Couples night...

I think that we rightly will have lots of requests for things like Jack and Dianne or Johnny and Mary, but what about the others? John Prine's Hello In There mentions John and Linda Omaha, but who else gets a name check in your CD collection? Plus we have got all the famous ones from Romeo and Juliet to Bonnie and Clyde.
Couples will kick off a great week of themes so have a great weekend and start thinking about what you'd like to hear next week.
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Comment number 1.
At 24th Feb 2012, Thing-Fish wrote:Where are you scotch-git?
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Comment number 2.
At 24th Feb 2012, Scotch Get wrote:MONDAY
I love this song, but I'm not really sure what it's about. Perhaps someone can enlighten me.
The Ballad of Love & Hate -
particularly dense git
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Comment number 3.
At 24th Feb 2012, Scotch Get wrote:Ìý
Thing? E.L.O. cusp...
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Comment number 4.
At 24th Feb 2012, Scotch Get wrote:Ìý
Today, I listened to Gabriel Quigley on the wireless.
I recommend that you do, too!
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Comment number 5.
At 24th Feb 2012, Will Power wrote:The Long Ryders - Looking For Lewis and Clark
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Comment number 6.
At 24th Feb 2012, Will Power wrote:Mark Knopfler and James Taylor - Sailing to Philadelphia
The story of the creators of the Mason-Dixon line, Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon
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Comment number 7.
At 24th Feb 2012, Scotch Get wrote:MONDAY
One couple have decided they should revert to being two singles. But first they must divide their record collection...
Beefhearts & Bones - Michael Marra
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Comment number 8.
At 24th Feb 2012, mary-doll wrote:Good to see the subjunctive tense used correctly .................... ;o)
Been out, missed the Gone, But Not Forgotten show - some poetry in there, somewhere, given it was a meet up with ex-colleagues.........................
Anyhows - just off the top of my head (good going, considering)
Billy Joel Scenes From An Italian Restaurant
Big it up for Brenda and Eddie.
More later, just not tonight.
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Comment number 9.
At 25th Feb 2012, joe-k-brown wrote:Love at the five and dime - Nanci Griffith
Me and Mrs Jones - Billy Paul
Hiatian divorce - Steely Dan
Fire - Pointer Sisters
More to follow
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Comment number 10.
At 25th Feb 2012, paolopablo wrote:The brilliant singer songwriters at the bbc on bbc4 just now.
Steve forbert, janis ian, melanie et al. One to catch on the iplayer if you missed it
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Comment number 11.
At 25th Feb 2012, Thing-Fish wrote:Unclothe pigs...
A lot of great suggestions for Friday night's show. Pity they didn't play any of them. Why don't they just publish Bryan's playlist and let people pick from it and not waste their time coming up with good suggestions that won't make it because his limited taste won't open up to it.
Does anyone still believe "You choose the music"?
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Comment number 12.
At 25th Feb 2012, Scotch Get wrote:MONDAY
Missed most of the show. I'll respond when (if?) I see the playlist.
This here's a story about
Lily & Billy
How they got married,
And lived happy ever after.
$25 for a Massage - Sensational Alex Harvey Band
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Comment number 13.
At 25th Feb 2012, Scotch Get wrote:#11
Unclothe pigs. You are a seriously sick individual.
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Comment number 14.
At 25th Feb 2012, norriemaclean wrote:Mildred and Richard Loving (The Lovings were an interracial married couple who were criminally charged under a Virginia statute banning such marriages. With the help of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the Lovings filed suit seeking to overturn the law. In 1967, the Supreme Court ruled in their favor, striking down the Virginia statute and all state anti-miscegenation laws as unconstitutional violations of the Fourteenth Amendment.[1]:
Obviously a bit of that from wiki but it is also a great song
The Loving Kind - Nanci Griffith
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Comment number 15.
