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Chris Evans | 14:38 UK time, Monday, 4 September 2006

I know, I'm sorry, whatever !

The Golf was crazy, by the time they let us go to bed I could barely remeber my name, let alone face a computer and then when we'd done there, my computer went one way and I went the other.

Hope you're all ok, just finished sorting out tonight's show, the super food man will be back and we have a guide to taking the perfect bath. Something I've b een doing loads of over the last two weeks.

So what's happened to y'all in the last fortnight? I think I've ended up pretty much the same. This holiday was not one of those where you feel you have to come back and make a lot of changes in your life. A sign that either the holiday was too busy a one to think such thoughts or, that life is actually pretty acceptable /unchangeable at the moment.

Read a couple of tombes whilst away, a novel called THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE... it didn't, not at all, although it was quite amusing and original and the author, in her picture, looked like a fox. Also, have nearly finished, PAULO'S latest, The Zahir, after you lot banged on about it so much I thought I'd better have a go. Is it me, or is it not a patch on the rest of his genius ?

Late blogging today because the computer lives in town and at the weekends I do not.

Big plans for this week, find a house, find a wife... live happily ever after, apart from that I'm not up to much.

I will be late a blogging tomorrow cos' I'm off out of town again tonight in search of both aforementioned items.

God bless you all and also the crocodile hunter, I've just talked to an AUSSIE mate of mine and he says back there it's like Princess Diana has died all over again. Wall to wall news about Mr. Steve. Hats of to him, dangling corks and all.

There'll be many a croc sleeping a lot sounder tonight.

Your humble servant, x

P.s. How are the potatoes ?

P.P.S. I think a small nibble whilst snogging, nothing too painful, bottom lip, is a definite experience enhancer.

P.P.P.S. Power nap now and then hot foot it in to work to see the gang again, also quite a nice night, they might be up for a dirty beer after work.

P.P.P.P.S. Beware the party, are the pictures in your head not the best things to have? is there not already too much reality in the world? why take away your escape ? I'm not saying fon't do it, just think about it, you may regret it, in the morning.



  1. At 03:05 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Gaby wrote:

    Oh joy!!

    spuds are fine - glad your break was - have written to Radio 2 Controller and forbidden him to let you have 2 consecutive weeks again :)



  2. At 03:10 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Mary wrote:

    Chris - Welcome back xx Hope you had a great holiday, you sound as positively charged as ever.

    Sooo good to have you back xx

    I had a great time myself on Saturday, went to see Robbie Williams at Hampden....Wow what a performer! Fantastic night had by all.

    Our deepest sympathies to the Steve Irwin's family and friends xx

    Wish it was 5pm..........

    Take care

  3. At 03:12 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Em 25 wrote:

    hey chris
    good to have you back. I would marry you! A bet you have about twenty more people on this blog saying the exact same!

    How weird is that for you? Women convinced they could be your perfect date, you havent met them you dont know them or even aware of their existance!

    Here I am a completely, well in my eyes, sane girl of 25. Fairly attractive, intelligent, with a full life still checking out a blog each day of a guy who i find fascinating who doesnt know I exist!! I have never really been impressed by celebrity, always found regular civilians interesting enough! I was always a fan of yourself but dont think I ever thought you would genuinely be that interesting!

    I went to university expecting to meet all kinds of interesting people but found them hard to pick out of the ocean of students trying to stand out! I then travelled the world and realised just becasue you accent and language is different doesnt make you clever or "different".

    Anyway Chris keep doing what your doing and maybe one day you will get incredibly bored and reply to some of the folk on this blog or our paths will cross!


  4. At 03:17 PM on 04 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Try reading A life Stripped Bare by Leo Hickman - that might change your life. It's tres amusing, e

  5. At 03:17 PM on 04 Sep 2006, david lumb wrote:

    Well hello oh humble christop good to have to back a blogging on the shlog.

    in my life in the past two weeks still on the job trial and it's tough but i'll get there(were's that wood to touch!)

    i've had a stereo for ten years and last Monday the cd player gave up the ghost stopped and then a part that opens the cd tray just fell out little band that was keeping it in place popped out and that was it . a good stereo.

    but i have a new one it's in a retro style ie not a digital display for the radio just a tunning knob to get the station you want radio2 of course!

    i tried the test the nation on saturday night oh my god how hard was that my iq score was bad on the night .

    you and your computer sound like a married couple one lives in the city the one commutes not a COMPATABLE relationship!

    catch y's ltr

    carry on a bloggin

  6. At 03:20 PM on 04 Sep 2006, david lumb wrote:

    just too add my sympathies to steve irwins family and friends.

    god bless you as you say chris.

    thats all from me for now
    catch y @ 5pm


  7. At 03:23 PM on 04 Sep 2006, sue wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Glad that you're back - We've missed you - no more consecutive weeks off please.
    Our thoughts are with Steve Irwin's family.
    Can't wait for 5 pm

    Sue,David & the boys

  8. At 03:25 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Penguin wrote:

    Looking in the wrong place for a wife, sweetie. Head to Northlands - I'll 'ave ya!

    Golf sounds mental, Can you really grow potatoes in a bin bag?

  9. At 03:48 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Justine wrote:

    Chris, When you go out for the afore mentioned House and wife, may I be as bold as to suggest doing just one at a time !!!!!

    I just got rid of a husband and house and that takes it out of you, just go out for the good food and wine option, far less traumatic and the bill at the end is oh so much cheaper !!

    Happy days, great to have you back.

    Justine xx

  10. At 03:50 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Susie Mac wrote:

    Re: Snogging

    Was reading all the tips on snogging and thought I would try it out on poor unsuspecting boyfriend... He wasn't very amused cos he had his face trampled on at rugby at the weekend. Plastic surgeon he saw this morning says it will be fine - so obviously the lopsidded look is in!

    Have a good week.


  11. At 03:52 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Dot wrote:

    good to hear you back Chris! Suazanne was getting fed up hearing our ironing tales of woe............................. although I think they were mostly mine!

    Gd luck in finding the wife, the house etc etc. If you ever get the chance - you can come see our house - it'll be magic if the builders ever finish our folly (otherwise known as the extensions) but we will not be selling - too lovely a place to move away from!

