Careless Whispers...

Tonight we were whispering sweet nothings and tomorrow night we are just whispering. From Bjork to John Lennon I am hoping we can show you don't have to be loud to make a point. It's songs that feature whispering rather than songs about actual whispering, but I could not resist the opportunity to post a pic of these two. Sing up Lofty...
Comment number 1.
At 14th Feb 2012, Scotch Get wrote:WEDNESDAY
Shut Up and Kiss Me -
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Comment number 2.
At 14th Feb 2012, DC wrote:Je t'aime moi non plus - Birkin & Gainsbourg
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Comment number 3.
At 14th Feb 2012, DC wrote:Please note my comment #2 was not directed at #1
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Comment number 4.
At 14th Feb 2012, Scotch Get wrote:Ìý
Your wife is looking over your shoulder, isn't she?
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Comment number 5.
At 14th Feb 2012, Will Power wrote:The Cure - Lullaby
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Comment number 6.
At 14th Feb 2012, Kene Gelly wrote:'Nine Million Rainy Days' ~~ The Jesus & Mary Chain
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Comment number 7.
At 14th Feb 2012, JuliefromEdinburgh wrote:Jane Siberry and k d lang - 'Calling All Angels'
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Comment number 8.
At 14th Feb 2012, mary-doll wrote:#5 Billy - seconded muchly and verily.
Another chance to ask for the "much asked for, never played"
Foo Fighters Everlong
Failing (it usually does) that
Franz Ferdinand Ulysses
La la la la. ;o)
(all that fresh air is getting to me)
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Comment number 9.
At 14th Feb 2012, JuliefromEdinburgh wrote:Emiliana Torrini - 'If You Go Away'
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Comment number 10.
At 14th Feb 2012, mary-doll wrote:Visage Fade To Grey
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Comment number 11.
At 14th Feb 2012, henri hannah wrote:#9Dream - John Lennon
For the record: not the only John Lennon track to feature whispering but it has a strangely beautiful melodic quality to it. The tune was originally composed by Lennon as a backing track for the Harry Neilsson's version of "Many Rivers To Cross" from "Pussycats" album - he later realised it was a tune in its own right and used it as the backdrop for this on "Walls & Bridges". The number 9 was hugely significant to Lennon and his life was riddled with a number of coincidences surrounding the number.Born on the 9th of October, as was his son, Sean, died on the 9th (GMT) this song went to 9 in the US Billboard chart etc. The backing vocal and the voice repestedly whispering the word "John" is not Yoko's but that of May Pang, Lennon's girlfriend of the time.
Definately worth a listen.
regardez youse
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Comment number 12.
At 14th Feb 2012, henri hannah wrote:#10
It's Mary-Doll! Howyoudoin?
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Comment number 13.
At 14th Feb 2012, gaie wrote:Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan -
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Comment number 14.
At 14th Feb 2012, gaie wrote:PJ Harvey -
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Comment number 15.
At 14th Feb 2012, Madmacfaeclydebank wrote:Justify My Love ~ Madonna
Mellow Yellow ~ Donovan
I'm Not In Love ~ 10cc
Breathe ~ Pink Floyd
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Comment number 16.
At 14th Feb 2012, mary-doll wrote:#12 It certainly is, henri! Have been on holiday from the blog because I don't really think I have enough to add, then decided - I enjoy the banter too much to just watch it second hand. So - back in the breach. With my trusty steed, Captain Obvious song suggestions. ;o)
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Comment number 17.
At 14th Feb 2012, DC wrote:Looks like the bloggers have been googling the same sites as I did. As mmfc says, zzzzzz
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Comment number 18.
At 14th Feb 2012, henri hannah wrote:#17
yep, songfacts.
they could only find 18, so f***book will be struggling.
And Goodnight - The Beatles
A nice lullaby to close the show, Bryan?
Goodnight everybody, - everybody, everywhere.
I'm sure there's some whispering on Dreadzone somewhere, but you won't find that on songfacts.
regardez youse
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Comment number 19.
