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Chris Evans | 07:16 UK time, Wednesday, 13 September 2006

More like the guy on the Euphonium this morning. Phrruuump, that's better.

Morning, schmorning. Slept like a buddha last night, proper big sleep, must have been a good boy yesterday.

Thanks for all the book recommendations, it's good to have a reading list. I'm a wandering off to my local lovely village book store this morning to purchase.

Went to a big Comic Relief "do" last night. It was at a nightclub called HEAVEN, very infamous in the eighties, still pretty popular now. Mr. Walliams was there, always affable, always charming. Little Paddy Kielty was there, a very likeable chap, cheeky, smiley, sharp, funny. A lot of people turned up to say hi and thanks.

Had a few beers and then took a couple of mates on to a bar that we always seem to end up at, I bailed early, my job is too important and life to good to mash things up in the week nowadays, besides I'd run out of energy and things to say and there was no one worth getting tired for.

I had to go home anyway because there waiting for me was...

... my CHINESE from the night before !

I was in full reheat mode by the time arrived back at the flat... Don't worry, lots of hot oil and butter went in first ensuring a good cooking through but here's the thing, I've got this obsession with tinned tomatoes at the moment. I must have tinned tomatoes with everything. Once the spare ribs and sezchuan fish were a sizzling, in went the tommys. Delicious.

I bought twenty four tins at the weekend, I'm thinking about them now, I want some more, I love them. They just taste so damn goodl and they are so red !

Ah the simple things, as always.




We were thinking about taking the show on the road but we had to find a reason. We thought and thought and in the end we've come up with a winner. It's called UK TOMBOLA.

The ethos of the plan is,

You know what we do at tea time - we want to know what you do at tea time !

We're going to do the show from someone's house each night for a week.

All the team and the might of RADIO 2 will descend upon your house or flat or cave. We'll then broadcast the main body of the show from the living room - we'll have a band playing live in one of your bedrooms, we want your best recipe for dinner on the go in the kitchen, we'll need a spokesman for the family, each member of the team will take part in the dishwasher challenge, we'll help you have a sor- out in "lighten your load"...and then all off to the "local" for a celebratory pint !

What a scream !

Here's how we're going to decide where to go...

We are, at this very moment, figuring out a way of being able to source every single place in the UK, from the largest city to the smallest hamlet. Once we've done this, we will, at random, select one place from England, one from Scotland and then Wales and Norhtern Ireland - totally at random, each night for a week. Wherever comes up that's where we're going, no fixing, we could end up anywhere ! Love it.

A coupl e of weeks before we hit the road, we'll dedicate a whole show to each venue inviting listeners from that area to tell us why we should come to their house. If we like the sound of someone, for whatever reason, then it's all off to their house.

England Monday, Scotland Tuesday, Wales Wednesday, Norhtern Ireland Thursday and then back to London in time for ALL REQUEST FRIDAY.

Sounds like a hoot doesn't it ?

I think it's scheduled for the first week in December, I can't wait. I think we should do it every year. maybe twice a year. And remember...

It could be you !

The sun is shining in London, the trees are clinging on to their green coats, the birds are welcoming us all to the day, here we go again people...

Aint life sweet x

P.S Love the sound of MARVIN, what a great name for a dog.

P.P.S. House negotiation's still going on, am hopeful but what will be will be.

P.P.P.S. The bug, she rocks, her engine sings such a sweet tune.

P.P.P.P.S. Autumn is indeed the finest of all the seasons, let's make the most of it.

P.P.P.P.P.S. Let's all drink loads of water today.

P.P.P.P.P.P.S Already thinking about dinner, off to a great Italian tonight with my niece and nephew.


  1. At 08:26 AM on 13 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Good Morning Chris and Fellow Bloggers! Wow, that is certainly a brilliant idea about the show coming from a listener's house, oooooh can't wait to apply, I want to be first in the queue, when you broadcast from Scotland. You are right, Chris, Life Is Sweet! It is what we make of it!! Off to walk my dog, Marvin, now, and enjoy the Autumn. Love and Light, Kaiser Chef ;0) (Jeannie x)

  2. At 08:31 AM on 13 Sep 2006, david lumb wrote:

    morning all! looks like a nice day again

    an evening with mr walliams and keilty so and evening with an irshman and a LADY! you know.

    sounds a great idea a show from a listeners home
    and a good time to do it as well just before xmas

    i thought only preggers ladys ate odd things like lots of tommys.

    see you's later

  3. At 08:33 AM on 13 Sep 2006, ClairMmm wrote:

    Morning Christophe!

    Love the UK Tombola 'live from your lounge' idea - think my house is a bit too wee to house you and your team - not to mention a live band! Besides which, I'd panic in the kitchen for sure...

    Have a great day fellow shloggers,

    C x

  4. At 08:34 AM on 13 Sep 2006, Cat wrote:

    Morning morning!

    Well that sounds like a great plan Chris! Always good to get out and about and am sure plenty of offers will flood in for you and the gang to entertain the nation from people's houses! :o)

    Tinned tomatoes are great - can use them in most sorts of cooking, no preparation needed and taste great. Organic ones are on offer now and they're lovely too.

    I was going to have a quiet night, and an early one, yesterday but ended up going down to meet some friends in our local and spending a couple of hours there talking about random nonsense. Unfortunately I didn't have a nice Chinese takeaway to tempt me back home or else I might have left earlier and felt more awake this morning!! Still these impromptu get togethers are always worth it in the end, aren't they?

    Time for a cuppa to get the brain working so I can appreciate the day ahead, and get some work done!

    Cat x

  5. At 08:37 AM on 13 Sep 2006, Dr_Legg wrote:

    Good Morning Chris,

    Do you know what - your energy never ceases to amaze me!

    If any one needed a pick-me-up in the morning, all they have to do is log on to this blog and read your daily mutterings - it certainly puts a smile on my face :)

    Keep up the cracking work - love the show ;-)


  6. At 08:40 AM on 13 Sep 2006, Sammie wrote:

    Good morning!!!

    Great blog (again) - LOVE the idea!!! My goodness, the thought of you in my living room.... (Not even mentioning the bedroom, may blush!!!)

    I can just imagine you all in the middle of the chaos that reigns at tea time in my house - we're all just home and generally grotty, because we're all hungry, kids fighting for attention, to tell me all about the wonderful adventures/incredible gossip (depending on child...) of the day, phone ringing, cats meowing.... it's heavenly!

    Caught most of the show yesterday, but am just listening to the best bits from last week on my mp3 - what a fab idea!!!!!

    Have a great day all!!!


    P.S I'm single and make my bed EVERY day!!!

    P.P.S. had a v. bad day start to the day yesterday - but the day ended well - ain't life grand?!!!

  7. At 08:54 AM on 13 Sep 2006, Rachel (Blue Angel) wrote:

    Morning Chris and the Blogettes

    What a fab show idea!!! I like it.... :)

    Ah the Chinese Sequal!! ....... ................ Return of the Balck Bean Sauce......... :) Yummy ... I think.

    Life is sweet........ I was just saying that... (well trying to) to my hubby last night ....... he was banging on about football coming on the telly soon and I said to him why don't you say something a woman would want to hear.. so he said ... can you get me a can of larger from the fridge, babe.........Doh! Not really what I had in mind! ...... He was in my bad books this morning........ we're decorating our hall stairs and landing at the moment you see... (I may have mentioned this before)... so we've moved all the furniture..... out of the hall..... I came down the stairs this morning, in the dark ( well I didn't want to wake him) and froze in terror..... there was the mother and father of all spiders on the wall at about head height, near the bottom of the stairs.... all the recent stories of how spiders are getting bigger came rushing to my mind..... after a wee while, I said to myself .. oh come on Rachel is just a big spider .. so I slinked past.... pressing myself making sure I was as far away as possible ( well some of them can jump you know)....... and reached for the light .... so I could take a look at the beast.......... and there looking as innocent as could be, were his car keys hanging on a picture hook......... ... Doh!

    Keep smiling


  8. At 09:01 AM on 13 Sep 2006, Ethel the Aardvark wrote:

    It is indeed a beautiful morning....here in sunny Northants..shame i`ve got to go to work...

    Chris,you`ve spelled 'Northern' incorrectly twice...Pedant,??Moi..surely not...

  9. At 09:12 AM on 13 Sep 2006, mackie wrote:

    Morning all.....

    this is an early post as i MUST do some work today ....the boss is away and i need to do 3 days work today before she gets back tomorrow!

    great idea of the home broadcasts - i'd love it as long as i didn't have to speak.......the cooking wouldn't be a problem, the clear out would be a god send!!

    off to fill my water glass, log off the interweb and have a day of achievement (wish me luck)

    enjoy wednesday

  10. At 09:16 AM on 13 Sep 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Good morning Chris, bloggers, bloggettes and general blogsters.

    Jeepers creepers, I used to go to Heaven right at the beginning of the eighties. I worked in a record shop and we used to sell tickets for gigs all over, so I used to be on the guest list all the time...had some fantastic nights there...if only I could remember what they were! Bauhaus were one of my favourites...aaaaah nostalgia ain't what it used to be...Glad you had a great time! Roll on the next Children in Need!

    Tomatoes - stuffed with C and E vitamins, antioxidants, phytochemicals and lycopene - good for your skin and your body, and can help fight cancer (although I have no idea how many hundredweight you'd have to eat). They are also a good source of potassium, which is probably why you slept so well as this can be quite a soporific. Glad you are reheating your food properly, apparently it's the rice that causes bad tummy if not cooked to piping hot.

    Blog exclusive - FABULOUS idea. The first week in December is my birthday week too, so is all gonna be even more fun! Why not do it once a month up until Christmas?
    We don't do much once we're home. The boy and I mainly lie about the place trying to decide what to have for tea, while the cats (The Hassle Brigade) hang around waiting for theirs! We live right next door to one of the best pubs in the area, but best to avoid Thursday nights as they have a quiz, and the parking is IMPOSSIBLE!

    Marvin is the name of your new Irish wolfhound you will get when you move into your new house!

    Thanks you all
    have a lovely day even if the sun don't shine

  11. At 09:18 AM on 13 Sep 2006, Toby Dodwell wrote:

    What a fantastic idea... Really great!

    You will have to send out a mole to check the places are ok to go to for the evening, eg:good local etc etc...

    Unfortunately I wont be able to apply as I am not allowed to listen to the radio during the day... Stupid bosses what do they know! I do get the podcast and catch up as soon as I am able!

    Sounds a fantastic evening you have planned for Yourself, Niece & Nephew, I feel like I need to call my uncle and see how he is as I've not spoken to him for a very long time... Could be an interesting conversation as he split from my Auntie a while back after doing the dirty, time to build bridges and remember what a cool guy he was!

    Thanks Chris, I truely beleive that this is my Hill!

    Have a great day everyone!

  12. At 09:19 AM on 13 Sep 2006, Dot wrote:

    you know if you came to our house in December - the builders may ahve actually left by then - I dop now have an office floor and walls , cue sparky, plaster and tiler and I can move office to vacate the cupboard for the plumber to turn it into a bathroom (if we don't run out of money)!

    I think you should come her cos then you could tell all the bloggers what the extensions are like!

    Was in a huff with the blog yesterday as both my entries did not get posted - there was no funny stuff or swearing (probaly a mention of cakes) but that was it - did anyone else have a problem?

    Glad to hear your bottom is still in working order - the dog (Gus, short for DisGusting)decided to spend the day in the confined cramped workspace I share with the boiler (phew - hot)! and proceeded to spend the day trumping away - what a pong. I gave up at 12.30 and took him for a walk thinking 'go on run it off' only to spend the afternoon in a green smelly smog as he wanted to be back inthe cup'd with me! Devoted doggie (stinky doggy)

    have a great day bloggers - got to go now and argue with a town planner - oh joy! (sorry to any bloggers who are town planners)!