    I've asked before - but go on play Belle and Sebastians 'boy with the arab strap' if you haven't done already - everyone in the studio will need to clap along!

    and yes Penguin - you can grow tatties in a bin bag but an inside out compost bag is better - more heavy duty!

    tc and play some gd music!

    Love Dot

  12. At 03:54 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Jo wrote:

    Agree with ya on the nibbling....hehehe

    Good to have you back refreshed & respendant


  13. At 03:57 PM on 04 Sep 2006, G wrote:

    Hi Chris...

    You probably won't remember me but I was at the Celtic Manor last Sunday.. Anyway, at the 6th hole you came over and spoke to me as you did a bit of stretching and me being the simpleton that I am went a bit shy!! Rather silly of a grown woman of 35 but hey there you go! ( I must get out more!!)
    As you were stretching I whispered something to my friend to which you turned around and whispered "What?"
    Well what I said was "Oww! I just hurt my knee"
    What with you coming over I got a bit flustered and knocked my knee on the barrier...flipping hurt too lol.
    Anyway, just thought I would share that with you!
    Had a great day though and well done on winning!
    Take care..

  14. At 04:10 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Toby Dodwell wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Very sad news about Steve "The Legend" Irwin.

    I can't belive this has happened, feels like a very wrong joke that someone tells you whilst trying to be funny and failing so much they receive a dry slap! I thought he was immortal?

    The man wrestled with Crocs, snakes & other such dangerous animals but this may come out the wrong way but Steve would ever have wanted to go like that (stingray), he would have wanted that big 70 year old croc to battle him until it ended!

    My mate is South African & it his his wife also SA really hard, she was very upset... He was a legend there is no other way to describe such a man!

    Glad to have you back Chris, been checking this page (MY HILL) everyday, but have been very impressed with everyone making their own conversation, top banana this thing runs without the story teller!

    Hope all is well, I dont actually get to listen to the show every day (no radio allowed, concentration camp rules) so I have to catch up on the podcast, what did we ever do without it...

    Anyway camp bosses are approaching!

    Toodle pip!

  15. At 04:11 PM on 04 Sep 2006, sally wrote:

    welcome back christophe and hello all

    we have missed you mange tout

    how goes the wife hunt? could do with some top male perspective tips, as i have found the man i want to marry but he is the slow to react type and doesnt ever seem likely to propose.

    is it ok for girls to propose? am i being too old fashioned?

    all comments gratefully received.

    off home to make delicious things with potatoes.

    s xx

  16. At 04:14 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Susan wrote:

    Hey Chris! Good to have you back. Sounds like you've had a good holiday - we've all missed you!

    I'm just a bit confused today though - if life is "pretty acceptable/unchangeable at the moment", why do you feel the need to dash out and find a house and a wife?!!

    Take care, will be listening as I wend my way homewards this evening.

  17. At 04:17 PM on 04 Sep 2006, wrote:

    hi CE,

    A house and a wfe in one evening? Take things easy.

    Maybe if you stop looking so hard sumthing will turn up.



  18. At 04:18 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Rachel (Blue Angel) wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Mmmmmmmmmwah! ( and a nibble with a little tug) ;)

    I'm so glad you're back. I enjoyed the golf , looked like fun. Just been busy at work myself for the whole two weeks- broke one of my little toes on Friday night- it hurts.

    I was really saddened by the news of Steve Irwin's death this morning. A nice guy.

    That is a big plan for this week ....... a house and a wife! Gosh. Hey; you never know : start trawling the estate agents and you may get the two together in one hit, there she is ....... a vision of loveliness, behind a desk, just yards from the street........ you wander in ... soaking wet..... having been in twenty agents already that morning, without any luck.......... you're fed up of looking through brochures so .......you ask her, which house she would like..........she makes an appointment for half an hour's time ... she drives you there in her 1967 mini.... it has no stereo, not even a radio... the windows leak.... .. you have to talk to her ... she gets lost.......... you know the way.............you arrive a little late.......she shows you around;...... in the kitchen you ask her if she can make real gravy......... she says..... yes ......... then, when the question comes: and would you like to put in an offer Mr Evans?.... You say yeah ....... marry me............ she drops her briefcase.......bingo!....... happily ever after..........

    Keep smiling


  19. At 04:28 PM on 04 Sep 2006, wrote:

    What have we been up to, you ask.....

    Well, whilst you were away enjoying the fresh Welsh air, and other attractions, I was rather more dramatically occupied. A most unfortunate incident that occurred some weeks ago led to another, even more unfortunate incident that may lead to somewhere I would much rather avoid. If that isn't enough, my good lady wife Dolores decided to take the twins (X and Y) on holiday to Austria. She phoned me from there to tell me she was pregnant with our third child. Now, of course I look forward immensely to its emergence from the womb, but I do fear somewhat for its future. Should the wee thing fall under the influence of either Twin X or Twin Y, or that of my not-so fragrant mother in law, Mrs McHaggarty - well, I hope somewhere there is a talented but currently unemployed guardian angel with a penchant for the Scottish countryside willing to work long hours for very little recompense.

  20. At 04:46 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Teresa wrote:

    lovely to see your blog Christophe, glad you've got back safely.
    Rachel 18 what a lovely little story, made a nice read. We'll I'm home from work early - going upstairs to have a power nap with Radio 2 on ...can't wait for 5 o'clock
    God bless to Steve Irwin - also to the three soldiers today.. sad old world.
    Tess x

  21. At 04:49 PM on 04 Sep 2006, mandy wrote:

    Good to have you back Chris.
    Luckily I was away last week (took the other half for a romantic few days in Jersey) so I only had to cope for one week without you.
    Glad you had a good break. Roll on 5pm
    Keep Smilin'!

  22. At 04:56 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Audes wrote:

    Goodnight all,

    Its 'Audes down under'.....all excited Mr. Evans your back.
    So just before i toddle off to sleep i thought id add a few words about Mr. Irvin..... 'CRIKEY', who would of thought it, a sting ray, of all Gods creatures to kill the master of crocs???.

    Its been a sad day down this end and yes your friend is right it is abit like Diana's death. All the news readers are wearing black and its been non stop coverage all day.
    At the end of the day he was a good man, he gave alot to the world and more importantly cared about Gods creatures. I do feel for his family and friends, our deepest sympathy to them all.

