone else... in fact I'd go as far as to say I'm un-employable!!
Right I'm off to sort my day out and try hard not to think too much about the TT concert tonight. Pray it stays dry for me..
& the bump
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Comment number 28.
At 8th Jun 2009, Tangobaz went the wrong way outa Gatwick....need to take the M23 SOUTH to sunny Brighton...where me and the Hazel reside...
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Comment number 29.
At 8th Jun 2009, Tangobaz wrote:Ok OK OK....I get it, this is a girl thang about Yasmena ain't it....every bloke I know (excl sralan) wanted Kate to win and you lot all voted Yas!!!
Kate didn't put a foot wrong really....but you girlies don't like the attractive types do you....??
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Comment number 30.
At 8th Jun 2009, Penny_Forem wrote:Darce, thanks, just finding it difficult to get motivated, unlike me really. Hope things are ok with you and its good to see you enjoyed your lunch on Sunday, putting problems on the backburner for a while! Hope things improve very soon. Have you left him a list?
Pen xx
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Comment number 31.
At 8th Jun 2009, Penny_Forem wrote:TB - But S'ralan saw through the good looks!!
Lyndy - hope you and bump enjoy concert.
Pen xx
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Comment number 32.
At 8th Jun 2009, untalentedmrripley wrote:Whooze in da house?!!!!!
Good morning all,
Tango - Suralan and I parted company the same day that debs did....
How he could choose Yasmeena on the basis of last nights program is beyond me......I guess that'll be why I'm not purring around in a Phantom.
Hi Gingembre - hope you're well.
Lyndy - all I do each night is pray....Haha....have a blast!
Chris, can I be a tad contoversial.......I don't think that photo is taken on the M25 - looks more M3 to me.
Gently Bentley!!!
Finally - Who is this Deev of which you speak - never 'eard of 'er!!!
Only joking - welcome back sausage x
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Comment number 33.
At 8th Jun 2009, Darce wrote:Pen - no haven't left him a list. He'd have to get up early to beat me to it - I'm an early bird and have done everything by the time everybody else gets up!
Hope you get back your get up and go soon!
Lyndy - have a great time tonight - it will definately be a fantastic show.
Darce x
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Comment number 34.
At 8th Jun 2009, Tangobaz wrote:Morning Rips.....
AAAHHH I get it now TT= Take That....have a great time Lyndseeloooo
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Comment number 35.
At 8th Jun 2009, madcatian wrote:Hi Chris,
Sounds like you had a good weekend watching the telly. I loved, loved, loved the Candy Man song, couldn't stop singing it all weekend!
Enjoy your day,
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Comment number 36.
At 8th Jun 2009, CrimboDeevs wrote:TB
Funny you should say that .... my navigational skills deserted me on leaving the long stay par cark, ergo I ended up doing a lap of the Gatwick passenger drop-off concourse before finding the M23.
And Ms Love has said I can visit her any time in Brighton, so maybe a beer may be on the cards. We can discuss Axl Roses's weird facelift ....
Rips - you get me every time!
x x x x
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Comment number 37.
At 8th Jun 2009, Tangobaz wrote:Deev, would that be the tour of North or South terminal at LGW?
Would be fab if you could make it down souf some time Deevski..
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Comment number 38.
At 8th Jun 2009, hazel_love wrote:Good morning Christophe, and fellow coochie bears!
We don't give Sett room to BGT, AGT or the prentiss. Is all a bit much on the 'reality' front...and for Gawd's sake, BB has started now too. Wot delightful summer viewing.
I shall be winging my way to (and indeed out of) Gatwick on Sunday...forchunettly via the A/M23 though, not the dredded 25...Deev, if I'd known wot time you wuz landin', could've come and said hi...all those missed opportunities eh!
Re #36 I did indeed say those very words!
Baz, may not get on here again before tomorrow as am due to be closeted in a meeting from mid day, so see you at 3jb at 12.35...
Anyhoo, glad to see you all, Pen, hope you feel better matey!
