Rafternoon everyone.
Been looking at houses, very nice, very very nice but I didn't get "the feeling."
"The feeling" is always right, 100 % of the time. It's the same feeling that tells us all when we're doing something wrong. Never ignore the feeling, ignore it at your peril.
Sat in Radio 2 now, came in to nick the computer so i could have a look and have a blog.
Everyone's revved up to go for ALL REQUEST FRIDAY and JOHHNY SPORTS LOCKER SAUNDERS has just bottled out of a bet...
So I sit down and log on and then everyone says, "Shush, shush let's see if he does it."
Steve's show is then turned up so the whole office can hear,
"What are we listening for ?" I ask in bemusement.
"We've dared Johnny to say the word ROSE in the middle of his sports bulletin on STEVE'S show." Replied a helpful soul.
So we waited and waited, the excitement building as the bulletin continued and then there he was gone. No mention of "ROSE" or "ROSIE" or "ROZ" or "RO". Boooo JOHNNIE.
As long as they're happy...
The FOX goes on holiday today for a week with her Italian hubby FREDERICO. Bring on the BADGER.
The News of the World have just been on about some story or another, it's nice to know they still care, (now that the" tear it up days" are in the past. Really, no more, far too tiring) Bring on the crossword, a nice poached chicken, a walk with the dogs and a fruity pint of TIMOTHY TAYLOR'S.
Walker's sent us some PICKLED ONION crisps, my goodness they're tasty, (other potato based snacks are available)... on to my third bag and then that really has to be it.
Always work hungry, it ensures you get things done. The second satiation takes hold all determination and zest creeps out the back door. Jeremy Irons always fasts 24 hours before he films a scene, he says it focuses the mind. Back to back shoots must be prettty tough.
Bono's in town with the rest of the band and has put in a call inviting us over for a few hours. The man is a God and never forgets anyone. How he fitseveryone in i have no idea.
I must tell you a BONO story next week, the man's a legend.
Monday's an age away, let's hope it takes it's time a - coming.
Forty minutes and counting till lift off, STEVE'S playing CARELESS WHISPER, a quick cup of cha, the usual rub down, a quick stretch and then i should be ready for you.
Eat well and only drink with people you like, it's the weekend....
P.S You're such a romantic lot.
Wise words again Christophe - you have a way of making us think.
Here's to the weekend - my birthday tomorrow, and Proms in Hyde Park with Chas and Dave and Lionel Richie before waving our flags. Then off to majorca on Sunday for a week.
Good weekend and week to you all
Tess x
Well, well, you took your time.
Have you seen what us guys have had to put up with while waiting for your input?
I bet there will be a collective sigh from the female contingent...
Keep in touch with yourself..
Good afternoon to you
firstly to your ps - yes we are .... and it doesn't half make the world a nicer place.
Urgh pickled onion crisps - I'd forgotten how strong they are and they my son gave me some of his Monster Munch the other day (which have so shrunk since they first came out ... either that or it's my vision!), anyway they were so strong they made me do that eye and face gurning thing - not nice at all.
House hunting sounds gorgeous, and yes you've got to wait for that feeling ... you know you've got it when it comes.
Hope you have a good show and here's to a good weekend ....
Hear you at (a very soon) 5
some would say romantic. others would say mr evans is losingthe plot again.
some would say romantic. others would say mr evans is losingthe plot again.
Hi Chris
Nice of you to join us! If you check yesterdays blog you'll see we've all been chatting all day!!!
What a name dropper you are!! So do I have to buy the New of the World to find out what you've been up to? Does it have anything to do with Wed night?????
Looking forward to the show - please no mention of crisps though as I'm on a diet and I'm STARVING!!!
Love Alison xxx
Romantic is as romantic does Christophe
Agree about working hungry. I cannot concentrate in the afternoon - or as I usually I can't digest and think at the same time. Enjoy your weekend.
Hi, Looking forward to the show today..
As for crisps iam a BIG BIG NIK NAK fan more the merryer but my fravorite ones have got to be the green ones cant remember the flavour but when i think of them my mouth waters so that just proves to me how great they are.
A great way of eating these are pour 3 packets into a cerial bowl and eat them with a big spoon maybe ask the public their mouth watering fravorites foods are..
Hi Chris,
We do that at work ... no..... not kissing..... trying to get words into things..... we challenge each other, to get words into published Government Documents... Try getting the word "Topiary" into a document on the budget's really "interesting" at the document reviews, if someone spots the challenge word ........ I know... but how else do you make it interesting.....
Keep smiling
PS Those crisps sound yummy!
OY! Pickled Onion crisps!!! Just thinking about them gives me bad breath! Now I will have to go rinse with something minty.
Hi Blogs
Well the challenge word does sound fun. Will use that for my boring days here!! Should be an easy task as we are always told to RTFM!
Pickled onion crisps, they sound great. Doea anyone remember Savoury Vinegar crisps?? They were the best !!
Have a great weekend. I am now preparing for long drive and list to CE request night.
Such ramblings! They are the ramblings of a mentalist....
I like Pickled Onion Space Invaders actually, so will look out for the Walkers crisps, I wish they did Lite versions of the tasty crisps, instead of the usual, my Fat Fighters leader might be even more chuffed with me if they did!!
Monday is ages away and I'm so glad, cos I've got so much work to finish by Monday - boo hoo!!!
What a beautiful day - I have spent most of it staring out of the window at the gorgeous blue sky and the lush greenness of the trees - should have just gone for a walk this morning and got it all out of my system!!
Have a lovely weekend Bloggers,
S xx.
Hi Chris,
I am now pleased I decide to stay in work just a little bit late (for a Friday anyway) otherwise I would have missed you blog as it was so late!