    We fly to the east coast tomorrow night and arrive in Brisbane 6am, then collect our campervan and away we go, 2 weeks on the road our holiday begins. We might just head up to Steve Irvins Australia Zoo to pay our respects. Will be in touch.

  23. At 04:57 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Clare wrote:

    Flipping heck Chris, you come back, you write that life is ok, that you didn't feel the need to change anything, you say you want a wife and house and then... AND THEN... you say about nibbling the bottom lip whilst snogging! For goodness sake, what are you trying to do to us single women of a certain age??? At the rate you're going you'll have proposals from all of us! ;) Good to have you back though!

    Really is sad about Steve Irwin isn't it? We (my pal tabby Sylvia - she loves cats - and I) talked about it today and it does feel like some really bad joke gone very wrong. I feel for his family in particular.

    Rachel (Blue Angel) I loved your story about how Chris finds his true love. You've got a real turn of phrase. Hope your toe gets better soon... better get that bag of frozen peas out of the freezer to put on it whilst watching TV tonight.

    Nearly time for your show Chris and what's worse... the boss is sat at the desk next to me and I really CAN'T tune in! Sounds like Toby Dodwell and I work at the same place! Although I con the camp boss into thinking I'm working hard! ;)

    See you later

  24. At 05:02 PM on 04 Sep 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Good to here you are back and raring to go!

    You certainly do have BIG plans if you think that a house, wife and happy ever after is to be found in such a short space of time. You may find the perfect house….for you and then find the perfect woman ….for you but the two together will be just too much to ask. The house will be too small for the two of you. When I met my wife she introduced me to a guy on our first weekend as her husband and we had not even snogged! Yes we have been very happy ever (she keeps telling me) after (well for over 20 years now) but we have moved house many times.

    My advice would be to keep your eyes and mind open, if the time and chemistry is right I you will know, I just do not know how you know you just do, well I did :-) If that makes any sense at all! :-) Good luck!

    Still I am looking forward to the show, keep up the good work.


  25. At 05:04 PM on 04 Sep 2006, barb wrote:

    hi guys good to hear you on the radio again , as i type.

    well unfortunatley while you were away i lost a cousin a friend and my mums very close friend, then to hear about steve irwin.............why is everyone dying???????

    aside that , went to see evita in london on sat very good, and went to a place called wagamammas (a japanese resturanty ) in
    guildford before going home lovely food lovely day. kids back at school tomorrow cant believe the hols are all done just as the weather is getting better.

    guys a great book to read "the shadow of the wind" by carlos ruiz zafon....fab fab fab!they have to make a film of this its just great...

    going to feed hungry kids now, oh my hubbis allotmant pots won 1st at the agricultural club show at the weekend!!!


    p.s where does the saying it comes in 3"s come from ??? as in good news bad news?

  26. At 05:23 PM on 04 Sep 2006, AH wrote:

    Adding my condolences to the family and friends of Steve Irwin. He shall be missed but I am sure his family and friends will keep his memory well and truly alive. An inspiration to many. God Bless Steve. God Bless Terri, Bindi and Bob.

    Glad to hear you are back, Chris. Good luck with the house, wife and happy ever after hunting this week! Beware the party - well said (Echo'd my thoughts)!!!!!!

  27. At 05:57 PM on 04 Sep 2006, The ern wrote:

    I can't get over all the negativity in some quarters about Steve Irwin (stuff like he had it coming to him because he lived life on the edge, etc). What has happened to peoples spirit of adventure? Its as if Health & Safety has taken over every aspect of our lives.

    Is it better to live well & achieve your dreams or live a long safe and unevenful one?

  28. At 06:07 PM on 04 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Enjoying having you back - you always choose the best music for me to dance around to while cooking the dinner!

    Thanks for your mention of home education too - a subject that could do with more airtime :)

    Were also sad in this house today about Steve Irwin :(

  29. At 06:16 PM on 04 Sep 2006, ju wrote:

    dear chris

    thought i was the only person who had the urge to want a (husband) in my case - i have a house so i can tick that box.

    i rang my boyfriend up today and i was going to ask him to marry me but his boss answered and i said i would ring back but I didn't.i didn't think it would be a good idea to leave a message he would hit the roof!i am romantic and would love that! he would only say no anyway so doesn't make any difference.
    what was going to be alcohol free week is not anymore.

    okay back to me feeling sorry for me.. hmm not fair as lovely blogger em25? (well, she seems nice) said she would marry you and so would i and so would most of us but what i want to know chris is who is the woman you have in your sights - i reckon you have someone there in mind and if not -what qualities do you want from a woman?
    i have decided if someone i liked asked me to marry them and have their kids i would perhaps say yes as i seemed to have waited almost 9 years for a mircale to happen in this partnership i am in and there is no sign of anything.
    i want children (clock ticking) and nice little wedding- it always happens to people i know and not me.what is embarassing is people always ask when we are getting married and having children and i can't say because i don't know. oh, well what is meant to be!
    one more moan - why doesn't he buy me flowers say something nice about me ( i am not that bad honest!) he could make it up though!

    yes i am feeling sorry for me - sorry fellow bloggers but i needed to get it off my chest.

    chris, think I will have to keep anon now after revealing all that so maybe party not good idea after all!!!! maybe keep the pictures in mind.

    love juxxx

  30. At 06:18 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Kev. wrote:

    hi chris welcome back,
    my week is complete again
    poor old steve irwin
    do you think they'll ever repeat stingray?

  31. At 06:27 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Dr josie callum wrote:

    Your Blog really made me laugh.

    I hope Stringray does not get blamed for the death of Steve Irwin it was a great show.

  32. At 06:32 PM on 04 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Good to have you back - routine is a thing which should not be under-rated - having said that a change is often better than a rest - another paradox - hey ho!!

    I always enjoy your item for the kiddies - "what have you done today that you have never done before" - but today I really really wanted to ring, to tell you that last week I participated in my first record review programme on local 91Èȱ¬ radio - I so enjoyed the experience (even though the records we reviewed were AWFUL) but my age disqualified me - I'm happy at having shared this news via the blog tho'.

    I understand your house hunting agenda but Chris (and this is coming from a lady who has never got near the aisle) are you sure about the new spouse search, third time lucky etc - is it wise. I wish you loads of luck my dear.