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Comment number 39.
At 8th Jun 2009, CrimboDeevs wrote:Baz - twas the Sarf terminal.
Hazel - helllloooooooooo!!! Where is you jetting orf to babes?
I will, one day soon, wend my way dahn to Brighton. Promise!
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Comment number 40.
At 8th Jun 2009, Tangobaz wrote:Haze, c u there, will wait outside (if not raining) so we can move somewhere cooler...
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Comment number 41.
At 8th Jun 2009, Super Bagpuss wrote:hiya
lyndyloo and TT
To me TT will always stand for the world famous IOM TT races - currently happening - am following as much action as ITV4 and Mr bp (he hates bikes) will allow!
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Comment number 42.
At 8th Jun 2009, Super Bagpuss wrote:ps - welcome back Deev - made a little reference to you an t'opther blog - a music quote i think only you and me will appreciate!
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Comment number 43.
At 8th Jun 2009, Penny_Forem wrote:Thanks Hazel!
Speaking of BB...........nooooooooooooo. If only to miss shouty Davina! I'll be sitting on me patio, weather permitting, with glass in hand!
Pen xx
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Comment number 44.
At 8th Jun 2009, Tangobaz wrote:Penne Pasta....can I join you please, I hate, really hate BB....and fact there is very little in the beautiful world I hate and I actually don't like using the word 'hate', but BB brings out the worst in me...WHY would anyone want to watch it???
Deap breaths....and relax...
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Comment number 45.
At 8th Jun 2009, NotSoBigUn wrote:Morning bloggers and schlogger,
Sometimes I feel I live on a different planet! I have no idea who these apprentice are as I would not recognise them if I bumped into them in the street I feel unable to comment. In fact when I do occasionally what one of these celebrities shows I always have to ask who these people are. Quite often they are from one of the soapswell as the last time I watched Eastenders dirty Den was still in it (for the first time) you may understand why I get confused. :-) Each to their own I guess
As for the M25! I dislike traffic jams so much! I am always the first into the office as I try to beat the rush hour. I am planning my route to get to Oak Park golf club near Reading on Wednesday so that I miss the car park that is the M3. I may just have to leave really early and end up in a little chef for breakfast. ;-)
Welcome back Deevs! Xx
Lyndyloo, I hope you enjoy TT and the weather is kind to you. Xx
Keep smiling
The NotSoBigUn
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Comment number 46.
At 8th Jun 2009, Tangobaz wrote:Morning Dirty Den still in stenders??
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Comment number 47.
At 8th Jun 2009, butchers_wife wrote:afternoon Chris. The good news is that you can actually watch America's got talent a day earlier - we spent all Saturday afternoon watching whilst it rained outside. Saw the cutest 4 year old girl ever singin 'somewhere out there', had us all in tears!
America's got talent - a real guilty pleasure!
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Comment number 48.
At 8th Jun 2009, Simple with a dimple Sal wrote:Hi and Bye all heading off to work in a mo.
Bids ta for last post, you say some lovely things.x
She is sitting up and eating toast at the mo.
Have a god day all of you.
Be back to have a natter this evening.
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Comment number 49.
At 8th Jun 2009, NotSoBigUn wrote:Baz, apparently not.......?
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Comment number 50.
At 8th Jun 2009, BLYipE wrote:Afternoon 1 and all. Oo Chris I could NEVER live in the city. Rural life suits me just dandy. The only time you see vehicles on our road is if there has been a diversion!!!!!!
You should come and live in the lovely Scottish Borders for a couple of weeks, you would be so laid back you'd be (a little bit more) horizontal.
Lovely pace of life, lovely peeps and lovely lovely lovely scenery.
Your welcome at our pad anytime.
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Comment number 51.
At 8th Jun 2009, Simple with a dimple Sal wrote:Note to self...
Wear glasses when at puter!
Have a GOOD day even.
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Comment number 52.
At 8th Jun 2009, CrimboDeevs wrote:Lyndyloo
Have a fantabulous time at TT tonight ..... please don't exhaust Howard Donald. Just warm him up for me and I'll finish him off on 5th July!