I have to stop at the garage on my way home so I will be checking for Pickled Onion crisps now which is something I would have not have done that if I had not still been here. Yours will taste nicer than mine as you did not have to pay for yours and free always tastes nicer to me :-)
I have had a great day at work today and have earned a pint or two this evening and those will be with my wife (Old romantic) as she is my best friend. If the dog has had my dinner by the time I get home we will have to eat out as well. Good food, good company can’t wait!
Hope you find a house soon.
Happy weekend everyone!
Dear Chris
You paint a vivid picture of what it must be like in radio-showbiz land. No doubt you are interested how we scientist-celebrities approach life. So let me give you and my fellow blogsters a quick taster...
Producer at local community RADIO station calls at 8:45am. How you doing he says. Fearing for my life I say. How come, he says. Police investigations on several incidents ruining my tranquility, I say. Want to appear on the radio this afternoon? he asks. OK, I say, still a bit groggy after fitful night's sleep.
En route to the radio station, I see someone who looks like KEVIN SPACEY. Only it's not, it's GEORGE MCDOUGALL, the village pharmacist. An old lady stops me as I go into the RADIO station. She thinks she has worms because she stroked a cat that later coughed up a FURBALL. She then asks for my AUTOGRAPH.
I sit in the RADIO station and wait for the interview. I'm not sure what they are going to ask. The producer tells me I'm going to be talking about how I became a CELEBRITY. Oh dear, I think. That is a sad, sad tale.
After the interview, I drive back to the CUMBERNAULD Institute of PARASITOLOGY. MY ever-doting wife is waiting with open arms. Between her arms is a pile of WASHING in a yellow basket. She hands the pile to me. It consists entirely of PINK coloured clothing. 'SORT THIS OUT' she snarls.
Oh dear, I think to myself as she throws the basket at my feet. It looks like my CELEBRITY status has gotten me into a bit of bother again. For instead of talking on the radio I was supposed to look after the twins this afternoon. In my absence, they had made the SCHOOLBOY ERROR of mixing my wife's red cardigan in with a pile of WHITE laundry items before throwing everything into the washing machine on a 60 degree wash with 1400 spin cycle.
It takes me 3 hours to realise that you can't remove red dye from towels by scrubbing with soap and water. Try a homemade peroxide BLEACH instead. Does the trick, but bleach too powerful. Clothes begin to fall APART before my eyes. WIFE starts shouting. CHILDREN running around like crazy banshees. I am forced to utter apology and offer to replace CLOTHES. I go back into town. Three people accost me and say that they heard me on the RADIO. They want my AUTOGRAPH....
I hope you find this small monogram informative
yours as ever
Hello Chris,
Been away a few days, got home and didnt even take off uniform before swithiching on the computer to catch up with the blogging!!
What a fun few days you've had! I think we are a romatic lot, what a good way to be!
I Lurve pickled onion crisps (and yes Monster Munch have got smaller)! I am currently listening to you and eating a very large packet!! Thats the diet up the swanney! I also have an Aga by the way and they are totally fab! Everything cooked in them tastes better - dont know why!
Anyway, I will only be drinking with people I like this weekend. Its the only decent thing to do.
Much lurve and thanks for all your words of wisdom - especially the flasks!
Weezie xxxxx
listening to the show, U2 playing cool is are you Christopher.... Bono called and invited us over. My 11 year old son just read that and his mouth is still open. He asked if we could go too, I replied ' we are busy for the next few evenings'.
God I love crisps especially those kettle ones
Not sure if he heard you Dot. Guess one of us is going to have to call.
Kit Kat Kate
Ola Bloggers
Jonny De Camps (no 8) - those Nik Naks were the Scampi & Lemon flavour and they were just the most gorgeous crisp, I loved those, though I am partial to the Nice n Spicy ones too.
The other greatest crisps are those Fish n Chips ones that you used to get in primary schools that were like a vinegar flavoured biscuit - mmmmmm. See now I want a bag of crisps but can`t as it`ll put me off my tea.
Hi Chrissy
So pleased to see your blog online again. I am new to this so I hope I don't make any typo's.
I hope you have a super night with u2 please give my love to Bono.
Well best go I have to recharge my batteries on my Stanner Stair lift.
Love of love and hugs
Isn't it funny that something gets mentioned in the meeja and we all go rushing off to buy some. Do you remember the 80's when Nestle were making a (successful) bid to buy Rowntree and every night they showed video of the KitKate line - sales shot up! Im a plain girl myself - crips or french fries.
Fancy having your babies born to Oasis tracks! Mine were born to lots of not very attractive grunting and squealing!
Too much information!
Chin chin xx
Rock Lobster!!!!! You played Rock Lobster!!! What a brilliant end to a yacky day in the office. I was singing loudly n the car on my way home, only I don't know half the words but who cares. The listener who requeted that song was spot on!
And then there was Goth Night at the Rizty - I used to go there in about 1990 looking a real fright in my tie dye leggings, tassled skirts and pink sparkly doc-martens. - £1 a pint and a bouncy dance floor. - It was full of guys claiming they were Shaun Ryder and offering to buy me a drink. I never believed them, but maybe - just maybe it was him....
They didn't serve Tim Taylors Landlord there though - but they do serve it at my local village deli - on tap by the jug-full so if you're ever up Yorkshire way maybe you will drop by for a tipple.
Have a lovely weekend Bloggers!
Big xxxxxx to you too, blue angel!
We do that at work too! I know, get a life!! We challenge the person making the PA's to get in a challenge word, but its usually rude-ish/double innuendo type word - Slippery/Moist etc! Has us in stiches at least, but you have to do something to liven up proceedings!! (Sad eh)?
