And then there was calm.
Last night was the first night since we had Noah that...
... we actually had some kind of idea of what we were doing.
Every day, every hour, every minute with him, is an exponential learning curve, just as you master one thing along come another ten to bamboozle you.
Last night however, we had no one round, I arrived home from work at the right time, we were all as we should be, so we had a stab at our new "normal" night.
This is... Noah asleep, mummy relaxing having a first look at the crossword and dad making the dinner.
I love to cook, Tash loves to eat my food and Noah loves sleeping, so everyone was happy except ! At the very moment I was serving Tash her tray of tucker Noah decides he wants to have dinner with mummy and daddy too.
So, what do you do ? You return the grown ups food to the kitchen and serve the little man that's what. And then an hour later when he's replete and settled back down again, you have yours.
Alright it may be cold now, as well as soggy in this case (it was pasta) and it may now be ten o'clock and sure your one allotted glass of wine may be long gone and you may just want to go to bed but when your family is in such a good place every mouthful tastes oh so sweet.
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Comment number 1.
At 18th Feb 2009, derbyfi wrote:Another lovely blog Chris - long may it last.
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Comment number 2.
At 18th Feb 2009, Penny_Forem wrote:Great Blog Chris - yes I remember it well and you will soon get used to cold food 'cause babies have this knack of wanting their food at the same time as you. But hey that's what it's all about.
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Comment number 3.
At 18th Feb 2009, derbyfi wrote:True Penny - but I got very good at one-handed eating whilst it was still quite warm but not so hot as to burn the baby if dropped!
Then as they get older you have to resist the temptation to eat up all the half sandwiches and other bits they leave behind - how many mums gain weight from having a 'waste not want not' mentality I wonder?
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Comment number 4.
At 18th Feb 2009, diddydoddy wrote:Chris
Thats how you know God is a man because a woman would have given us 3 arms!
Another thing nobody tells you babys have a built in sensor for when your plate hits the table!
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Comment number 5.
At 18th Feb 2009, roidy0606 wrote:Hehehe, oh how i remember those days!!
It gets much more complicated as babies get older and they don't just sleep all the time - I think me and my other half had food on a rota basis for 2 years!!
Still, none of these things matter when you get a toothy grin first thing in the morning and a little later on, I lub you mummy xxxxxxx
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Comment number 6.
At 18th Feb 2009, definitelynotinebbwanymorebeth wrote:Ahh Chris.....
The memories are flooding back!
Christmas 2007 we had a selfish day - littl'un was only 6 weeks old - and we ended up having xmas dinner at 10pm, it was cooked at 7pm!!
They just seem to know......and as they get older it just gets worse, as my boy always wants what I'm having, even if it's the same as his!
New mums definitley need a third hand, and Tash will get very good at eating/drinking over Noah's head!
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Comment number 7.
At 18th Feb 2009, RamblingCornish wrote:it is lovely when you start to think things are getting back to what will now be normal!
but it is right that babies seem to know exactly when you are sitting down with that fork poised at your lips!! get a bouncy chair to put him in while you are eating and bounce it with your foot. you still might need to eat at the speed of light but it should keep him quiet for a while!!
CG xx
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Comment number 8.
At 18th Feb 2009, foodchat wrote:Good morning Tash Chris and Noah,
Loving the blog, I remember those days. Now being a granny of two is great and another one in six week time or so. enjoy everyday they grow up so quick.
All have a good day.
Love Leigh
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Comment number 9.
At 18th Feb 2009, hazel_love wrote:...Christophe...the word that stuck out for me was 'normal'...
I also like the word 'routine' and it seems that everyone is always told that they should get their new babe into a 'routine'.
Whether you do, or whether you don't, the boy is always going to come first...which as you mentioned previously in your pecking exactly as it should be.
Your life will never be 'normal' again...and why would you want it to be...really???
Anyhoo, soggy pasta, stirred around in a bit of butter, salt and pepper...couple of toms, few bits of courgette...
cold and delishus
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Comment number 10.
At 18th Feb 2009, Lilly wrote:Chris
I remember those days so well, as long as the little man gets what he wants when he wants it, nothing else seems to matter!
Its so good to hear life is sweet with you all!
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Comment number 11.
At 18th Feb 2009, ChrissieSagain wrote:Chris,
This journey that we are on with you, Tash and Noah is just so lovely - thanks for sharing it with us!
Trust me, Noah will have you bamboozled for a long time to come. Babies are always changing the rules of the game - you think you have a handle on things, but the very next day, everything is different! Keeps things interesting!
C xx
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Comment number 12.
At 18th Feb 2009, RamblingCornish wrote:nothing wrong with normal in my view - its just a different normal now, one which includes noah!! and there is definitely something to be said for knowing where you are in the day - routines are meant to be broken but if you don't have some sort of normality then its chaos!