Way to go!!!
x x x x
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Comment number 53.
At 8th Jun 2009, Errol wrote:Good afterneeon one and all.
Welcome back CtD, hope you had a fantastic time and are well tanned up, Mr D too. Now back to Scrab, your late by 8 days LOL, take your time really.
Being a male, regards to The App, I wanted Kate to win as I found her whole presentation and (from what others said on the TV) the chocolate taste much better than Yazmena's and I think I can speak for MW'a too that this was the case. I hold them both in high regard and the best woman won, I just thought the task was won by Kate!!!!!!!
As for BB, I have watched about half hour to an hour in total this year so far. I love Davina but the program sucks, I hope I dont slip backward and watch any more. I have sky so should be able to find a better show somewhere, even the wonderful childrens channels will be better.
Please cancel the show C$, it disturbs people lol
I agree with CLP on the AGT, I have only seen 1 show (the one Chris saw) and it was awesome but I would not say better than ours, on par maybe but thats it.
Anyhoooooooo peeps, I need to do some work, mwah to MW'a, see you later beautiful.
Errol xxx
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Comment number 54.
At 8th Jun 2009, Errol wrote:PS
The TT is awesome and if you ent been to the IOM, please go, you will love it any time of the year.
Errol xxx
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Comment number 55.
At 8th Jun 2009, CrimboDeevs wrote:Errol
I've been!
Deevs xx
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Comment number 56.
At 8th Jun 2009, Super Bagpuss wrote:Errol
TT is indeed amazing as is the IOM - have been before and had a fab couple of weeks!
The island deserves a visit by everyone
Super bp x
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Comment number 57.
At 8th Jun 2009, Penny_Forem wrote:TB #44 - Course you can, about 40 miles north!
Penne Pesto Pasta xx
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Comment number 58.
At 8th Jun 2009, Jakeygirl wrote:Hi all
Had to get in early this morning to get a load of preparation done for a 3 hour meeting, which is finally over!
Just scoffing down my lunch as fast as decently possible as I'm so hungry! I normally eat at 12.
Thanks for all your good wishes, just got a bit down last night, as I seem to be juggling loads of things at work and at home at the moment, and keep finding myself forgetting things. Mr JG not being much help unfortunately, but never mind.
Hugs to Beez, SBP, Darce, MTF and all the others feeling down, it'll feel better when the sun shines again!
I'd love to go to the IOM, it looks beautiful, but Mr JG never that keen, perhaps I should just book it anyway, but I think our hols are pretty much all planned now into next summer, due to the joys of fitting them around shifts!
Anyway, hope to catch you later, but definately back tonight
JG x
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Comment number 59.
At 8th Jun 2009, Manchester Calling wrote:Afternoon everyone,
Cold and chilly here today ,and heres me dressed for summer - note to myself, "get thermals out tonight" .
CTD - hiya , glad you had a great time , missed ya :-)))
Tango, #44 am with you on BB all the way - its just got to go into room 101 !!!
right, got to get my ickle brain round some queer queries this avro ! that'll be me quiet for a few hours ;-)
See you in a while crocodile ...
Mc xx
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Comment number 60.
At 8th Jun 2009, debshasjoined wrote:Just popping to say hello quickly to wish
Lyndy an awesome time tonight - wish I was coming with you - but seeing as I am seeing them twice next week that would be greedy - would it not!
hello everyone else and nice to see you've not forgotten how to blog Deevs! LOL
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Comment number 61.
At 8th Jun 2009, Tangobaz wrote:Welcome to the jungle baby!!!!
TB back 'n' rokkin'
MC correct room 101 for def....
Pesto Pen...that gotta stick. I like that!
CTD....Howard ay??? July 5th....norty step coming on....??
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Comment number 62.
At 8th Jun 2009, CrimboDeevs wrote:I love the norty step TB!!
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Comment number 63.
