All that matters is today is Big Phil's last day. That's it, there is nothing else worthy of discussion, except...
The fact that he's also a top bloke. He doesn't want to leave, we don't want him to leave but alas there's nowt any of us can do about it.
Phil is what's known as a gentle giant. He could probably kill me with a flick of his little finger.He's one of those guys that's younger than me yet I feel like he's my older brother. I feel so safe when he's around.
I have no idea what makes him tick, I just know he's one of the good guys.
Here's to you Big Man.
So often when you don't really want to go, it turns out great in the end.
Good luck Big Phil
Dear Chris,
There appears to be a vital piece of information missing from today's Blog. You don't want Big Phil to go.....he doesn't want to why is he leaving then?
Am I missing something?
Have a good if sad show
Fountain Man
I guess there'll be a few jars of the lunatic soup being sunk somewhere tonight then!
Good luck Phil!
xxx Debs xxx
Good bye Big Phil - have a wonderful life!!
IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!!! I am so glad - however, weekends are just as busy as weekdays, it's just that I enjoy most of the things I do!!
Saturday - netball in the morning, shopping and showing potential buyers around my home in the afternoon, with a GREAT BIG SMASHING girls night out planned for the evening!!
Sunday - recover and do all the jobs I didn't have time to do on Saturday!!!
Whatever you do - have fun doing it!!
Good luck Phil. It is sad when people leave. My last job was just fantastic, but things change and people grow and need to move on. It took me about 8 weeks to leave though - I still talked about it as if I still worked there!
Hi Chris and the blogettes
A big Mmmmmwah! for Phil......
The tragedy of "now" isn't that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it. Our imagination is the only limit to what we can hope to have in the future. Phil; go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined, but most of all....
Keep smiling
Short but sweet this morning Chris - dedicated to Phil....thats nice!
If he doesn't want to leave and you (the team) don't want him to leave, then who does?
However look on the bright side - a good excuse for a night out!
Aftersnoon young christop ,good luck to BIG Phil to pastures new you must go.
it's all request friday if i oculd get on i think my choice would be creams crossroads off the album i bought, the albert hall one.
catch y's @ 5.05
off to do a bit more course designing for my golf course on the game i play and to play that cd
play a request fo BIG Phil chris go on mate you know you want to! mange Tout
Hello dear... being unable to do anything about something is such a downer... stay cool... give him a good send off & stay in touch... & by the way I heard you say that you read your stars everyday... I had you down ( in my brain) as a Telegraph reader & I'll never know why they don't have a column. Ciao ciao.
good luck Phil,
why is he leaving if he doesn't want to go and you dont want him to go?
However it is often best to leave the party on a high. before everyone gets drunk and abusive!
Take care bloggers - see you in a week after my korean adventure!
All stand to attention and salute the big man! All the very best in all that you do!
Good bye sir!
Good day Mr Evans et al
I have something in common with the big man today, I too leave my job today. Off to pastures new with a smile on my face.
Looking forward to the weekend and starting a now job on monday, no rest as they say.
Remember everything in life brings joy, some when they come in and some when leave.
Good luck Big Phil.
Hi Chris
I read the blog everyday but this is the first time i have decided to write.
The world needs good blocks like Phil and i am sure he will be delighted with all the messages.
Just think about all the new things and experiences that you will be able to chat about over a glass of something nice!
Looking forward to hearing the show on my drive home tonight from Bristol to lovely Worcester.
Have a great weekend
The Dragon
Hey Chris, Big Phil and fellow bloggers
Big Phil, good luck in all you do. And the best bit is that, although you're leaving (a job presumably?) you still get to stay friends with them all. They sound like they think the world of you.
I need advice please? Cooking a birthday meal tomorrow night and while this would not normally tax me, one of my guests is a chef - ouch! Anyone got any recipes that will impress but not be so tricky/technically difficult, that I'll get in a flap?
Take care all, Happy Friday and Happy Weekend.
I was very undecided whether to leave my job at a supermarket. It was a safe way of earning a living. But sometimes, something inside tells us to move on, even though we leave good friends behind.