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Comment number 13.
At 18th Feb 2009, Dan the Man wrote:Happy hump day every one!!!!!!!!!!
Fast and furiuos in the electricity contract round today so, must dash!!!
DtM x
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Comment number 14.
At 18th Feb 2009, scorpioIronjude wrote:In ten years time, you will still be able to eat pasta but you'll never get this time again.
Enjoy every second. xxx
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Comment number 15.
At 18th Feb 2009, Penny_Forem wrote:#3
drop the baby df, tut tut!! LOL
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Comment number 16.
At 18th Feb 2009, ClearBlueSkies1 wrote:Chris, I've watched and listened to your shows for years and I read your blog daily, but have never commented till now.
Your shows make me laugh out loud and your blog makes me think, but recently reading your blog about your lovely family and little Noah has moved me to tears.
When my daughter was born I remember just looking at her for hours, thinking she was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen in my life, and amazed that I made her - I can't even make a lasagne! She's 6 now, still the most beautiful thing ever, and I still sit in her room some nights watching her sleep. Unconditional love is truly amazing.
It's been an absolute joy and privilege to read your blog, and I wanted to thank you for sharing it.
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Comment number 17.
At 18th Feb 2009, CrimboDeevs wrote:I made the "mistake" of dropping something off at my sis-in-laws at tea-time when my nephew was a toddler: queue "Auntie Cheryl would love to feed baby, wouldn't she".
Never seen such a mess in my life - even worse than me with bbq spare ribs - food everywhere except in the little blighters' chops!
Meanwhile, sis-in-law and her hubby enjoyed a blissful meal with new auntie feeder as the cabaret!
pass the bib ....
Deev x x x x
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Comment number 18.
At 18th Feb 2009, Penny_Forem wrote:Hope you feel better soon, Cheryl. Just caught up on blogs! Mr 'Penny' has been home for a couple of days on leave and I never get chance to read it - in fact don't get much opportunity to do anything with him under my feet!!
Now, really must tackle the pile of ironing that's crawling up the wall!!
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Comment number 19.
At 18th Feb 2009, CrimboDeevs wrote:Thanks Penny. On the plus side, I've somehow lost a stone in the last 4 weeks, so not all bad! Just wish I could stop coughing and get some sleep! xx
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Comment number 20.
At 18th Feb 2009, valleysviz wrote:Gosh I remember it all so well, even though my youngest is now 12! We used to frequent a local restaurant where one of the waitresses loved to cuddle babe, it seemed the only way we could eat in peace... motherhood (and fatherhood) is wonderful.
Can tell you are now a father though Chris, your blogs seem to be appearing a good 2 hours earlier in the morning that they used to! The joys of early mornings, never mind another 12 years or so and he'll turn into a teenager and you'll never get him out of bed in the mornings.
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Comment number 21.
At 18th Feb 2009, Penny_Forem wrote:Cheryl, it's a well known saying in our family when someone is feeling poorly, "well at least we will lose some weight"!
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Comment number 22.
At 18th Feb 2009, CrimboDeevs wrote:LOL Penny. I had the "proper flu" late 2007 - my WW leader throught I'd had surgery!!
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Comment number 23.
At 18th Feb 2009, derbyfi wrote:Re #15 - you know what I meant Pen (I hope!)
I never actually did drop mine but I can remember being terrified of doing so when I first held my nephew, about 4 years earlier. That immense responsibility of holding such a small, precious and seeminglyslippery thing in your hands!
And valleysviz is so right about teenagers and their allergies to mornings..............and girls are just as bad as boys I reckon. Only when they do eventually get up they also then hog the bathroom for ages!
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Comment number 24.
At 18th Feb 2009, CrimboDeevs wrote:Just wait til you forget you have a baybeeee with you CLP and leave Noah outside a shop or somewhere similarly daft!
Bro-in-law did that - only the once mind!
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Comment number 25.
At 18th Feb 2009, Penny_Forem wrote:I did indeed df, it just made me chuckle.
#22 lol Cheryl (the surgery bit, not the flu!!
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Comment number 26.
At 18th Feb 2009, definitelynotinebbwanymorebeth wrote:df - not looking forward to the teenage years.....
t'other half is not a morning person, and i think the boy is gonna be the same....I can see myself wandering rond the house by myself until mid morning in a few years.......
actually that sounds quite good!!
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Comment number 27.
At 18th Feb 2009, B-sMum wrote:Aaaah isn't that lovely. Christoph - that's what microwaves are for.......
Cheryl (((((((((((())))))))))))))))
Beesmum xxx
Morning to everyone else - just -
all hell breaking loose here - again! Back later.