At 8th Jun 2009, Tangobaz wrote:Deev, now that just makes me wanna say something nortierrr, but not gonna, as this is a very polite well respected, correct Blogg...ain't that right?
Oh..Hi Debs...and all other TT fans..good, but not that good surely?? Must be a girl thang...again!!
Am I outnumbered or what?
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Comment number 64.
At 8th Jun 2009, butchers_wife wrote:cutest kid in the world on America's got talent!
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Comment number 65.
At 8th Jun 2009, Super Bagpuss wrote:TB
we have two TT strings running
all those in favour of the IOM TT - hands up!
Anyone fancy doing a TT fan venn diagram? I think Deevs in the middle
Super bp x
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Comment number 66.
At 8th Jun 2009, CrimboDeevs wrote:Take That in bike leathers ......
Interesting concept, n'est pas!?!?!
TB - that's what FB is for!
Deevs xx
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Comment number 67.
At 8th Jun 2009, B-sMum wrote:Just watched the boys being interviewed at the Ricoh arena on midlands news -yummy.
Beez xxx
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Comment number 68.
At 8th Jun 2009, Tangobaz wrote:Deevs, that went over me heeeed, what exactly is FB for?
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Comment number 69.
At 8th Jun 2009, SingleWelshFemale wrote:Happy Monday all,
Thanks so much for the AGT heads up!! Been missing BGT - one of my norty pleasures - so much, so I'll be looking for AGT in the schedules now!!
Lyndy - hope you have a fab time tonight. I'm going to see them next week, can't wait! Although getting a bit worried that I haven't had my tickets yet - Debs you're going on the 16th too aren't you? Have you had your tickets yet?
PS: Had an apology from my office nemesis on Friday for the way she spoke to me last week, so I guess holding my tounge with her paid off :-)
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Comment number 70.
At 8th Jun 2009, msScoobycat wrote:Afternoon..
welcome back Deevs..sounds like a blast was had!
Hope everyone else is keeping smiling and is coping ok with monday..
trying to catch up with life generally myself today..working 6 days this week so no day off to chill..big bottoms!
Add to the fact we got most of the way to Leicester to go to a car show yesterday and gave up 10 minutes away due to the horrible weather..turned around and promptly broke down 3 miles from home..waited 2 hrs for nice man to rescue us then car died again when at home.. not a good sunday really! But it really doesnt matter.. just one of those things you have to smile through!
Monday is more than 3/4 of the way thro..thats a bonus!
Enjoy the last quarter everyone!
mSc x
PS - hope everyone who was poorly is feeling bit better.. x
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Comment number 71.
At 8th Jun 2009, Tangobaz wrote:Scoobs...poor you, what a nightmare Sunday..there was I, falling asleep in the sun on Brighton beach....making me feel guilty now..
Tis Monday arternoon (mispelling intended) so downhill skiing from now on..
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Comment number 72.
At 8th Jun 2009, msScoobycat wrote:TB - it was NOT sunny on the M1 south i can guarantee that...lots of aquaplaning going on.. not good! Add to the fact i rang my sis (lives 5 minutes from my house) and she said `i`m just mowing the grass``d think we were in different countries not counties!
so yes...please feel guilty! hee hee.
mSc x
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Comment number 73.
At 8th Jun 2009, boleyngirl wrote:Afternoon.
Scoobs, that sounds like a complete nightmare, good on yer for remaining cheerful.
Not really enjoying my Monday, got a tummy bug and feeling a bit sorry for m'self.
LyndyLoo, have a fab time - I was offered a last minute chance to see them tomorrow (in Brimingham I suppose) but am working! Grrr. I have to confess they passed me by in the 90s - I was bringing up babies and going through my slaightly square Radio 4 phase with matching accessories. Love 'em now though.
I really fancy something lemony.
Beez etc - Alabaster - in me dreams! If only freckles were the way forward.
MC - Never mind thermals, am encased in fleece and fluff.
A x
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Comment number 74.