    Love Dot

    PS Only had one mars bar yesterday - diet is going well.

  13. At 09:21 AM on 13 Sep 2006, Ange wrote:

    Well I am looking for some advice this morning. If I stand any chance of getting the Radio2 team in my home!

    Last night a very sad little cat sat outside the patio doors. Now this would never happen normally as I have a gorgeous little dog! However he is with the dog sitter at the moment. So an animal lover weakness came over me and let the little thing in. He/she ate so much and was mhewing like mad. So he/she stayed the night. Now I have a dilemma. What to do tonight as there will be pademonium when dog meets cat. But he/she looked so unhappy!!

    What to do??

    Anyway Radio2 coming to your home sounds very exciting. Although as you can see from above, the domestics would need to be sorted!

    Love Angie

  14. At 09:32 AM on 13 Sep 2006, Lizzybeth wrote:

    For a great breakfast try your fave tinned toms on thick granary toast with a splash of Henderson's Relish (made only in Sheffield- it's like Worcestershire Sauce but mellower and nicer!)

    Very healthy and very yummy!

  15. At 09:32 AM on 13 Sep 2006, Ben wrote:

    Superb idea Chris, like the old TFI Friday from your place with Noel G. Perhaps a celebrity guest who has to do the cooking would go down well. The recipe must include some special tinned tomatotes!! Take it easy Chris and happy reading!!

  16. At 09:48 AM on 13 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Morning Chris and all you gorgeous bloggy bloggsters,

    Lovely and misty down in Bournemouth today... but am assured it will get nice and bright later. Its got that smell about the air like Autumn is just around the corner, you know? Mmmmmm, you're right Chris, it is a WONDERFUL season...

    Tinned toms....MMmmmmmm love them SOOOO much. My mum ate them obsessively when pregnant with me, so maybe that why I like them so much, who knows?

    Lizzybeth (#14) - yep! thick lovely granary toast and plump organic tinned toms... with a smear of HP sauce on the toast before the toms go on... wow.

    Loving the EXCLUSIVE idea Chris - yu gotta come to Wimborne, its just sooooo blimmin GAWJUSS. We could go and have a pint in the White Hart, or Cricketers... or the Olive Branch... or the Albion, or the Kings Head... or The Rising Sun, or the Willet Arms.. Jeez we've got a lot of pubs for such a small ickle town!

    Happy Wednesday everyone! Tonight is mine and my mans 'date night'. He cooks something really amazing - usually a fish dish or something, and we drink wine and talk and laugh and talk at the big table, the TV doesnt go on... its lovely. Try it!

    Have a good day everyone
    Kyleigh xx

  17. At 09:51 AM on 13 Sep 2006, stella wrote:

    Morning Chris

    We like the sound of the Tombola but why are you not going the whole nine yards and doing Tombola Europe? All us Expats who listern or read on the good old PC would welcome you with open arms.Im sitting in my living room over looking Lac Geneva what more could you ask for in a venue!!!!!!!

  18. At 09:52 AM on 13 Sep 2006, melanie cole wrote:

    Morning Christophe, morning all.
    Great idea for the show. Do you have to have a dishwasher to qualify? (this would count me out, as the only dishwasher I have is me!!!!).
    Eughhh!!! Re-heated chinese, cant think of anything worse (other than pizza for breakfast!!)
    How jellous am I that you spent time with Mr Walliams last night - what a lovely man he is!!!
    Just looked at Marvin's website. Ahh, how sweet.
    Looking forward, as always, to the show tonight.
    Have a great day all...
    Melanie C

  19. At 10:14 AM on 13 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Good morning Christoph Lamby-Pie and the Schlog Squad!

    Mmmm. The toms on toast sound gorgeous Lizzybeth. Might have some myself today.

    The only atlas I've found that anywhere lists all the little places in England, Scotland and Wales is the Philip's Navigator (the big blue one). Sadly, NornIreland isn't included - wonder why; last time I looked it was part of the country.

    On animals. We're being cased out by a local moggy yearling.

    Most nights, for a longer time little by little, it comes into the house and has a look round while passing through. Last night it rested up for a quick kip on one of the armchairs. It's jet black with really bright yellow eyes. I wonder if this counts as passing across my path. They're cunning little devils.

    Boo to all bosses that don't let people listen to the radio at work.


  20. At 10:23 AM on 13 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Good Morning Chris and all,

    I can feel one helluva party coming on if you came to my house. We have 3 tubas, 4 saxophones, 4 trumpets, a base guitar, a keyboard, several recorders, marracas, Irish spoons, mouth organ and a Chinese nose flute....and.....18" thick walls and NO NEIGHBOURS to upset!!

    The wine intendend for the cooking, usually gets slurped up, and I make the meanest homemade Bruchetta's with loads of home grown tommy's.

    I've been having cravings for celery, (I know I'm not preggas because it's been going on for a couple of years now...unless I'm an elephant) there's always a couple of bunches in the fridge. Very good for you, high in water, low in calories, they use more calories to chew than wots in em.

    Had tea with Ma and Pa last night, Spag Boll (quorn) with thick tomato sauce and 'erbs.

    Having a lovely day, woke up to the sound of my 16yr old singing and whistling, dropped him off at school, and back home to the moors where I'm working from my home office looking out over fields and trees. It's a tough job :>) It's not warm enough to put my laptop on my lap in't garden

    Life certainly is sweet.

    Love Debbie X

  21. At 10:35 AM on 13 Sep 2006, The Debster wrote:

    Oh Chris!
    Boy, is this one going to be a massive competition but I can't imagine there being a better house than mine to do your England show from. When/how can I apply?

    Debs xxxxx

    P.S. Hazel @ 10 - I know an Irish wolfhound called Hank!

  22. At 10:50 AM on 13 Sep 2006, barb wrote:

    hi all, well you were up and about early this morning dearest christopher....

    *dot 12* glad the diet is going good, im doing 12oo cals a day doing ok too, just the wine in the evening.......what are you doing ?club ?

    *16 kyleigh*you are so right, turn the telly OFF and get to know on another again its great fun we also have 1 day a week we have a bath together a some wine its really nice and cosy and dont have to do the adult shuffle its just nice to be close- i was going to say together but that would be to corney.....

    im starting my training to be a cub scout leader, tonight my first night and the little ones are going to be making boats and then next week we will be sailing the on the canal.....all kids should do stuff like this its so good for them.

    tombola.............well what can i say that hasnt already been said, ?????????nothing but i am close to you chris in surrey so if you just want to come over and do a "trial" out you are more than welcome, and if your really good we can make you a boat too to sail when /if you come, and i will have a fresh supply of toms for you from the garden .

    of too de clutter my wardrobe, i do collect some "stuff" of C**p as my hubby says

    happy wednesday

    p.s trying to break in my new timberland boots.........sore feet tonight i think!


  23. At 11:15 AM on 13 Sep 2006, Katie wrote:

    Good morning

    The UK Tombola sounds like a great idea to me, looking forward to the shows already, sounds nicely chaotic.

    Just watching the live coverage on the bbc web site of the astronauts at the Space Station getting ready to undertake a space walk - am so jealous, I'd love to go to space, imagine to be up there and just looking down at earth, must just be a totally amazing feeling.

    Right sitting here happily typing isn't gonna get all the things done that I need to do....... all have a good afternoon.

    Hear you at 5


  24. At 11:34 AM on 13 Sep 2006, Karen wrote:

    Good morning.. just!!
    Fantastic idea.. sadly some of us are still at work 'till after 7..if you fancy a trail run before December I'm off work for a few weeks..

    As for tinned toms... mmmm how many things can you make... I've just discovered my local farm shop where I now pick my own toms then make all of my sauces from scratch...
    I got a bit carried away on the picking so have had them every day so far this week... I'm sure they're doing me good..

    A question for your food or health expert...
    I've been eating freshly cooked hot beetroot (it's really tasty..) but... why does it turn my toilet deposits pink?? I know I'm a girl but pink pee seems a little excessive...

    Sorry to bring up toilet matters..

    The sun is now shining in Berkshire and my sheets need to go on the line... what an exciting time off I'm having!!

    Looking forward to 5pm..

    K x

  25. At 11:40 AM on 13 Sep 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Dot #12, Debbie #20, Debster #21 and Myra #73 (yesterday)

    Dot - try buying a box of fruitful shredded whe*t. Is nice and sweet for snacking on, and if you put it where you have to get up to get some, you won't trough the entire box in a day. This is the voice of experience!
    Debbie - you seem happier today! I'll come to your house to join your orchestra anyway even if the show can't make it! I shall bring my badly played violin if I can still remember how to play it...Apparently it's like riding a bike, but riding my bike never made other peoples ears bleed...

    Debster - all Irish Wolfhounds should have cool names. Hank is cool (- oh no lol have just got the marvin connection, must purchase omega3 capsules as brain operating on ahead slow -) and my friend had one called Rosie and she was gorgeous!

    Myra - thank you for my lovely hug xx back atcha babe!

    I am SO chuffed that you lot read my missives. I too was a Blog Virgin til last week and try to read all the blogs before adding my own.

    I was also an eb*y virgin too, but have just picked up my very first purchase from the post office this morning and I think everything is all going rather well don't you?

    looking forward to reading more
    text me when you're home

  26. At 11:43 AM on 13 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Thanks for Marvin's mention in your PS at the end of your Blog today Chris! Not only is it a great name for a dog, he is a lovely dog. A rescue dog, we gave him a home in late 1999 and now cannot imagine life without him.

    One thing about having a dog is you realise how much dogs "live for the moment" and what a wonderful way to live. He also has his own Blog, which is "all done in the best possible taste!"

  27. At 11:49 AM on 13 Sep 2006, Mariella Wolenski, apparently! wrote:

    Hi bloggeries,

    Ange #13

    Cats find their own homes, and as such you should feel priviledged that such a nobel and free spirited animal has chosen you and your home to come to. It may not stay long, maybe only until the dog comes back, or it may stay with you for the rest of its life whether you want it to or not. As for all heck breaking loose upon your dogs return, generally they sort it out between themselves. Normally you will find that no matter how small the cat or how big the dog, the cat is in charge. yeah, sure the dog may bark, the cat may hiss, the dog may chase and the cat may swipe the dog on the nose, but is that really any different to a small domestic between us humans - with the cat being the female as she normally wins!

    If you do decide tp keep the cat then the best piece of advice is to not force an introduction. let the dog and cat wander around as normal, and they will either keep out of each others way, have a stand off immediatley or just have a sniff of each other and head off in different directions. You might find the cat on top of your curtain rail and the dog cowering in a corner. Don't try to reassure the dog as this confirms in his mind that something is wrong. Just act normally and see how things progress after a day or so. I hope all goes well, and remember dogs think they are human, cats think they are gods (and rightly so!).

    I have worked in the pet trade for 7 years, covering training, nutrition, health, behaviour, grooming and just about everything else and have yet to come across a dog/cat family that couldn't work things out.

    Enjoy your new friend,

    MW, a!

  28. At 11:49 AM on 13 Sep 2006, Jenner wrote:

    Morning All or should I say Hurrumph!

    I am drinking a large glass of water as I type, as I need to wake myself up and flush out a few bubbles from last night. (Some of us should learn from your example Mr Evans)

    It was a quiet evening as my other half was on his regular Tuesday night down the pub with his fellow colleagues. So myself and a dear friend had booked in one of our marathon phone catch ups and a good old drink. Just because we can't be together in person doesn't stop us!

    As always it was great to catch up and my friend as usual soothed away my worries and put a smile on my face, and the miles between us were no obstacle to our 2.5hrs of chat!. So even though it was late I was contented.