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Comment number 28.
At 18th Feb 2009, derbyfi wrote:eb - it is, except on school days!
My neighbours must think I'm awful as our youngest sleeps in the attic and I holler up the stairs at ever-increasing volumes - but going right up there every time would be like doing a steps class every day!
My stepson was even worse and once got the dripping wet freezing cold flannel treatment from his Dad - who was fed up of nearly being made late for work by him as they had to leave the house together!!
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Comment number 29.
At 18th Feb 2009, definitelynotinebbwanymorebeth wrote:My mum is always gone on about me in the mornings
apparently I would be up early, but would then lose one shoe, just the one, as we had to leave, it used to drive my mum bonkers!!
All I have to contend with at the moment is making sure he's got his trucks with him (very possessive even at 15 months!), oh and catching him to actually get him dressed - why does no-one tell you that toddlers don't toddle, they run, fast!
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Comment number 30.
At 18th Feb 2009, derbyfi wrote:eb - as previously mentioned here, I had to get the bus to secondary school and I soon learned that as Mum didn't drive and Dad had left for his work in totally the opposite direction 20 minutes earlier, I either had to be organised and get to the stop on time or be late and get into big trouble!
Mind you, if I had £5 for every time I dashed down the hill and just caught it by the skin of my teeth I'd be a wealthy woman!
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Comment number 31.
At 18th Feb 2009, diddydoddy wrote:ebbwbeth
I am the only 'morning' person in our house and that quiet time early on a weekend can be bliss!
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Comment number 32.
At 18th Feb 2009, CrimboDeevs wrote:Hey - just an off-piste thought .....
Isn't Matt (MfR) due back from hollibobs and due to get inked today?
Ooooh. 'citing!
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Comment number 33.
At 18th Feb 2009, derbyfi wrote:No idea Chezza but he's been absent awhile.
Hey - this illness you've got couldn't be linked to a reaction to yours could it? Hope not!
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Comment number 34.
At 18th Feb 2009, hazel_love wrote:Re being left outside a shop, my mum was told to leave me outside the my big ol' carriage pram...because I was under 18. Truly.
...I'm quite looking forward to the blog entitled 'You know it's time to get some sleep when you're dipping your elbow into the water hazards on the golf course to make sure they're not too hot...'
A way off yet I think.
But it just crossed my mind...
Badgers aren't very good in the morning either.
except if it's still the night before
fi, I'm sure Penny does know...made me larf too!
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Comment number 35.
At 18th Feb 2009, derbyfi wrote:We all need a good laugh Hazel - especially when preparing to be re-sett-led!!
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Comment number 36.
At 18th Feb 2009, CrimboDeevs wrote:Derbyfi - no, I know exactly where this lurgi came from ....
Remember the mad Saturday night Moet fest I had recently? Well, the birthday boy on that night was suffering with a lurgi and when he gave me a drunken birthday "snog" (ugh!!) I jested that he'd be in Big Trub if I caught him lurg ...
Ohhhhhh how we laughed .......
x x x
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Comment number 37.
At 18th Feb 2009, derbyfi wrote:Oh you'll make him pay for that one!
Get well soon.
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Comment number 38.
At 18th Feb 2009, U13836888 wrote:Times have changed since my Dickensian times.
You would not see my husband a mile away from a dirty nappy as for making a meal now that would have been a novelty.
Can't switch the washer on or iron a shirt either.
You young gals don't realise how lucky you are.
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Comment number 39.
At 18th Feb 2009, CrimboDeevs wrote:Opinions please gang ....
Have any of you tried the "new" varieties of crisps form that famous Leicester based company?
Thus far I've imbibed in the onion bhaji ones - very nice, but be warned, if you're part of a couple, you both have to have a packet, if you know what I mean.
Now "tackling" (literally) the builders breakfast one. I have to say they are the most bizarre crisps I have ever had the displeasure of tasting. They are definitely consigned to the bin. Now. Mr Deev had a bag of them yesterday and warned me not to get too excited ....
Looking forward to the chilli chocolate ones best. Chocolate with chilli in works really well so why not crisps.
Hey ho!
Deev x x
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Comment number 40.
At 18th Feb 2009, Aliwesty wrote:Nice Blog Chris - thanks for the insight into your life with Baby Noah - sounds wonderful. I said a few blogs back that I wasn't jealous at all, but may be I am a little bit now :)
Deev, Been meaning to try the crisps but every corner shop I've been into hasn't had them. I will keep looking, I like the sound of the crispy duck one. Hope you feel better soon.
Happy Hump Day Everyone
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Comment number 41.