At 8th Jun 2009, Jakeygirl wrote:Right, have done some planning and scheming, and have added to my already overwhelming list of things to do....
YIPPEE!!! I'm going to my Mum's in Brecon for the weekend, and have a half day on Friday, so I can get there at a respectable hour!
Don't know if Mr JG's coming with me, but have arranged with his Mum to stop at ours to look after Finlay, so would guess he probably will, but that's up to him.
Finlay's not allowed at my Mum's has he as a tendancy to try to eat her ducks and chickens!
Can't wait!!
JG x
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Comment number 75.
At 8th Jun 2009, Jakeygirl wrote:has he as = as he has ....doh
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Comment number 76.
At 8th Jun 2009, boleyngirl wrote:JG - I remember singing a song at junior school that went "Down from the hills of Brecon, flew a hungry heron." Make sure you don't have any sardines in your pocket.
A x
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Comment number 77.
At 8th Jun 2009, pip7890 wrote:That's good news JG. You sound like you could do with a break. Enjoy!
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Comment number 78.
At 8th Jun 2009, msScoobycat wrote:oh yes..Lyndyloo - have a fab time tonight..good to introduce the Bump to some decent music! to another practice now.. will hopefull be back later..right before the gorgeous Gene Genie..monday nights will never be the same after tonight!
mSc x
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Comment number 79.
At 8th Jun 2009, Tangobaz wrote:JG, who is Finlay, your son???
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Comment number 80.
At 8th Jun 2009, Jakeygirl wrote:Baz - Finlay's my dog, and a mad and naughty one at that!
Lyndy - hope you have a fab time tonight, I'm going on the 27th in Manchester. I must admit they passed me by the first time too, but love them now!
Boleyn - I've never heard that one before, I'll ask Mum.
PiP - thanks, yes, I definately need it!!!
JG x
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Comment number 81.
At 8th Jun 2009, Tangobaz wrote:mSc...NNNNOOOOOOOO is it last time for Mr Hunt tonight??? Ashes to Ashes, dust to dust....this will leave a void so huge!!!
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Comment number 82.
At 8th Jun 2009, B-sMum wrote:ha ha ha Tango that made me laugh - Finlay eats ducks and chickens!!! JG's son!!!!
Beez xxx
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Comment number 83.
At 8th Jun 2009, B-sMum wrote:Yup Tango - last time the quattro will be fired up tonight. Boo hoo
Beez xxx
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Comment number 84.
At 8th Jun 2009, angieblogger wrote:Hi Chris, I loved the apprentice, so glad that Yasmina won, brillant.
Couldnt cope with all that traffic on m25,
nightmare,Saw that guy Americas got talent, he was great .
love to all. x
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Comment number 85.
At 8th Jun 2009, Tangobaz wrote:JG...did guess that, only made the comment for comedy's sake...I shouldn't have bothered should I?? up yet??
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Comment number 86.
At 8th Jun 2009, Penny_Forem wrote:TB - don't give up the day job!
PPP xx
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Comment number 87.
At 8th Jun 2009, U11733486 wrote:Ello CLP Boy, Ello Ter ALL Boys And Girls Of The Blog (just in case some think my sentiment there iz patronising... it's noot mean't ter be, just mean't ter make ALL feel young.... the boys and girls bit!!!)
Bingo Star ere.....
CLP - The VERY first Apprentice a dicovered it az a small 91Èȱ¬2 programme when it waz unknown and watched it and loved it!!!!!!
But know, sorry now, it gets RAMMED down our throats.... on noot just for an 'our but the talkie bits afterwards etc, etc, etc DAMN IT etc..... a don't watch it anymore!!!!!!!!
Plus whatta loada prats!!!!!!!!!
Remind me of typical shallow now, sorry know, it all managers that yer get in all walks of life all on a power ego trip.... and they get there by pooing on others ter get their success at the expense of others failiure!!!!!!!!
Ave a failed ter spell failiure correeeectly????.... Who cares!!!!!!
Ave goot more important issues ter sort ere...... sorry need ter chill!!!!!!