At 14th Feb 2012, Adam_from_Rio wrote:#16
Its grand to have you back MD. You've always been a welcome contributor as far as I'm concerned (especially after 10 on a Friday night! :) )
Far better here than the Dark Side. Though I have to say, we could have had hours of fun here if you'd signed in with your F***Book name from the off.
#17 & #18
You admit to googling DC & HH!
Shame on you both. 15 Hail McCaffertys afore yer bed tonight.
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Comment number 20.
At 14th Feb 2012, Madmacfaeclydebank wrote:#17 / 18 ah ken, Need You Tonight ~ Inxs
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Comment number 21.
At 14th Feb 2012, DC wrote:#19 b) nae whispering on my ayechoons
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Comment number 22.
At 15th Feb 2012, paolopablo wrote:Pssssst!
Secret Garden (Sweet Seduction Suite) / Quincy Jones, Barry White, James Ingram and DeBarge
If that's too long for drivetime radio then
Walking in the rain with the one I love / Love Unlimited
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Comment number 23.
At 15th Feb 2012, gaie wrote:mary-doll, it's great to have you back. You have plenty to contribute, don't go away again!
Hands up, I googled as well, but the Campbell/Lanegan was another nice find thanks to the unpromising theme. And do I get a wee credit for PJ Harvey, from my very own bijou record collection?
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Comment number 24.
At 15th Feb 2012, DC wrote:Is there not a Van Morrison song where he begins to whisper? I would google it but I don't want to get a ticking off fae the Rio Bobby
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Comment number 25.
At 15th Feb 2012, norriemaclean wrote:This is a great song, traditional of course but brilliantly performed by Van The Man and his merry wee band of Chieftans:
Van Morrison & The Chieftans - Raglan Road
it is one of my all time favourites and Van is absolutely whispering towards the end of the song. He has quite a few songs with whispering such as So Quiet In Here, Can You Feel The Silence, Hyndford Street but these tend to be afirly long.
I have always loved Merry Xmas War Is Over and the whispered "merry Xmas Yoko, Merry Xmas John" is good, but somewhat out of season.
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Comment number 26.
At 15th Feb 2012, norriemaclean wrote:#24 Ha ha - that was purely co-incidental! I think you can add Hyndford Street to that list.
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Comment number 27.
At 15th Feb 2012, DC wrote:There's one where he whispers about being "so tired" or something like that.
Can we check it online before Coppercabana gets up?
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Comment number 28.
At 15th Feb 2012, henri hannah wrote:There's really not that much in music that I don't get but one of them is Bjork.
I like Big Time Sensuality and another track. Just about everything else I don't get.
I think that 'Oh So Quiet' thing has whispering in it. Insufferable duff idea and worse lyric (it's nice and quiet/but soon again/starts another big riot).
To be fair, I couldn't do so well in Icelandic.
We're doubtless going to be subjected to it anyway if anyone wants to put up a shout. Don't think it's on the songfacts list:-))
regardez- youse
regardez - youse
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Comment number 29.
At 15th Feb 2012, norriemaclean wrote:DC I think it is So Quiet In Here. The song. Not the blog. Although these days it is so quiet in here. The blog.
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Comment number 30.
At 15th Feb 2012, DC wrote:#29 that's the one. I should have norried rather than googled.
So quiet in here - Van Morrison
Scrap my suggestion #2
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Comment number 31.
At 15th Feb 2012, Christophe NAUD wrote:'Ice Nice' by SAGA
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Comment number 32.
At 15th Feb 2012, JuliefromEdinburgh wrote:#28 I quite like Bjork. I think Bachelorette is a great single even though it's a load of nonsense. My shout at #9 is by an Icelander with an Italian name...maybe she could take over Bjork's position as token quirky Icelandic singer tonight? I like the arrangement...a bit 'Ghosts' - ish.
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Comment number 33.
At 15th Feb 2012, JuliefromEdinburgh wrote:Klaxon perhaps but...'Why' - Annie Lennox ("I don't think you know what I feel")
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Comment number 34.
At 15th Feb 2012, Rex Titter wrote:#28 #32
i like Byork ... 'It's Oh So Quiet' - PLEASE!