Thanks also to Dr do good blog!!
Lurve Weezie xxx
I appear on 91Èȱ¬ Radio Lancashire from time to time talking about Burnley Football Club & a mate of mine & I have these types of bets regular.
Last one was to try to make reference to Max & Paddy (Peter Kay), wow, how good was I, slipped the Magnet & Steel reference in & the only person to notice was a workmate who asked me the next day what "Magnet & Steel" was all about.
Chris, your mate is a chicken!!
Good weekend to all fellow bloggers.
Greetings and Salutations one and all,
As ever, Mr. Evans continues to entertain and delight, distract and regale us with his written musings and on-air offerings.
As I sit here in Canada, still in the throws of my Friday morn, I can but relish the thought of imbibing a pint of ale, continuing my Stephen Fry book ("An Ode Less Traveled" Utterly superb) and enjoying a fine meal in but a few short hours.
To all of you back in Blighty and around the globe, I proffer this thought as you plunge headlong into your weekend:
"Life is far too important a thing ever to talk seriously about"
Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde
Enjoy your weekend, enjoy silliness and always remember to be the architect of your own embarassment...
Good day to you
Dr T
Hi Christopher and all bloggers/shloggers
Could someone explain the difference between bloggers and shloggers to me please.
My beloved hubby and I were looking for a 4 bed house/bungalow for our 3 teenagers and us. My eldest is away a lot as he's in the Army but comes home as often as he can so needs his own space. He's been to Iraq and came home safely thank God.
Two daughters, one of whom has shares in all the high street clothes shops, and the other one who thinks that if thump thump music is not at full pelt then it's not worth listening to. Anyhow back to the house thing.
We looked at several houses, couldn't decide, sold our old house and went into panic mode. Kept looking and hubby thought he'd found the ideal bungalow for us. We moved in two years ago last May. Hubby was very keen on the bungalow, and thought that he'd solved all our problems - but I wasn't totally honest with him.
It didn't have that 'feeling'. I didn't feel the special link that you have to have with a house to make it into a home. It still isn't there, but for the sake of the family - I have had to grit my teeth and try my best.
We've spent the best part of the last two years ripping out walls, bathrooms, kitchen, tearing up flooring, laying flooring and tiles - poor old hubby has done this to try and make it what I wanted.
Unfortunately this still hasn't happened. All the building and decorating is now done, but that 'feeling' for me is still missing.
I don't want to sound ungrateful, because I really appreciate what hubby's tried to do - just wanted to pass on my experience.
So Christopher - beware - only buy the house that you know you'll love. Save your self a lot of angst and money and wait for the special one.
Didn't go to work today as I had annual leave to take, so haven't listened to the Lord of the Airwaves - but blogged anyhow. May even blog again later. Depends if the p.c. makes a grab for me as I try to pass it.
Thank goodness it's Friday - I think Friday afternoon is the best time of all as you've got all day Saturday and Sunday to look forward to. But I'm sure that the people at GMT take at least 8 hours off Saturday and Sunday because Monday seems to come around at a faster rate that Friday does.
Right off to have our tea now - feeding time at the zoo.
Have a lovely mysterious weekend Christopher - and whatever you're up to - have fun.
All bloggers / shloggers - you make me hoot with laughter as you're so funny. Some really friendly and entertaining people in this world don't you think.
Quick joke:-
Name me three fish that start with a k and end with a k.
Killer Shark
Kilmarnock (a PLAICE in Scotland)
Kwik Save Frozen Haddock.
Hee - hee. Hope the mysterious editor will leave this in.
TTFN. Love Myra xx
Hi Weezie (21)
Thanks for the kind comment about the blog. I try to bring a little sunshine to people's lives, perhaps at the expense of ruining mine own. Such is life etc etc
Excuse me but the does the Blue Angel want her own blog at all?
Was she from a previous life a Belly dancing Goldfish perhaps.
Such a romantic lot kiss kiss kiss chris lol lol..
Indian takeaway when the missus has finished work yummy.. Love the weekends, I suppose I better mow the lawn and tidy the garden ready for the nasty weather to kick in. But then hope the sunshines a little longer..
Hmmmm mouth seriously watering now, pickled onion crisps! Mind you, not very romantic - unless you are both eating them!
Ooooh Fish & Chips yummy can you still get them? Nice 'n spicey nik naks and kettle crisps too - all wonderful to nibble while doing a crossword, reading a book or watching a movie!
Okay - now I know I have lost it! A grown woman who loudly protests she is not a Chris Evans fan has just stopped at Toys R Us - wonderful way to waste an hour or two while waiting for the traffic jams to pass - listening to your show through my phone - I really must get a life...... with pickled onion crisps.
Okay, maybe I'll just listen to a couple more shows and read one more blog before I decide whether I am a fan or not ...
Off to walk the dogs now - love and licks from us and have a great weekend all!
Hi Chris & everyone else.
First time I've read the blog - very interesting and addictive!
Tess, love the sound of Chas n' Dave at the proms - what a fab way to spend a weekend!
I work in a call centre (I know....) and we're always trying to insert various words into conversations with customers. Not always easy when they're calling to shout/moan at us about their gas/electric bills, but a little bit of light relief. That reminds me, work tomorrow. Boo!
Roll on Saturday night and a large glass of wine!
Have a good weekend one and all. Good luck with the househunting Chris, hope you get the feeling soon!
Ali xx
Hi Chris
If you're interested in exploring more about 'The feeling' then you should read a book called Blink by Malcolm Gladwell. It theorises about how our subconscious figures things out for us way before we realise and that consquently we should go for that gut instinct more often than not. He goes on to suggest ways of harnessing this 'inner power'. I'm only about half way through but it's fascinating stuff.