BIG respect ter Sir Alan.... that man although a ruthless businessman...... 'e 'as goot special talent and ter come from a poor background...... Sir Alan Sugar iz one of those rare individuals with alotta talent!!!!!!!!!!
Az for 'is apprentices..... 'e'll NEVER find anyone az talented az 'imself!!!!!!!
PS Most of the apprentices.... remind me of..... Tony Blairs.... god 'elp us!!!!!!!!!!
Rant over!!!!!!
PS CLP - VERY nice photo..... am trying ter work out from yer bonnet what car yer in............ mmmmmmnnnn??????@@???
Looks like........ a 'urse!!!!!!!!
CLP.... do ave you just bought yersen a BIG black 'urse???????
Looooks like it from the bonnet angle!!!!!!!!!!!!
GOURANGA 2009 And Further!!!!!!!!
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Comment number 88.
At 8th Jun 2009, U11733486 wrote:#87 A very fouraite number of mine but too nerdy ter explain fully why..... it'll only drop me blog stature very down..... noot that ave goot any blog stature!!!!!!
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Comment number 89.
At 8th Jun 2009, Tangobaz wrote:Thanks for that starchy so and xx
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Comment number 90.
At 8th Jun 2009, hellenbach1 wrote:Hiya Chris,
I think Simon Cowell just has got it right.
Remember all those Telly programmes you just got right, I still remember TGIF with great affection.
I wish I could do that!!
Is there still time?
Hells x
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Comment number 91.
At 8th Jun 2009, debshasjoined wrote:SWF - no tickets yet here either - going to give it to tomorrow then bombard ticketmaster - along with 40,000 others LOL!
going both days now since I saw how amazing it was on the daily mail site - Deevs take a look AWESOME!!!
Bingo - of course you have blog stature - one of the geniuses/genii? on here.
I took was not a Take That fan first time around, liked their music 2nd time around but was totally won over when I saw them at the O2 on new years eve 07/08
oh 7 days and counting.....
right back to boring work ahem
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Comment number 92.
At 8th Jun 2009, Tangobaz wrote:Hells Bells.....what's TGIF....surely TFIF is what you are referring to..n'est pas?
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Comment number 93.
At 8th Jun 2009, debshasjoined wrote:Oh DUR!
forgot to say to all bloggers - there is a Bristol meet on 5th September for all interested in joining us - check out CLP bloggers on FB for details!
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Comment number 94.
At 8th Jun 2009, Tangobaz wrote:Debs...where's Bristol?
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Comment number 95.
At 8th Jun 2009, NotSoBigUn wrote:Debs,
I know I have not replied on FB regarding the Bristol meet but I am not able to make the 5th. I will reply when I am at home (Not able to do the FB thing through the work pooter). I am taking part in the Cotswold triathlon that weekend. Sorry. :-(
The NotSoBigUn
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Comment number 96.
At 8th Jun 2009, debshasjoined wrote:TB - are you serious????
Near Wales at the bit where the M5 and M4 meet
Keith wot a shame - but good luck with that triathlon - sure you fancy that above chilling out and chatting?
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Comment number 97.
At 8th Jun 2009, pip7890 wrote:Why don't they put a tracker on calculators? Then when you lose them you can phone them or something and they beep to tell you under which pile of papers they are hidden?
Just a thought.
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Comment number 98.
At 8th Jun 2009, debshasjoined wrote:PiP - get onto the Dragons with that one! I'll come and support you - I'll be the nerdy one that cant make the gadget work.......
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Comment number 99.
At 8th Jun 2009, pip7890 wrote:lol - I'm sure there'll be something like it out there, although I've never seen it. SBP have you seen anything like that?
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Comment number 100.
At 8th Jun 2009, Tangobaz wrote:Debs #96....corse not serious...bonny Bristol...luv it..don't you Welsh lot have a sense of humour....?
Just FYI, my middle name is Evan (had an uncle who was Evan Evans...what a name!!), so I can take the pee and not feel guilty.
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