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Chris Evans | 15:29 UK time, Monday, 6 August 2007

Good question coming up and we need to know the answer...

.... one of my favorite newspaper columns over the weekend posed the question....

When is it alright for a man to look at a woman and vice versa, when the first person in question is actually with their partner at the time ?

Is it never ok ? Is it ok, if you haven't been going out for that long ? Is it better manners to just not do it, even though the day before you met them you were at liberty to do it as much and as many times as you like ?

I have a friend who's girlfriend physically encouraged him to do so and she joined in !

A heated debate to start the week and a welcome duversion to the usual Monday grind don't you think ?





  1. At 03:56 PM on 06 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Myself a Mr Diva always go by the mantra ... it's OK to window shop, but NEVER get your wallet out!

    CtD x x

  2. At 04:00 PM on 06 Aug 2007, Gaby wrote:


    If only you knew how timely that question is!!!!

    It's a big one alright.....

    In my opinion, there is looking and there is......looking!!!

    In my experience, when a guy that I am with REALLY has a GOOD look - by that I mean sustained eye contact, looking up and down, following (with his eyes) her arse as she walks by (!!!!!).....I feel that is rude and makes me feel left out of the little trio of people that I have (at that moment) become - actually, at that time, it feels like THEY are a DUO and I am being left out!!! : )

    Also, in my experience, a little bit of looking is ok. I do think it depends on other messages that you get from the one you are with (the one that is doing the looking). If you feel secure in your relationship then I guess it could be quite good fun - each having a look, but I think it can also come across as a message that the lookee is more interesting than the partner of the looker....which, essentially, at that moment in time, is exactly the case !!!

    Great question Chris - what a craaaccckkkeerrr.

    One (ex!) boyfriend would spend our evening meals on holiday looking at other women's boobs - trying to ascertain if they were'real' or not!!!!

    mange tout et regarde rien.


    ps having said all that, when I am with a guy, I do not look at other guys.

    pps no one else has posted yet - yikes!! - I prefer not to post 'blind'.....

  3. At 04:03 PM on 06 Aug 2007, Nicki wrote:

    Good afternoon all,

    I think it is fine for both sides to look. I also strongly think that us girlies are far better at this than you guys, for instance if we (me and gorgeouse - I know thats not right) are out and there is an attractive lady, girl, female I would probably comment to my fella and mention how attractive she is. He of course then has to say 'oh really I hadn't noticed' Oh really indeed.
    The point I'm trying (not very well) to get over is that it woiuld never enter his head to say that a guy is good looking.
    It must be a man thing! whereas a female can see if another human is attractive male or female and is not afraid to say so,

    There endeth my thoughts on the matter, sorry if I've upset any of you chaps!

    Take care

  4. At 04:06 PM on 06 Aug 2007, Jo wrote:

    Afternoon Chris -

    Well, that is a question to start the weeks with. In my opinion these things are so subjective and have loads of different elements so one answer will never suit everyone. My actual thoughts on the matter are confuzzled so please bear with me.

    If you have only just met up with someone then I guess it would be bad manners to look, even though you coul dprobably sneak in a cheeky sideways glance. Mainly because if you are wanting to build a relationship establishing some kind of trust should be vatal and unless you are dating someone who has supreme self confidence I would imagine they would start to have some misgivings.

    After some time when you are comfortable and committed to that person then it's probably OK to look at a girl (or boy) and admire them, even talking about it with your partner (if they are there at the time).

    Then when you're securely married wqith mortgage, dogs, kids and 15 or so anniversaries down the line it probably ecomes a taboo subject again as your spouse might think that you are fed up with them and looking for a way out.

    Does that make any sense whatsoever??

    I quite often ask my husband if he saw that girl over there, don't you think she was pretty / had fab legs / a really nice figure. But he doesn't like to play this game with me. I would necver say anything about another man though as he wouldn't appreciate it very much I don't think.

    :o) Jo

    PS. Is it possible for a 32 week (gestational) baby to actually crush your lungs from the inside??? Surely that would be against all evolutionary theorum. Dr McCrumble, any thoughts??