    Take care - bet you get your half stone off no probs (lucky sod!).

    Jane xx

  33. At 06:35 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Cate wrote:

    The Blog is Back!
    We missed you while you were off a-golfing. Looked like fun tho!
    All our thoughts too with the Croc Guy's family, someone at my work today didnt get a promotion he'd wanted for ages but said it was nothing compared to the news about Steve Irwin. Too sad. Still a life lived to the full, and what else can any of us hope for!
    Good luck in the searches Chris!, am house- and chap-searching myself so know where you're coming from! Cate

  34. At 06:43 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Chris Benson wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    I love the blog - I didn't even know what a blog was until 2 weeks ago! In this fast-changing world, it's time for me to catch up!

    It's the only blog I've read so far!

    My respects also go to Steve Irwin's friends and family - his personality and his passion for what he did really came across, and he will be greatly missed.

    I'm in work till 8pm - but love the show, the super foods bit was fascinating!

    Take care
    Chris Benson Astley Manchester

  35. At 06:51 PM on 04 Sep 2006, wrote:

    I will be very impressed if you find a wife in a week. She'll be a lucky lady.

  36. At 06:52 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Marilyn wrote:

    Can you tell me the name of that nut that your food expert listed for number 3 in the top food chart, the one that was very good for you, but full of oil????

    Great show today, but I was driving home and could not catch the name properly!!!!

    Thank Chris.

  37. At 06:56 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Lisajo wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    So glad to have you back I didn't even notice the traffic jams on the way home tonight. Where does all the traffic come from when the kids go back? Wish I could have the summer off.

    Thanks for the photos at the golf on saturday, you didn't notice that you signed Damian Lewis' Page first, so I had to nab you again.Damian signed his name right across your face as punishment!

    To Bardb #25 I agree The shadow of the wind is a fab book. It was reccomended to me by my spanish friend, one of the best books i've read. Just finished The Kite Runner another classic.

    Missed you loads Chris

    Love lisa xxxxx

  38. At 06:58 PM on 04 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Good to have you back Chris, enjoyed watching the All Stars Cup with you! Brucie was good wasn't he?

    I was thinking whilst doing the washing up this evneing and listening to your "perfect bath" piece that you really need to put some of this information up on your radio 2 mini site. I listen to the show everyday, but I'm nearly always doing something else, driving home, washing up or cooking the dinner. I know that once all the jobs are done tonight I'll want a perfect bath, but I won't be able to remember all the tips! If they were immortalized online I'd be a much happier bunny!

    love x

  39. At 06:59 PM on 04 Sep 2006, kate wrote:

    First timer, have enjoyed reading previous blog stuff.

    I miss you (Chris) on Sat afternoons in between baking and crossword.

    Always losing golf balls, need to concentrate more on watchng exactly where it lands in the rough.

    New house sounds good, me too. Need a fixer upper in Cambridge so children can cycle to school. Going to join the afore mentioned in the garden for a spot of hockey.

    Noticed Belle and Sebastian mentioned earlier, excellent. Maybe will listen while looking at the property paper and contemplating a Husband.

  40. At 07:57 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Rosalinda wrote:

    Hey everyone.
    I've been away so just catching up and reading all your lovely messages.
    Rachel. perhaps you should take the super foodie man's advice and buy some cherries tomorrow, eat them all (very healthy) and then make the pillow to soothe your toe. You'll need two healthy feet in a few weeks time. Lots of standing and rocking to and fro.

    So a party is in the offing? I do kinda know what Chris means. I have an image of you all in my mind. It's a bit like reading a great book, the characters are so vivid and real in your mind and then you go and see the film of the bookand the actors/actresses are not what you imagined at all. So I probably won't go but will look forward to reading all about it!!

    It was a beautiful Monday today, perhaps we'll have an Indian Summer. Hope so.

  41. At 08:00 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Sammie wrote:



    The last two weeks have been tough - but we survived - amazing what us humans can adjust to....(!)

    Rachel - I had BIG snogs today - first for a long a time (and hopefully, the first of many!). Tried a couple of your suggestions and WOW - how fab - almost teasing, very gentle and sensuous - yummy!! And yes Chris, a little nibble goes a loooong way!

    House and a wife huh - why don't you just settle for something a lot simpler - like world peace or a cure for cancer???

    I ditched a husband this year (along with 50lbs!!) and am about to sell the marital home. So while I'm not in the market for a new husband (done that twice already thanks), a new home would be nice - interesting Chris that you're searching for a house and not a home...

    Re: Steve Irwin - tragic news, but at least he went doing something he loved. A very good friend of mine received some devastating news today about one of his parents - what can you do? The platitudes come to mind and trip off the tongue so easily, but what do they mean? No more than a hug and a kiss can convey. To all those that have received bad news today - hugs and kisses from me.


  42. At 08:02 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Mark Occomore wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Nice to have you back at the helm. You should carry the laptop under your arm with you where ever you go, but I suppose work will be with you and you would never get a rest from it, and it's all in you head ready to write as you return to your London home.

    It was a sad news switching on the TV and seeing Steve Irwin not been eating by a croc, I guess I know what you mean the man is a national institure over in Aussie land. God bless to his family.

    I suppose you got all those young ladies after you and three under your arm every time your out. Take care

    Catch U at 5

    Best wishes


  43. At 08:22 PM on 04 Sep 2006, House wrote:

    somedays, mondays arent fundays......

    today wasn't - a that is for sure.................BUT,

    what joy when I realised that I had completely forgotten Christophe was back and it was only 40 mins til 5 o clock (yes, it really was that busy today)

    soaked up a tad of that added verve and energy you brought to our ears this afternoon (plus Micheal V S - who cannot fail to delight) and in no less than 30 minutes the day was turned on its head

    Marvellous work christophe and team - welcome back!

  44. At 09:24 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Linda wrote:

    Hi Chris and bloggers, worked overtime tonight, am waiting for the man to arrive with the take-out and to watch D&P which has already started. This is gonna be fast. Lovely reading all the stuff so far. shovlng in my four-penarth, sorry about spelling errors.