Have a great weekend. I'm planning a bit of fresh air and countryside, a glass or two of vino and a long, leisurely family Sunday lunch.
Might try and get an early night too if I can tear myself away from this computer!
Finished work at 4 today - got home before the show - and then got busy.
Just checking my e'mails and I thought what's going on in the blog!
This is my day number 3 and I was thinking at the beginning of this - Chris you need a life - fancy blogging at 7 something am - and whilst on holiday!
Now I think I need a life!
Having had a busy week I'm going to curl up with a glass of wine (or two) and watch Rebus and then Jonathan Ross.
Tomorrow night - I'm at a 70's/80's night. I haven't been to one for a couple years - the only trouble I find is I don't recongnise the music. I got interested from mid 80's - and I never hear any Duran Duran, Wham, Dexteys, Spandau Ballet, Gary Newman, Ultravox, Police etc etc. I always ask the DJ - but my requests get ignored!
And - the age range is from 18 (maybe younger) to 80 (and maybe older)! So why am I going - for a laugh!
Happy house hunting.
what can i say christop we are all romantic here especially around you say no more mange tout.
pickled onions are lovely haven't had one in AGES'S mmm... tasty
crisps pickled onion flavour not sure.
steve wrighty seems to be a big fan no wander he's playing one george michaels songs
got go my right foot has got pins and needles
goodnight all
Hi Chris,
When you find the time just take a quick peek at my recovery blog and if you email me I might just recite all the 110 or so chemical elements online
Hi Lord of the Airwaves and bloggers
I'm back again. Was climbing up the stairs to bed, and the pc gave me that 'come hither' look.
Tried to resist as I've already blogged once today already - but weak willed female that I am, I gave in.
Don't like strongly flavoured crisps, but do love 'salt and shake' crisps without salting and shaking - just plain old potato crisps in the nude - no flavourings. Yummmmm
Just thought of one thing I would love to eat right now - chocolate covered pretzels - they were popular about 12 months ago (well I liked them) but can't find them anywhere now.
Ah well - I suppose it's a blessing for my ever expanding waisting. Just that my taste buds are having withdrawal symptoms.
Who is the mysterious author of the blog - cos aren't we the authors of the posts? Is this a ploy just to dupe us into thinking that Auntie actually reads all our ponderings? Does this have an impact on the Radio 2 ratings? Hmmm
I wonder what Clouseau would think.
Have got a brilliant book by James Patterson on the go at the moment, called Lifeguard - really fast pace but possibly not the best thing to read before the sleep fairy sprinkles her sleep dust.
But I enjoy it, it detracts from the earth shattering, house trembling snores that come from the direction of my beloved's slumbering form. D'you know - sometimes he snores so loudly - he wakes himself up...... is this a man thing?
I'm certain that I slumber in a very graceful manner, just gentle breaths in and out - in and out, and the odd movement of my slight form under my polyester/cotton sheets. I drift off perchance to dream of the Lord of the Airwaves, when all of the sudden...........
G R O W L ............EVEN LOUDER G R O W L......
EARTH SHATTERING GROWL then slobbering sounds as he drools onto his pillow.
To add insult to injury loud noises from beneath the poly/cotton (didn't know he could snore from down there as well) there must be a word for it - you know, like ambidextrous but for bodily orificies (is there another word for the plural of orificies i.e. orificii?) .
Anyhow - he stops making these monstrous noises when I've practically broken his ribs with my elbows - I manage to lull my self into a restful sleep when .......... off he goes again...Growl.
Eventually I give up and realise that he's had pickled onions with his salad hence the botty-snoring from beneath the poly/cotton.
Wonder if they still make hedgehog flavoured crisps - disgusting I'm sure. How would they know what hedgehog tastes like - I'm sure it doesn't taste like chicken. Someone once told me that snails taste like chicken - so please tell me - what's the point if everything tastes like chicken.
Joke: Why did the hedgehog cross the road?
Answer: To see his flatmate...... geddit.
I know, it's really old but these are the only ones I can remember.
Wonder what Christopher's up to now. Househunting or looking at trees in the dark while eating his pickled onion crisps with Bono.
Right, for once I can't think of anything remotely sensible to say - so I'm off.
See you all later.
Does Christopher blog on Sat & Sun? Or do we have to wait until Monday?
Nos da pawb. xxx
can you still get tudor pickled onion crisps?
they were the buisness
Howdy Chris and Bloggers!
I'm suffering from a party last night on a cruise boat on the River Trent! I don't drink alcohol but can get really tipsy of fizzy water (bubbles to airhead ratio thing going on!), but there wasn't any on the boat! So there I was attempting to get airy-headed on still water or cranberry juice! Not that good! Still, got a marriage proposal (wasn't serious though) another proposal that is impossible to put on the blog and my friend got a proposition as well! A certain midlands based uni is very lively! ;)
I have been given carte blanche to eat crisps by my dr after I told him I got really dizzy sometimes! Initially he suggested that I should lie on my back at such times and raise my legs to even up the blood pressure. I looked at him with one of those looks and said "you do know I sometimes feel this way when I'm in the middle of town! I'm not sure that I should do that really should I?" so then he suggested eating crisps! FAB! ;) Now I don't feel guilty, I just stroll into the pantry and grab a bag and say it's for my low blood pressure!
At work we don't need to bring daft words into the conversation, they just flow naturally into it anyway. We have trouble to talk any sense when the important staff walk in! Fortunately our office is a bit like an R&R room for harrassed staff; they walk in, we entertain and they walk out all de-stressed, laughing, smiling and kind of that horizontal type of laid back approach! :)
Joseph McCrumble, your blogs (both here and on your own site) are amazingly written but left me totally mind blown! I kind of had to rub my eyes and read again... is your life always like that?! I'll never again think of a parasitologist as being a boring chappy ever! Your life should be made into a film... or is that what's already happening?! Are we all living in a film?