  5. At 04:07 PM on 06 Aug 2007, Gaby wrote:


    pps Now, if Nice Nic were my guest for the evening, he could look at whom ever he wanted ; )

    mange tout et vive le blog


  6. At 04:07 PM on 06 Aug 2007, Em M wrote:

    Ha ha! I say to my husband things like "Look at the size of her boobs!" and"Did you see that pretty girl?", but something tells me it'll never happen the other way round! I think men over 40 are still embarassed about people thinking they might be gay, younger men seem more in touch with their feminine side. One of my friends is extremely jealous if her hubby so much as glances at another woman, but i think its better to acknowledge it and not make it into a big deal.

    Oh and by the way, I still have a sneaky look at other men, who doesn't?!

    Gotta go, making fish pie for tea and it takes blooming hours!

    Em xx

    Em xx

  7. At 04:11 PM on 06 Aug 2007, Anonymous wrote:

    Good Monday Christoph!!

    Well now, an ex-partner used to constantly scan the room looking at other women, as if looking for his next conquest. This made me feel really uncomfortable, not to mention a mite peed off. Needless to say, the relationship didn't last .....

    My lovely 'im indoors is a different kettle of fish altogether and never seems to notice anything or anyone when we're out. If he does, he makes a real good job of not looking like he does! Me on the other hand, I'm quite happy to comment on a good looking man, or woman.

    I think looking, but not touching, is still a good rule to live by.

    jillygoat xxxx

  8. At 04:11 PM on 06 Aug 2007, Debbie wrote:

    I personally think that it is bad manners to do it blatantly or acknowledge it aloud.

    I have in the past caught my husband looking back in the wing mirror at a woman as we have gone past, which is just about ok. However, if he was to pass comment on his approval I would not be happy.

    Strange eh?

    Deb x

  9. At 04:18 PM on 06 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Happy DBT Christophe!

    We don't have a problem with it. I bask in reflected glow if someone admires the Badger. I hope he does if anyone looks at me. Having said that, where we live, they are more likely to look at him than at me...

    Anyhoo, we, and pretty much most of the people we seem to know, regard 'looking at someone else' as though you are looking at a piece of art. Just look with appreciation that the person or persons have brightened your day with their presence. As long as it is done with no embarrassment caused to either parties, it's nice to be looked at every now and then...and if you and your partner are secure, they should be able to realise that you are just looking AT, and NOT looking FOR...

    I'll always point out someone to the Badger, if I think they're worth a glance, he may enjoy it too...if not...then we can talk about why and why not!

    Appreciation of beauty...and if the person is lovely as well, that is probably why they are beautiful to look at in the first place...

    I know that I'm very lucky in that I have no doubts about our relationship, and that I trust him implicitly...

    So thats the issue maybe?


    ps short update...I have been asked (in my capacity as (he thinks I'm his) PA) to produce documentation providing information as to how long his flight to his honeymoon destination takes, and for a list of possible things to do once he is in the resort.

    Have done so.

    In with anger, out with

    Knees bent arms stretch Gingembre!

  10. At 04:25 PM on 06 Aug 2007, Rachel wrote:

    Hello Chris,

    It's a great question! Now I'm in the camp that says it's ok to look at any time. As much as you like: in fact, study in great detail. It's just like being at the Zoo, there isn't a lot of point in going, if you're not going to enjoy the many fine specimens on view, but like being at the zoo , as nice those Tigers are , it's not a good idea to offer them your arm for lunch.

    It would be impolite not to flirt with strangers but only on a superficial ( if I was 10 years younger) level.


  11. At 04:29 PM on 06 Aug 2007, Gaby wrote:

    pppppppppps My comment in #5 (above), re Nic being able to look at whom ever he liked, also applies to Matthew Wright.

    ppppppppppppps Because (shouldn't start a sentence with one of those, but hey) Friday Night is Matthew Night as far as I am concerned.......and every friday night at 10pm, I fall in love all over again....... : )


  12. At 04:35 PM on 06 Aug 2007, j wrote:

    Oh - I think it's healthy and normal to look. Where is the harm in looking. As you say, Chris, just the day before you were looking and appreciating, so why not now. I don't get why it's threatening for your partner to look and appreciate another!

    Just don't touch that's all!

    I've just spent the last few hours with a very sexy man for a meeting at work and I couldn't stop looking. OK - I'm not with anyone but he is. Still, girl can dream....