    Until, that was my other half crawled into bed at 2.20am after chowing down on a kebab and chips - and ...... not bothering to clean his teeth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

    Note to self - must make up that bed in the spare room.

    Hope this water works - Jenner

    P.S Lizzybeth (#14) Hmm sounds nice - my favourite is fresh tomatoes sliced on bread (pref granary) with a little mayo and a good grinding of black pepper, a great way to start the day! Really thought this was a bad idea when I saw a friend eat it but now am hooked!

  29. At 11:55 AM on 13 Sep 2006, kevin cole wrote:

    Dear Chris this is a little ditty for Sal if you could please pass it on:-

    Sexy Sal the truckers' friend,
    Will this traffic jam ever end?
    I'm getting bored and fed up,
    Tell the cars ahead to hurryup.
    I've had enough now, so I say,
    I'm gonna find another way.
    Clear the way, full steam ahead
    I'm going first, cos' Sally said!!!!

  30. At 12:02 PM on 13 Sep 2006, wrote:


    love the idea of progcoming from someones home. Marvin is the best dog - he has visited me here in Durham!!!!

    Bugs are great - they ound just like my Bernina sewing machine.

    Off to thinkabout life being good - well after fizzio.



  31. At 12:12 PM on 13 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Flipping Hairies Christof Looking forward to that.

    I could forward you the recipe for best dinner, and you could have it ready for me and the man, and the sprogs, that would be cool. What a thought to get me thru the Day. Chris Evans making my tea for me.

    We could have a good drink after too. And you could have a game of golf before you start cooking, cause I live in Troon where there are hundreds of Golf Courses!

    Look forward to seeing you.


  32. At 12:21 PM on 13 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Hello all

    Now here's a conundrum. At which point does an obsession with tinned tomatoes become 'unhealthy', given that tomatoes are frequently classed as a superfood?

    I guess if the tins are left on the shelf for a while, and not consumed as if part of a pregnant women's craving, then Chris could be considered as being merely prudent, for bulk buying offers significant monetary savings.

    Myself, I approach tinned tomatoes with the same disdain as all tinned foods. In my opinion, if you need to open more than one tin of food a week (exluding the grim stuff fed to pets), you are on the slippery slope to long-term ill health. Take the story of my uncle Kelvin (twice removed) as a warning.....

    Uncle Kelvin was infamous within the family, and the wider community, for never eating fresh food. His trips to the supermarket consisted of filling up his trolley with nothing but tins of spagetti, beans, peas, stew, corned beef etc. He would use the argument, when pressed, that the tinned vegetables contained all the nutrients he needed, and that he was consuming a balanced diet if he he mixed a tin of green beans with a tin of tinned meat and a tin of custard to follow. He could even show us, using the labelling on the side of the tins, that most days he was taking in at least his recommended daily intake of Magnesium, Calcium and Iron.

    After thirty years of this diet he finally succumbed to it's inevitable consequences. One morning he was trying to reach the top shelf for a some tinned cherries (it was his birthday and they were a special treat). The shelf was very high, and uncle Kelvin was, well, not. He stretched as far as he could, but the tin remained elusively out of reach. It was when he tried to climb onto the worksurface that disaster struck. Just as he grabbed hold of the cherries Uncle Kelvin slipped on some margarine that hadn't been wiped up, banged his head on the cupboard shelf, fell backwards, landed head first on the floor.

    He was found a day later sitting in a chair and clutching the tin of cherries. At first people thought he had suffered a stroke or brain damage in the fall -especially after he began to claim that the tin of cherries had attacked him. After a careful analysis of his diet and blood samples, it emerged that he had dangerously high levels of tin, which had sent him a bit mad. It turned out that he hoarded tins when he saw them on special offer, and often used to lick them clean to minimise wastage. The tin of cherries themselves had been canned twenty seven years previously.

    He never recovered, and spent the rest of his days reciting ingredients lists found on tinned food to anyone who approached.

    You have been warned!

  33. At 12:21 PM on 13 Sep 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Morning all,

    Chinese food the next day always tastes better to me. I have not done that for ages……I will have to over order the next time we have one!

    The show in a home sound mad! I would have thought the logistics it all will test the 91Èȱ¬ resources. I would love one of the shows to be near me so I could go to the pub and have a drink after the show with you and the crew.

    I am a little bit down at the moment as my son just failed his driving for the second time this morning. He is well grumpy and is thinking of not bothering again. I feel useless as I am unable to help him pass his test! I am sure he will get over it but as a parent I never like to see my kids upset. :-(


  34. At 12:54 PM on 13 Sep 2006, cath wrote:

    Afternoon all.

    Tinned tomatoes - are the best food in the world! On their own, with toast, with bacon and chips and mushrooms, in EVERYTHING! Have to be whole not chopped though! Bit of ground black pepper on them, mmmmmmm. Tinned mushy peas come a close second - perfect comfort food.

    Had to take cat no 1 to vet this morning. Vet thinks cat no 1 is either a) allergic to fish based cat food (?!) or b) pining for cat no 2 who sadly went to cat heaven a couple of weeks ago. I kind of hope it's a) cos can't do much about b). We have got a cat no 3 so it's not like he should be tooooo lonely, but cat no 3 thinks he's a dog so prob isn't much help.

    Hey ho.

    Hope everyone has a great day. Fingers XX'd for successful house negotiations Christophe!


  35. At 01:09 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Sal Acious wrote:

    Hi Christophe laminy ie

    Glad to hear you are a real health kick with the tomatoes - it's great when you have them on toast and the juice mkes it all soggy!

    If you have a show at my house I promise to cook a menu with plenty of tomatoes

    Blog 13 - Ange - just think about the poor owner of the lost little sad cat - they will be frantic with worry - I know I am if my little babes go wondering off - so please try to find out where he comes from - give a description and the area you live in in case someone thinks he has been run over!

    Re Lovely day - autumn is such a lovely timeof 'mists and yellow fruitfulness' (or red in CHristophe's cae) - I love the gentle misty view over the fields at the back of my house when I open the curtains in the mornings!


  36. At 01:15 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Dot wrote:

    to barb 22 - the diet Im is trying to think myself slim - v difficult as I think about food 24/7 especially cakes doh! And I only started on yesterday as I saw a phot of a vloumptous(as my husband pronounces it) woman who looked ok except for the chins and 48 pack below her boobs! yuk wot a sight! so I am trying to cut out the crap I eat (which is lots) and not think about cakes too much! Must go get lunch......

    Big Un 33 - it took me till the 4th attempt to pass my test at age 30 something! I was so fed up by this time that I couldn't have cared less if I passed or not - but I must have been relaxed as I passed! My friends had also got really pissed off with me and for weeks before were taking it in turns to go out with me in the car to get more practise in - a combination of being more on the road and a calmer outlook must have hepled - tell him to keep trying!

    off to walk the dog and allow myself to dream of cakes.......

    love Dot

  37. At 01:24 PM on 13 Sep 2006, wrote:

    I am still recovering from the other article about flatulence.

  38. At 01:25 PM on 13 Sep 2006, johnnio wrote:

    Hi shloggers!
    Very first time on the infamous "Shlog" that I've been hearing all about, looks excellent!
    Brilliant idea about the the home broadcasts, don't think my house would be big enough, besides my little bull-staff, Molly would go crazy chasing after everyone.
    A quick question for Mariella Wollenski: as you are expert in the field of pet behaviour, how do I stop my dog tearing the house apart?
    If I leave anything out, it eats it - it'll make a meal out of anything, papers, bags, pillows, socks - it's even tried eating my bike, starting at the wheels, then making it's way to the pedals, before I had to get rid of it (the bike that is, not the dog).
    I seem to be constantly shouting at her, rattling a bottle with coins in it (a tip I got from somewhere), chasing it with a brush, even the dreaded newspaper has been used. She cowers down, shakes (which makes me feel awful), and looks up at me with her puppy-dog eyes, and I leave her outside for a few hours while she thinks about what she does; then, next day comes, or the following day and she's back to normal again, causing havoc.
    I don't want to keep chastising her, as it seems to be the only thing I do, and I don't want her to start resenting me (I live with my mum, she looks after her during the day).
    She's very protective when we're out in the car, she HATES cyclists, (maybe she remembers the bike that was taken from her!), hates other dogs, and anyone who comes near the car.
    She's now decided that she doesn't like where her basket is, and drags it out into the middle of the kitchen, usually near the door.
    I try to be nice when she merits it, but it's just not that often, have tried giving her treats when she comes to me.
    Most things seem to be a game to her, if you have any ideas Mariella (or anyone else for that matter!), I would really appreciate it.

  39. At 01:25 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Alison P wrote:


    All the bloggers go to Debbie (#20) and play the jingles for the show from her house with her remarkable range of instruments!! If not, can I come round and play anyway - I can contribute a trumpet, electric keyboard and a battered ukelele (?can't spell it!?)

    Gonna miss you all and your little glimpses of life as I'm off to Portugal for a week - will wave at the golf courses for you Chris.

    Love Alison xxx

  40. At 01:40 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Cameron wrote:

    Bonjour Christophe!

    UK TOMBOLA sounds like a brill idea. You're more than welcome to come to my humble abode. It's give me an excuse to get home early for a change.

    You are indeed a breath of fresh air. I usually have so much crap going around my head first thing in the morning that writing anything coherent and philosophical would come out like wet porridge.

    Loved your bit on left-hand vs right-hand on the show last night. I had a teacher at school who was ambidextrous and wrote equally as beautiflly on the blackboard with either hand.

    Will I be able to get out before the business badger's sub tonite? Here's hoping...

    Cameron, a Scot in the Medway

  41. At 01:46 PM on 13 Sep 2006, F 38 wrote:

    Tomorrow morning try the "Natural Trumpet"!

    "By overblowing, you can play all the pitches in the overtone series of it's fundamental pitch For example, you can play the military "Taps" on a natural trumpet, because "this melody uses only a fundamental pitch and the first few pitches in its overtone series."

    Extract from the Instrument Encyclopedia.

  42. At 01:51 PM on 13 Sep 2006, dyoungone wrote:

    Can anybody help?
    Is the terminology used in Lawn Bowls for starting a game called 'Jacking Off'?

  43. At 01:53 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Krisie T wrote:

    Autumn is indeed the very best season of the year. It also reminds me of my very favorite U2 dity "october" which has great poiniency in it for those of us who see the bigger picture. Perhaps you could play it tonight on drive time, even better as a request? How low can you get? Should be in the car between 5.30 & 6.30 just in case...cheers.

    P.S would love to register for the road show in my house, I live in England so would be available for the monday show...even better it's my 35th birthday the first week in December. I really don't think you need look further!
    Cheers, looking forward to drive time already, only 3 & half hours left.

  44. At 02:04 PM on 13 Sep 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Thanks DOT# 36. I now you are right! It is like riding a bike when it does not matter how many times you fall off or how much it hurts you just have to get back on and ride.

    I though I would share one of my recent email I received as I think you lot just may see the funny side if the facts contained in it. I cannot guarantee they are all correct but I think they are very funny :-)

    If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.
    (Hardly seems worth it.)

    If you farted consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb.
    (Now that's more like it!)

    The human heart! Creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt blood 30 feet.

    A pig's orgasm lasts 30 minutes.
    (In my next life, I want to be a pig.)

    A cockroach will live nine days without its head before it starves to death! (Creepy)
    (I'm still not over the pig.)

    Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories a hour
    (Don't try this at home, maybe at work)

    The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body. The female initiates sex by ripping the male's head off.
    ("Honey, I'm home. What the....?!")

    The flea can jump 350 times its body length. It's like a human jumping the length of a football field.
    (30 minutes, lucky pig! Can you imagine?)

    The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds.
    (What could be so tasty on the bottom of a pond?)