I have never looked back since taking on my new job as a professional lookie likey. I now open super markets instead of working in them.
Good luck.
bonjour christophe and team
don't feel sad chris you will still see phil. make today memorable and give phil a big hug from me. good luck and will tune in later x
Don't be sad that it's over..... be happy that it happened!! :-)
Good luck Big Phil x
Chris, give him a big present and an even bigger hug, then make sure you have his address/number etc. Tell him you will keep in touch and as long as he wants to join in, you got a big brother for life. Ya never know in 5 years time he may be a part of your extended family.
I like the idea of having people in your life who are not blood related but are there because you get on real well and you look out for each other. Loyalty between friends...lovely. I think these type of relationships only happen when you get older. When you are young you tend to view your contemporaries as competition for various things...boys (speaking as a female, but pick your own poison), jobs, sporting activities maybe, looks, wittyness....etc etc. When you mature a bit you can stand it that other people are more accomplished, wealthier or better looking than you...whatever.. It dosn't detract from the very real pleasure you take in your own life, situation etc.
Does that make sense? Anyway, who cares, its jolly old friday are we going to sit with the sad side of the coin up today or shall we 'flip' it? I'm begining to sound like one of those nutty american 'life-coach' people. Its a fact of life tho, some days your not firing on all cylinders, can be a bit down. its as normal as being the other way. Best to find a middle path...thats why blogging is so good. Reading what other people say can give you a boost or make ya sit and think...sort of.
I'm thinking right now of having my glass of vino in the pub tonight and going to the chippy on the way home. Have a grand day bloggees and Chris...go on give him a kiss!
Lovely weekend all x
Hi Chris, contributors, lurkers et al :
Mean to post this LAST week and forgot.
(Warning Chris, when you get to my age,
42, sometimes you tip your head sideways
and your intentions dribble out your ears.
Talking of "my age", I'm the one to whom
some youngster at the gym expressed
wide-eyed surprise at my age
with "REALLY!!!????, you're quite
well preserved then aren't you?". I suppose
I should have taken it as a compliment but
I tripped over my petted lip; wot was I,
a flippin' pickle?)
Anywhere, where was I, (told you!)... scrolls
up.... oh yea..........
Chris and others last week alluded to
"doing the Maths" so I thought for today's
"Friday frivolity" I'd post the following :
(with apologies if it's been repeated
earler in other posts I haven't gotten
around to reading. It's normally my
Sunday aft catching up with all posts
for the week I've missed but I was in
a foul mood Sunday because my
"just come across" tape of Prime-Suspect
that I'd taped ages ago off ITV-3 cut out
near the end and I forgot
P.S. I havent' checked the addition......
Mathematical viewpoint it goes like this:
What Makes 100%? What does it mean to give
MORE than 100%?
Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more
than 100%? We have all been to those meetings where
someone wants you to give over 100%.
How about achieving 103%?
What makes up 100% in life?
Here's a little mathematical formula
that might help you answer these questions:
A B C D E F G H I.......X Y Z
is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9...... 24 25 26.
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%
1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
B-U-L-L -S-H-I-T
2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103%
AND, look how far ass kissing will take you.
A-S-S-K-I-S-S -I-N-G
1+19+19+11+9+19+19+ 9+14+7 = 118%
So, one can conclude with mathematical
certainty that While Hard work and Knowledge
will get you close, and Attitude will get you
there, it's the Bullshit and Ass Kissing
that will put you over the top.
Me again (assuming they are posted to the board in order of writing)
Chris :
If it is big Phil's last day, he absolutely HAS
to come in to the studio to say "hello"
(or should that be "Bye"). Wonder how
many "TTFN" texts he will get
But today's post is the flip-side of
the other day's post "What makes you
excited". The brevity of the post shows how
an unwanted impending parting takes hold
Ah Chris,
Your heartfelt eulogy for 'Big' Phil's job nearly brought a tear to mine eye. Its hard when you have to say goodbye to something you grown so fond of, but the memories remain, and hopefully so do the friendships forged.
Best of luck Phil, with everything you do. From what little I know of you, I can deduce you're an extremely talented young man with a great future ahead of you.