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Comment number 35.
At 15th Feb 2012, Adam_from_Rio wrote:The whisper on the street from one of my snitches is that Bab's 23 track rule wasnt used when choosing this theme.
How do we define "whispering"?
Does indecipherable speaking count? As in what Davy Jones does at the start of that Monkees song.
In case the posts are shifted I'll go with
And the Beat Goes On - The Whispers
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Comment number 36.
At 15th Feb 2012, dale_kelvin wrote:two girls who are both DipMsc(whispering) from Whispering State University (Wh)
'sea of doubt' ray
'nothing like a song' ray
you'll need tae turn up the wireless
cheers frae the dale
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Comment number 37.
At 15th Feb 2012, Rex Titter wrote:'Sweet Jane' ----------- Cowboy Junkies
hardly a whimper ...
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Comment number 38.
At 15th Feb 2012, DC wrote:Is a whispered klaxon not just a whistle?
(at this point, people all over the country will be pursing their lips making quiet whistling noises....)
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Comment number 39.
At 15th Feb 2012, JuliefromEdinburgh wrote:#35. Good point Adam. My choice for if the theme widens to include songs that merely have whispering as part of the title...
The Band - 'Whispering Pines'...beautiful!
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Comment number 40.
At 15th Feb 2012, Kene Gelly wrote:theme suggestion ...
'Dialects of the UK'
... from Dury, Rusby & Gaughan to Bragg, K Creosote and Mozza (et al)
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Comment number 41.
At 15th Feb 2012, Madmacfaeclydebank wrote:#28
I too like Bjork & "Oh So Quiet". Always puts a smile on my face 'cause 90's Retro Kid who was all of four years old at the time would ever so cutely sing/whisper along whenever she heard it! 8-)
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Comment number 42.
At 15th Feb 2012, Scotch Get wrote:#41
My ex was black affronted when our (very) young daughter stomped up and down the aisles of a supermarket, belting out Like a Virgin at the top of her voice!
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Comment number 43.
At 15th Feb 2012, Rex Titter wrote:#11
alternatively diy at copycats-r-us
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Comment number 44.
At 15th Feb 2012, Alfaeraferry wrote:Just about anything from Scritti Politti due to the boys' singing style if you remember.
The Word Girl - Scritti Politti
Is This The Kiss - James Grant
Magnolia - JJ Cale
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Comment number 45.
At 15th Feb 2012, caroline-hall wrote:Sweet Nothin's- Brenda Lee
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Comment number 46.
At 15th Feb 2012, Thing-Fish wrote:This is the CENTRAL SCRUTINIZER . . . it is my responsibility to enforce all the laws that haven't been passed yet. It is also my responsibility to alert each and every one of you to the potential consequences of various ordinary everyday activities you might be performing which could eventually lead to The Death Penalty (or affect your parent's credit rating). Our criminal institutions are full of little creeps like you who do wrong things . . . and many of them were driven to these crimes by a horrible force called MUSIC!
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Comment number 47.
At 15th Feb 2012, Scotch Get wrote:Ìý
Will the consequences affect only one parent's credit rating?
Doesn't this policy discriminate against one parent families?
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Comment number 48.
At 15th Feb 2012, Alfaeraferry wrote:George Michael - Spinning The Wheel
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Comment number 49.
At 15th Feb 2012, henri hannah wrote:I knew there was at least one.
American Dread - Dreadzone whispering "can you hear it?" after Woody Guthrie spoken intro. The short version is from the Hotel Costes remix album (of which there are several).
Tomorrow Never Comes - Dreadzone the spoken words "I've been waiting for you" may be slightly more audible than a whisper - but it's a great track.
Time to step up to the plate, Bryan and play some Dreadzone.
DC - Dreadzone also appear on an album called 'Dubside Of the Moon' a reagae/dub remake of the Floyd classic - it's quite entertaining - check Spotify. Dreadzone do 'Us and Them'
regardez youse
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Comment number 50.
At 15th Feb 2012, Thing-Fish wrote:#47
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Comment number 51.