    Some lions mate over 50 times a day.
    (I still want to be a pig in my next life...quality over quantity)

    Butterflies taste with their feet.
    (Something I always wanted to know.)

    The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.

    Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people.
    (If you're ambidextrous, do you split the difference?)

    Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump.
    (okay, so that would be a good thing)

    A cat's urine glows under a black light.
    (I wonder who was paid to figure that out?)

    An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
    (I know some people like that.)

    Starfish have no brains.
    (I know some people like that too)

    Polar bears are left-handed.
    (If they switch, they'll live a lot longer)

    Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure.
    (What about that pig??)

    I hope they brought a smile to your face today :-)

    Have a great day!


  45. At 02:12 PM on 13 Sep 2006, ju wrote:

    chris i am really excited about the road show - it sounds a right laugh! imagine having you broadcast from my bedroom!!!! dream come true ha ha - chris evans in my bedrooom!!!!!!!!bonus!!!!!!!!!

    i live in the tiniest house in Wales i reckon! i live in a little place called Felinheli not far from Caernarfon and it is a beautiful place. I have a nice little view of the Menai Straits and it is lovely even when it rains!
    i could make a very tomato bolognese for you sweetie seeing as you have a thing for them at the moment.

    as usual you make my day i love reading your blog although i should be working hard- how good must you feel knowing that you make people's day?
    you make mine.
    i will try and drink water but i will also try and drink lots of wine as it is wednesday and we are half way to friday.
    after reading your message - i think you should be a poet or romantic novelilst as your words are so beautiful, warm and colourful.hope that hasn't offended!

    enjoy your dinner this eve. i have a niece and nephew but don't think i can take them out for tea as they are 1 and 2!
    as always you give me butterflies in my tummy
    u r a truly lovely person

  46. At 02:12 PM on 13 Sep 2006, wrote:

    What a simply marvlious idea Alison # 39. All instruments welcome, no matter how decrepit or out of tune. We could huddle up on my deck and be just like a real band!!

    AAhhh, I can hear it now......

    Debbie :>) xx

  47. At 02:19 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Mariella Wolenski, apparently! wrote:

    Johnnio -#38

    I'm afraid chap that you have hit the nail on the head. Everything IS a game to her. It is difficult to pinpoint without actually seeing the dog in action but I'll give it a go. I get the impression she only does these things when you are around, if this is the case then it is her way of getting attention from you, doesn't matter that you are not happy, she wouldn't recognise this anyway. All she sees is the shouting, chasing, the general utter commotion - and it is FAB! Its like a big game and she keeps winning. The fact that she cowers and shakes does not necessarily mean that she knows she is doing wrong. The punishment of going outside will not register with her, and at the end of the day you let her in again with nothing changing.

    Now, this is gonna take some patience, you may feel silly at times and it will be quite hard work, but hopefully worth it in the end.

    When she starts playing up in the home - ignore her. Make not a sound and if need be walk out of the room calmly and quietly. No arm waving, no running, no shouting. If she is chewing things firstly make sure its not from teething - I don't know how old she is. If she is teething get yourself down to your local pet shop and ask for advice on toys to help prevent the behaviour. I won't list them here as I think they will be removed. Go to a small family run pet shop rather than one of these superstore thingys. they do it for the love of animals and give great advice. (also helps them stay in business!) If she is past teething then I stay with my attention seeking theory, though Staffies enjoy nothing more than a big stone to chew on (not advisable though due to shattering teeth) Once she stops tearing the place apart and is behaving, praise her, give her your full attention, high pitched voice lots of strokes and a treat if you feel its ok. Don't make this last too long, but do ensure that every time she is good she gets rewarded in whatever way you think best. Also make time each day that is playtime, whether outside ir inside - separate from her walks so she gets used t oexpending that bit more energy. Don't play tug with staffies though. They are very stubborn and you should never let a dog win at tug, but do let her win some other games otherwise they become bored and find something else to do - normally wee on the carpet or eat the walls and furniture.

    Does she have a solid routine? Is she fed and walked at the same times every day? Does she have a set bedtime? Does she get enough exercise every day? Rethink how her day plans out and if necessary change it, but so it still suits you. Never let a dog run your life.

    As for the barking at bikes, people and dogs - seems like she wasn't properly socialised between 4-6 weeks. This is so important to prevent unwanted behaviour, but can be cured. take her somewhere where there are a lot of dogs, bikes, people, people on bikes, dogs on bikes (?). Put her on a harness so you have more control over her, and a short lead but not so short she can barely walk. As you approach the aforementioned items and she starts to play up, simply turn round and walk the other way. Again, do this quietly. keep doing this, and you will see that she begins to calm down and eventually you will be able to pass without too much commotion. try not to reassure asa soft, soothing voice from the owner can translate to a dog that there is something to worry about. Just be normal, but obviously once she has had a bike go past without causing an upset, praise and reward.

    As for the bed, seems she wants to be more involved with the pack / family. Is it possible for you to move the bed so she is not so far away from you at bedtime - not yours, hers. Could it go in the front room? Is there a lot of noise and joiviality coming from your lounge once she has been sent to bed? You could consider a crate - great device if used in the right way. Her own private den rather than a punishment.

    Anyway, at the risk of boring everybody further, I shall leave it there. I hope it helps. Fingers crossed for happy families!

    MW. a!

  48. At 02:25 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Gaby wrote:

    Chris, bloggers and shloggers

    Keith #44

    Great blog - really cheered me....I guess pigs don't need hills!!


  49. At 02:29 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Stinus wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    heard about the blog on drive time lots of times but never gone in. Had a couple of mins before my lunch break was over so thought I'd check - that was two hours ago - you are sooo getting me into trouble!

    Anyway, will be back tomorrow! BRILLIANT and set me up in a good mood (which is good for managing my anger according to your show yesterday!).

    P.S. The gentleman I work with (tiny office of two) can "trumpet" better than any I know after having two feet of his intestines removed - it is hilarious and keeps the visitors away!!!

    PPS. can anyone recommend an industrial strength air freshener?

  50. At 02:33 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Dot wrote:

    Cheers big un - those made me laugh out loud!

    Wow Mariella - my dog plays up for my father in law - he steals things and is chased by FAL to who bridbes him with biscuits to retrieve the item - no matter how much we tell him he does not bvelieve he is doing wrong ! The FAL not the dog - the dog is fine with everyone else but knows the biscuit will be forthcoming if he jumps up and steals all the reminders off the fridge.

    Do you have any advice for wayard 83 year old Father in law?

    Love Dot

  51. At 02:34 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Susan wrote:

    Hey Chris and fellow bloggers!

    What a fab idea! Sadly, my cottage is too tiny for your show, although I have a bit of land the size of a football field which goes with it!

    I think the kitchen stuff should definitely include the tinned tomatoes, but also the potatoes that we're all growing in growbags and tyres.

    Dot - also on a diet - with Fat Club (Weight Watchers). Twelve pounds since the beginning of June - only another three stone to go :-(
    And, by the way, the tomatoes have nil points (said in a slightly dodgy French accent) so very very good.

    Chris, loved the "pat the pocket" on the show last night - have instigated it in our office and has caused much giggling over the phrases we'd write on our bits of paper.

    Take care all, Happy Wednesday!


  52. At 02:35 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Katie wrote:

    LOL Keith (44) they are great, forwarded them to hubby so that he's got something to smile about while at work.

    Debbie - I love the idea of us all playing at yours, however I must warn everyone that I am soooo tone deaf so that means the triangle is mine ... and of course it will be played at the wrong time.

    Happy blogging


  53. At 02:36 PM on 13 Sep 2006, F 38 wrote:

    No. 44

    I cut and pasted your text into email - and sent to all at work.

    Everyone's smiling - and snorting!

  54. At 02:47 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Jennie wrote:

    Thank you keith #44. I enjoyed that!

    Chris, Can we get a pig expert on the show to confirm if it is true?? can we, can we?


  55. At 02:55 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Hellbell wrote:


    Karen #24 ...... pink pee...... that is AWESOME!!!

    Everybody is very jolly today, which is lovely.

    A real miserable git shouted at me earlier on the phone (work), wasn't even my fault. I really wanted to tell him to chill out, go and find his hill, there are so many bad things happening in the world so get a life mate. Daniel the cinema manager, you know who you are!! But I took it, and was exceptionally polite in the circumstances. Then I felt smug, and felt sorry for him getting so worked up about nothing on this lovely day.

    And when I went shopping at lunchtime I took my old carrier bags with me, just doing my "bit" and feeling good about it.

    Better do some work now, or it will be the boss's turn to shout......

    H xx

  56. At 02:57 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Anonymous wrote:

    Chris n bloggers


    pigs do seem to have a certain smile on their faces...


  57. At 03:09 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Mariella Wolenski, apparently! wrote:

    Dot #50.

    Father in laws - totally untrainable I'm afraid. Best bet is to kennel them at 70, chuck in the necessaties at regular intervals, food, water, slippers and then watch them play with other father in laws.

    Common play is dancing with thumbs in the air, trousers around the chest area and falling asleep in big comfy armchairs, snoring loudly especially when coronation street is on!


    MW, a!

  58. At 03:12 PM on 13 Sep 2006, The Debster wrote:

    Oh Christophe.............
    After getting over the excitement of the mere possibility of you broadcasting from my home I've just spent lunch hour writing my 'application' as I couldn't wait any longer.
    Here goes.....
    Location: I live almost on the brow of a big hill - one of the four highest points in London. A broadcasters paradise. I did hospital radio for a couple of years from the very peak of this hill until the hospital closed down. :(
    House: I have a house buiilt for parties occupied by myself (40), my son Joe (21) and often his lovely girlie Jenna (21). I’ve had four parties during the 11 weeks I’ve lived there but your drivetime show would be the mother of all christenings for my house!
    First of all I have a large verandah 20' x 12' or so. It looks out over the whole street so is perfect for a massive audience (weather permitting). It has lighting and outdoor plug sockets. My 1930's house has been rewired and has a very sophisticated fuse box (your techies will like to know that bit). There are fantastic views over London from there with the amazing and very large Greenwich Dome in the foreground.
    I have a big garage currently set up as my 21 year old son's den. It houses his Technics 1210 decks and all the usual rig that goes with them (lights, smoke machine etc…as well as the essential beer fridge). There is all manner of other boys recreational gear including play station, guitars, lego, punch bag and many a bean bag to flake out on. Many a band practice and impromptu ‘disco’ happens in there. Tres rock and roll. There's also a drive to this garage at the back of the house so set up would be really easy and private.
    And I haven’t even started on the house…………downstairs is basically a 24ft through lounge with two very large and fabulous chillin’ sofas and not much else. The patio door leads onto the garden and so to the garage…………..The kitchen is just off of the lounge and has a stable door to the garden but I have no horses in there.
    Upstairs……pretty rubbish really. Adequate but dull. My son Joe’s bedroom is best as it’s at the front and has even better views over London than the verandah. It would make a wonderful backdrop for a band. Between 5pm and 7pm in December it will just be a display of lights but Canary Wharf will be obvious. Oh and he has a beer fridge in there.
    The local pub……….a proper Youngs pub about 10 mins walk away with a discerning clientele some of whom have been drinking there for over 50 years. No gimmicks or fashion drinks. The best cheese toasties ever but not much else food-wise. It’s a drinking man’s pub. Still has a saloon and a public bar. The gorgeous elegant Irish landlady has been in residence for over 30 years. She tried to retire and sell the place last year but couldn’t find a buyer she liked enough who would keep the place just as it was. We like to think that she just couldn't bear to leave us. You'd be hard pushed to find a better bunch of She keeps the place spotless and really looks after her regulars. Lock ins galore!
    You could also bring your clubs as just around the corner is the highly acclaimed Shooters Hill golf course with it’s magnificent views over Kent.