At 25th Feb 2012, dale_kelvin wrote:@ ya T_F
in a word 'YES'
the definition of 'you' is not narrow.
its as wide as the number of people who listen and respond.
so 'you' might not mean 'you' personally or me particularly but it does mean 'you' somebody.
so chin_up, thinking_cap oan........ah mean, if ah can get 'cliff' oan the ither night....and as for this 'couples theme'......ahm maxed oot i'm aff tae liverpool for some inspiration and if monday's theme wiz .....'rivers that run through toons in lancashire'........ahd sell ye a few shoo_ins............anybody for an espresso in huyton?
cheers frae the dale
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Comment number 16.
At 25th Feb 2012, dale_kelvin wrote:#15 @ ya dale_numptie_kelvin
always crosss reference yer responses, right!
#15 refers to #11 the THANG_FUSH_THING
cheers frae the M74 in aboot an hour
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Comment number 17.
At 25th Feb 2012, norriemaclean wrote:Kim Richey - Jack and Jill
The Boss - Temnth Avenue Freeze Out (Scooter and the Big Man)
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Comment number 18.
At 25th Feb 2012, Madmacfaeclydebank wrote:It’s Too Late ~ Carole King
Although never confirmed its rumoured to be about James Taylor.
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Comment number 19.
At 25th Feb 2012, norriemaclean wrote:Bob Dylan - Lily, Rosemary and the Jack nof Hearts
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Comment number 20.
At 25th Feb 2012, JuliefromEdinburgh wrote:Paul Simon - 'Rene and Georgette Magritte With Their Dog After The War'...lovely song...don't count the dog.
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Comment number 21.
At 25th Feb 2012, henri hannah wrote:#18
it might be another of her songs about Neil 'the horse' Sedaka?
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Comment number 22.
At 25th Feb 2012, henri hannah wrote:I read that Nelson Mandela has been hospitalised....... what's the odds, Paulo?
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Comment number 23.
At 25th Feb 2012, gaie wrote:#15 d_k, even Thing-Fish can get Cliff on.
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Comment number 24.
At 25th Feb 2012, DC wrote:Lonnie & Josie - Kiki Dee
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Comment number 25.
At 25th Feb 2012, DC wrote:oooops, just re-read the theme. Looks like I've mis-interpreted. Delete #24 (unless it could be proven that these two got married when playing hookey from school)
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Comment number 26.
At 25th Feb 2012, gaie wrote:- The Traveling Wilburys
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Comment number 27.
At 25th Feb 2012, gaie wrote:Two People Fell in Love - Brad Paisley
Well Stanley Wilson says that sixty years ago he knew
That Miss Emma Tucker was the one
Now five generations get together every June
All because two people fell in love
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Comment number 28.
At 25th Feb 2012, Adam_from_Rio wrote:Here DC!
Chance to get Sue and Ernie on.
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Comment number 29.
At 25th Feb 2012, Adam_from_Rio wrote:"Jack and Jill" - Raydio
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Comment number 30.
At 25th Feb 2012, gaie wrote:Many things in life puzzle me. One of these is why Martyn Bennett is on the GIO playlist, and Bert Jansch and many others are not.
Last night's programme - Michael Jackson, Freddie Mercury and so on and so on. Why oh why does the team simply hi-jack every theme to get those same old, same old songs on?
The night the teenagers produced was, IMHO a roaring success. We need a night like that every week - preferably most nights, but baby steps etc. A night where we get a chance to listen to songs we might not have heard before. I suggest that madmac, a seasoned broadcaster now, and Thing-Fish are given a night to produce the show and save me from getting angrier and angrier at GIO's determination not to fulfil it's own considerable potential.
Aye, it's fine, I'm off to the naughty step now.
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Comment number 31.
At 25th Feb 2012, RoxyJohn wrote:The oldest couple ever 'Adam and Eve' are name checked on Bryan Ferry's 'Kiss And Tell'
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Comment number 32.
At 25th Feb 2012, Alfaeraferry wrote:Think ah know a few but here's a wee starter for 10;
'his name was Steve, her name was Gina
they met at a bar called the Cabo Wabo Cantina'
Toby Keith / Stays in Mexico
Gilberts Uncle George and Auntie Marj.
Gilbert O'Sullivan / I didn't know what to do
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Comment number 33.