  13. At 04:36 PM on 06 Aug 2007, P Smith wrote:

    Dear Chris & All

    I always wondered this & always thought it was bad manners to look at others - esp when its early in the relationship!
    However I do recall one time when my girlfriend of the time & I went out to a quite posh Disco - the one nr B'ham where they hold the Ryder Cup - she was amazed at the place...and later on after she went to "powder her nose" as ladies do...she came back & grabbed me by the arm & said I had to see this.
    We walked quite a way - I imagined seeing some beautiful bar...or furniture/similar...but was quite amazed/surprised when she showed me this beautiful girl near the bar. I didnt know if it was a test...or maybe she was swinging both ways......but she def wasnt. She just liked seeing beautiful people....but as she was also a very jealous nature I didnt dare to repay the compliment!!

    Keep On Rocking!

  14. At 04:39 PM on 06 Aug 2007, elmlea wrote:


    I guess that a guy can check out girls when both parties feel comfortable with that.

    Personally I notice a nice looking woman and check my bf's eye line only to see he is looking at something completely different. Not that I have started pointing out things for him to watch but sometimes I do wonder.

    When it appears he is having a look he actually is miles away - or maybe he has the best excuse?

    Answers on a postcard please to the following address:

    a village
    near a bigger town
    Buck of the shires
    Harry potter x x x x x

    Elm x

  15. At 04:41 PM on 06 Aug 2007, Louise wrote:

    Amazing...... all the posts are written by women!!!!

    Clearly, the chaps are keeping quiet on this one, and that speaks volumes!!!!

    have a great show, look forward to tomorrows blog.

    Leb x

  16. At 04:51 PM on 06 Aug 2007, Nev wrote:

    Interesting the responses to date are nearly all from ladies.

    More than one expressed the view that they are happy to point out an attractive female to their other half but never see this situation reversed. I am not sure this is as deep as is being made out. For me I could look at the majority of men and not know whether they are attractive to women or not - that thought process just never enters my head.

    As to me looking - well I have to admit I do, but I hope I never do it in a way that offends whoever I am with.


  17. At 04:54 PM on 06 Aug 2007, ChrissieS wrote:


    Fab question. This one is a beauty! I do believe it is completely unrealistic to think that you will go through life with your partner and neither of you will not look at anyone else. Naturally, we are going to meet some people who are just so attractive, it's something you just do comment on. But I suppose you have to be in a relationship where there's no jealousy. If you know your partner can't handle this, then keep it to a sideways glance!

    Looking is fine, but flirting is not. Ever. Just look at daft Anthea Turner and where she has ended up because she met someone she fancied who just happend to be firmly with someone else! It can be a very dangerous game, this thing called life!!

    C xx

  18. At 05:23 PM on 06 Aug 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Good to see a fella on here at last!

    I think being secure in a relationship means that you can definitely appreciate someone else's looks/style and comment upon it without fear of jealousy.

    I love people-watching, especially at the station or the airport and me and 'im indoors will look and comment and even put imaginary lives/jobs to people ..... sad - maybe - but it helps to make the time go just that little bit quicker!

    jillygoat xx

  19. At 06:35 PM on 06 Aug 2007, John wrote:

    Ooooh n ow there is a debate to have. The ex mrs Nonegreen used to actively encourage me to look on the understanding of not touching of course. Which I never did honest. However a good friend of mine's missus put him in the hospital for looking ........ and it was a bloke he was looking at. Her words "you were still looking though". Needless to say it ended in tears she crashed her car into his in a fit of jealousy.

    Now I am very old though I think I truly appreciate the fact that visual stimuli of any kind are just the kind of experience you want to share. Get over the shallow jealousy stuff and share the fun of what we like.

    JK Nonegreen

  20. At 06:42 PM on 06 Aug 2007, wrote:

    I got self stick cigarette papers - thats a good idea and its legal and it needs to roll on whilst contemplating bigger visions - vpapers.net

  21. At 06:42 PM on 06 Aug 2007, martin james wrote:

    Not sure I`m over qualified to answer this dilema!! But here goes.

    I belive it`s human nature to look at something you find attractive and supressing that feeling too much would be unnateral. If you are attracted to a beautiful painting or a flower it is unlikely to come between a partnership, likewize glansing at an attractive female/male when with your parner is just that, looking. If you went to a fashion show with your partner you will be looking at gorgeous girls/boys all the time, so what`s wrong with your eye being attracted to a bit of eye candy occationaly. That`s all it is no matter which partner does it.