    House and wife finding... hang loose, agree with Justine (9), Jenny (17), Jane third time, sorry didnt get number. Happy to go with TheErn (27), dreams are important, dont live yr life with them unfulfilled....wouldnt have thought that was yu anyway.

    Realistic is good, shout at me all if you dont agree.....have fun gettng there. Lovely to have you back christophe.

    whoppee got indian not chinese, yummmeee. Luvvies all.

  45. At 09:32 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Orrie42 wrote:

    Hi Chris Welcome Back!!!!

    I lost a friend last week to heart trouble, then to hear about Steve Irwin today - well it really makes you "collect your thoughts" doesn't it!

    Fast approaching 40 - and life revolves around work & dogs! A few wise words sprang to mind that seem to have found their way into my mind and kinda stayed there ready to leap out at the most (although sometimes the least - but that's quite another tale!!!) opportune moment.

    Here's me sounding like my Aunt, my Dad and other wise people I have chosen to plagarise and "adapt" ;)

    My Aunt - Happiness comes in through doors you didn't even know you had left open.

    My Dad - Wives, hangovers and (in this case) Houses are fine as long as they are someone elses!

    And words from me (wise or otherwise) If you love yourself it makes it easier for others to love you too.

    Life's too short for housework - noone ever went to their grave saying "I wish I had done more hoovering"!!!!

    Off now to snuggle the pooches and eat my microwave steak and kidney pudding with homemade mustard mash!

    Love n Licks!

    PS - from memory - your dead right about the snogging - ROFLMAO

  46. At 09:54 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Karen wrote:


    Didnt know you were back today so missed your
    show! Glad your back. I would marry you too!


  47. At 10:31 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Jill wrote:

    My attempt at a contribution just spun off the screen when I tried to put LE ZAHIR (title only, not entire work) into italic letters, so here I go again and hope I don't now repeat what I've said already....

    Glad we're all re-energised by Chris's re-appearance, and we sure are. I've also learnt today how re-energising it can be to have chance encounters with unexpected people. Knew this before, but keep forgetting! We occasionally take people for B & B in our house on the Wealden Way in Sussex, and last night someone turned up (no pre-booking) and asked to stay for the night. She is a-wandering (in car) and a-wondering what to do with her life, having sold her house and feeling like she's stuck in the same grrove of a vinyl record, and wanting to spin off to pastures new. But not knowing what or where. So she's looking round and doesn't know whether to finish off unfinished things (like living in London, where's there's always so much more to do) or going somewhere she's never even started. It's all very interesting and challenging, and I think that some time from now I'll look back and think how she changed our lives in some way and hopefully she'll think she benefitted from her time here too. She's at a crossroads in her life, and it's good to be there with her.

    Which brings me to Paulo Coelho's Le Zahir, Chris. For me that's one of his best, albeit not as imaginative and different as the others. Great, I think, because an example of how his words are put into action. I think most if not all of it is autobiographical. Therefore more reachable. Just wish I had the guts, and maybe even the ideas!

    xxx Jill

  48. At 10:37 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Crookster (Paul Crook) wrote:

    I like the idea of lip nibbling to highten snoogging - but i prefer the AUSSIE KISS, it's a bit like French kissing but down under.

    Max respect to Steve the croc hunter.

    Keep on rockin

  49. At 10:52 PM on 04 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Great and Funny Blog

  50. At 10:59 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Mike Hannay wrote:

    Chris hiya,

    What's it all about eh, life that is. I remember you used to say people - well stars and celeb's - either "got it or didn't". I think you meant the transcience of fame aka stop taking yourself so seriously. It seemed that Steve Irwin got it - how to get fame and then keep it. it's fantastic, in one way, that his death has had such an impact on the people of his country. Obviously most could associate with his approach to life or saw somthing else that that they could share with him.

    With each year I get older I find that I am less interested in me and more interested in what's going on in the world that can be good or bad for my family and friends.

    I know that you're a great one for reading books that give insight or tell a good tale. I read (very quickly) a book called tipping. Not exactly something to live your life by or even a revelation but the point of it was quite good. The power of ordinary people when they act in a kind of collective way can get the movers and shakers of the world to do things.

    Wouldn't it be just great if we could discover the tipping point that would allow the ordinary people of the world to tell it's leaders to give up trying pursuing actions that mean we slaughter each other, it's nearly 100 years since the great war and still we use the same tactics, and help us focus on bigger things that will inevitably affect us all in the very near furure irresoective of race, creed or colour. Everyone knows we're running out of oil, and I hear water will become more scarce too. Isn't this worrying or is it just me and the age I'm at? If we're bashing each other to death now what will it be like when these vital things are just too short in supply?

    At my school the teachers had a sneaky way of getting the many to influence the few...I bet it was the same at a lot of schools...they used to say we will have to punish (nothing corporal) everyone becuase of a stupid the few who are spoiling it for everyone. It seemed so unfair at the time but boy did it work. Wouldn't it be great if we able to just get ordinary folk around the world to just say stop! There's too much going on in our lives for you mindless few having such an a disproportionate effect.

  51. At 11:13 PM on 04 Sep 2006, dyoungone wrote:

    Steve Irwin was always destined to die by something incidental. i.e not a crocidile. I always thought it may have been a step ladder fall or something, hero's never die with what you expect. Good to have Chris back missed his shlogging daily.

  52. At 11:30 PM on 04 Sep 2006, frances wrote:

    Hello Chris,

    Great to have you back again - we've all missed you so much.

    I know you mentioned Freddie on Monday's show, but please mention him again on what would have been his 60th birthday tomorrow (Tuesday 5th September). also perhsps we can have two successive Queen tracks to celebrate his life and remember the ultimate showman.

    Merci buckets!

  53. At 11:32 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Ryan wrote:

    Christophe, ...welcome back!

    Taken me so long to read all the bloogers that I've gotta go to bed!

    Good to have ya back and that ya left the shlog behind for a few days, ...everybody's got to have a break every now & again!

    Don't get out of work until 6, so only heard the last hour of ya show but I don't think I've ever heard somebody sooooooo knowledgable about baths, ...oils, salts, ...guess that'll be high up on the house 'must-haves!'

    Also, v.impressed about ya plans for the week - been searching for them also - taking me longer than a week - so thank goodness for the shlog, my tricks in the kitchen are improving, and now with my new bath guide things have gotta start lookin up!