    As for dinner……......Everything saucy I cook has red wine in it. I mostly cook the things I am really good and at – Lasagne, Chilli, Curry, Spag Bol. Whatever it is everyone eating has to do a job including stirring the pot with the spoon of love.
    Joe is the chef in the house. He loves cooking and has produced some amazing dishes. He’s very creative and particular in the kitchen as food really excites him. It usually begins with a trip to the market early on a Saturday morning for fresh fish and veggies and general inspiration. I just tend to stick to what I know. I always do a fab dessert though and red jelly, meringue and Cointreau usually feature in there somewhere! I lost the cookery rule book a long time ago....!
    Finally by some massive coincidence I have the week commencing Monady 4th Dec booked off of work intended as my Christmas shopping/prep week.

    I would love to extend a welcome to all bloggers if my application is successful (Maestro permitting) but could you cope with all that lurve in one go?!!

    Let's do it. Yeah, baby!

    xxx Debs xxx

    P.S. We had a very fat house spider up until about a month ago when I walked downstairs in the morning and walked into web woven from bannister to opposing wall. Not what you want in your face first thing in the morning. Do you think he was trying to catch me?!

  59. At 03:14 PM on 13 Sep 2006, kit kat kate wrote:

    #44 Keith;

    Those are very good.
    I keep wondering about the pig though.
    Its rather worrying that I am wondering about it.


  60. At 03:22 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Tabitha wrote:

    Gosh, you guys are so funny.

    Thanks Big un and stinus.

    Can't stop smiling, but have to start my surgery now and be all serious!

    Here goes.


  61. At 03:29 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Kyleigh wrote:

    It is true about the pigs...

    Apparantly their 'shlongs' are shaped like a CORKSCREW... can anyone back this up? (eww)

    (Mate of mine went to agricultural college and told us that IMPORTANT information)


  62. At 03:30 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Josie wrote:

    Have loved the show and thought I'd check out the schlog! Brilliant - if only I could be that awake at 7.15 in the morning.
    Had been a blogging virgin until this moment but tempted due to how great the other bloggers sound.
    December idea sounds great. However, if you're in my area would a take-away be OK? It's that or crisps and dips. The cookings not up to much, although even I can manage tinned tomatoes so perhaps it would Ok afterall - that is if you haven't overdosed on them by then. I wonder whether you can overdose on tinned tomatoes?
    Currently job hunting on the net (well obviously not right this minute cos writing this). Yuk. Still, need the bucks. Left my job in Feb to take time to smell the flowers etc (went to Marrakech on hols - brilliant, spent lots of time with friends and family, fell in love) now need to get back to earning some spondoolies.
    Also love Autumn - both now, when the leaves change colour, when they fall off and you can have leaf fights or just jump around on great piles of them, first frosts. Fantastic. Makes pubs so much cosier, don't you think?
    Sorry if bored you all to death!
    Have a great rest of the day and evening.


  63. At 03:38 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Karen wrote:


    Brilliant idea Christoph. Tinned tomatoes
    are great I agree.


  64. At 03:59 PM on 13 Sep 2006, suegee wrote:

    I'm supposed to share this with someone nice - you all seem nice to me so:-


    When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a
    day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar... and the coffee...

    A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front
    of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and
    empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls.

    He then asked the students if the jar was full.
    They agreed that it was.

    The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar.
    He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between
    the golf balls He then asked the students again if the jar was full.
    They agreed it was.

    The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar.
    Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the
    jar was full. The students responded with an infamous "yes."

    The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and
    poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty
    space between the sand. The students laughed.

    "Now," said the professor, as the laughter subsided, "I want you to
    recognize that this jar represents your life.

    The golf balls are the important things. Your family, your children, your
    faith, your health, your friends and your favourite passions.
    Things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life
    would still be full.

    The pebbles are the other things that matter. Your job, your house and your

    The sand is everything else. The small stuff.

    "If you put the sand into the jar first," he continued, "there is no room
    for the pebbles or the golf balls.

    The same goes for life.

    If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never
    have room for the things that are important to you.

    Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness.

    Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your
    partner out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean
    the house and fix repairs.

    Take care of the golf balls first, the things that really matter. Set your
    priorities. The rest is just sand."

    One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee

    The professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no
    matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of
    cups of coffee with a friend."

  65. At 04:05 PM on 13 Sep 2006, johnnio wrote:

    Thanks a lot for your prompt and detailed reply. Will give as many of them a go as I can.


  66. At 04:07 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Katie wrote:

    hmmm back to the pig thing - is that for a male, female or both? Hate to think that the men would be getting summat we wouldn't!


    ps I think I've thought about this a bit too much now :)

  67. At 04:11 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Jennie wrote:

    Debs house sounds great! only us bloggers will know that it was not chosen "completely at random"

    Just a thought - Chris I hope you are keeping the morris as well as the new VW?


  68. At 04:26 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Gaby wrote:


    what a good point that is to raise on the agenda .....is there a gender for such pig pleasure....?


  69. At 04:29 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Col wrote:

    Here's one for the girls,

    A woman in her fifties is at home happily jumping unclothed, on her bed and squealing with delight.
    Her husband watches her for a while and asks, "Do you have any idea how ridiculous you look? What's the matter with you?"
    The woman continues to bounce on the bed and says, "I don't care what you think. I just came from having a mammogram, and the doctor says
    that not only am I healthy, but I have the breasts of an 18 year-old."
    The husband replies, "What did he say about your 55-year old ar*e?"

    "Your name never came up," she replied.

  70. At 04:30 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    suegee #64 - something about that sounds awfully familiar, I only read it sometime in the last couple of days....

    Debster #58 - i reckon your very fat spider was waiting for a satisfied pig to fly it's weary way down the stairs!

    Oh, and I keep forgetting...tinned tomatoes (without that weird hard bit you sometimes get that you are hoping is part of the stalk) on DEEP FRIED THICK WHITE BREAD which preferably has been cooked in BUTTER and EV OLIVE OIL. (obviously not every day as possible arterial clogging implications)

    fry on macduff

  71. At 04:35 PM on 13 Sep 2006, wrote:

    SueGee @#64

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for reminding me of that wonderful story - I'd completely forgotten about it. I must try harder to keep it in mind for the future.


  72. At 04:57 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Col wrote:

    Here's something to think on when you have a minute or two to spare. I believe that it will strike a chord with both sexes.

    I hope it gets through......

    I have never quite figured out why the sexual urge of men andwomen differ so much.

    And I never have figured out the whole
    Venus and Mars thing.

    I have never figured out why men think with their head and women with their heart.


    One evening last week, my girlfriend and I were getting into bed. Well, the passion starts to heat up, and she eventually says,

    "I don't feel like it, I just want you to hold me."

    I said, "WHAT??!! What was that?!"

    So she says the words that every boyfriend on the planet dreads to hear...

    "You're just not in touch with my emotional needs as a woman enough for me to satisfy your physical needs as a man."

    She responded to my puzzled look by saying, "Can't you just love me for who I am and not what I do for you in the bedroom?"

    Realizing that nothing was going to happen that night, I went to sleep.

    The very next day I opted to take the day off of work to spend time with her. We went out to a nice lunch and then went shopping at a big, big unnamed department store. I walked around with her while she tried on several different very expensive outfits. She couldn't decide which one to take, so I told her we'd just buy them all. She wanted new shoes to compliment her new clothes, so I said,
    "Lets get a pair for each outfit."

    We went on to the jewellery department where she picked out a pair of diamond earrings. Let me tell you... she was so excited. She must have thought I was one wave short of a shipwreck.
    I started to think she was testing me because she asked for a tennis bracelet when she doesn't even know how to play tennis.

    I think I threw her for a loop when I said, "That's fine,honey.
    Smiling with excited anticipation, she finally said, "I think this is all dear, let's go to the cashier."

    I could hardly contain myself when I blurted out, "No honey, I don't feel like it."

    Her face just went completely blank as her jaw dropped with a baffled,


    I then said, "Honey! I just want you to HOLD this stuff for a while. You're just not in touch with my financial needs as a man enough for me to satisfy your shopping needs as a woman."

    And just when she had this look like she was going to kill me, I added, "Why can't you just love me for who I am and not for the things I buy you?"

    Apparently I'm not having sex tonight either....but at least

    she knows I'm smarter than her.

  73. At 05:00 PM on 13 Sep 2006, The Debster wrote:

    Suegee @ 64 please see my blog of yesterday @ 79. Spooky! Something I heard years ago that came to me last night and I had the urge to write it all out to share with my fellow bloggers. Lovely stuff isn't it?


  74. At 05:13 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Bunty O'Brien wrote:

    Fabulous Christophe Tomatoey Pie

    Please please please please come to Wheaters. I live in what has to be one of the friendliest streets in the UK, my house is small but we can easily spread out into my neighbours houses too. AND we have an allotment together and are known as the dirtyhoes.

    Would probably cook chicken chilli (all with produce from t'lotment) with a side order of tinned tomatoes and something gorge for pud.

    Can we book Razorlight now???

    Oh well, time to go listen to you in the car.

    Have a good show

    Buntybuntbunt xx

  75. At 05:36 PM on 13 Sep 2006, connect4 wrote:

    What a great idea to host a show in a listners home.
    I hope an ordinary family are chosen perhaps one with the largest credit card debt and maybe the company may be persuaded for a plug to wipe the slate clean.

    Tomatoes best food in the world. However fresh ones fried in butter are my fav.
    Which reminds me of the Little Britian sketch.

    Have ye heard of the red fruit red and shiny with pips it's called the to..ma..to. exit play flute

  76. At 05:51 PM on 13 Sep 2006, The Debster wrote:

    Bless you Jennie! That's one vote in....!
    Now we know what's bigger than the stones tickets!


  77. At 05:59 PM on 13 Sep 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Ah Ha I can see I have found the level on the blog with my entry #44.

    As I said I can not take the credit for the original draft, all I can say is when I read it I thought of this blog and just knew it would be appreciated ;)

    I am please it brightened up so many people's day.

    Keep smiling :-))))


  78. At 06:04 PM on 13 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Marvin, good name for a dog, even better for a guinea pig.

  79. At 06:05 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Linda wrote:

    Hi bloggers.

    just finished reading yesterdays blogs off out tonight for a meal. Debster 79...I love parables, this is just great. Myra 73, chin up lovie, I'm a brummy girl is that close enough?

    Hazel 58, ME 53 and Debbie 68 how about the following to think on and chill out too....written by a lady called Joanna Field...

    'I was as sure as that I was alive, that happiness not only needs no justification, but that it is also the only final test of whether what I am doing is right for me. Only of course happiness is not the same as pleasure; it includes the pain of losing as well as the pleasure of finding'.

    Keep smiling x

  80. At 06:06 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Colin wrote:

    Oh no, disaster of all disasters. I've been out this morning to book our winter holiday (trip 2). Lanzarote, first week of December. When you come to my house, Chris, can you put all the milk in the fridge, throw out all the junk mail, reset the heating, put the dustbin out (it's the blue box of paper plus the white bag of plastic and the big black bin of garden waste) and lock the back door as I'm sure I left it unlocked.

  81. At 06:09 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Jackie Jones wrote:

    Christophe and blogger's first time to blog just read the comments cheered me up no end! had a terrible couple of days on 9/11 my two young boys were in school and a friend phoned to tell me she could see my kids school and it was on fire thank god no one was hurt thanks to the wonderful school teachers who somehow managed to keep their heads in a scary time so to all the teachers at Coedpenmaen Primary school you are all heros

  82. At 06:15 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Dave wrote:

    Shame you can't come over to Paris. My girlfriends cooking is excellent and I make a mean molleux - that's chocolate cake with a hot moist chocolate centre.