    I think if it got out of hand and someone was doing it all the time, to the detriment of the relationship, then that`s not good. But otherwise, it`s ok.

    You could deliberatly spend the afternoon in London, each just spotting someoen they fancy and making a thing of it. After that you may get bored with it?

    m xxx

    PS I`m devistated, my girlfriend on tv has cheated on me!! Vicky Butler-Henderson has a boyfreind. Dratt...

    PPS And Harriet Scott also now has a boyfriend. Double Dratt...

  22. At 06:58 PM on 06 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Always better when the sunshine is out eyes can roam everywhere under them dark glasses!! Nick x

  23. At 08:00 PM on 06 Aug 2007, MfR wrote:


    Depends what mood she's in.

    Peace & love


    PS The House of Pomegranates

    PPS Thanks, mo!...on behalf of the group I hope we passed the audition.

  24. At 09:23 PM on 06 Aug 2007, Em M wrote:

    Still at the computer, ordering Horrid Henry books for my 7 year old and Michael Morpurgo for me! Has anyone read Private Peaceful? It is one of the best books I've ever read. I read it aloud to my eldest son last year when he was ten, it was hard work as i couldn't stop crying! Writers like Morpurgo make it look so easy, if I could write something half as good as this I'd be a happy girl.

    Also did anyone see TV Junkie last night? I had my hands over my eyes at one point, I felt as if I shouldn't be watching some of the scenes between Rick and Tami, but if it makes people think twice about trying crack cocaine then it can only be a good thing. If you didn't see it and you get the chance, go for it.

    Em xx

    PS Kids refused to eat fish pie, ungrateful little ****.

  25. At 09:59 PM on 06 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Is People Watching, is all good.

    Watch all you want, perfectly happy.

    I could sit all day with my other half watching people - both sexes, and tell him who I think he likes, and why, and whoarrrr at my favourites!

    Is all great fun. Is him I'm going to bed with!


  26. At 10:06 PM on 06 Aug 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Em M, sympathise with the you and the issue of kids not eating food that you lovingly prepare for them. Been there and done that so many times. Cocktail sausages are what he wants to live on it seems for now.

    Little'un has been around his nan's all day while I have been at work etc. and I dread to think what she has fed him. He is wide awake and bouncing off the walls at the moment so I can only presume that it was blue smarties.

    Me, I have been up since 3.30am so I'm off to bed soon. I'll leave him up with his dad who had the day off and slept through some of it.

    My surviving dog, Betty, is currently snoring for England so she seems to be coping without her pal for now.

    Nite x

  27. At 05:37 AM on 07 Aug 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Morning all, it's the 2nd favourite ginger on the blog here!

    Of course it's ok to look. It's only natural to glance at something attractive, and even occasionaly pass comment to your loved one. Better to be up front than get the "get a good look did we?" snide.

    Personally I get a bit of a kick when I see another bloke checking out MrsW especially if they stare or even nudge a mate as it reminds me just how beautiful she is.

    But ladies I have to ask you...

    ...when you check other women out, why the full up and down scan including a fascination with what's on her feet? I see it all the time. You seem to love checkin' out other womens footwear?????

    Back on days today, almost feel human again.

    tchin tchin


  28. At 08:05 AM on 07 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Good Choosday gorgeous bodkins!

    The sun is out once again, contrary to the WF which said it was gonna be raining...however, I spec we shall see later. During the meanwhilst am making most of giant cloudless sky and watching lots of burly boys load up lorries...hmmmmmmm...what a way to start the day, ay!

    Good point well made DWNB x mine was around there somewhere, but I think I laboured it somewhat...

    Anyhoo, quelle coinkydinks...last eve, the badger and myself visited a well known pizza chain restaurant (with some vouchers donated to the 'A Badger's Gotta Eat' cause) and all the waiting staff in there were most delightful...both to look at, and in their manner.

    Then, I noticed the badger staring at one particular waitress. He turned to me and said 'I have to keep looking at her' to which I responded 'Yes dear'. He carried on, to evenchually turn back to me again to say 'I'm SURE we (thats 'WE' not 'I') know her' which then meant I had to stare at her as well just to see...We came to the conclusion that we had probably met her at a friends house, once upon a time in the dim and distant...