Oh blimey, can't you tell I'm still suffering from post-party brain?
Mum's birthday today and parents wedding anniversary tomorrow so it's party day again tomorrow! Oh... life's so hectic! ;)
See you all and hope you have/having/had a lovely weekend!
Lots of love
Just enjoying reading your blog Chris, think you have set yourself quite a task though, reporting each day. It must get very, very tiring! In one of your previous posts you mention House Hunting and The Feeling. Well, You are so right one thing is most important when house hunting, you must have "The Feeling".
More important than an en-suite, wooden floors or an Aga in the kitchen. The Feeling must be there.
I moved into a house years back without The Feeling and then spent 18 months hating every minute I spent in the house. Been in my present house (which came with The Feeling" for over 22 years. So Go With The Feeling!
Love and Light The Kaiser Chef!
I Love pickled onion crisps and I love comment on Steve Wright.
Paintstripper x
Hi Chris
Have you ever had the picked onion flavoured monster munch that turn your mouth blue. I don't like to think what they put in them to do that but I was like a little kid eating them! I couldn't get enough of them!!!
Good Evening and Happy Weekend to one and all!
Well, what a week... just too many twists and turns to mention, but here we are at Saturday night, the sun has been shining and everyone who means the world to me is happy, healthy kickin' it!
Reading these blogs today has made me laugh out loud! A few years ago at work we regularly used to set a challenge for the weekly "managment meeting".
The challenge being that we had to introduce the phrase of the week, but it had to be used in context with what was being discussed in the meeting. The phrase of the week had usually been plagerised from that most brilliant of comedy series The Office.
I can still distinctly remember having to use the phrase "softly, softly, catchy monkey". Utter chaos erupted!!!
One of those moments that still makes me laugh out loud when no-one else can see the funny side - and THAT makes it even funnier!
How does it go? "Simple things.... Simple minds...."
Keep a good thought all, and live tomorrow like its your last!
LL2TF xx
Hiya Chris and fellow bloggers,
Lol at Jenny nos.4 and 5 ..whose losing the plot with double posting!
I looooooove this blog everyone (especially Chris) is so funny and interesting.
Like the sound of those crisps..must try them..Marmite ones are my fav at the mo. I work in a choccie shop all day so I do find I like to have savoury snacks when I get home.
Anyway off to cook our tea now (spag) have fun everyone and take care.
Bev D x
I'd like to speak about something interesting like Rachael the blue Angel. Or Myra with her sleeping husband with personal problems I would rather not hear about.
My post is very boring by comparison. I am trying to sell my house. Everytime I have a veiwing something goes wrong.
I had a double booking one couple after the other The first couple came with 3 kids. One of whom needed to use the loo. They stayed rather too long and before I knew it the next couple arrived. I had no idea that the child from the first veiwing had left the loo with a floater... Oh yes lovely bathroom with designer floater included in the sale.
Hi again,
Forgot to tell you absolutely legless occasion or anything just it was Friday and too much vodka and lack of food! Anyway first stop this morning was check e-mails ..make sure I hadn't bidded on something stupid on e-bay which I couldn't really afford..phew safe there and I hadn't rambled on to any mates either..second stop was this blog..thought I might have bored you all to death with my drunken chatter but luckily I only got as far as trying to type some nonsence in the web page bit..phew again...cuhh never again....oh hang on it's Saturday night! cheers
I drive home with you every night from my first full time job after graduating last year at the age of 40! Took me along time to do it but I am now a real proper teacher. After a day filled with little people and their needs and wants you are the perfect wind down - good music, good chat and lots of humour. Keep on going, drive time lives on with Chris!
I love pickled onion crisps, especially with a hangover.
I call that feeling, when it isn't a good one, "the undertoad".
See John Irving, Life of Garp.
Which incidently was the name of my Late Cat, Garp, not John Irving. We called the cat after our favourite book.
I miss Garp.
#42 - Mrs. White and other bloggers,
Re. my post on 8th Sept.
Oh, heck. Really hope I didn't offend anyone by going on about hubby's bodily functions. No offence intended. Just probably getting it all off my chest before I braved the bedchamber once again.
Obviously Christopher doesn't blog at the weekend, but guess what - I keep checking just to see whether he's popped something in the blog for us..... too busy house viewing and tree gazing while eating his crisps I reckon.
The weather's been lovely today, but when I left my mum's house after a visit, to go home - guess what, the sun had gone in.
Ah well work tomorrow, I'm sure it'll come out again between 9 & 5 while I'm stuck in the office.
Hey ho. Not to worry, at least we'll get to listen to Christopher - so something to look forward to.
Righty ho - off to sell some stuff on that auction site which is just as addictive as this blog site.
Happy Sunday evening to all.
Big hug
Heard you on Friday afternoon lamenting the fact that you have to work Fridays Chris. The cracks are starting to show already I see.
Doesn't bother me if you want Fridays off again Chris. As long as you have Monday to Thursday as well and then we can have Stuart in his rightful place and your bosses can ditch the dreadful format you have been given to work with. Please don't tell me you think up these ideas for a show all by yourself. You should be ashamed.
Not working for me and 150,000 others.
Well I've just ate very well (even though I had to cook it myself) and have happily dumped the hubby and 2 sons while they watch the Moto GP that they recorded this morning - I am very tempted to tell them who won though.
Myra (46) You didn't offend me with your hubby's goings on - your post made me laugh.