    Happy searchin'!

  54. At 12:46 AM on 05 Sep 2006, rob the self proclaimed drive time physics student wrote:

    I havent read all the bloggers comments but thought id say hi,

    I've been busy for the last couple of weeks so haven't been tuning in to who ever replaced you not sure who it was. Nice to know you have returned with me, only got to listen to a bit of your show tongiht as was on my way to work, Wasn't the berries you were on about on "dragons den" not too many shows ago?

    I think it was, and as i remember the "dragons" didnt invest, Can't be a very good drink then


  55. At 02:36 AM on 05 Sep 2006, Morwenna wrote:


    Wonderful to have you back darling - missed you dreadfully.

    The perfect bath? As I said to my friend only the other day while discussing cellulite - ''Bath time requires: horse soap and a suede brush, while listening to 'Pomp and Circumstance' and going at ones hard skin like a professional blacksmith'' Bracing darling, bracing!

    Books: While browsing a well known book store I happened upon the 'Self Help' section and was quite taken by a book entitled, 'How To Feel Yourself'. Intrigued I took it home and read it cover to cover. Changed my life darling! I wont tell you how - but let's just say I no longer ride to hound, side-saddle.

    I have had a marvellous time at Braemar. The DOC was her usual wonderful, effervescent, enthusiastic self - indeed so enthusiastic that her husband and I had a devil of a time holding her back when those strapping young chaps began tossing their wood or is it caber?

    You may have noticed, darling, that I didn't open this epistle with my usual 'Wet kisses' - that is because all this talk of snogging - has brought back many, many, many, many unhappy memories of oral fluid exchange.

    I no longer snog 'full french' - not since my encounter with Percy Fernyhough Tillington. How was I to know he had a loose upper set! One suck and a twist and the blighters ended up in my mouth -couldn't remove the little buggers for a week - I looked like the result of an unholy drunken union between Alien and Janet Street Porter!

    Nibbling the lip is all very well but it depends what the other person has been eating. I remember as a gal in the Shires, nibbling amorously on the stable boys lower lip I don't know what he'd been eating, darling - but during our hot embrace, it somehow put me in mind of Daisy, our downstairs maid. Strange that.

    I'd love to marry you darling but it wouldn't work. You wear glasses, I wear glasses our private moments would resemble a glass grinder's convention - if we took them off we wouldn't be able to see each other and then one or the other would sue for desertion. Besides sweetie, I'm not a 'fox' - a pedigree Boxer maybe, but a fox? No. So let's just remain friends.

    Adore you


  56. At 06:50 AM on 05 Sep 2006, Abi wrote:

    Howdie Chris!

    Great to have you back, sir.

    Looking forward to all your pearls of wisdom and laughs with the team.

    Are you up for the bloggers/shloggers gathering? If so, to where would you like/be prepared to travel?

    By the way, what are your views on an acronym to describe your so loyal (and yet ever so slightly derranged) comment-posters? COGs/CYGs and COBs/CYBs seem to have been suggested so far - apologies to anyone whose suggestion(s) I've omitted. Personally, I think CABS should be a contender - Chris's Amazing Bloggers & Shloggers (makes no reference to age - always a good thing for us ladies). What do you think?

    Looking forward to some top shows - keep up the good work!


  57. At 07:16 AM on 05 Sep 2006, Abi wrote:

    Sorry, one and all, for being a bit slow on the uptake.

    Just re-read your blog, Chris, and realised that my party qrestion was totally irrelevant - already answered and a good point, well made too.

    Steve Irwin - what can I say? A top fella, very inspirational and will be sorely missed. Like many people, and has already been said, I was stunned by the news - a very bad joke, indeed. My sympathies and best wishes to his family and friends. God bless.

    Just goes to show how precious life is. I, for one, hope to take something meaningful from this tragedy by linving each day with renewed vigour and making the most of every moment.

    Take care, friends.

  58. At 07:17 AM on 05 Sep 2006, Martin wrote:

    Great to have you back Chris. Hope the holls were as uplifting as the feeling we all have in getting you back on the show (I'm sure they were).
    Ah, Steve Irwin. It makes you think, doesnt it at time like this about the purpose of our lives. Are we here to have an influence on our own soul or other peoples, either way that guy did both. He lived more of a life in one year than most of us did in a lifetime. The ultimate adventure for the ultimate adventurer. God bless him and more imprtantly his wife and family.
    Sorry about the mix up Rachel (blue angel), about the baby but I'm only a bloke you know and extremely fallable. Not quite as bad as a friend of mine who will insist on getting birthdays and aniversaries mixed up, often cops for it!! Anyway, pineaple rock is on page 7 under the link 'boiled sweets' on the aforementioned site,'good nibbling', he he.
    Chris, do men ever stop looking for a house and wife, I dont think so, even if they have the perfect combination, I believe we still look, doesnt mean we would partake of the delicious but big NO NO fruit, but we would look. The trouble is most men are perhaps a little shortsighted and go headlong in to things with the justification of dipping your toe in the water and other cliche's, but then go and dive in with our clothes on; we often come our soking wet, cold and miserable saying 'its not my fault'!! but of course it is. Enough of the philosophical stuff anyway, I can only catch up in a morning and this is far too heavy despite being up since silly o clock, Goodness Rachel 'do you ever sleep', going by the timing on the entries on your site, it sure dont look like it. Anyway see you tomorrow.

    Martin XX
    PS. Dot, just how long are your builders going to be or have they now been adopted into the family, could be usefull if you ever want anything else doing around the house!!.

  59. At 08:33 AM on 05 Sep 2006, Susan wrote:

    Hey Chris and fellow bloggers!

    Did anyone listen to Johnny Walker this morning on the way to work? He was talking about the goji (sp?) berries that Michael V S talked about last night - somebody had better put him in the picture though as he's out to get some at Tescos today!

    I saw a friend last night who's having trouble with rheumatic/arthritic elbow joints and I've told her about the cherry pillow. What a very knowledgeable and approachable man Mr V S is!

    Marilyn #36 - I think it was chestnuts, but, like you, I was distracted by traffic! Can anyone please confirm the number 3 food?

    Take care everyone, have a good day

  60. At 08:57 AM on 05 Sep 2006, Penguin wrote:

    Your RSS feed isn't working properly.