At 25th Feb 2012, Scotch Get wrote:MONDAY
One that didn't make the cut on Valentine's Day...
- John Prine & Iris DeMent
Keep it Country!
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Comment number 34.
At 25th Feb 2012, paolopablo wrote:#20 me and you and a dog named boo / Lobo
Lovely song..... Don't count the dog
Says Imelda
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Comment number 35.
At 25th Feb 2012, paolopablo wrote:#22
6/4 nelson mandela
9/4 ian Paisley
11/4 zsa zsa gabor
9/2 Margaret Thatcher
6/1 duke of edinburgh
33/1 al Megrahi
100/1 this post is still up in and hour
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Comment number 36.
At 25th Feb 2012, paolopablo wrote:Moonlighting / Leo Sayer
Thrres not enough leo sayer on GIO
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Comment number 37.
At 25th Feb 2012, paolopablo wrote:#37 scrub that it's off theme. Only
Mrs Park's daughter is namechecked. He isny so disny count.
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Comment number 38.
At 25th Feb 2012, paolopablo wrote:#37 ~ #36
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Comment number 39.
At 25th Feb 2012, Alfaeraferry wrote:#36 Agreed
Does Ham & Turkey count as a couple, if so I'd ask for 'Long Tall Glasses' again
But in the meantime
The Steve Gibbons Band / Tulane
'Tulane & Johnny opened a novelty shop'
Family / It's Only a Movie
'Tom, he loves Kitty the cow girl'
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Comment number 40.
At 25th Feb 2012, Scotch Get wrote:#24, #25
They are no younger than Romeo and Juliet. And it's a rerr wee song!
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Comment number 41.
At 25th Feb 2012, Scotch Get wrote:#23
That's even funnier than the anagram at #11
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Comment number 42.
At 25th Feb 2012, gaie wrote:thank you, SG, much appreciated !
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Comment number 43.
At 25th Feb 2012, Adam_from_Rio wrote:#36
Quite agree PP.
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Comment number 44.
At 25th Feb 2012, JuliefromEdinburgh wrote:#39 Huuuuge seconds for Tulane...oops! that's given it the kiss of death
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Comment number 45.
At 25th Feb 2012, paolopablo wrote:I can hear the couple fighting right next door.....
dammit, theyve no got any names
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Comment number 46.
At 25th Feb 2012, paolopablo wrote:Who wants to tell poor aunt Sarah, Joe's run off to Fire Lake.
Aunt Sarah and Joe are / were a couple right?
I'm struggling here!
Fire Lake / Bob Seger and the silver Bullet Band
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Comment number 47.
At 25th Feb 2012, norriemaclean wrote:Bert Palmer - Johnny and Mary
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Comment number 48.
At 25th Feb 2012, Adam_from_Rio wrote:"Romeo and The Lonely Girl" - Thin Lizzy
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Comment number 49.
At 25th Feb 2012, norriemaclean wrote:Abraham, Martin and John - Andy Williams
a stunning version.
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Comment number 50.
At 25th Feb 2012, Scotch Get wrote:MONDAY
Pancho & Lefty -
The Blacksmith & The Toffee Maker -
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Comment number 51.
At 25th Feb 2012, Madmacfaeclydebank wrote:Terry meets Julie...
Waterloo Sunset ~ Twiggy's cover please
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Comment number 52.
At 25th Feb 2012, henri hannah wrote:#49
heard the version by Dion?
Life Is A Minestrone - 10CC Mickey & Minnie mouse
Let Em In - Wings Phil and Don ( Everley)
Bonnie & Clyde - Georgie Fame
regardez -youse
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Comment number 53.
At 25th Feb 2012, Scotch Get wrote:#34
Tell Imelda that a Jewish philosopher did a lovely version.
I and Thou and a Bow-Wow-Wow - Martin Buber
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Comment number 54.
At 25th Feb 2012, gaie wrote:Frankie and Johnny - Mississippi John Hurt
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Comment number 55.
At 25th Feb 2012, Madmacfaeclydebank wrote:You clap hands and I'll start bowing. We'll do all the laws allowin'
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Comment number 56.