Chris (47) Least your still listening to the show so you've got to be enjoying it otherwise you'd tune over. All dj's are different and we either choose to listen or we don't, I really enjoy Stuart Maconie's shows (and he's a good Wigan lad at that) and I could listen to Richard Allinson (sexiest voice in the world) all day, Terry & his team have me in pleats (which really shouldn't happen to people who are trying to drive safely on motorways) but I also love Chris's show - the format, the chat and the music - and so I and others will continue to listen very happily. What I wouldn't do though is go onto the websites of dj's that I don't particularly want to listen to and repeatedly criticise them, as to be honest that isn't big, isn't clever and it's definitely not funny - you know where the switch is.
Got to say though before I go - that I do think that reading the blogs of Dr Joseph McCrumble could be seriously damaging to your health .... I'm tempted to sue as I nearly choked on my drink while reading them - poor, poor Dolores :)
Stay happy one and all
Hi Chris,
I love your shows keep up the good work. I to love pickled onion crisps, on holiday this week hope to have fun.
I love the topics you come up with and the fact you manage to find an expert to talk about them, I to have wonder about some of the ones you've already talked about. I like the Fox would prefer the truth when asking my partner Julian "Does my bum look big in this?". Anyway what about the latest news Michael Shcumacher retiring from Formula 1?
Louise xxx ttfn
too dejected to write yesterday - did not get Belle and Sebastians 'boy with the arab strap' played on all request Friday - got through, spoke to a very nice man listened to the whole show dancing along int he kitchen and icing 10 yr olds birthday cake (decided to have the wine after)! but no song. Boo hoo!
Hope you all had a gd weekend!
Love Dot
PS did you give any more info on the cream?
Well thanks Chris
Thank you for playing Rock Lobster on Friday (I love that track and it makes a welcome change from hearing 'Love Shack' on the radio all the time!) but I couldn't get to sleep last night with it whirling around in my head! This wasn't a good thing.
Sorry to miss the blog on Friday, but I was all signed off and home early for a very restful weekend.
It was the busy bee bike run to Brighton yesterday so spent a few happy hours drooling over all the mean machines and all the hot leather...
Back at my new job this morning. The sun is up and the sky is blue and all the birdies are singing away! Hope to see you blogging later today.
Morning Bloggers...
There is a woman here at work today with an extremely loud monotonous voice - she's interrupting my Blog reading!!! Wouldn't be so bad if a) it was a pleasant voice or b) she had anything remotely interesting to say....
Thanks Heavens for MP3 players...
P.S. Monday morning grump I think!!!
Happy Mondays All,
Just checking in for the week and no Chris yet, he must still be out of town searching for houses and wives!
Just an update on the Pickled Onion Crisps……….I could not find walker’s Pickled onion crisps anywhere…… are these a new flavour they have sent freebies to Chris and the crew to taste? I could not find myself buying some other crisp just because of the flavour so I went without and I do feel I missed out on something and my weekend was not complete in some way.
Still yet another week to look forward to with Sir Wogan back in the mornings and Chris in the afternoon, can we ask for more?
I did read on here Chris Knall’s comments #47 and I respect them, all I can say is, Chris you are welcome to your opinions even if they are different to mine and millions of others but I actually love the show and the format.
I have to say I was not looking forward to Chris’s arrival on drive time as I am a huge Johnny Walker fan and I do not like change but Chris has won me over and I am sure he has done the same to many other doubters.
So have a very happy Monday one and all!
Hi Chris
I feel let down you said you would do this blog every day. You even offered to do it on holiday and again here we are and no blog in sight this is no way to build the listener figures.
On another subject I see Macca has taken your advice but should probably up the amount of money he is offering. 40 from 825 seems a small percentage.
Hi Chris Have you noticed that despite the fact that the 8 per cent of the world population is ginger there are so few in the public eye. You can help redress the balance.
Alister my brother is not only ginger but also a very talented singer song writer who deserves a break. SUPPORT A GINGER TODAY.
CD in post
nice one Chris
Just back from a long weekend playing games with my chums to read Nick C's financial advice to Sir Paul Macca. Am I still suffering from alcoholic after-burn? Did I really read a blog suggesting that £40m is a bit on the shy side? I realise that the institution of marriage is a 24 hours a day/7 days a week slog but his estate hasn't grown by that much over the time of their union to warrant that sort of sum surely????
Call me a new man but bring on the pre-nups and marriage will get a new lease of life! Who said I wasn't romantic?????
Happy Monday one and all :-)
For Bigun No.53, and all you out there unable to get 'Walkers Pickled Onion Flavour Crisps' this is what you are missing - especially found on Walkers own website, just for you...
Walkers Pickled Onion Flavour Crisps
Pack weight 34.5g
Ingredients Potatoes, sunflower oil (33%) , pickled onion flavour [acidity regulator (sodium diacetate), flavouring, wheat starch, citric acid, flavour enhancer (monosodium glutamate (from wheat)) mustard flour], salt, potassium chloride .
No artificial colours
per 100g per pack
Energy value 2180kj 525kcal 752kj 181kcal
Fat 33.0g 11.4g of which saturates 2.5g 0.9g
of which mono-unsaturates 25.8g 8.9g of which poly-unsaturates 1.8g 1.0g Carbohydrates 0.0g 17.3g of which sugars 1.2g 0.4g Protein 6.5g 2.2g Dietary fibre 4.0g 1.4g Salt 1.7g 0.6g
Sodium 0.7g 0.2g
I read somewhere years ago that some crisps were only available regionally or seasonally, maybe this is why you can't find the pickled onion ones...dunno...just a thought.