    So, it ain't always for the reasons you might think, but for myself, I'm still not sure if she might just look like someone we've met before...

    ...when you're our age, you get a lot of that...

    ps Gingembre, round here it's not the shoes, it's to see if there is an Adam's Apple...

    pps Debbie xxx

  29. At 08:36 AM on 07 Aug 2007, Rosie wrote:

    I would be fuming if I caught my boyfriend eyeing up another woman and I don't think he'd be too happy with me either.

    I think that most men and women suspect their partners of looking and are OK with that but surely it's just simple manners to refrain when your partner's present?

  30. At 08:48 AM on 07 Aug 2007, lazykev wrote:

    its ok to look in the shop window as long as you dont buy anything.....also you could be doing a recce mision checking the opposition like the milatary do you know like spying in a good way...

  31. At 08:53 AM on 07 Aug 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Alwight CLP & ALL Blog Friends,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Firstly on a serious note i'd just like to say i'm very sorry to hear some of the fellow bloggers out there have been going through difficult times, especially Catbird and Debbie. I'm sure things will get better soon - they say time is a big healer.
    Debbie very sorry to hear about your loss yesterday, being an animal lover myself I know it's very hard when at pet passes away, hope things work out soon.

    On a light hearted note - CtD I hope, well I know you will 'ave 'ad a great time at the Prince gig - i'm very jealous, i'd love ter see 'im live.

    I read 'e 'as been requesting RED only M&M's. What with Wrightie believed ter be on the YELLOW only Smarties, me on the raison only Revel diet and even Christoof on the BROWN only Minstral diet, I suspect this could be one of the secrets of airwave sucess.

    Only thing I think i'm the odd one out as I don't 'ave the spiffing talent of dulcetness tones to caress the airwaves of the UK and beyond in some cases - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!!

    CLP Friend - any chance of playing Protest The Hero and These Colours Don't Run or the equally beautiful tune by Soda Stereo errrr.... Dietetico!!!!! Great if you could CLP.


  32. At 09:57 AM on 07 Aug 2007, wrote:

    ...just to say, Catbird, I missed your comment yesterday, and have just been 'catching up'. What a nightmare for you...what awful things to happen all at once...having had a similar experience a few years ago, but it doesn't make anything else easier, I can only offer this...accept all the help you can...and be assured that your true friends will be there for you...take care of yourself and keep yourself strong, but don't worry if you can't cope, because there'll be someone with you who can do things for you for the time being. Don't be afraid to ask either. There are no favours, I'm sure you'll give back to them one day! Lots of love hazelx

  33. At 11:09 AM on 07 Aug 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Debbie and Catbird - my heart goes out to you both xxxxxxxx

    jillygoat xx

  34. At 11:19 AM on 07 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Cheers Bingo! Had the BP not got hold of my review you'd have been able to read all abaht it! Awesome. Fabulous. Mind blowingly wonderful.

    That was Prince at the 02 on Saturday night.

    Lotsa luv

    CtD x x x

  35. At 11:44 AM on 07 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hmmmm. If I was a ROCK STAR my backstage rider would consist of peanut M&Ms, orange Smarties, lots of bacon and brie baguettes, casks of real ale and a scrubbed down and ready to rock Russell Brand.


    CtD x x x

  36. At 12:16 PM on 07 Aug 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Alwightie CLP & ALL Blog Friends,

    Bingo Star ere.

    CtD - I've been blog ploice arreasted, aswell as Dundee ploice too. It's 'appened a few times when some of me blogs 'ave been abit too riskay.

    PS CtD - What a nutritional mixture, sounds abit like what Russell Brand might 'ave all at once for 'is breakfast - probally why 'e's so ravin mad!!!

    Chow all!!!!

  37. At 12:41 PM on 07 Aug 2007, Debbie wrote:

    CtD, me and a friend are off to the O2 to see Prince on the 18th and I was just wondering what the restaurants and bars are like in there? You've got me wanting some bacon and brie now too by the way, or maybe a nice bacon and stilton filled jacket spud...... diet can go completely out of the window this week I think! Off to lunch with a friend soon to make the most of this sunshine.