Have a great night tonight team, and make sure you post all the pics on the website on Monday!
Razzamatazz and A Rooty TooT Toot.
I'd like to See YOU in your Birthday SUIT.
Happy Happy Leaving,
That's What I'm hear to Say, Ta Ra Ra
Happy Happy Leaving,
On this Your Special Day.
Happy Happy Leaving....
May All Your Dreams Come True.........
HappY HappY leaving,
From LIttle ol Me To You.
Kiss Kiss Big Phil. Sorry to Hear You Go.
Christof. Put a picture up of Phil, so we can all pay Homage to Great Man.
Hel X X X
- Apologies. If I'd bothered to look at your gallery I'd have seen him.
And - I used to have to sing that song (amending it for whatever occassion) at my flipping work every day. Glad I left there!!!
Afternoon All
Good Luck Big Phill for the future, hope you are healthy wealthy and happy in everything you do.........if you and Chris are brothers in life - nothing can stop you!!!!
Have a great weekend everyone
Oh for goodness sake ! (or words that mean the same). Mind like a sieve. Serves me right
for even mentioning it, becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy....
Chris :
#5 today mentioned all Request Friday :
Have been meaning to mention for AGES that
maybe some Fridays you should have a theme for the All-Request. For intance, one night every request has to be a "cover". You could do worse
than kick it off with Erasure's version of
"Come Up and See me sometime" (No-one plays it and I quite like it). I know,
I know, you have to phone in. (It's on the "Other people's songs" album in case you want to dedicate it to Big-Phil - ha ha).
Or (depending on how soon before the current disc is playing you decide the next one) each song has to have a "link", then you can see how much more devious your listeners are than
Ken Bruce's for his "Spin in to Win it" and "Words don't come easilly" section in
as much as the tenuous links they create
Eg Liza Minelli "Losing my mind" followed by
Pet Shop Boys because they produced that
album or ZZZ Top since she is "Liza with a Z" or ..... Maybe someone will come on with a link "the previous caller liked their choice and I like this one....." (ha ha ha)
Talking of Erasure's "Other people's songs",
they have one on it called "Goodnight". Aside from the fact I haven't a SCUBBY who performed it before (do you ?), I've told anyone who will
listen that that's the one I want "carted in to". Is it morbid to plan / discuss your own funeral ? I don't think so, not that I've yet done it in any detail. When I mentioned it, my mother cried which cheered me up (No, REALLY it did and now she can't listen to it anymore and gave me the album back which she had swiped. I knew she had it but had no way of proving it. I know, I'm a horrible person.....) Actually, Erasure (or rather Andy Bell) does a strange live version of "Over the Rainbow". When I saw it on the album cover I thought "Oh no, surely NOT"
but it turned out to be better than I thought. So
there's another link, (Liza Minelli followed by Erasure 'Over the Rainbow' for obvious reasons followed by.....);
I'd better stop this before I go round in circles (assuming anyone has even read this far....)
Toodle Pip. Take Care.
HELP!!! I can't request a tune for later!!! I get this page
Please fix it! I will be driving later and unable to phone/txt....
Chris, you can't be sad, I thought you were a glass half full type of guy. When you are a glass half full type of person, you have to be reflective and maybe a little quiet, but that does not make for good radio. By the way why is Big phil going? We do need to know.
Happy weekend all!!
I shall be busy finishing off my Hallowe'en costume. By the end of the weekend I should be a vision covered in sequins and felt leaves. Have decided to customise an old orange ball gown (bought on a whim and never previously worn!) and become Queen of the Pumpkins.
Every time I go off on a creative vibe, I thank my lucky stars my old Nan sat with me and made things when I was little. Not much use for lavender bags and peg dolls these days, but at least I can make a costume!
Happy journey back to the country with Enzo Chris.
Love your blogs...
Have you thought about creating a book from them? A fab read I should think...
Would allow people to know the real you and how much depth you have.
I wonder if you had written a blog back in your Big Breakfast days or Radio 1 days would it seem like a different person writing....???