At 25th Feb 2012, Madmacfaeclydebank wrote:#30 Wow Gaie thanks very much for the vote of confidence but scheduling is more my thang..
Let's give GIO a run for it's money... Broadcasting offshore, Radio Millport would be truly independent of Snr. Producer Mid-Atlantic influences
6:30-8:30 - "Wake-up" with Dale Kelvin
8:30-10:00 - "Sound booth" with Julie from Edinburgh
10:00-12* — Ìý"Idea Generation" with Gaie BrownÌý
12 noon — "Bookies Soulful Workout" with PaoloPablo, involving mostly posterior chain (back, neck extension, hamstrings, etc.) and abdominals.
12:30 — News, Travel & Shipping Forecast with Scotch Git & DC
13*-14:30 — "Sarcastically Yours" with Glenn Miller
14:30-16:00 — "New Wave -Please re-Release Me" with Alfaeraferry
16:00-17:30 — Brazilian jiu-jitsu with Adam-from-Rio
17:30-18:00Ìý—ÌýNews, Travel & Shipping Forecast with Scotch Git & DC
18:00-20:00 — "Movin' On Up" with Kene Gelly
20:00-22:00 — "Americana" with Norrie McLean
22:00-22:30 — "Late-Call" with Jesus
22:30-0:00 - "Old Prog Whistle Test" with Fish Thing
0:00-6:30 - "Late, Late Show" with 'Enri "Splash it on all over" Hannah
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Comment number 57.
At 26th Feb 2012, joe-k-brown wrote:Martha - Tom Waits
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Comment number 58.
At 26th Feb 2012, henri hannah wrote:#30/56
I heard a couple of shouts for Martyn Bennett before we made a dash for the Randy Newman gig - but no mention of Bert Jansch - so it could be as simple as that.
But I think Martyn is a cause celbre of the north - the man who set heedrum hoderum to a club beat. I like Matryn Bennett's music, I have a couple of albums and he definately qulified - tragically lost to cancer at a very young age. I was driving up to Port Soy on business on Thursday and his track, 'The Storyteller' appeared on shuffle. The music was interesting but the story was an incoherent mumble, macarbre and pointless. My colleague sat through all six or seven minutes of it unimpressed: " this is horrible" - it was, so to get the nod from GIO must have an approved tick in the box marked 'culturally significant'.
It happens to be coincidentally true that the highest percentage of Radio Scotland's listeners are from the North and 'strategically' they are literally calling the tune - (this is a terrible mistake, but we'll not go into that) - it may be that this largest minority are less aware of Glasweigan folkies like Bert Jansch - but then there's the production team too, whose own taste inevitably influences the choice of tracks.
Billy Mackenzie, for example, is hearlded as the greatest singer who ever lived and even accepting this to be true, in relation to other artrists requested his music gets a disproportionate prominence, because, plainly, Bryan is a fan - and it is Bryan who is the proximate cause of the track getteing played, the last influence on the selection.
As it happens, I now agree with Bryan about Billy MacKenzie and who wouldn't choose things they love and think others may come to love - that's what we're doing too - so you can hardly blame him for that. But a benign dictator is still a dictator - you are correct in pointing out that it is limiting the scope of the show's potential.
And, you are correct ,Gaie, in raising the role of the "producer". I've thought about that too and I let you have the the benefit of my mind shortly, otherwise this will be to big to post.
I'm sure you can hardly contain your excitement. The garveyard shift will do me, madmac.
regardez youse
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Comment number 59.
At 26th Feb 2012, DC wrote:#56 as young folk text, LOL
I've just been tuning into the inshore forecast which is tellin me that a sail is on 2moz (note the txt msg speak)
Fact is, we don't know what the theme is until Monday at 18.10 when our hero interprets it
Listening in to 1980s Fleetwood Mac at the mo so there's a huge interpretation couples potential
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Comment number 60.