  61. At 08:59 AM on 05 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Hi all,

    just a quickie this morning ... I'm saving myself for the new blog later today........... ... well... I have a finance meeting to go to in 5 minutes.... lasts until lunch-time!

    Martin...#57 ... thanks for the directions to Pineapple Rock.......no problem about the baby mix-up ........ the closet I get to having a baby is looking after my brother's and his wife's little one ... baby Jane :) she's so cute. I sleep from about 9:30 at night until 5am each morning ?.. the timings on my page are 12 hours out I think...... I do most of my interwebbing during the day. :)

    Clare and Teresa... thanks ..... I guess I'm just an old fashioned romantic......... Oh! News.... my toes is feeling a wee bit better today....... The Cherry Pillow thing, sounds like a wonder cure... must make one... :)

    Keep smiling


  62. At 09:35 AM on 05 Sep 2006, Dot wrote:

    found the wife and house yet? - jeez you don't do things by half. i'm with many on this blog - if you are finding life on an even keel just now why not just let it stay that way for a little while - if you're happy and comfortable with yourself then that perfect someone will see it at the right time, don't jump in and rush it!

    Houses are a different matter though - they find you. I remember seeing ours for the first time through the windows - it was a closing date and no more viewings were allowed. LH had been to see it in the morning - got me in the afternoon and we looked through the windows and thought 'yup - it's got potential' came back out 2 days later to see where the sun came up - it was March, sunny and snowing - garden was like a jungle but we could spy snowdrops and crocus coming up and the colours were beautiful - that was it - the garden did it for me - we lived in a building site for 2 years and are now doing it again in the same house!!!

    Yes Martin 57 - I reckon the builders are looking for their Christmas dinner at our house! Given the cry of 'that smells good' at tea time! No I don't feed them - they'd never go away! However if the boss says 'I'm going to crank up the workforce this week' one more time I may slap him!

    have a twinkly Tuesday,

    love Dot

  63. At 09:39 AM on 05 Sep 2006, Rosalinda wrote:

    Sorry Rachel and Rachel for my comment yesterday. I mixed you up too. I had sore toe Rachel having a baby!!!
    Note to self: Must read through previous day's blog as well as current day before commenting..

    ps: forget Brown/Cameron for next P.M. My vote goes to Morwenna

  64. At 10:20 AM on 05 Sep 2006, The Debster wrote:

    Hi Chris
    It's good to have you back. You were really on form last night. I too have just returned from a two week holiday, feeling that I can take on the world but the workload on my desk this morning has soon put pains to that. C'est la.......

    I must resume my spouse hunt. I may be a happy single bunny at the mo but I'll be missing my Saturday mornings in bed with my 'Mr' watching football focus and making no sense of it at all. Just an excuse to snuggle on his chest and under his arm until the hangover wears off.......mmmmmm.
    As for houses I have a fine house and no intention of moving from my street. I just keep getting mates to move closer and closer! I have four sets in my street now. Great for pyjama chats and babysitting and calming down after a domestic and a party at a moments notice! Not to mention the frequency of cooking for eachother. We're all foodies and love the spirit of 'breaking bread' together. None of us ever eat alone. I like to see people up close and personal and just love the whole community vibe. We're always 'doing' for eachother and that feels good.

    Potatoes have been in for three weeks and green bits are shooting through the soil. Tres exciting! The second tyre will be placed this weekend and soil piled around the shoots leaving a 2-3 inch sprout (I know my stuff!).

    Good luck with the wife and house hunt. I shall visualise/conjour some ideal situations for you and we'll see what you find. Call me old fashioned but had you considered doing the house search once you have wifey in tow? It's not every lady's ideal to have a ready made home to move into, especially a wifey type. I think homebuilding is part of wifing. A modest bachelor pad will do you just fine for now. Just a thought. Keep us posted.

    Debs xx

    P.S. Is Blackheath out of the question? I work for this estate agent......x

  65. At 10:43 AM on 05 Sep 2006, Dot wrote:

    PS I agree with Chris and the party - I like the idea of having you all as an online community I can chat to (and Chris) but I am very unsociable and like it that way!!

    love Dot

  66. At 10:48 AM on 05 Sep 2006, TheBigUn wrote:


    Thanks Morwenna #54 you made me laugh :-) Great Blog posting, I wish I had such a way with words.

    I look forward to reading Christophers rambles today, you never know he may just let on that he loves a pedigree Boxer ;-) LOL


  67. At 10:50 AM on 05 Sep 2006, Anonymous wrote:

    hi chris,
    sounds like burning the candle at both ends. are we not getting too old fro it now? never mind looking for happily ever aftre. for all you know, you are probably living the happily ever after right now. you can never tell till you look back. live for the now, not the future. keep up the great show. i listen all the way home from work (an hour). really miss TFI still! thats when i was young and happening!!

  68. At 11:19 AM on 05 Sep 2006, mackie wrote:

    first time blogger.

    can anyone tell me where to find info on planting potatoes (am i too late to grow some for my pre christamas soiree in mid december)?



  69. At 11:26 AM on 05 Sep 2006, Em 25 wrote:

    Hey Everyone!!

    I totally see Chris' point about meeting up but maybe it could go the other way, maybe it could be a positive thing! Nothing to loose hey!!


  70. At 11:45 AM on 05 Sep 2006, Susan wrote:


    I'm with Chris and Dot on the party front - I think some of the magic might be lost if we all met? There's something to be said for (relative) anonymity?

    Take care

  71. At 01:22 PM on 05 Sep 2006, barb wrote:

    i agree with chris susan and dot re the party, if we are all still here in say 2010 maybe then.

    *36 marlyn and *58 susan yes it was chestnuts and the great man has his own web site michael van staten .com not sure if i can do a link on here.

    my little cherubs went back to school today , now i have NO excuse except for you guys not to clean up after them!

    got my monthly book club meeting tomorrow, and we were supposed to look up a good thriller, any one got any ideas?ive been to busy blogging!!!


    starting a diet on monday 3.3.6. its called 300 cal for breakfast 300 lunch 600 dinner....so how many glasses of wine is that i can have?