At 18th Feb 2009, meandjumpingbean wrote:Haha - Chris, it won't be long before Tash masters the art of feeding and eating at the same time! The little jumpybean has a great knack of knowing just when food is dished up, and wants to join in the family eatingness. It's very cute, if a little wearing on the arms... it helps to be ambidextrous too!
Ah Roidy - that grin first thing in the morning makes the stumble out of bed to the cot ALL worth while don't it :D I still only get a gummy grin, but it's a grin nonetheless!
ClearBlueSkies - I still look at the jumpybean and am just incredulous that I made him. I've never made anything so perfect in my life :) I rarely actually finish making things, so this is an achievement and then some for me!
Ah - Cheryl, was it your bro-in-law that left baby and dog outside post office and came home with only dog? Or something similar? I remember someone posting a story like that while me and HighlandLass were pregnant, I was convinced I was going to do something similar. Incredibly (and somewhat relievedly) it's not happened yet!
Hurrah the babe's asleep, so I'm off to heat up the soup (carrot and coriander, since you ask, homemade yesterday) and drink it from a mug. That's the sensible thing to do ain't it :)
and the jumpybean
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Comment number 42.
At 18th Feb 2009, happycolette wrote:Not being able to have children its so lovely to share in your day to day account of you and your little one, it makes me feel part of a wonderful thing, thankyou so much for sharing
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Comment number 43.
At 18th Feb 2009, CrimboDeevs wrote:Jumpy - yes it was! Said baby is 5 now and bro-in-law is still constantly reminded of his faux-pas!
Enjoy the soup!
Deev xx
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Comment number 44.
At 18th Feb 2009, derbyfi wrote:Back again, just briefly............with a message for Bondy when he appears.
My disappearing act last night clearly did the trick for England as they only had 5 wickets down at the time. So I'll try to use my influence again today and hope that lightening strikes twice!
Have a good afternoon everyone and I'll be checking in here whilst listening to Chris later on.
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Comment number 45.
At 18th Feb 2009, angieblogger wrote:Chris, i love your show you make me laugh,
everyday i so enjoy reading your blog,somedays it brings tears to my eyes i love hearing about your beautiful son Noah.It brings back happy memories of when i had my children,now there grown up ,and ive got grandsons
Love to you all x
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Comment number 46.
At 18th Feb 2009, Thunderclap wrote:Be careful df.
Strauss didnt enforce the follow on so it could be our wickets falling whilst you are off enjoying yourself.
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Comment number 47.
At 18th Feb 2009, chickenprincess wrote:love reading the blog I am reliving all my memories of my children through fresh eyes wonderful things memories
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Comment number 48.
At 18th Feb 2009, Bond007 wrote:Morning/Afternoon everyone from upstate NY,
Hope you're all well. Looks like we're going to miss the snow storm we were supposed to get today. it's supposed to track further south so we're just supposed to get rain........
Hi CtD, I thought Chris and crew tried them a couple of weeks back and there were mixed results..... The chocy ones were a NO, but I think they liked the builders breakfast.... they probably won't filter there way over here. You can't get that brand in the US..... sigh!!!
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Comment number 49.
At 18th Feb 2009, Bond007 wrote:Thunder, I was surprise we didn't enforce the follow on. I understand the reason why is that we have a couple of bowlers (Flintoff and one other) that are "hurting" so they needed a rest. 44-1 this morning.....
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Comment number 50.
At 18th Feb 2009, Penny_Forem wrote:Hello Bondy, if I may call you that?
Mild, but cloudy, here in the deepest south (of England, that is!)
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Comment number 51.
At 18th Feb 2009, CrimboDeevs wrote:Bondy
I'd send you a packet but Customs and Excise would probably destroy them on the grounds of how bad they are!
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Comment number 52.
At 18th Feb 2009, Bond007 wrote:Hi Penny, Of course you can.....
Rain hasn't started here yet, but the clouds are moving in. Temp is around 30 degrees fahrenheit at the moment. What is the temp where you are?
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Comment number 53.
At 18th Feb 2009, Aliwesty wrote:Bondy,
I love Lays crisps, especially the bbq ones. In my humble opinion just as good as Walkers (other crisps are available!)
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Comment number 54.
At 18th Feb 2009, U11733486 wrote:Greetings Ter CLP And Family.... And INDEED ALL Blog Operatatives.....
Bingo Star ere......
CLP - Whatta coincidence.... a 'ad pasta last neet.... but mine waz 'ot!!!!!!
All a can say CLP... if yer cooooking the meals don't coook oysters!!!! Well actually do coook oysters.... that's the problem with oysters... usually they're noot cooooked - know what am sayin'!!!!!!
PS 'ow's Noah's golf swing coming on???? Surely by the end of this week 'e should be 'itting it 14 down the middle.... 14 yards!!!!!