At 26th Feb 2012, CaptRamius wrote:Seconds for
#19 - Dylan
#26 - The Traveling Wilburys (vastly underrated)
#57 - Tom Waits
Surely we've got to have something from Lennon/Yoko's Milk and Honey, ideally
* Lennon - Grow Old With Me
as it's very much checking in with Robert & Elizabeth Browning
Different kinds of couples:
* U2 - North and South of the River
(co-written with Christy Moore - Christy's version's better, but is too folky for GiO)
* Catatonia - Mulder and Sculley
* The Housemartins - Me and the Farmer
* The Saw Doctors - Galway and Mayo
But most of all:
* Billy Bragg - A Lover Sings
Adam and Eve are finding out
Theresa and Steve All About Love
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Comment number 61.
At 26th Feb 2012, CaptRamius wrote:Tracks that're never ever getting played:
* Fairport Convention - Matty Groves
* Tunng - Death and the Maiden Retold
* Benjamin Zephaniah - Tam Lyn Retold
* Pink Floyd - Us and Them
for reasons of #11
#30 - why do you think I've been offering annually increasing amounts of dosh to CiN to produce a night?
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Comment number 62.
At 26th Feb 2012, CaptRamius wrote:* Billy Bragg - A Lover Sings
lyric correction
Adam and Eve are finding out
Adam and Eve are finding out
Theresa and Steve are finding out All About Love
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Comment number 63.
At 26th Feb 2012, CaptRamius wrote:I still can't believe we didn't get REM's Man on the Moon on Thursday, either.
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Comment number 64.
At 26th Feb 2012, gaie wrote:#56 :0) - fantastic, madmac and we get to go to Millport as well. What a gig. I'm in.
Henri, eagerly awaiting part 2, but in the meantime, counting carefully to ten, perhaps could change people's minds about Bert Jansch being a mere Glaswegian folkie, and in the unlikely event of it being read by anyone on the team, maybe, given the mention of one of their favourite names, they might be persuaded to think again.
The really silly thing is that this is another of those Frankie Miller moments. GIO dig their heels in, I get angry. If they'd just played one song in recognition of the man's passing then it wouldn't have become an issue.
And as far as shouts go, I still believe a lot of folk shout for what they think they're going to get.
I've tried to like Martyn Bennett, I'd like to like Martyn Bennett, though it's emperor's new clothes to me, but at least I've tried and I've no objection whatever to him getting a play - but I just think he's the token avant-garde artist in the GIO playlist.
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Comment number 65.
At 26th Feb 2012, Alfaeraferry wrote:#56 - nice one MadMac
I get to go head to head with Tom Morton, bring it on Tam!
Can we have Radio Millport T-Shirts?
....and could have a bit on the programme where people get in touch and tell me what they would like me to play, aye that might work....need to buy some Queen stuff though......
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Comment number 66.
At 26th Feb 2012, norriemaclean wrote:Sarcastically Yours - :oD genius!
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Comment number 67.
At 26th Feb 2012, dale_kelvin wrote:#56 @ ya MM
thanx for they gig, but why only 1 slot?......when do i start.
no, but seriously it really did take a trip tae liverpool to free-up my 'thinkers block about couples in songs' others were watching 'a street car......' i was looking for alternative culture in the huyton area (found it) and i always like to buy a local rag to see wots 'appenin' i bought the 'mersey beat' (£1) and this advert caught my eye.....
Designed and cut by Stan Howarth - The Tailor To The Stars
now the advert didn't reveal who the personality was ...........mightave been cilla, gerry or even ken dodd himself......
but after the day-away and reading an upmarket version o' 'the evenin' tully' , it was frankly_mr_shankly bleedin' obvious
* guineas
cheers frae the dale
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Comment number 68.
At 26th Feb 2012, Adam_from_Rio wrote:Brummmmmin away together
Brummmmmin away in leather
Ann and Joe
Live in Trouble - Barron Knights
There's not enough Barron Knights on GIO
PP - you even get their version of Float On on this one.
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Comment number 69.
At 26th Feb 2012, Will Power wrote:Monday:
Grant Lee Buffalo - Jupiter and Teardrop
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Comment number 70.
At 26th Feb 2012, gaie wrote:Creeque Alley - Mamas & Papas -
were gettin' kinda itchie
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Comment number 71.