  83. At 06:50 PM on 13 Sep 2006, stephen whittam wrote:


  84. At 06:52 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Lythan Nevard wrote:

    One of our chickens was called Marvin. Marvin the paranoid chicken. She was right to be paranoid though. She got eaten with a fox - along with the ravenous Bugblatter beast of traal. we decided that calling our chickens after characters from Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy was unlucky.
    So now we have spot and mrs Miggins.

  85. At 06:59 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Tina wrote:

    I agree tommys are great. Put a dash of balsamic vinegar in the pot when you're cooking them to turn an ordinary tommy dish into a delicious sweet tommy sauce. A few onions and a bit of garlic help too.

    p.s as a first-time blogger are you meant to read all the blogs first before responding and then respond to the ones that you want to respond to by putting a hash sign (which I can't find on my keyboard) with the number of the response that you are responding to?

  86. At 07:04 PM on 13 Sep 2006, STEPHEN WHITTM wrote:


  87. At 07:20 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Col wrote:

    Oh Ginger one, been listening to your show as I always do when picking up wife after work and noticed the sly dig at Scottish football during womens minute. I do believe it was "rubbish football".
    This is quite disturbing to us Scots as we can slag it off ourselves without you doing it live on air.

    Us Scots do not have delusions of grandeur when it comes to games (unlike some teams) and come win, lose or draw always celebrate (again, unlike some).

    Like Visa cards, we are accepted all over the world (unlike some other cards).

    Will monitor the show closely for any other cautionary tongue slippage..


  88. At 07:29 PM on 13 Sep 2006, shiv wrote:

    Well what can I say! I have found something to do instead of reading social policy.

    How do you have time to read each persons note?

    The idea is super, but please don't come here, the rayburn is not on, I'm still using the 2 ringed hob, cooking is stressful.

    delightful reading matter, have you tried tinned cherry toms? there nice.

    can wait til tomorrow

    shiv cornwall

  89. At 07:54 PM on 13 Sep 2006, STEPHEN WHITTAM wrote:


  90. At 07:59 PM on 13 Sep 2006, wrote:

    oooooh! Me and Marvin, famous at long last, even a mention on the show tonight, brilliant!

    Husband horrified at the tthought of the drive time show coming from our house, Marvin pleased as punch, Jeannie (me!), the one who rules the roost, wants the show here in Scotland, at our house, now and and no excuses. Especially as Marvin would be dressed up as a waiter and serve you all chilled white wine and champagne cocktails, while RazorLight plays iupstairs live..........(well I can dream can't I?!)

    Have just horrified my better half and children by telling them the music I want at my funeral.....well, I think if you don't tell them now when you are alive and vibrant, no point them stressing about not knowing your music choices when you are dead.

    Having seen the documentary on Freddie Mercury last night, and being a long term fan, I want to be carried out to the strains of "Don't Stop Me Now"...... ("Im having such a good time") because that is how I have lived my life up till now, so hopefully it willl make everyone smile.

    Enough already, I think you must live every day as if it was your last, we only have so many days allocated, so come on, let's party! ps I love the wee girl on the show tonight (from Glasgow!) who wore her clothes back to front!

  91. At 08:09 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Morwenna wrote:

    Tinned toms are great I love mine on some fresh wholemeal toast and a splash of worcestershire sauce and plenty of black pepper. A great meal on the run and packed full of cancer kicking goodness.

  92. At 08:24 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Katie wrote:

    Okay back again .... I'm don't have an addictive personality honest!

    Kaiser Chief #90 - my hubby is having The Jam playing Going Underground at his funeral, he's always been a mad Weller fan and feels that he can't go out to anything else. I had to make him tell his mum & family what he wants as I thought if the worst ever did happen then she might just think the worst of me if I had that played --- whereas now they all know the truth that he's a nutter.

    Can we please stop all this tomato talk - tomatoes are about 1 of very very few foods that I really can't stand, though they are better cooked than when raw (bleurgh).

    If we're choosing bands to play in our bedrooms then I'm going for The Zutons - if the show did come here I'd leave Chris cooking in the kitchen (tomato free) and I'd go and boogie in the bedroom.

    Have a good night


  93. At 08:29 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Jen wrote:

    We never have any Chinese left in my house to re-heat. Does it taste as good as it did the night before?

  94. At 08:41 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Barbs wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Am in Wales, just over the bridge - would love to be a contender of the Radio 2 roadshow, I'll put the kettle on!

  95. At 08:47 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Martin H wrote:

    O.K. I'll admit it, I'm a virgin.. to blogging and all that goes with it. The kids are out and my beloved wife is on holiday in a very sunny Cyprus, so I have actually got to the computer. Been hearing about your blog and just had to read a bit. Love the idea of show from a home, bit like a show home! anyway your show has made me switch allegiance from R4s PM. There is nothing better on the radio than your drivetime. It's great to know that on Friday's the listeners all love the music I do. Thanks to you and the team. Martin H

  96. At 09:07 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Myra wrote:

    Hi Christopher The Great and all bloggers / shlogger and everyone else especially Terry Wogan.

    I reckon Chris and his chums should come to my house in sunny Llangefni on Anglesey. I'll make you all a panad o de, and then tatw pum munud and finish with pwdin afal gyda hyfen. Yummmmm.

    This is why I'm not a size 10.

    We are a very welcoming lot at our little house, my son will probably be away in barracks, my middle daughter will probably want you to go through her c.d. collection, and my youngest daughter (who has just started a beauty therapy course at college) would probably want to give you a facial and massage before letting you anywhere near all your radio equipment.

    You must of course bring Terry Wogan with you as well, so that we could have someone to chat with while you're doing your bit on the airwaves.

    After you've all finished the show, we'd take you to a lovely little pub we know where we could have a lock-in until say..........12.00 p.m. then we'd go back to our house, have a bechdan cig mochyn hefo sos tomato, listen to some music, especially that new song I've heard on Radio 2 - think it's called 'Hotel Room' which is just lovely.

    My lovely hubby would probably feed the cats and fish -and then we'd sit back and giggle at all the blogs 'cos they're the greatest thing since
    fried bread and tomatoes.

    We'd then let you all bed down for the night so that you could whizz off to Norn Ireland in the morning.

    Don't you think that sounds great - it does to me - WE'LL KEEP A WELCOME IN THE HILLSIDES.

    Hubby still in Coventry - no not in Coventry, but in Coventry on another course, so a silent night in bed tonight. No bottom boopers. Ahhh I miss him already.....

    Been married for 28 years and love him more now than every, he's such a great bloke and an even better friend. Just one in a trillion - ohhhh am making my eyes fill up now, cos he's not here for a kiss.

    Have you decided to give your car a name Chris?
    Truly think BLOSSOM is a good name for a car.

    Have copied a couple of the jokey blogs tonight so that I can send them to friends at work, especially one of the girls who needs to be cheered up.

    A word to the wise Chris - if all goes well with your new house, when you buy a suite for your living room - please make sure the proportions are right.

    I went with hubby on Saturday to a good furniture shop in our local town of Bangor, walked in and saw a lovely suite. The owner's son came and helped us, as is the wont in these family run shops, advised but kept a discreet distance whilst I dithered.

    Anyhow I made a decision and he stated that as the suite I'd chosen had just been delivered into the shop, I could either have that particular one, or place an order and receive it in about 6 weeks.

    Well, me being impatient I opted for the suite in the shop, had it delivered on Monday whilst I was at work - came home and guess what - IT WAS ENORMOUS. Really worried by now that I'd made an expensive mistake.

    Thought about it all day yesterdayat work, and this morning thought - blow it, I'll go back to the shop and speak to Neil (shop owner's son) - explained my predicament and guess what - he told me not to worry, have a look round the shop and choose another suite. I JUST COULDN'T BELIVE IT.

    Well found a lovely suite upstairs on the 3rd floor, spoke to Neil - ascertained that the price was acceptable - and he's going to pick up the old new suite on FRIDAY and deliver my new second suite on FRIDAY - HOW IS THAT FOR SERVICE. Would you believe it - he wouldn't even let me pay for the second delivery.

    I really think that they deserve the Gold Standard for Service - well done Caprice. From one happy customer.

    Morale of this story Chris - make sure that your furniture will fit.

    Right as lovely hubby not here - I'm off to scoot the girls to bed and then I'm off to join Ruth Rendell and Inspector Wexford.

    Sorry not a funny blog tonight - just had a busy day at work and my funny cells aren't fired up.

    All the best to all bloggers and everyone else.
    Myra xxx

  97. At 09:10 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Charles Fox wrote:

    Eggsellent, count us in on your trip please, overlooking the container terminal of Southampton !
    What a view, great for the radio !
    Coooool !

  98. At 09:12 PM on 13 Sep 2006, cate wrote:

    Evening, evening!! How comes everbody says morning? Could it mean that they are reading whilst on somebody else's time?? Surely not...
    Anyway I want talk about tomatoes.. No don't go, I'm not boring, really!!
    It's just that this is the season for all those home growers to be passing bags of toms over the fence!! Giving them away!!
    ENGLISH home grown toms. You can't beat them.
    Just pop them in the pan, drop of olive oil, maybe dash of oregano, simmer til soft.. Yummy, on toast, in a bacon roll. Anyway you want them.
    Tinned toms?? At this timeof year? Please no.
    Chris you must know someone who 'home grows'.
    Try it. shelve that tin opener, just for now.
    How's the spuds? C X

  99. At 09:14 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Rosalinda wrote:

    Hey everyonel
    Been away and just catching up with all you lovely people. Won't have time to read any of the books suggested as too busy reading the blog. It's addictive.

    # 58 I think (!) Hazel from yesterday
    If I have any problems I'm going to ask for your advice. You sound very wise. I nominate you as our agony auntie.

    Exhausted so going to crash out now with a glass of wine and the Indy crossword.

  100. At 09:24 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Sandrella wrote:

    Hi Chris, I've decided that reading your blog is like reading a good book!!! I love reading the others' comments!!! I've picked up on a few comments that made me laugh & have finished my otherwise 'iffy' day off rather well. Must say one of them got me thinking about what music I would have at my funeral, not in a morbid way, you understand!!! Quite like the idea of 'here i go again on my own' by whitesnake....but I loved the message about the Jam & 'going underground'!!! I'm left-handed by the way, just thought I'd let you know that my bank let me have a left-handed cheque book, it confuses the hell out of the cashiers but hey!! makes me laugh. looking forward to Thursday's drivetime. See ya love ya!!!

  101. At 09:27 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Ashley Cobb wrote:

    Hi Chris and Team,
    Used to listen to you when you were on Radio 1,then because I don`t live in London,missed out when you went to Virgin.
    Been Radio 2 fan for years now,can`t stand radio 1,must be an age thing (44 years old now)
    Must admit your first couple of drive time shows,were well I thought you had gone past your prime.But wait,it must have been Nerves,because now its Brill and I don`t miss a show. Keep up the good work and this broadcasting from a house,try and choose my city,Gloucester. We have the best Rugger team in the Land. My Daughter likes coming with me,which is great as she has taken my dads place as he passed away last year and my wife isnt into it.
    Anyway just wanted to say great show.



  102. At 09:31 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Mark Atkin wrote:

    Told Sal I was wanting you to come to our house for the drivetime show. She said "you better bloody be here...and you better clean the carpet". I was more worried were to put the new fridge to store all the Magners!


  103. At 09:36 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Bev D wrote:

    wow wow and wow..what a blog!..haven't have chance to read any of the other replies yet but if u pick my house give me a week to tidy up first pease! great idea...tsk all go here and I've gotta go again. Keep up the good work Chris.

    Bev D x

  104. At 09:51 PM on 13 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris.

    Absolutely love the show. Am now living in San Francisco, CA (originally from Newcastle!!), and am working for Clean Water Action a non profit grassroots community based organisation that protects the waterways of the USA. I really love your sections on global warming and the environment. The more people that we educate in the UK and around the globe the better.