Okay all..... ere's me BIG 'Bingo Star Brain Wave' a 'ad over the weekend..... okay... it's me maddest idea yet, could be the one ter send me permenantly inter re'ab.... but sometimes yer gotta get crazy ter stay sane - know what am sayin'!!!!!!
A waz thinking.... what do a do with me Sir Tom Jones signed London A ter Z.... then it 'it me... and 'it me BIG..... BIG INDEED!!!!!
What if everytime a BIG star appears on CLP's show or Wrighite's... they ave ter sign The Bingo Star London A ter Z!!!!!!!
Sounds MAD..... but read on......
Imagine 'ow many names a could get in it..... 200 pages.... imagine it full of the biggest stars 'graphs!!!!!
Imagine the names a could get... starting with ALL of U2... including Bono and The Edge... Tiger Woods... Macca.... Lewis 'amilton.... Prince Andrew would be easy... 'e's always walking around the golf championships.... Prince William... now that would be a difficult one but whatta 'graph ter get... the future king!!!!
I'm sure most celebs would sign it in the name of charity!!!
Imagine it... this would then become the most valuable London A ter Z.... the A ter Z being a British institution in itself... it's one of the most famous map books in the world,,, AND the city of London one too!!!!
Which a could then auction off for The 2017 Children In Need!!!!@@@!@!!@!@@!@!!!!!! (Take me that long ter fill it - only the biggest stars in me A ter Z!!!)
Mind you nowing, sorry knowing my luck... the last damn C.I.N. would be the 2016!!!!
So what would it be worth??? 2k..... 5k..... 10k??? Maybe even a crazy collector might pay more?? 50k... too much??.... probally! Yer never know though.... gotta try!!!
Mind you knowing my luck 'no bids' and i'll end up buying me own A ter Z for two 'undred quid... nyyyaaa!
AND imagine all the fun a would ave.... meeting all those top celebs!!!!
It would be abit of a 'obby and az a travel ter London alot... it wouldn't be that difficult!!!!
AND a wouldn't feel like a saddo with no life or a mad stalker with no life.... az it's in the words of Smash 'n Nicey.... "it's all for charithee... MATE!!!!!"
AND ironically.... could the A ter Z show me the route ter CLP's studio even though.... it's noot marked in the A ter Z!!!!!!!
Any ideas blog friends???? CLP????
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Comment number 55.
At 18th Feb 2009, Bond007 wrote:CtD....LOL We get flavours like buffalo chicken and blue cheese.... which actually aren't bad if you like it spicy..... crisps (or chips as they call them here) that is.....
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Comment number 56.
At 18th Feb 2009, Bond007 wrote:AliBaba, we just don't the the variety of flavours here which is a shame......
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Comment number 57.
At 18th Feb 2009, hazel_love wrote:...well now...our mate sent in the Chocolate and Chilli suggestion...but yer man at the W place said that the photo he sent in wasn't quite the image that W wanted to represent. Our mate in a black t-shirt and jeans, lying on his sofa, with his dog, and eating a bag of crisps.
Perhaps if he'd been hula-hooping along the prom wearing an itsy bitsy teeny weeny thongette in bilious yellow whilst simultaneously peeling grapes with his toes they may have credited him on the web site.
who knows
x you've started with the puns, I'm expecting loads more...
...and the Builders ones are gopping muck. They get a big ick bleurgh.
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Comment number 58.
At 18th Feb 2009, CrimboDeevs wrote:Hazel
I can only liken the Builders ones to how a gas leak would taste.
Deev x x x
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Comment number 59.
At 18th Feb 2009, Penny_Forem wrote:Bondy
10c which is about 50f.....I think!! No doubt I'll be corrected on that haha
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Comment number 60.
At 18th Feb 2009, Aliwesty wrote:Bondy,
Agree, although with all the flavours we have I still always choose Prawn Cocktail! Sometimes too much choice isn't a good thing.
P.S. I also love Apple Jacks and stock up on a couple of boxes each time I visit my friend. Never had any trouble getting them through customs, they just think I'm a bit mad :)
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Comment number 61.
At 18th Feb 2009, definitelynotinebbwanymorebeth wrote:Bondy,
I worked in the states for a bit a long time ago - what are the 'chips' that are a bit like wotsits, but much, much better........have good memories of those.....
As for the w's - I was warned by the women in my newsagents to NEVER, EVER, try the Cajun Squirrel!!
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Comment number 62.
At 18th Feb 2009, Bond007 wrote:Hi eb..... I think you might be referring to cheatos..... they're pretty good. Cajun squirrel just sounds wrong....