At 26th Feb 2012, henri hannah wrote:#64 etc
'Benign dictator' - a bit harsh, henri, what I meant was ' the ultimate decision maker', apologies Bryan. A few typos too, going too fast too late at night.
But plainly, 'the teenagers' show, - which was much less daring that I'd imagined - does throw up the realistic prospect of the 'guest producer' which the bold Captain had petitioned for way back as being a positive development going forward.
I'd never imagined that was possible because of the technicalities of the job, but I guess there was a producer in the studio when the teenagers were on, so anyone could be 'it'. There is a confusion, then, about the role of 'the producer'. Mandy, for example, produces Vic, but never says anything during the show.
The show's content and mood varies slightly, but only slightly, with each changing producer - Bert Jansch would stand more chance with Kirsten, I think, but they all pretty much follow Bryan's direction and the direction is to satisfy the 'drive time' audience - there must be an agreed 'group think' about this because even Vic won't stray from it - but I keep thinking, "So what? - who wants to compete with Real Radio anyway".
So, the confusion (if only in my mind) is, on the one hand, the producers are expected to act as 'co -presenters',they speak and read emails and phone calls and therefore become 'involved' but, on the other hand, unlike a real 'co-presenter' they seem to have little opportunity to display much by way of charisma or personality or influence - except for Miss Babs, when the show becomes more conversational and confrontational lite (which I like) though not about the music, particularly.
I suppose what we all want is for the producer/co-presenter to be more 'ballsy' in the way the music choices are concluded, but then, the producer is not the presenter, and we don't hear what happens 'off air'. It appears to be Bryan's choice in isolation and his musical preferences are naturally favoured.
It would be good to have some counter balance to that, occasionally, so if the staffers can't/won't challenge the presenter - what if the 'guest producer' for the night was, say, Paul Buchanan of The Blue Nile? Someone outside the 'group think' to act as a counter balance and influence the show a little, if only for one night.
If the months news is the theme for the last Friday of every month, it must be possible to do this once a month.
I think it would be a good thing, would freshen up the format - even the Beatles had to freshen things up, album by album. It's not about undermining our hero, Bryan, who does a great job, but about allowing another voice outwith the team 'group think' to challenge the 'drive time' choices a little, to stand up for 'the individual listener', right there in the studio, who is not catered for in the chaotic nightly plebiscite.
I say this because, as discussed above, " You choose the music" can mean everything and nothing - the results of the chaotic plebiscite guide Bryan's direction to the producer - mostly going with the nightly referendum and occasionally defying it for something he believes worthy - though there are less frequent references to 'I was listening to this, this afternoon' so maybe the chaotic plebiscite is guaranteed to the point where it's easy to think 'why bother checking out this tune?'
It has always seemed to me that the audience requests are largely based on thinking of something instantaneous that fits a the theme rather than anything they'd listen to at home. 'Bohemian Rhapsody' might be the answer in the pub quiz, but do the quiz teams go home and listen to it?
For the record, does anyone ever listen to Bohemian Rhapsody other than when it comes on GIO?
The programmes which get the most favourable comments are those, like the teenagers show, which present something different from the 'drive time' sensibility of a majority of well rehearsed golden oldies. It must be evident by now that the 'guest producer' idea is not the de facto equivalent of turning the show over to a lunatic minority interest group who want to play the incredible string band* all night or long tortuous pieces of obscure music.
The guest producer idea is a good one whose time has come, I think.
There is more than enough expertise on this blog to do that and I don't know about the rest of youse, but I'm unable to disguise the fact I'd love to guest produce a show.The Captain would too.
regardez youse
* a special interest group who want to play the incredible string band all night is now a strategic fit with the station's strategy of ' distinctive music made in Scotland by people sporting beards' so we have to be careful what we wish for, pop pickers. The next time the 91Èȱ¬ Trust ask for our opinion I hope the whole M8 corridor and central belt respond, otherwise we're stuck in a strategic vortex.: Beards Broadcasting Culture.
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Comment number 72.