Love Jules
Chris, it's healthy to experience emotions at both ends of the spectrum. While it's wonderful to be happy and excited and positive it's also OK to sad and unhappy soemtimes too.
Do you need a hug? You know where I am!! I don't seem to get many these days (just from my lovely daughters)
Goodbye and good luck Phil
Big hug from me to you Chris xxxxxxxxx
Hello stevie fae etc.. I read them all... very cool... nice one... you have an amazing brain... nice one.
I'm an aries and check my stars every day. So here is a bit of todays for you
You need not be pessimistic about a difficult factor in your life. In time, circumstances will alter and harsh realities will become much softer.
So there you go!
Always remember that as long as you have him in your memories and in your heart he will always be with you no matter where you both are...good luck Big Manxxx
Im with Fountain Man in asking the question - why is Big Phil leaving.
We love you in our house.
i feel songs such as ,when will i see you again sayhello wave goodbye may be played today then???
anyhoo have a lovely weekend peeps ,i know i will(wink wink)
Message #19
By your formula W_A_S_T_E_O_F_S_P_A_C_E comes out at 133% which is strangley apt when referring to The Chris Evans Show and this blog in general.
And who is Big Phil anyway. Isn't he the guy that was going to get the England coach job then turned it down to make way for Steve McClaren?
My first time - a BLOG virgin. Dont even know what it stands for......story of my life.
I have to ask, along with Fountain man below, why is Big Phil going??
We love you dearly in our house. Have listened and watched you forever. Even travelliing on train to St Ives to see you on stage for Radio One roadshow (the one with Ocean Colour Scene) Those were the days. The days now are great too arent they though. Got 5 year old son who loves to listen and wanted to ring in on behalf of his 10 month old sister yesterday who stood on her own, holding on to the coffee table, for the first time.
Wll sadly not be able to listen this evening as the aforementioned son has Football training tonight. But will catch up again on Monday.
This is quite weird isnt it??....!!
Harwood House
Mangetout Mangetout Chris,
Love the show, keeps me wide awake on my 80 mile drive home from Grantham to Newmarket.
Sorry to hear big Phil is going. I would like to wish him the best for the future in whatever he choses to do. Have a beer for me tonight.
Sounds like a case of "constructive dismissal" to me!
Good luck Big Phil.
Out with some friends tonight so I'll make sure we toast you.
Goodbye and good luck to Big Phil.
It is very sad saying goodbye to one of the good guys, but hopefully you will stay in touch, and if not, it's just not meant to be.
I'm feeling a bit under the weather today; I think the only thing that would make me feel better is a mention on the show tonight. Please play some decent stuff; if I hear another track from High School Bloody Musical i think I will cry!
I absolutely love Amy Winehouse's Rehab - it is mega!
Have a fab weekend, I'm hoping for lots of sleep and a chance to finish reading The Righteous Men.
Love Em xx
Hello All,
I hate leaving things primarily because I don't like to miss out, but a good thing happened when I left my last job because my old boss asked me out and now we're married - Hurrah!
So the lesson I have learnt is to focus on the opportunities rather than the things lost....
Also Susan (14) - My husband is a chef, and he is always pleased what ever his friends make, because they have taken the time to do something for him - the ones that really worried about cooking for him bit the bullet and asked him to show them how, but his stock reply is that anything will do and if you're worried keep it simple. Roasts are always a winner as far as I can make out, or a leg of lamb in nice marinade, with med veggies and baby roasts...
Hungry now - have a nice weekend all
Hi Chris & Schloggers
It's my last day of slumming before going back to full time work on Monday. Very excited.
Always difficult when someone you like leaves work. But make it a very special day, have a great evening out and keep in touch afterwards. Then you get to spread your friendships far and wide rather thna just in one place.
Good luck to Big Phil!
Dear Chris and Fellow bloggers,
After a fairly relective blog in honour of Big Phil this may help to revive those Friday spirits.
What do you do if you've got a grizzly bear stuck up a tree in your garden? Follow this link for helpful advice.
Poor bear.....I bet he had a headache in the morning.....still I know how he feels....maybe that's how I get my headaches!!!