AliBaba, haven't had the prawn cocktail crisps for ages. They were one of my favs though. Along with cheese and onion and bovril....... My really fav is salt and vinegar though. Strangely enough that is a flavour that has only become mainstream here in the last 5 to 10 years......
Penny, 50 degrees, that must feel like spring. Almost all of our snow has melted away, which is unusual for this time of year......
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Comment number 63.
At 18th Feb 2009, CrimboDeevs wrote:Well I'm really insulting my taste buds today .... now moved on to cherry tunes. disgusting!!!
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Comment number 64.
At 18th Feb 2009, Bond007 wrote:Tuuuuunnnnneeeeeessssssss!!!!!!!!
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Comment number 65.
At 18th Feb 2009, definitelynotinebbwanymorebeth wrote:Thanx Bondy, they be the ones, very good shared around bonfires..........
The other thing was vanilla flavoured Coffee Mate....aaahhh! I don't understand why they don't do it over here.
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Comment number 66.
At 18th Feb 2009, hazel_love wrote:Cajun Squirrel? Didn't even see those.
"According to an expression of the region, Cajuns live to eat, not eat to live. Outside Louisiana the distinctions between Cajun and Louisiana Creole cuisine have been blurred. However, Creole dishes tend to be more sophisticated continental cuisine using local produce and seafood. Cajun food is rural, more seasoned, sometimes spicy, and tends to be more hearty. Many well-known Cajun dishes originally were centered on wild game, rice and other local ingredients.
Since most Cajuns were farmers and not especially wealthy, they were known for not wasting any part of a butchered animal. Cracklins are a popular snack made by frying pork skins and boudin is created from the ground-up leftover parts of a hog after the best meat is taken, which is mixed with cooked rice. It is usually formed into a sausage but can also be rolled in a ball and deep fried."
So how do they cook a squirrel then?
...and frankly CtD, I'm not surprised you're still poorly. Good grief girl. And you'll probably cut your tongue on a sharp bit.
or is that just spangles
Bondy - overnight rain and fog approximately five degrees and a 60 per cent chance of precipitation.
And the daffs are coming up.
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Comment number 67.
At 18th Feb 2009, Bond007 wrote:eb, vanilla is one of many coffee mate flavours available here of course........
cricket now 72-2, just lost night watchman Andersen for 20.....
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Comment number 68.
At 18th Feb 2009, Bond007 wrote:hazel, sounds like spring is on the way....... I don;t think we'll be as fortunate. It's not uncommon to have a snow in late March and even a white Easter.......
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Comment number 69.
At 18th Feb 2009, hazel_love wrote:6th April last year we had snow. The day my new black car was being delivered...and he'd just had it valeted...covered in motorway salt it was...I went for a walk on the beach and watched people making snowmen down by the sea.
It was just on that one day that we had snow last year mind you.
...and of course, if we get any heavy frosts, all the daffs and crokies that are pokin' thru at the moment will just turn into hard green spikes and let's hope we don't get any eh!
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Comment number 70.
At 18th Feb 2009, Matt wrote:Typical.
I slope off to the beach for a few days and it all kicks off.
Belated congratulations Chris and Natasha, and a warm welcome to the world to Noah. That comes from both of us, with love.
So. A game of two halves, eh?
Yesterday, I was snorkeling in the Caribbean Sea and came face to face with a rather large Stingray, I kid you not, a moment that will stay with me for a long, long time. Today, after getting in at 5 this morning, I have, ahem, 'purchased a new piece of art'. Cheryl knows what I mean.
It was a wonderful week. Now we've been to a few places, but this was awesome. I won't mention it by name because I don't want to contribute to it losing the 'hidden treasure' charm that it has, but if anyone is thinking about a trip to SL, I'm sure we can work out a way of passing the information on. Heck, I may even dust off my account on that Faceache thing.
Needless to say, I am rather tired, so if you will forgive me, I have a sore arm to attend to and about 40 hours of sleep to catch up on. Even the prospect of monitoring what happens tonight at Old Trafford seems unlikely.
Peace chaps.
As they say in the Caribbean, 'erryting is irie, mon'.
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Comment number 71.
At 18th Feb 2009, Bond007 wrote:welcome back MFR......
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Comment number 72.
At 18th Feb 2009, ChrissieSagain wrote:Hi all:
I am so busy at work, I really could cry! It's all admin at the moment and it is so boring - why oh why have I been working in an office since I was 16?! I wanted to work in tv and movies, as a continuity "expert". What did I do instead? Became a secretary - what a nutter!
Anyway, to the question in hand: 007 - are you able to buy Wise Potato Chips in your part of the world? I do know they are only available on the east coast, so I just wondered. I ate mountains of them when I was a slip of a girl - delicious!
Incidentally, I still have not had a single crisp - must be about 5 weeks now, I honestly have lost track - and I am not going back to them - they are evil for me!