    Love Deb x

    PS. Thanks again for the support Hazel, Jillygoat, Bingo Star etc ... x

  38. At 01:37 PM on 07 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hi Debbie.

    When we got to the 02 - about 7ish - the outer bit where the bars and restaurants are (and toilets!) was absolutely chocca blocca packed. There were people waiting for tables for the restaurants and the bars were spilling out into the 'avenue'. The queue for the ladies loo was about 3 miles long and as me and my friend were desperate for the loo (too much afternoon ale!), so we took a chance and entered into the 'inner' bit where the 02 is actually sited.

    Magic! Good decision!

    Food vendors are minimal once inside (nachos, burgers etc), bars aplenty with a good range of not-too-overpriced drinks (beer, lager, the black stuff, spirits etc), and the merchandise stands. Oh - and ladies loos with NO QUEUES!!!!!

    So, basically if you're after food before the little fella takes to the stage, I'd either get to the 02 early to beat the crowds or find somewhere else to eat beforehand.

    As you're going on a Saturday you could do what we did and make a day of it. We spent all afternoon in the West End, had a lovely lunch (not mentioning the name in case I get BP'd again!), then wandered down to Westminster to jump on the Jubilee Line to the 02.

    Oh - and the tube station for North Greenwich is literally right at the 02's doorstep - really handy. The concert finished at 11 and we were on the train back to Colchester at 11.25. Brilliant!

    Have fun - and tell us all about it after! I'll be at the V Festival that weekend so we'll compare notes on the 20th!

    Take care.

    CtD x x x

  39. At 01:40 PM on 07 Aug 2007, Jo wrote:

    Yum - Brie, Stilton, Paté, Camembert, Gin, Wine, Cider, Lager, Cigarettes, Runny Eggs, Pink Steak,

    Hurry up baby, don't you realise it's not fair to make your mother suffer from lack of her favourite things!

    :o) Jo (8 weeks and counting)

    PS. Debbie, I hope Betty is coping alright now she''s on her lonesome, some extra fuss is in order I reckon!

  40. At 01:42 PM on 07 Aug 2007, Sammie wrote:


    There's nowt wrong with appreciating, but leering is another matter!

    I was embarrassed to find that I found a man VERY attractive at the weekend, when my Special Friend wasn't with me.

    He'd just finished windsurfing and had taken the top half of his wet suit down....

    Ho hum - then Special Friend appeared, looking all tall, tanned, buffed and handsome and I watched other women watching him and felt really proud that he was 'mine'!

    S xx.

  41. At 02:19 PM on 07 Aug 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Afternoon all.

    It's simple.


    Looking is one thing, we all do that and it'd be a sad aul world if we didn't. We're all tuned in to be responsive to attraction. But what makes us differ from chimps is that we are socialised and therefore have a code of ethics called Manners.

    Now don't get me wrong; if I'm out on the lash with the Boys out, mascara on and projectile pout
    that looks like it could unblock the U bend then I'm up for the craic and will play along with the laws of the jungle.

    And the Beer Goggles are Unisex of course, you know how it is..when you're drunk you think you're invisible. And after 3 vodkas and a Harvey Wallbanger that chap that looks like Plug's unattractive brother suddenly turns into Brad Pitt. But I reckon that even drunk I'd give any prospective Sid James a fat lip.

    See, there's looking and there's leering. Leering is looking plus insidious intent and it's actually rather nasty. Actually, it's really not pleasant being on the receiving end of uninvited leers since it's quite invasive.

    And if my Dearly Beloved were to leer whilst in my company (or otherwise) he'd find himself down the road with his Billy Can and a thick ear.

    Mind you what am I saying. Hahaha listen to me. If any chap were to look lasciviously at me at the minute I'd be takin' him gently by the arm and guidin' 'im to Specsavers. I'm just after a 4 hour drive in the leggings and Primark flatties and hair that could nicely house a family of blue tits.

    Was the time I'd get likened to Lulu or Madonna. Nowadays it's more like Looby Loo or Maradona.

    I scrub up rather well though.

    Anyway enough of this, I'm borin' meself now. I'm off down Grafton Street to goose a few Irishmen. Not that there are that many Irishmen on Grafton Street these days, and if I cop for them two drunks from the petrol station who leered at me legs, me Blew Oyes and me Luvly Blondy Wig Hahahaha bless 'em I'll report back. Hurrah!