Have a good Friday
Fountain Man
G'day everybody (except grumpy-trousers at #36 who evidently doesn't understand that there is an off switch after all).
It seems that
isn't all it's measured up to be because
adds up to 127%, 9% more important.
Still enjoyed it, though, Steevie at #19.
Good luck to Big Phil.
Phil & Chris (Philis ??)
Have a great show guys. Please Please Please play My sharoma ?? (Have I spelt it wrong?) at 5.30 - 6.00 on my way home - really chears me up !
whys he leaving then?
Happy Friday Chris :)
I hate it when you have to say goodbye to someone you have really enjoyed working with. It was the same for me with Emma & Jenny the chalerinas that worked in Chalet Balco in Arinsal Andorra for us. They were just the best! Both great cooks, fantastic fun and totally mad! The good news is that they don't have to stop being friends and they just enrich the great tapestry which is our life.
Celebrate the time you've had together and look forward to the next time you'll share a laugh and a joke together.
All the luck in the world to BIG phil please remember us all as we listen to Mr E .and try to e-mail and see if you can get a mention ...but as someone else .. love all round ken ..
Apologies. I forgot to wish all the very best and continued success to 'Big Phil' the shot stopper and recently crowned 'show stopper'..
Good luck to you sir, enjoy your curry, beers and festivities this evening and your new career.
Good evening and good morning from Vancouver, Canada.
Dr T
How about a dedication to big Phil: "They`re Coming To Take Me Away Today" By Napoleon XIV. Or is it still banned on the 91Èȱ¬?
Good Luck for Big Phil
Top show tonight buddy, the irish girl made me cry, a 14 stone 35 yr old bloke, what's that about
Big Phil - good on ya fella, have fun whatever you do, i am sure it will be good.
Its been fun sending you texts Phil, hope your new job if you have one is enjoyable as this one has obviously been ='(
Hope you made it to the curry house lol!
Good luck Big Phil the Showstopper lol!
Net Talk Radio
you played a song which you said was your fave - "you and me always, and forever" Who sings it? I love it but can't find it to download = can you help?
All the very best to you Big Phil,
Your passing leaves me as the only BigUn left so if Chris wants to give me a call I would consider a job on the show :-)
Good luck!
Big Keith
Morning, schmorning
Good Luck Phil
#56 - great suggestion Keith......
Am still convinced that Tone consulted you for that first joke re Gordon and Cherie in his speech.......what a cracker....!!
Now we understand that Chris and his Blog is our teacher and mentor. He shows life can be simple; I think it is us humans who make it hard.
When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.
When it's in your best interest, practice obedience.
Let others know when they've invaded your territory.
Take naps.
Stretch before rising.
Run, romp, and play daily.
Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.
On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.
When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
No matter how often you're scolded, don't buy into the guilt thing and pout..! run right back and make friends.
Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
Eat with gusto and enthusiasm. Stop when you have had enough.
Be loyal. Never pretend to be something you're not.
If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently.
A very happy Saturday to one and all have a smiley weekend! :-)))))
Yo Chris,
Enjoyed the show yesterday, as per usual.
Was interested on your thoughts on the great MR VAN MORRISON.
I am his biggest admirer and am with you on , if you were a millionaire point.
I have always said that if I came intop money I would spend it all on having a conversation with him.
Chris if you can how about playing Healing Game or Burning Ground or the fantabulous In the days before rock and roll.
How's Phill?
Did you get to the curry house, a tad late I wouldn't mind betting!
When you get to Weston-super-Mare next (or if ever), let me know and we'll get a curry and have a Van night, and we can enthuse together.
oh well i was only saying what i thought
i'll leave it for a while
what a sad day. we all have known people who have left through no reason other than that's the road through life we have taken. we all are on a journey through the same land, but all have been given different maps. sometimes these routes cross, sometimes we walk alongside our friends and loved ones, but inevitably and eventually, the paths differ.
life is full of happy chance meetings. what's important is that we take the time to realise that nothing can or should be taken for granted and our own maps may lead us off on other routes quicker than we usually appreciate. oh, its also important that we take the time to pause our journeys and have a great curry. hope yours was great, look forward to hearing about it on Monday's show.
god bless and keep the top show on the air.