C xx
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Comment number 73.
At 18th Feb 2009, B-sMum wrote:Stop with the food stuff - was so busy I forgot to eat any lunch. I'm starving.
Talking of A-Z's and London - (Bingo) I have finally got round to booking myself in to the hotel for the blog meet on 4th April !
Beesmum xxx
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Comment number 74.
At 18th Feb 2009, DWNB01 wrote:I've been away for a while..... my two babies have grown in to wonderful teenagers, who are both going thru their own angst just now, so Mummy time is a little less than normal.
How lovely to read back your blogs Chris, you have been absorbed into fatherhood exactly as you should have been.
We didn't panick about our two when they were babes in arms, and just enjoyed every moment they provided us with - diarho explosions from the neck, face pee'ing, the permanent sick smell on the shoulder, the boobs leaking at innapropriate moments. Both of us shared the delight, and to our joy, our kids have turned out to be absolute gems.... the sorts of kids other people say "i wish mine were as ......... as yours.
The best advice I can offer Chris, is keep doing exactly what you are doing. Unconditional Love to Both baby and Mommy and you will be absolutely fine.
DWNB with a waggy tail.
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Comment number 75.
At 18th Feb 2009, definitelynotinebbwanymorebeth wrote:Chrissie.
I know wha you mean about admin, and I've only been doing it 5years (with a baby break)...we're trying to archive years of stuff, most of which I don't even know what it is.........I never want to see an archive box again!
But just had tea and bourbon break, and now it's nearly home time - YAY!
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Comment number 76.
At 18th Feb 2009, B-sMum wrote:Welcome back Matt - Look after the new Tat. and have a good kip.
Is this a sign that all the boys will soon be back on here from their travels or wherever they have been ? Anyone seen Tobes lately?
Beesmum xxx
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Comment number 77.
At 18th Feb 2009, Bond007 wrote:Hi Chrissie, Wise Chips are available in the shops here, but I am on the East Coast. Not sure about the rest of the country though. No need for tears though Chrissie. There's more to like than the job. At least you're busy, so time at work will pass quickly.
Hi Bees, so what are your favourite crisps?
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Comment number 78.
At 18th Feb 2009, CrimboDeevs wrote:Yay!! Welcome back Matt - and does it hurt any less when jet-lagged???
Look forward to comparing art in April hun!
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Comment number 79.
At 18th Feb 2009, B-sMum wrote:James - any crisps - don't do choccie but love crisps just off to get a bag from the house - see what you've all done!! (piggy)
Bees xxx
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Comment number 80.
At 18th Feb 2009, B-sMum wrote:Oh dear - only one packet left - and I've left it - obviously not too keen on Worcs sauce flavour. Shortbread finger it is then.
Bees xxx
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Comment number 81.
At 18th Feb 2009, Bond007 wrote:I try restrict my crisp and chocy intake to the weekend.... doesn't always work though.....
116 for 3.........
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Comment number 82.
At 18th Feb 2009, Bond007 wrote:How about tomato sauce flavour? That's another one you can't readily get here. I normally stock up when I go up to Canada...
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Comment number 83.
At 18th Feb 2009, B-sMum wrote:Oh Yum Tomato sauce flavour one of my favs. May just need to pop to shop !!!
Bees xx
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Comment number 84.
At 18th Feb 2009, ChrissieSagain wrote:ebbweth: thank you for letting me know I am not alone!!
007: sorry, I obviously didn't word my question very well - I do know you are on the east coast, and that they are not available elsewhere in the US - my niece who now lives in Arizona regrets ever leaving NJ, because she misses Wise crisps!
And of course, you are right, the days do pass quickly. But I would have preferred to pass my days with the likes of Colin Firth and Tom Cruise!!
C xx
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Comment number 85.
At 18th Feb 2009, Bond007 wrote:LOL Bees, are we a bad influence or what?????
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Comment number 86.
At 18th Feb 2009, hazel_love wrote:Ah, Hel, welcome home!!! Your kids are GAWJUS...but then you know that anyway!
Likewise Matt, welcome back!!! I've been there back in '99...we had a hurricane...not really what your after when you're in a Cessna 177 about 50 miles from landing...wonderful beautiful place, with wonderful beautiful people...we'd have gone back this year for our tenth wedding anniversary...if we'd still been married!
Am currently immersed in Wheat Crunchies.
spicy tomato for preference
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Comment number 87.
At 18th Feb 2009, Bond007 wrote:Chrissie, I would have thought Arizona would have been a better move than staying in NJ.... it's warmer and dryer.......
As far as work is concerned, you are most certainly not alone. I'm still looking for my dream job, but then who isn't......(weak smile)
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Comment number 88.