At 26th Feb 2012, Thing-Fish wrote:#71 So the only way to choose the music is produce the show yersel'? I think that backs up my original point.
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Comment number 73.
At 26th Feb 2012, paolopablo wrote:#56 Bookies soulful workout?
My workout consists ot opening laptop close laptop walk to the car walk from the car open laptop close laptop walk to the car walk from the car open laptop.........
As soon as I get an Ipad I will save even more energy.
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Comment number 74.
At 26th Feb 2012, paolopablo wrote:Nice to see Mr Mandela is satisfactory. He's out to 5/1
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Comment number 75.
At 26th Feb 2012, paolopablo wrote:#53 I'd like to hear that
#68 I preferred the dentist in birmingham
#61 - 63 No posts for 6 months then three come along at once. Good to know you're still with us Cap'n
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Comment number 76.
At 26th Feb 2012, Scotch Get wrote:Ìý
Tell her to be sure and acquire the Walter Kaufmann translation.
Unless, of course, her German is good enough to read the original.
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Comment number 77.
At 26th Feb 2012, KK Bing wrote:11,30,56,58,71
anyone from the GIO team care to join in?
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Comment number 78.
At 26th Feb 2012, dale_kelvin wrote:#71 @ ya hh
the problem with a 'guest producer' is ......who chooses the guest?
and what criteria would be used to choose this 'guest'?
would there be an open application for everyone to apply for the position?
and would the producer be bound by the bbc charter?
would they be members of the nuj?
would they have a proven track record of 'inclusiveness' and experience of managing all aspects of 'equal oportunities'?
ther'e probably a more sophisticated process for 'appointing' a producer than just suggesting some semi-anonymous 'blog friend'.
#72 @ ya T_F.
the only way to have a programme with your own music is to set up your own radio station....then you could have ear_to_ear bert jansch, cap'n beefheart with the odd surreal joke thrown in 'tween songs.............although i'm not sure how many folk sitting on the 'clapham omnibus' would be listening.
somebody listening in inverurie or el paso has the same right to expect to get their song played as i in win some and then ye dinnae.......
i have never heard a programme which is so openly democratic and fair than GIO.....within the limits of good taste, of course.....its a T_time entertainment for goodness sake.
cheers frae the dale
cheers frae the dale
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Comment number 79.
At 26th Feb 2012, mary-doll wrote:#78 Hear here, dale_kelvin.
Just sayin'
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Comment number 80.
At 26th Feb 2012, Rex Titter wrote:def of couple: "two or a few people who are in some way connected" (source: Cambridge on-line dictionary)
for Jack and Joe ...
'Two Little Boys' ~~ Rolf Harris
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Comment number 81.
At 26th Feb 2012, Scotch Get wrote:Ìý
Re: Blurb at top
John Prine sings "John and Linda live in Omaha"
In Eddi Reader's cover, she sings "John and Linda live in America"
Donald & Lydia - John Prine
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Comment number 82.
At 26th Feb 2012, henri hannah wrote:Rocky Racoon - The Beatles nancy & dan
regardez youse
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Comment number 83.
At 26th Feb 2012, Scotch Get wrote:Ìý
Her name was McGill. (She called herself Lil).
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Comment number 84.
At 26th Feb 2012, Scotch Get wrote:#70
Re: Mamas & Papas
Were the Mamas on the Jack & Jill?
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Comment number 85.
At 26th Feb 2012, henri hannah wrote:#83
but everyone knew her as Nancy
now she and her man,
who called himself Dan
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Comment number 86.
At 26th Feb 2012, henri hannah wrote:Cry Baby Cry - The Beatles The Duke & Duchess of Kirkauldy
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Comment number 87.
At 26th Feb 2012, Scotch Get wrote:Ìý
You can never go to Fife again...
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Comment number 88.
At 26th Feb 2012, gaie wrote:#78 I don't see what's fair about some folk getting shout after shout and some none at all. For myself I've had many, many songs played and am immensely grateful for that - it's especially exciting when it's a tune that hasn't been played before - and that's happened lots of times for me. Absolutely love it. But every so often a plaintive message is read out saying 'you never play my songs' and I can't see why anyone would be in that position. Oh, silly me, of course I can, they must be asking for someone off the bewildering list that includes Sandy Denny, Jeff Healey, Dave Gilmour, Warren Zevon, Bert Jansch, Frank Zappa et al. Don't tell me these are never requested by anyone else - I've seen all the names come up plenty of times. Elsewhere.