    One of the brilliant websites that I check out everyday is www.greengeek.ca this is a very innovative website which highlights the latest advances in technology with a environmental viewpoint. Please let the general public know about this site as it is truly amazing!!!

    Keep up the good work - I listen to you every morning 9am - 11am - which is great!!

    All the best

    Nigel Dent

  105. At 09:56 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Isis wrote:

    Bon soir Christophe et tout le monde!!

    I never get time to read your blogs during the day so am trying to catch up now!

    Love the idea of doing the show from someone's house, but ya ain't coming to mine!! I couldn't stand the stress!! :)

    Tinned tomatoes? So tasty & so versatile! Also very low calorie! I've lost 27lbs since the end of June & am feeling very proud of myself. Still got a way to go, but I'm remaining motivated & positive. Am sending lots of encouragment to all of us bloggers who are on diets, it will be worth it in the end, so don't give up!!

    Happy Thursday to you all.

  106. At 09:59 PM on 13 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Ok Ok i know it's a long one. But it's guaranteed to make you smile, ANYTIME of the day! Long live Tommy Cooper!

    Adam, Worcester

    Man goes to the doc, with a strawberry growing out of his head. Doc says 'I'll give you some cream to put on it.'
    He said 'I'm going to chop off the bottom of one of your trouser legs and put it in a library.' I thought 'That's a turn-up for the books.
    And the back of his anorak was leaping up and down, and people were chucking money to him. I said 'Do you earn a living doing that?' He said 'Yes, this is my livelihood.'
    So I was getting into my car, and this bloke says to me 'Can you give me a lift?' I said 'Sure, you look great, the world's your oyster, go for it.'
    So I got home, and the phone was ringing. I picked it up, and said 'Who's speaking please? ' And a voice said 'You are.'
    So I rang up a local building firm, I said 'I want a skip outside my house.' He said 'I'm not stopping you.
    I went to the doctors. He said 'I'd like you to lie on the couch'. I said 'What for?' He said 'I'd like to sweep the floor'
    I went to the doctors. He said 'What appears to be the problem?'. I said 'I keep having the same dream, night after night, beautiful girls rushing towards me and I keep pushing them away'. He said 'How can I help?'. I said 'Break my arms!'
    My wife had a go at me last night. She said 'You'll drive me to my grave'. I had the car out in thirty seconds.
    I went up into the attic and found a Stradivarius and a Rembrandt. Unfortunately Stradivarius was a terrible painter and Rembrandt made lousy violins.
    One year I got a bike for my birthday. So I went peddling off down the road and knocked an old lady down. 'Can't you ring your bell?' She said. 'I can ring my bell,' I said 'But I can't ride my bike'
    We were coming in to land, and it affects your ears, doesn't it? The Stewardess gave me chewing gum. I put it in my ear. Took two days to get it out. This little old lady was frightened. She looked at me, she said 'Do something religious'. So I took up a collection.
    I'm on a whiskey diet. I've lost three days already.
    A policeman stopped me the other night, he taps on the window of the car and says: 'Would you please blow into this bag, Sir'. I said: 'What for, Officer?' He says: 'My chips are too hot'.
    I got stopped again last night by another policeman. He says: 'I'd like to follow you to the nearest Police Station'. I said 'What For?'. He said: 'I've forgotten the way'.
    So I said to the taxi driver, 'King Authur's Close'. He said, 'Don't worry, we'll lose him at the next set of lights'
    A man walks into a greengrocer's and says, I want five pounds of potatoes please. And the greengrocer says, we only sell kilos. So the man says, alright then, I'll have five pounds of kilos.
    And he said 'My dog doesn't eat meat'. I said 'Why not?'. He said 'We don't give him any'
    I knocked at my friend's door and his wife answered the door. I said 'Is Jim in?'. She didn't reply, just stood there looking at me. So I asked again. Just then a woman appeared at his wife's elbow. 'Sorry luv' she said 'We buried him last Thursday'. 'He didn't say anything about a pot of yellow paint before he went, did he?'
    I went to Blackpool on holiday and knocked at the first boarding house that I came to. A women stuck her head out of an upstairs window and said 'What do you want?'. 'I'd like to stay here' 'Ok. Stay there'.
    I went to the doctor. He said 'you've got a very serious illness'. I said 'I want a second opinion'. He said 'all right, you're ugly as well'.
    When I was in the scouts, the leader told me to pitch a tent. I couldn't find any pitch, so I used creosote.
    I went into this pub, and I ate a ploughman's lunch. He was livid.
    I got home from work and the wife said - I'm very sorry dear, but the cat's eaten your dinner'. I said 'Dont worry - I'll get you a new cat'.
    I went into this ice cream parlour and said 'I'd like a vanilla cone'. The assistant said 'Hundreds and thousands ?'. I said 'No - I'll just have the one'. He said 'knickerbocker glory?' I said 'I do get a certain amount of freedom in these trousers, yes.'
    I've always been unlucky. I had a rocking horse once, and it died.
    I said to the waiter, I said 'This chicken I've got is cold'. He said 'I should think so. It's been dead for two weeks'. 'Not only that', I said, 'It's got one leg shorter than the other'. He said 'What do you want to do, eat it or dance with it?'
    Sometimes I drink my whiskey neat. Other times I take my tie off and leave my shirt out.
    My wife and I were fighting like hammer and tongs. She won, she had the hammer.
    I hurt my back the day. I was playing piggy back with my 6 year old nephew, and I fell off.
    'Doc, I can't stop singing the green green grass of home.' 'That sounds like Tom Jones syndrome. ' 'Is it common?' 'It's not unusual.'
    A man takes his Rottweiler to the vet. 'My dog's cross-eyed, is there anything you can do for him? ' 'Well,' says the vet, 'let's have a look at him' So he picks the dog up and examines his eyes, then checks his teeth. Finally, he says 'I'm going to have to put him down.' 'What? Because he's cross-eyed? ' 'No, because he's really heavy'
    Guy goes into the doctor's. 'Doc, I've got a cricket ball stuck up my backside.' 'How's that?' 'Don't you start'
    So I rang up my local swimming baths. I said 'Is that the local swimming baths?' He said 'It depends where you're calling from.'
    I went to the butchers the other day and I bet him 50 quid that he couldn't reach the meat off the top shelf. And he said, 'no, the steaks are too high.'
    'I was cleaning out the attic the other day with the wife. Filthy, dirty and covered with cobwebs.... but she's good with the kids...'
    Apparently, 1 in 5 people in the world are Chinese. And there are 5 people in my family, so it must be one of them. It's either my mum or my dad. Or my older brother Colin Or my younger brother Ho-Cha-Chu. But I think it's Colin.
    Two fat blokes in a pub, one says to the other 'your round.' The Other one says 'so are you, you fat b*stard'
    A blind bloke walks into a shop with a guide dog. He picks the dog up and starts swinging it around his head. Alarmed, a shop assistant calls out: 'Can I help, sir?' 'No thanks,' says the blind bloke. 'Just looking.'
    Cos it's strange, isn't it. You stand in the middle of a library and go 'Aaaaaaagghhhh' and everyone just stares at you. But you do the same thing on an aeroplane, and everyone joins in.
    You know, somebody actually complimented me on my driving today. They left a little note on the windscreen, it said 'Parking Fine.' So that was nice.
    So I went down my local ice-cream shop, and said I want to buy an ice-cream' He said Hundreds & thousands?' I said 'We'll start with one.' He said 'Knickerbocker glory?' I said 'I do get a certain amount of freedom in these trousers, yes.'
    I went to Millets and said 'I want to buy a tent.' He said 'To camp?', I said (butchly) 'Sorry, I want to buy a tent.' I said 'I also want to buy a caravan.' He said 'Camper?' I said (campily) 'Make your mind up.'
    So I went to the dentist. He said 'Say Aaah.' I said 'Why?' He said 'My dog's died.'' 'Now, most dentist's chairs go up and down, don't they? The one I was in went back and forwards. I thought 'This is unusual'. And the dentist said to me 'Mr Cooper, get out of the filing cabinet.''
    So I was in my car, and I was driving along, and my boss rang up, and he said 'You've been promoted.' And I swerved. And then he rang up a second time and said 'You've been promoted again.' And I swerved again. He rang up a third time and said 'You're managing director.' And I went into a tree. And a policeman came up and said 'What happened to you?' And I said 'I careered off the road.'
    This fella is on safari in Africa when he comes across an elephant lying on the ground, in distress. He investigates and finds a thorn in its foot. He removes it, and the elephant trots merrily away. Twenty years on, the man is standing in the street in London watching a circus procession pass by. When the elephant gets level with him, it stops, looks straight at him, reaches out with its trunk, lifts him bodily into the air, smashes him on the ground and jumps on him. It was a different elephant.

  107. At 10:36 PM on 13 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Hope you enjoy the Italian tonight - have you rung in advance to see if they can add the tinned tomatoes?? I fear you may be pregnant with all this food fancying....now there is a scoop!
    Love the idea of you visiting houses...but I am always in the car driving down M1 each night when you are on - might be dangerous to link up on the M1 so will have to pass.. :(

    I've had my solicitors stuff for my new flat today, never bought leasehold before, reading through my 'rules' here now, I can't have a window box - drat I wanted to go all Jamie Oliver and plant herbs. Oh and I can't shake my rugs out of my own window!!! How mad is that!! I think I will have to do it under cover of darkness... tee hee...

    Great show today, warm wishes as ever to all bloggers..

    p.s. got chatted up via email today by total stranger, made my day!!! :)

  108. At 10:54 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Jacbers wrote:

    That Tomato Cooper stuff made me giggle a lot, especially the careered off the road one.

    Somebody mentioned spiders before and as I was reading the beginning of the blog I rang my mum and we were talking about my nephews and my brothers impending wedding and my sisters impending electricity in her shed for the freezer and all manner of catching up things and as we were talking I saw a daddy long legs fly close to a cobwebby thing in the corner, as it did a huge spider ran out, the D-L-L flew away but came back and it happened 3 or 4 times, (I didn't know to count til I got to the end) Anyway next fly past it got too close and before my eyes the spider ran out and grabbed the D-L-L it sat on its.....head? body? and the D-L-L legs were flailing around eventually the spider dragged it off...

    Moral of the story...clean the corners before Chris and his mates come round to play in December, although by then I should have tinsel and lights and things up so maybe no-one would notice a bit of fluff!

    So off to bo-bo's now up early to prepare and depatch children to school and then off to work to cause mayhem, it's not in my job description strictly but then neither is sucking up to the boss but I'm expected to.

    I love Beetles, I had a gold one called Quasi, it died :0( Also had a VW camper called Essie...she died I now have a polo cute but lacking personality (like me?) NO I'm not cute at all.

    Night night, sleep tight, mind the bed bugs don't bite.


    ps don't know what I was supposed to do here but rambling seemed ok, complain about me if I've got it wrong :0)

  109. At 11:22 PM on 13 Sep 2006, larry wrote:

    Told you once before...no responce..Read..Bordains Kitchen Confidential and/or A chefs tour......you will love them...trust me m8
    He has also written a number of fiction type novels as well set in the foodie world....love you ....love your show....

  110. At 01:04 AM on 14 Sep 2006, Paul Hinkinson wrote:

    Hi Chris and good morning

    Its 00:53 in the morning in damp wolverhampton and im just checking out the blog whilst eating my lunch at work.
    Great idea about doing the drive time from someones house sounds great fun.
    Whilst you are in an idea mood i thought of this the other day i was inspired when reading your blog about finding your own hill and yours was a suna,
    It struck a cord that your blogs were not only blogs but in some cases guides to life.
    So here in lies my idea at the end of every year print a book of your blogs one page for every blog I.E 365 pages and on each page you could add a web site link to a theme you have covered or something from the show like for example growing your own potatoes.
    And the best bit is all proceeds could go to charity like COMIC RELIEF.