  72. At 01:26 PM on 05 Sep 2006, The Debster wrote:

    Oh my gosh! I've just caught up with the blogs for the past two weeks. You must feel GREAT with all that support.........and the marriage offers! Maybe a little scared too? I suppose that comes with the territory (and the fact that you are amazing, of course)! Can't say I'd go there myself but only because you are practically the male equivalent of me!
    My many friends will tell you that I am quite enough of a handful after a few jars without having another half stealing the limelight! I like to think that I'm quite a big fishy in my cosy little pond and you would just wee-wee all over that!
    I expect there'll be a new blog from you soon to take me off somewhere.......can't wait. x


  73. At 01:30 PM on 05 Sep 2006, Jeff 66 wrote:

    Hey Chris

    Do not go away again for so long, its taken ages to read all yesterdays comments, this blog has got a life of its own.

    Your right about Steve though it is sad, a lot of celebrities drop off and you say why is that on the news Steve was different, he made a difference and did it in a unique way. what a way to go though dramatic to then end, I think if he had to go he would have approved.

    As to life I just turned 40, I was told the hill looks steep from up here but like you, lifes pretty good right now. Trying to sell my house though before buying a new one and I'll keep the wife I've got.

    Keep up the good work I'll turn the Radio back on the PC when Steve gets off the air.

    CU @5

  74. At 02:17 PM on 05 Sep 2006, The Debster wrote:

    Forgot to mention the potato thang for Mackie.
    You will need:

    3 seed potatoes
    3 car tyres
    1 heavy duty black bin liner
    1 big bag of compost
    lots of love and hope

    You'll not get seed potatoes for love or money so you need to put ordinary potatoes (I used Maris Pipers) in the fridge for a couple of days so they think it's winter and they will sprout white. When sprouted transfer to a dark room temp cupboard and they will think they are underground in early springtime and begin to shoot further. When shoots are 3-4 inches long bury in fantasic compost with lots of love and hope in the bottom of heavy duty black plastic sack inside a tyre. Roll down the rest of the bin liner and tuck inside the tyre - you will have about 5 inches of compost. When shoots reach over 6 inches place another tyre on top of the first and pull up the black bin liner. Fill with more compost and love and hope until the sprouts are showing just 2 inches. Repeat this process until all three tyres are filled with compost and love and hope. Potatoes are ready to cultivate when they have flowered and flowers die off.
    Don't forget to check that the compost stays moist but not overwatered and add more love and hope as required. You cannot overdo the love and hope. It's also very good for you.
    Good luck.

    Debs x

    P.S. - To Bloggers who want to party - I love you faceless creatures of my cyberworld. To me you are all beautiful and quirky with halos and false beards and you all drink and smoke. If I met you I may be very disappointed so I'll pass on the party idea. x

  75. At 05:01 PM on 05 Sep 2006, Zeds wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Hope you enjoyed your walk around Grasmere in the Lakes last week.

    Me and my family were sat there trying to persuade our Bassett Hound - Mojo - to go for a swim when who wanders past but you and a couple of mates.

    Quite surreal, really...

  76. At 06:06 AM on 06 Sep 2006, Cheryl Cartlidge wrote:

    Lived in London for 15 yrs and used to listen to /watch your shows. Now live back in my native Oz. Glad you're a survivor in amongst the madness of this life. Sadly Steve Irwin is not. Just wanted to say, re your comment "There'll be many a croc sleeping a lot sounder tonight", that Irwin, despite the epithet 'Crocodile Hunter', was actually a dedicated conservationist and only caught or wrangled crocs for benign reasons. Crocs have reason to thank him. Now that he's gone, perhaps crocs have reason NOT to sleep sounder. The world needs more people like Steve Irwin - passionate, concerned, willing to get off their bums and make a difference.

  77. At 01:34 PM on 06 Sep 2006, Kyleigh wrote:

    Good to have you back Chris!

    Hope you had a great holiday.
    Its funny you should say about wife etc coz my better half (and also my 'hill' - remember that bloggers?) asked me to be his bride last sunday (3rd)! Hurray!

    I was gobsmacked - we were at Forde Abbey beautiful house and gardens in Somerset, overlooking a lake and a huuuuge fountain and swans etc etc.. sickening innit?

    He did the one knee thing and everything, then cracked open a £150 bottle of GEORGOUS (and chilled) champagne which we drank far too fast. I'm on cloud 9... Get out your hats Chris and bloggers ready for next year!

    xxx mwah xxx

  78. At 07:53 PM on 06 Sep 2006, John Restall wrote:

    Glad you enjoyed your break in the Lakes. We have travelled fairly widely and have only just discovered them now we are fifty somethings! Where is your favourite bit of the Lakes? or do you just like them all?

  79. At 03:06 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Jo wrote:

    Whats the criteria for the wife? I'm curious?


  80. At 07:00 PM on 07 Sep 2006, STEPHEN WHITTAM wrote:


  81. At 12:50 PM on 11 Sep 2006, stephen whittam wrote:

    i love your show becouse i radio you make your fan shine and frendely chats and you got lot fan calling in

  82. At 03:27 AM on 12 Sep 2006, Charlie Trespaderne wrote:

    Is it my imagination or did you write said blog after a few 'dirty beers'. Curiosity on my part begs the question , what does the great man drink? Personally, I as an ageing ppot find beers truly dirty and have a fondness for Aussie wine, and I shall have a bottle or two for Mr Steve, good to see Chris back at the top pip pip

  83. At 01:12 PM on 12 Sep 2006, STEPHEN WHITTAM wrote:

    IAM HAPPY ABOUT YOU SHOW BECOUSE YOUR ARE a chilled out guy iam happy when you wuin the awards

  84. At 01:13 PM on 12 Sep 2006, STEPHEN WHITTAM wrote:

    i feel chilled out about you show i love radio two it is the best

  85. At 11:25 AM on 22 Sep 2006, John wrote:

    Poor old Steve...
    I think we're seeing the beginnings of a pattern, when a celebrity steps just a little out of what he/she is used to, it has serious repercusions.
    Steve Irwin trying to wrestle Stingrays rather than Crocs, and now Richard Hammond trying to drive rocket powered cars rather than the usual petrol/deisel.

    Just don't try switching to a different type of broadcasting, you never know. a microphone could fall on your head, and some of 'em can be quite heavy


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