Bring on the parsnip kettle chips for Christmas...gotta be my fave crisps of all time.
In the meantime, I s'pose we just carry on with last Friday then?
hi chris
how is my imaginary friend!
hope you had a good weekend - you probably did!
nice pic of you in sun paper with a golf club - looking very handsome.
can i say i want to go back to sleep! too much red wine!i hate monday's.
had a weird dream this morning in bed- dreamt of gordon ramsay! where did that come from? i think i got that from watching him on tele friday night on the F word.
not quite with it yet maybe at 5pm i will be when it is time to go home and drink more red wine - must stop and be healthy!
have a nice day. wish you were here!
love juxxxx
Chris is always late blogging on mondays nick c, because he`s out of town i think.
I dont blame him for taking time off during his holiday as well, just enjoy reading them when they do arrive!!
morning cyber chums
Was just checking to see if our leader had blogged yet today but no such luck! Never mind, it's always worth waiting for - even if it is only to set me off on daydreaming about my favourite crisp flavours. I always wanted to be a crisp taster - I still have to buy every new flavour at least once. But in the good old days it was exciting when there was a break from the usual S&V, C&O, or plain - remember the first time CURRY flavour ever hit the streets??? Fantastic!
Anyway, ditto whoever yelled Rock Lobster!!!! Strangely enough was thinking of calling in to request that on Friday! I LOVE that song.
Hope everyone is well and happy, look forward to more blogging soon.
Your right Siomon I had not thought of it like that. I don't know if you remember but It was Chris who made a pont of telling Macca on air just to pay up and avoid all the press getting involved. Chris said he should think of a number a big number and suggested that for this amount all the bitterness could be avoided.
Nick C
The boy with the arab strap sounds a bit rude to me!! Perhaps why it isn`t being played...
i love you show every becouse you are my number one fan i love your radio 2
jane #61 - it was the theme tune to teachers when it was on channel 4 and is not rude at all!! But it is a fab song!
Woke up singing 'ooooh bodyform, bodyformed for you''' this morning where the heck did that come from?
Never read the pickled onion blog till today as was so busy last thing on Friday (why does that always happen) and I never got the cream cake - definitely this week tho!
I love Walkers sweet thai chilli crisps and always buy a sneaky bag when collecting my kids from their swim on Thursdays and watch all the skinny (but sweaty) women leave the tums and bums class! I don't need to go to one of thos classes because I have both of the aforementioned items! (in vast quantities)! I'd much rather open a can of full fat coke and munch my crisps! I love them because no one else likes them or cannot eat them due to a food allergy (lovely husband) they are all mine - unlike the creme eggs which everyone likes!
I do remember Tudor picked onion crisps they were magic!! aaah takes me back to my youth - going to the ice cream van with an empty fizzy juice bottle we'd found and getting stuff from the van for it! Those were the days. Did anyone else used to do that or did I just come from a skint background - if we found a returnable bottle it was like winning the pools! Yeeha! Wish i could find a gold one to help pay the builder! Yup still ongoing - he said it again today 'really gonna push this one on......' when have I heard that!
Anyway to all those who like Chris, Hello! and to those who don't, Hello! - he makes me laugh! I must admit to thinking he was a PITA (pain in the ...) years ago but maybe we have all mellowed a bit - I'm afraid I was not a Johnny Walker fan but i like the set up of Chris' show. Don't take it too seriusly guys - it's only a radio show you can turn off if you don't like it.Although it would have been good to get my request played. Never mind will keep pluggin away!
As for the blog - I kinda like having cyber chats with you lot! My husband is a little concerned but hey - it's really interesting (esp Rachel's life)!
TC everyone - have a magic monday
love Dot
I do not understand how people keep on complaining and yet they all have the option to switch off. Not everyone is forced to like everyone else so just shut up or tune in elsewhere.
Ahh the good old crisp debate. By pure coincidence, after someone in the office bought a pickled onion Space Raiders multi pack and to convince a South African colleague that her SA Cheesy Nik Naks were downright sub-standard, a lengthy discussion about crisps ensued. Top 15 great crisps of the uk (not in order) ....
Pickled Onion Monster Munch
Flamin' Hot Monster Munch
Nice 'N Spicy Nik Naks
Scampi Fries
Pickled Onion Space Raiders (10p satisfaction guaranteed)
Salt & Vinegar Walkers
Tomato Sauce Walkers
Woucester Sauce Walkers
Cheese Mini Cheddars
Salt and Vinegar Square Crisps
Cheesy Quavers
Salt and Vinegar Discos
Prawn Cocktail Skips
Chilli Mcoys
....Happy Munching!
Away from home and my computer for the weekend so just catching up with friday's blog now.
A big fan of most potato based snacks but can't bring myself to eat pickled onion ones - they are just way too stinky. Tayto cheese and onion are the way foward (Seabrooks prawn cocktail come a close second)
Stuart (65) ...
Scampi fries?
... you are obviously not a purist.
What about good old roast chicken flavour?
Or the slightly more adventurous lamb and mint?? Ooh, and Marmite, yum!
Still on food, I had a weird dream the other night about cinnamon pretzels, so I've just had to go and buy some Cinnamon Grahams (nearest I could get at short notice) to satisfy my craving. yum de yum again!
There does seem to be a few grumpy people about today - is it a Monday thing? Or is the weather too hot for some?
I have far too many CDs but as I drive to work with the Togmeister and home with Chris, the CDs stand no chance. I was young and foolish at the same time as TFI etc, so I did think I might be too old for Chris now, but I think he has mellowed in a radio 2 comfy slippers kind of a way. That is a compliment, by the way!
And don't forget, there is a button with the word "OFF"....