  42. At 02:36 PM on 07 Aug 2007, clodagh wrote:

    And Debbie.

    I'm really sorry to hear that, it's horrible when you lose a pet. But it sounds like you've handled it well with your boys, and that's important.

    Thing is, when you have a pet you are solely responsible for it and it is dependent upon you. You nurture it, you get to know it and you feel its pain. And when it meets its demise you feel just as bereft as if it was a member of your family; worse, you actually feel silly if you grieve properly.

    Like everybody else I've had my share of traumas and tragedies. But I'd say without any hesitation that the worst trauma of my life was a couple of years ago when my mum's little Yorkshire Terrier succumbed to the canine equivalent of breast cancer and had to be put down.

    Mum was obviously devastated and, I felt, not able for the inevitable trip to the vet; so there I was as usual, stepping in to do what was necessary.

    But I have to say,....I'm actually filling up as I speak, fek...I wasn't prepared for what was to come. Sally was the sweetest, funniest, if most irritating little creature you would ever imagine and occupied a place in my heart as if she was human. To have to hold her in my arms and watch her go to sleep was the worst thing I've ever had to do, and it haunts me to this day. We had no option but to end her suffering and she was as at peace with me as she would have been with anyone, but lordy. I was in bits. Thank heaven for the brother-in-law, who insisted upon coming with me as I was simply inconsolable. Usually he and I do nothing but laugh and take the p**s out of each other but he was there for me and you're lucky you have support.

    Blimey. This was supposed to be a cheer-up note, Debs.. I'm in a right mess now.

    Sorry chuck. But you're amongst friends. Even virtual ones.

    Right. I'm off to remove my now Alice Cooper make-up.

    There's goosin' to be done.

    Sacre bleu.


  43. At 02:37 PM on 07 Aug 2007, SJ wrote:

    Hiya All,

    Both me AND the Missus have a butchers at whats/who's about and don't find anything wrong in that (more often than not we're looking at the SAME person )

  44. At 03:23 PM on 07 Aug 2007, wrote:

    A Chooseday Pome by Hazel Love dedicated to our very own special Colleen...

    A Grafton Street Goosing

    When Mollie Malone was wandering home
    her trolley all empty of fish
    she suddenly thought
    'Me @rse has been caught!
    Now somebody's taking the pish...'

    Dear Clodagh!

  45. At 03:36 PM on 07 Aug 2007, j wrote:

    Dear Clodagh, I don't mean to be picky - but I think you'll find that chimps are incredibly socialised and have their own code of ethics - they are primates, as we are....

    There is very little difference between the primates (chimps including bonobos, gorillas, gibbons, humans, orang-utangs) - very social creatures all of us, even the orangs they're now finding.

    I sometimes feel the world wouldn't be in quite such a mess if us humans didn't see ourselves as distinct from, and superior to, the rest of nature.

    Sorry, Rant over...


  46. At 03:58 PM on 07 Aug 2007, ChrissieS wrote:


    Your message to Debbie is beautiful, really beautiful.

    Debbie, hope Betty is doing o.k. without Milly. Tomorrow will be difficult for you and I will be thinking of you.

    Hazel - terrific poem (they all are) but this one is special to me as I can just see Ms Malone heading down Grafton Street, having survived an almighty goosing, but still finding time to have a quick look in the windows of Brown Thomas!

    C xx

  47. At 05:31 PM on 07 Aug 2007, Merzai wrote:

    I think you should go to the Beer Festival. Come on Chris, show us what a real man should do and go to the beer festival, enjoy the various beers and not get ratted. Moderation goes a long way.

  48. At 07:20 PM on 08 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Can anybody tell me the answer to the beat the Busby question from the man who wanted to know if he bought a piece of land and dug a lake, then put a house boat on it, would it be allowed.

  49. At 01:18 PM on 12 Aug 2007, helen wrote:

    Everybody looks - there's 65 million people out there and some are stunning - but it's the height of bad manners to make it obvious if you're with someone at the time no matter how long you've been going out with that person - we all have our insecurities, we spend time looking our best for the person we're with and then for them to openly gaze at someone else...it's just rude

  50. At 03:02 PM on 24 Aug 2007, Bryn wrote:

    As my gran explained to my mother when she complained of my fathers roving eye "its when they stop looking that you want to worry"

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