    Keep it up Chris :)

  111. At 01:14 AM on 14 Sep 2006, Living Life 2 The Full wrote:

    Oh my... look at the time... however, can't sleep so thought I would put it to good use!

    Chris... I think "Drive Time from your house" is an excellent idea! Hope it all pans out - really not sure how you are going to manage to get a random list of all the towns across the country to do a lottery... still perhaps Mr Dedicoat could help you there... what with his influence mid-week and Saturday evenings??

    suegee - there is an excellent book about that very concept called "Big Rocks - Balancing Life and Work" written by a very close friend of mine. It is very simple and makes a lot of sense.

    Anyhow, hump day is over and we are 24 hrs closer to the weekend! Hoorah!

    I love all of you and love reading all your messages and musings!

    LL2TF xx

  112. At 02:04 AM on 14 Sep 2006, wrote:


  113. At 04:55 AM on 14 Sep 2006, Jo wrote:

    Hi Chris...... I hpoe you enjoyed your warmed up Chinese..I LOVE IT COLD, great hangover cure. I also LOVE that you LOVE your bug, I had a bug by the name of Betty (she was 39 years old!), I sadly had to let her go when i had my gave birth to my little girl as she just wasnt big enough. I miss her everyday!

    Ps) Can you come broadcast from down under??

  114. At 07:31 AM on 14 Sep 2006, Sarah L wrote:

    What time does the Blog appear? Anyone else not seeing the day's blog early in the day and only much much later when the sun is up?? Or is Chris sleeping in now that he's not up at sparrow's fart to practice golf?

    Is it me?

    Sarah (probably a TOG) L

  115. At 07:55 AM on 14 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Great Idea Chris, my husband Tony listens to your drive time show each night from his tractor, do you want to broadcast from that???
    Love Sue

  116. At 08:17 AM on 14 Sep 2006, Simon wrote:

    Dear chris

    just a quick note to say, tuned you in for the first time this week, top show, great music, great chat, chilled out, perfect radio for that long comute home. Congrats on doing a great job.

    many thanks


  117. At 08:26 AM on 14 Sep 2006, gaby wrote:


    Sarah #114

    it's not you : ) .....

    his blog appears at various times of the day - sometimes very early, sometimes just early and sometimes much later.....

    ...or is it me !! : )


  118. At 08:39 AM on 14 Sep 2006, The Groovemeister wrote:

    Morning World.

    Like the sound of the show live from home.

    Might struggle to get a band in one of the bedrooms at mine, best make sure it isn't Showaddywaddy or Lynyrd Skynyrd!

  119. At 09:11 AM on 14 Sep 2006, bob mortimore wrote:

    Hi Chris.....
    I had never really listened to Radio 2 and flick
    between all the stations depending on what is
    playing UNTIL i heard you were on Radio 2...Now I lsiten to the drivetime show exclusively on my way home from work in the car..Its a great show ..and I dont flick through all the stations...
    am I sad or happy...HAPPY of course !!!

  120. At 09:22 AM on 14 Sep 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Good morning all and sundried!

    I have had the worst morning before I even got to work, and was hoping to be cheered up with the blog, and would you believe it, I feel a LOT better now! (Boiler on blink so had to wash in kitchen sink with water from kettle. Was getting in and out of sink that was most difficult part...anyway, man due today to look so hope is able to fix as not happy with boiling kettles long term and the boy had to have a 'boiled bath' last night which did NOT go down well. Also do not sleep well in this weather particularly lightning and thunder - love storms but can't sleep through them - as yesterday may try to have small sleep later)

    LINDA #79
    That is lovely and very true. I am SO happy with the boy, but even that doesn't stop me wanting to kill him every morning when he won't get up and I don't have too but that's another story...

    I've never thought of being an agony auntie - could always give it a go! Thank you very much for the compliment xx

    Have just got back from fetching milk and biccies for office and have been told off for buying cookies instead of REAL biscuits. For that read Rich Tea or Digestive. This is all the garage had. If you don't like the bits then take them out.

    Looking forward to what today's blog may bring.

    Ten bob each way on the sheepskin noseband

  121. At 09:58 AM on 14 Sep 2006, Hellbell wrote:


    Fab jokes yesterday and today, smiling like a silly fool everythime I read them.

    I'm meeting a friend for coffee at lunchtime, if I'm ever worried about my life and issues, I just take a look at her. She is the most obsessive neurotic person I know, it's quite scary. She chooses to have nothing spontaneous or impulsive in her life, by plotting her every move for the week on a Monday. This even includes what time she will go to bed. It also has to include her cleaning routine. She cleans for England. She works full time, is single (wonder why?), doesn't smoke, yet still washes all the curtains in her house EVERY WEEKEND.

    She is also 7.5 stone and on a diet.

    So I think of her as a sort of reference point, an extreme on the scale. IT MEANS THE REST OF US ARE NORMAL HURRAH!!

    H xxx

    PS Ken Bruce is playing "9 to 5", what a great song to jig along to

  122. At 09:58 AM on 14 Sep 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    A very good morning to one and all in blogland,

    I see Chris is late again this morning as even he himself said he would blog early on Tue, Wed and Thursday mornings!

    Still I am sure it will be on here later and as good a read as ever.

    I am tired this morning as for some reason we had a power cut (it appeared to be most of Somerset) last night a about 11 o'clock……..no problem you would think well that would be the case if when at 3 this morning and the power returned the house lit up like a Christmas tree. I spent 10 minuets going around turning off TV’s, lights and computers that were wiring back into life only to be thrown into darkness again for another 15 minuets. All was eventually returned to normal except…………..I had forgotten to change the alarm clock beside the bed………..yep the alarm was set to on and it woke me at 4:30 am. Now I am the wrong side of 40 to not get a good night sleep and be sociable the next day.

    I have come into work growled at my staff twice (not like me……..honest) so I have closed my office door and left instructions that I am not to be disturbed! :-(

    So I am off for a power nap………see you all later, virtually speaking of course :-)


  123. At 10:14 AM on 14 Sep 2006, M6 Jonny wrote:

    Morning, to the best radio show out there and fellow bloggers. I would just like to say how much the show brightens up the snail like journey I take each night up the M6. Could I just take this opportunity to congratulate the England Women’s Rugby Team for reaching their World Cup final and wish them all the best for Sunday against New Zealand.
    Anyway alreeady looking forward to tonights show.
    Y'all have a good day

  124. At 10:23 AM on 14 Sep 2006, Linda wrote:

    Only got to number 94 today am now very close to being late for work but just gotta say...Keith 44 I keep thinking about that pig...will have a smileon my face all day, ta muchly, have great day bloggees and chris, shd catch most of show tonight, got the biggest pile of ironing to do.....Dot, where are you.

  125. At 10:24 AM on 14 Sep 2006, Karen wrote:

    D'you know what, I never used to like you when you were younger. But now, I could listen all day. Have you GROWN UP? You certainly sound like you have!! You seem extremely happy in your skin!!
    Keep it up!!
    Love the show
    Karen. xx

  126. At 11:40 AM on 14 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Good Morning Chris,
    Do you know what - your energy never ceases to amaze me!
    If any one needed a pick-me-up in the morning, all they have to do is log on to this blog and read your daily mutterings - it certainly puts a smile on my face :)
    Keep up the cracking

  127. At 03:08 PM on 14 Sep 2006, Jo wrote:

    VW Bugs are great,but VW camper vans are really cool and home from home! Ours is called valentine - as she was bought on valentines day, and looks cool and funky in a contemporary blue. Inside her, you could be in sweden with her Ikea units, curtains and duvet! Self sufficiency rocks with her smoked glass hob and a few bottles of cheeky chardonnay in the fridge. If you want to be with friends Chris, come along to the next VW show, and show off your bug and pop along to the van for a cheeky glass of c! By the way, have you named her yet?
    Take care Jo

  128. At 04:18 PM on 14 Sep 2006, stephen whittam wrote:

    good afternoon to the best radio out there and fellow bloggers i would just to how much the show brightens up the the day like junrney take you his each might up and think you are the best in the world becouse you light up peolpe day and you should get lot of fans they all love

  129. At 04:39 PM on 14 Sep 2006, stephen pheasant wrote:

    hi chris
    enjoying dipping into your show on my drive home from work in york.
    maturity is a great thing and am pleased that you seem more than content with your lot at the mo.
    good luck to you and keep on entertaining us in your own special way.

  130. At 05:46 PM on 14 Sep 2006, stephen whittam wrote:

    i like you show becouse iam happy an chilled out as well

  131. At 07:46 PM on 14 Sep 2006, Judy B wrote:

    I'm wondering what kind of bug you have? I have / had one, but she is now down to a chassis only, ready to be turned into something else. I miss her, and love to go to the VW fests. Do you go? Also wondering if you reply to these???

    I will be honest - I miss Johnny, but you are growing on me...

  132. At 09:18 AM on 15 Sep 2006, stephen whittam wrote:

    when radio two start i feel chilled out and cool it make me very hzppy cheerful

  133. At 02:10 PM on 15 Sep 2006, jacki wrote:

    am i doing this right? whats this all about then?

  134. At 04:46 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Mike wrote:

    Hi there,
    I'm just loving my life on a camp site in Norwich while my house purchase proceeds slowly!!!!

    Say hello to the lovely lady in the caravan the other side of the track, I'm too shy to, sorry her caravan leaked the other night.

  135. At 09:24 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Ron Woodhead wrote:

    Chris and all "bloggers" out there on the www.

    I lhave been listening to drive time for the last six years. Until CE took over on Drivetime and introduced the "shlog" I became curious to understand what blogging was all about.

    Having read tonight's and the previous four nights blogs, including all the listener response BLOGS I have become a fan.

    Nice show Chris, love the team ethic approach you.

    Regards to you and all the Drivetime team

    Ron Woodhead

  136. At 11:58 AM on 17 Sep 2006, stephen whittam wrote:

    iam you fan of you show becouse iam you biggest fan on radio 2

  137. At 01:42 PM on 17 Sep 2006, Babypink wrote:

    Great idea, so inspirational how do you do it! Your blog makes me laugh. MM TInned tomatoes, thats probably where your fart origniated from? I dont have a blog, must tell you about my typical day though. Set off for work, noraml drive time 1hr, today 3hrs, why? rain and random accidents, how inconvenient? half mile from work, power steering packs in on my car I have owned for 5wks - ugh. Rings dealer out they come to try and fix it, had to drive it to dealership, walks outside heavens open, I get soaked (bring it on). Takes car to dealership gtes out of car heavens open again get soaked. Givne spare car, drives to work, all is good. Drive home in spare car, gets home, gets out of car, heavens open get soaked, relaise house keys are with my car at delareship, could cry at this point. Borrow spare key from landlady, gets in house stands in cat poo. Whats your worst day?

    Babypink aka Julie

  138. At 06:23 PM on 19 Sep 2006, wrote:

    i love my mum an day and amy becouse all you crew on the radio two please would you play abda thank you for the for all my family in nelson plase chris

  139. At 07:05 PM on 20 Sep 2006, Rashty wrote:

    Chris- cool idea about going to peoples' houses to do your show. I write recipes for a living so I'd love to cook tea for you all, as my young girls and I always listen to your show when we're in at teatime and we often have a good old boogie!
    You should have a tea time recipe slot for people to text in their best quick recipes, cos it's that time of day when we're all thinking about food ( well I'm ususally thinking about food all day every day!!)
    Brill show, keep it going!

  140. At 07:01 PM on 29 Nov 2006, christine embleton wrote:

    what was that whistling guy`s website called?, incidentaly excellent show!

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