At 18th Feb 2009, Nicki-Noos wrote:Chrissie S,
I wouldn't mind your job at the mo, or any ruddy job really.
I done the work in film and TV stuff, at the time fantastic, but several redundacies later I realised it's just to fickle for me, so my love affair with the film industry came to an abrupt end.
That's not to say I wouldn't be back there in a flash should an opportunity arise.
But, hey, admin/customer svc/export
that'll do for me.
** a flash is a very short period of time and not a vehicle, just so no confusion.
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Comment number 89.
At 18th Feb 2009, Thunderclap wrote:Hazel_love,
You said "And the daffs are coming up!"
Only just coming up?
They are blooming in my back garden today! It wont be long at this rate before they have finished.
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Comment number 90.
At 18th Feb 2009, love-to-read wrote:Yes seems like Noah is learning fast. Sorry but you will have to get used to it,babies have an uncanny knack of sleeping peacefully, then just as you sit down to eat they decide to wake up and want something themselves!! I am sure both you and Tash will soon become adept at doing most things with one hand whilst holding Noah in the other.I remember even ironing one handed when my third baby was a newborn!!The other thing babies become experts at is fooling you into thinking they are fast asleep,you put them down in their cot and as you walk out of their bedroom they start crying again.You will both soon learn how to avoid any squeaky floorboards etc if you have any in the house,but hey ho thats what its all about.The first few weeks are organised chaos really,but the novelty of it all will get you through and when Noah gives you that first real smile and laughs at you then it is more than worth it. Enjoy yourselves. Take care of each other. Love to you all. J x x x x.
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Comment number 91.
At 18th Feb 2009, Bond007 wrote:Wow Thunder, that must be nice. It's just started to snow here......
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Comment number 92.
At 18th Feb 2009, ChrissieSagain wrote:Nicki: thank you for reminding me that I am actually quite lucky. Strange how having a moan, and then someone putting you straight, helps a lot!! Yes, I would imagine the tv and film industry would be very fickle. It just looks exciting, doesn't it?
As with just about everything in life ..... nothing is what it seems!!
007: this is going to sound really daft, but Arizona just doesn't feel "like America"! It is so different from NJ/NY, and I must say I did find it a tiny bit concerning when we went somewhere for dinner and there was a sign on the front door saying "No Guns"!!!!
C xx
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Comment number 93.
At 18th Feb 2009, Bond007 wrote:LOL Chrissie, you're right AZ is most certainly not like NY or NJ........
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Comment number 94.
At 18th Feb 2009, derbyfi wrote:Hi James, Thunder and others - am back earlier than predicted and timed it just for lunchtime in the Test match!
My post#44 was a bit ambiguous, I know, but I had no time to add to it - I meant that I hoped my absence would be good for England rather than for getting wickets. But I think the consensus is that we wanted to lose Anderson anyway, if no-one else!
Sorry not to be able to comment on the merits (or not) of US crisps but I had some very odd ones in Turkey once - like ready salted but without any salt or flavour!
My whole family likes Oreos though which I think are American? You'll correct me if not, I'm sure.
Thank goodness it is nearly 5.00 here! It seems to have been a rather long day.
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Comment number 95.
At 18th Feb 2009, CrimboDeevs wrote:You're not wrong there DF - it's been been the longest of long days ever here!
Roll on 5.30 and home ........
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Comment number 96.
At 18th Feb 2009, Bond007 wrote:Hi derbyfi, we're 144-3, I think if we can get another 100 we declare and that will give us about 500 and a day and a bit to bowl them out.....
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Comment number 97.
At 18th Feb 2009, Mariella-Wolenski wrote:Flamin' Hot Monster Munch for me.
Or Quavers
If it has to be W's, then Prawn Cocktail or Ready Salted are tops. RS are fab for dipping in egg mayo or grated cheese and salad cream.
And today I have a toast fetish. What is it about toast. Can leave it for months, then get through half a loaf of Deb's Toastie in 1 sitting.
MW, a!
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Comment number 98.
At 18th Feb 2009, derbyfi wrote:135-3 James according to the 91Èȱ¬ - but I'll take the higher figure if offered!
I agree with Mariella that you can't beat W's ready salted for dipping - I like them (or the ones that come in a big tube) with guacamole too! Gosh I'm hungry now.........!
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Comment number 99.
At 18th Feb 2009, derbyfi wrote:..........ignore me Bondy - my f5 key had got stuck but is now working again! You were, of course, right, as usual.
Said it had been a long day.......SIGH!!
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Comment number 100.
At 18th Feb 2009, Bond007 wrote:never mind derbyfi, at least it was positive although I see we're now 157-4, but it's quick runs we need rather than a long innings.
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