Oh enough, I'm getting that déjà vu feeling again.
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Comment number 89.
At 26th Feb 2012, norriemaclean wrote:I can only assume it is pay weekend and the rush of money and therefore alcohol has mushed what is left of your collective minds.
They suggest a theme. You suggest a song (or 40). They pick some which seem good and/or popular. They bear in mind its not 91Èȱ¬ Radio Obscure (except for Julies shouts which must also = good not just obscure). They play them. Folk are happy. Sometimes they even remeber to credit you, great, and if your songs (40) are not playe yiou can sleep easy because some bloggers will seek them out and think "great" or "I rmust remember never to look that persons stuff up again"
Then do it agian the next night....
BTW I have said it before and will say it again. Get over yourselves. The facebook requests are every bit the equall of the dross suggested here night after night.
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Comment number 90.
At 26th Feb 2012, henri hannah wrote:#78
Presumably, exactly the same way that anyone else appears as a guest on a Radio show: they are inivted.
Radio 4 have guest editors all the time on the Today programme, so it's not beyond the similarly speech led station, Radio Scotland.
As i said, I'd like to hear a range of differnt types of guest do that, bloggers among them. What's wrong with that?
regardez youse
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Comment number 91.
At 26th Feb 2012, Scotch Get wrote:#89
I think the show would benefit greatly from more of my dross being played.
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Comment number 92.
At 26th Feb 2012, norriemaclean wrote:#89 So do I , but we like most of the same dross.
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Comment number 93.
At 26th Feb 2012, dale_kelvin wrote:#88 @ ya gaie.
these are nisch artists and catered for elsewehere on bbc radio scotland, i'm sure there is someone who looks at the 'big picture re balance'......if gio played more of that nisch type artist the listening audience would droves
cheers frae the dale
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Comment number 94.
At 26th Feb 2012, mary-doll wrote:Does anyone seriously think that the folk on this blog should be the main influencing factor on what gets played on the show?
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Comment number 95.
At 26th Feb 2012, Scotch Get wrote:#93
Really? The Iain Anderson Show is consistently the Radio Scotland music show that receives most "hits" on Alison Again.
I still haven't forgiven Radio Scotland for dumping Mr. Anderson's Fine Tunes
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Comment number 96.
At 26th Feb 2012, henri hannah wrote:#89
Agree. Facebook is fine, the equal of all the dross we like, including yours and Scotch's.Some of last weeks facebook suggestions were truly excellent and i wished I'd though tof them.
Disagree. Niche is considered elsewhere on Radio Scotland but only by two hour genre specific shows, a redundant format, with small afficiando audiences. The beauty of GIO is that it is a mixed genre, mainly popular music show. It is the niche elements within that that are highlights and hugely popular - no one is suggesting it's turned into radio obscure - all that is being debated is the balance in these things and how to refresh the format by people who are fans.
regardez youse
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Comment number 97.
At 26th Feb 2012, gaie wrote:of course we do, mary-doll.
As for getting over myself, I gave up yoga a while back, but having a good rant's every bit as therapeutic. I feel quite zen-like now that everyone else is all riled up.
another couple from the niche market :
Mr and Mrs Maclean of Snaigow - Dougie Maclean
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Comment number 98.
At 26th Feb 2012, gaie wrote:but I'd be happy if someone can explain to me what's niche about .
Night all.
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Comment number 99.
At 26th Feb 2012, Scotch Get wrote:#94
If our beloved presenter chooses to describe contributors to his blog as
"The Backbone of the Show" why would we disagree?
You could argue that he's blawin' bubbles up oor collective kilt, but I for one shall give him the benefit of the doubt!
crawlin' git
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Comment number 100.
At 26th Feb 2012, Scotch Get wrote:Ìý
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