H xx
Well mumpy #47 - you were obviously tuned in to Chris's BLOG on a Sunday evening - nothing better to do eh?? where exactly is the 150K from anyway? Not exactly un-interested then?Best keep away from all us fellow bloggers who find Chris's show THE BEST on the radio and comment on the blog accordingly.I know Chsri will take this 'attempt' at criticism on the chin - as always - but you will not find many in your corner #47.
Much happier note - crisps -mmmmmmmm - unfortunately my favourite (Walkers tomato flavour) repeat on me for days and days so I have to keep away from them in deference to my husband, colleagues, and anyone else that comes near me!!
By the way - did we find out what the dozen red roses to Sally were for yet?? Any guesses out there?
Jude xx
Hi Dot,
Just listened to a snippit of the boy with the jock strap on i-iunes, very lovely!!!!
I have no music (apart from nature and the passing cars) where I am.
No-one has been singing it or humming it.
I have not had any scousey thoughts neither have I bought anything off the back of a lorry from a scally.
I don't remember seeing a picture of Stephen Jerrard nor heard Ferry 'cross the Mersey today.
So can anyone at all shed any light on the fact that I have Little Jimmy Osmond in my head singing 'Long-haired Lover from Liverpool'.
Very very wrong indeed.
ps Have only just had lunch. It did have a significant amount of cheddar cheese content so perhaps it's just a bad daydream...
Hi Chris and the bloggers
... well.... I almost promised myself that I'd keep it short and to the point today .....but I'm just going to let it flow, pick up that box of nails and crucify me if you will, but here goes......
What an absolutely fantabulous weekend ....... and only another few days until the next one!!! .....I came to work this morning with, as wide a smile as I've ever had....... It's quite funny really, cos essentially nothing has changed but I've interpreted the world in a different way today and changed my mood for the better. My weekend started out on a huge high......I've been meaning to stop at farm you see, .. well not really a farm, .....more of.... just a house in a feild..but you know what I mean. Instead of driving past it on my home from work on Friday...... I stopped....... and bought some....... free range eggs, as advertised on a little sign, blowing in the wind near the gate, it came after two years of ... "I must do that" ... so I did it on Friday on my way home..... the chickens were right there in the field......loads of em cute golden brown ones ..... so I felt quite good about myself on Friday. Had some of the eggs for breakfast on Saturday... yummy ... Then we finished stripping the wallpaper from our hall,stairs and landing ..on Saturday morning. It has taken 5 weeks ( doing as much as we could squeeze in each day) We bought one of those cute little steam stripper things on wheels, ages ago..... but the wallpaper had been painted so many times, it was coming off in postage stamp size pieces only, every few minutes. Done now. Phew! Went to the DIY store, bought some plaster repair stuff and mended one patch where the steam had damaged the surface of the plaster....... cool beans.... I enjoyed that......
Sunday though was the "perfect day".... started with waking up to "in-progress" nuptials...... Gosh! ... that's not happened before......( note to self ... must try the stir fry on Saturday night again .. maybe it was that ).........followed by a long bath .. 10am... popped a chicken in the oven... (spoon of honey for the gravy) then did the MoS crossword......... easy stuff ...... coffee... pealed the potatoes and other veg .... made Yorkshire pudding batter...... I had planned, for us to eat just after the start of the Grand Prix....I like to see the start and the end ..... unfortunately my timing was a little premature , lunch was ready ........ proper gravy and all, at five to one........... Doh! So there was a small intermission when we disgorged ourselves from the dinning room to watch the first lap ....... Hubby did the washing up;.....I had seconds of my home made apple crumble and custard, whilst watching the GP...... afternoon tea ..... Earl Grey ... not sure if I like it or not... but drank it anyway.. then inspired by the GP result ... we took the roof off and then went out for cruise in our little red baby ....... I got to drive it.......( he was,... in a good mood!!!) parked in a little village ( Lower Bockhampton in Dorset) and went for a walk along the river there... a lovely lovely place...... back home ... (he drove, I'm less nervous that way)...... to the smell of fresh bread baking .......and then the beep beep beep ,....meaning the bread was ready...... yummy....I went out into our garden and climbed my favourite tree ... sat up there with the birds ....... reading for an hour or so ... then in for tea..... corrie.... ( a must) then Blackbeard ( well I have a thing for pirates) then prtetty much back to where and how the day started ....... fantastic!!!!
Keep smiling
PS .. not a crisp in sight though
'We Love Chris'
can we tell mr #47 to blogg off and not to come back if he has anything horrible to say about our lovely chris.
he is lovely #47 and we don't come on here to slag him off, we come here to leave nice messages and in my case talk about rubbish things!
#47 you are sooo not invited to the bloggers christmas party (if we have one!)
i love mr evansxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tayto cheese & Onion and all Tayto favours are the best , made in Ulster and only avaible in Ireland and maybe the posts like liverpool , scotland ect , to all proper crisp fans they are simply the best
Top show Chris ,
Later man
i love it your comments you make your fans wecome and the rideo show great and make chill out
hi chris......this is really a daft idea but i'm gonna ask it do you feel about having your own seaside pier.....i had a daft shop on there for years but we have all been booted off as there is a problem with the structure and the owners aren't sorting it out....
the long and short of it is that pretty soon it is going to be taken off the ownersand then i imagine it is going to be left to rot...
have you ever been to really is a fantastic place ...sort of a working class brighton..
be great if you and some of your mates got together and bought the pier between you and made it into something amazing.....
anyway thanks for listening and if you want to check out hastings that would be cool....
and you could catch some bass while you were here.....cheers ...jasper
your show is a great antidote for the mucky dark winter days here is the Orkneys
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For the sake of freedom
Be Free
be free