PS looking forward to the golf-father on wednesday.
Hello Chris and Fellow Blog Readers! Just to say we thought what a brilliant drive time show it was this Friday, fantastic atmosphere and music, we really enjoyed it! Oh and Big Phil, what a great voice he has! Good luck to him for the future!
Also, Keith (No.58) love your comment about if Dogs were Teachers. Very true!
Hope you all havin' a grrrrrreat weekend. KC ;0) aka Jeannie x and Marvin The Dog xx
where is my comment from yesterday?
just one more re:my post 60
well bad languge is accepted then sorry i made that post chris clearly okay for your Blog
each time i come here i try and be friendly and make a fair comment but if you feel i'm not then i'll stop Blogging
Hey Christoph,
Change is good for everyone, so just make sure you all keep in touch with Phil and wish him all the best. You only need worry about people really if they are unwell or very unhappy, otherwise they will be fine. When things make me a bit unhappy I make myself reflect on all the horrible things going on in the world, and that gets it all in perspective. Believe me, it works! So if you think about Phil's move as an opportunity to better himself (I hope it is!) then that must make you feel better about him leaving.Its nice to reflect but in a happy way. If you reflect in a negative way, you only harm yourself. Be happy, be healthy and see the good in life.
I've had to turn my heating on a bit the last couple of mornings, which could depress me as it kinda marks the end of the summer. However, I choose to enjoy the warmth that I feel. That's how I feel about the autumn too - I love summer, but autumn is the most inspiring time of year. I'm making a foray into photography this year with the purchase of my first digital that's a feature of the positivity in my life just now. Okay, our wonderful, delicious summer is over, but there's a paintbox waiting to be opened over the next month and I'm going to get creative.
Anyway, off to visit my family. Ain't that what damp Sundays are for!
Cheers babe and to all you in blogland.
Susie xx
The BigUn blog 58 - that was a truly lovely read - what a lot we can learn from dogs' behaviour...thankyou for analysing it ..that's all it takes
Hi chris ,ive just read a certain article in a certain n sunday paper, in which a certain lady tels of a book she has written. It tells of the first blossom of love between two people. it made me go all lovey dovey and almost ever so sad. The part about the xmas jumper was so touching. cant wait untill a certain book is out. The lady sounds quite a deep and interesting type. will you be ordering a copy ?
well done on everything ..
Aww how sad..circumstances of life are not what we want at times! if that makes sense. Good luck to Phil in whichever path he chooses.. and no doubt you guys will be in touch which ever way things go!
Talking about life and circumstances some little s**t has just stolen all my partners tools! Most are replaceable but he had some from both our dads (both deceased) and alot are from his apprentice days (many years ago) which are sentimental........grrr one day these people will learn surely?
poo poo that of my chest abit.
Keep on blogging. CU all soon x
missed the blog and blogging over the weekend (which started on thursday!!!)
kate #55 thisnk that's get shorty by the wannadies
'til the morning ....xx
It's sad but happy, happy for phil moving on happy there will be a new person to get to know
Hi guys
how did Fridays night out go, And did you manage to make it to the Indian or was it a case of stuck in the Pub again!
Better late than never....Good luck Big Phil, you have a very sexy voice btw :-D
I hope your next job is as nice as your last one, everyone needs a shotstopper in their lives!
Hi Chris, could you please play Andy Williams "you're just too good to be true etc." song for me and my fiance, Julian, who are going to check out our wedding reception location tomorrow, followed by a visit to my parents on Sunday when we will be on our best behaviour and cap in hand (if you know what I mean!) The reason I want this song is because I want it to be our "first dance" and Julian isn't that keen - so I would like to practice beforehand if poss.
If you have any more time, could you please say a big hello to all my crazy lady colleagues who I went on a girly night out with last night - please let them know I was up at 6.30 this morning despite having the week off this week!
THANK YOU SSSSSSSSO MUCH. Jo from Newbury in Berks xxxxx