At 15th Feb 2012, Madmacfaeclydebank wrote:#42 Kids Say The Darndest Things ~ Miss Wynette
#43 Is that an example of plagiarism?
#46 To Serve & Protect!
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Comment number 52.
At 15th Feb 2012, Adam_from_Rio wrote:#46
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Comment number 53.
At 15th Feb 2012, Rex Titter wrote:#46
hear here!?
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Comment number 54.
At 15th Feb 2012, gaie wrote:Little Bird - Goldfrapp
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Comment number 55.
At 15th Feb 2012, Scotch Get wrote:#50
Mmmm. Where do orphans stand?
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Comment number 56.
At 15th Feb 2012, Thing-Fish wrote:Our studies have shown that this horrible force is so dangerous to society at large that laws are being drawn up at this very moment to stop it forever! Cruel and inhuman punishments are being carefully described in tiny paragraphs so they won't conflict with the Constitution (which, itself, is being modified in order to accommodate THE FUTURE).
I bring you now a special presentation to show what can happen to you if you choose a career in MUSIC . . . The WHITE ZONE is for loading and unloading only . . . if you have to load or unload, go to the WHITE ZONE . . . you'll love it . . . it's a way of life . . .
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Comment number 57.
At 15th Feb 2012, Daddyrugbytaxi wrote:BB & whoever the producer for the evening to a meeting this evening.....registration from 630 til 7...and so will be listening to the car radio from 615 til 645.......any chance of one of these on air??????
just love the softly sung ( whispering ) lyrics of Angus Stone......
especially the song...Yellow Brick Road.
what about the Placebo version of the Kate Bush song...Running up that hill.
Massive Attack and Teardrop
The Ryan Adams version of Wonderwall...???
how about the pun.....TALKING LOUD & CLEAR by OMD
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Comment number 58.
At 15th Feb 2012, joethejamman wrote:Nino Temple and April Stevens-Whispering.
10CC-I'm Not In Love-"be quiet,big boys don't cry"
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Comment number 59.
At 15th Feb 2012, Thing-Fish wrote:Hi, it's me, I'm back. This is the CENTRAL SCRUTINIZER . . . The WHITE ZONE is for loading and unloading only . . . if you gotta load or if you gotta unload, go to the WHITE ZONE . . . you'll love it . . . it's a way of life . . . that's right! You'll love it, it's a way of life, that's right, you'll love it, a way of life, right, love it . . . This is the CENTRAL SCRUTINIZER
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Comment number 60.
At 15th Feb 2012, Adam_from_Rio wrote:Remembered one!
"These Are The Days Of Our Lives" - Queen.
Good sentiments.
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Comment number 61.
At 15th Feb 2012, mary-doll wrote:Thanks for the welcome back, folks! What a drama queen, eh? ;o)
Regarding where anyone has sourced their suggestions - I doubt it matters to anyone other than the overly-pedantic so long as they are songs you would conceivably have requested without the aid of a website anyway. I find that, the older I get, the more help is required in recall. No mystery. I don't envy those who remember every song they've ever heard and liked that may fit every theme for this program so they don't need any extra help - I'm sure it's an admirable trait, but.... well.
Anyways - just realised I didn't require anything other than a wee relisten to a couple of Nine Inch Nails songs to possibly chance my arm with ..... nah, it's not going to happen. Never mind. ;o)
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Comment number 62.
At 15th Feb 2012, Scotch Get wrote:#59, #60
Tallie-Bann ...I mean... Thing-Fish
Can you outlaw Queen first? Like, right now?
If so, I have a wee list.......
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Comment number 63.
At 15th Feb 2012, Adam_from_Rio wrote:#62
Now SG, you know I'm the last person who would normally request Queen (there are a couple of serial Queen requesters over on the Dark Side btw), but this one is a guilty pleasure I'm afraid.
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Comment number 64.
At 15th Feb 2012, Scotch Get wrote:Ìý
Save it for the WHITE ZONE...
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Comment number 65.
At 15th Feb 2012, Scotch Get wrote:Ìý
Radio4 is more entertaining than Freddie...
What happened to MCC? Pure shoo-in!
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