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Bean feast

Bryan Burnett | 20:07 UK time, Thursday, 9 June 2011

Just as everyone has a different Cole Porter classic it seems we all have our own way of enjoying cheesy beanos. When Lorenzo texted in during the show to say he was wolfing down some cheese, toast and beans little did he know what kind of response he would provoke on the text.

First of all, Gavin from Glasgow got in touch to say his preference was for cheesy tuna beanos then Carolyn said she liked a poached egg on top. Lorenzo then got back in touch to 'disclose' that he has, oregano, black pepper and bit of olive oil with his cheesy beans.

Lopez in Largs was on next to share his recipe for " the best cheesy beans". He suggests you fry chopped onions till golden brown, add red peppers, fry them then add beans and grated cheese.

If that wasn't off the wall enough for you then Steve and Kiera prefer "cheese onion and corned beef beanie on toast finished off with a splash of Lea and Perrins", Paula puts chicken under her beans and Graham from Peebles offers the following; "Cheesy beans - cook the beans and cheese in a frying pan so mixed up , add piri piri sauce to taste and leave for while until mushy and pour over hot buttered toast - heaven !"

If that's not sent you off to the fridge looking for cheese then have a think about tomorrow's show which is a chance for you to show off your celebrity connections. If you have met the artist then get them on tomorrow night.


  • Comment number 1.


    'Against the Wind' - Máire Brennan

    Máire has two claims to fame.

    1) She is Enya's big sister.

    2) She and her siblings went to school with Scotch Git's cousins in Gweedore, County Donegal.

    3) Oh, yeah. She and her brothers and uncles had a wee group called Clannad. To be sure...

  • Comment number 2.

    Time for Julie's Stella Street tales......

  • Comment number 3.

    Forget yer beans on toast, I've just had a fish supper. Braw.

    In the early sixties, my mum used to do Bed & Breakfast & Evening Meals in our house. A group of musicians arrived in Cellardyke one summer looking for a time-out from the pressures of writing & performing songs. I couldn't remember their name but knew it began with a 'B' and that they were quite famous.

    The following morning saw about thirty young ladies outside the door with autograph books in hand asking if the Beatles were still staying with us. They were rather disappointed to discover that it was in fact the Beatstalkers!


  • Comment number 4.

    Previously on the blog.....

    Infatuation? Mr Git are you trying to trivialise my feelings into something resembling a teenage crush?

    By the way I'm sure I heard you get two shouts tonight did you not?

    Thought it was a really good show tonight apart from the Sam Cooke version of summertime which was a tad bizarre

  • Comment number 5.

    Previously on the blog

    Senga Gaie pay attention
    We are all going round Millport this summer as soon as we find out which day summer is this year

    When you over and for how long

  • Comment number 6.

    Connections continued:

    In the even earlier sixties, another bunch of 'long-haired nellies' (as my dad used to call them) called at the house on the opposite side of the street. The lady who stayed there was a Mrs Wilson, aunt of Ian Stewart, founding member of The Rolling Stones. They agreed to visit the local clothing factory where, much to the annoyance of the management, the girls stopped their work for a couple of hours to get autographs.

    Gonnae play New Faces - The Rolling Stones (much requested, never played....)


  • Comment number 7.

    #2 Norman...as you very well know...my 'Stella Street' sightings wouldn't work for this. Cheeky!

  • Comment number 8.

    I'd like a song played please for my friend Verena who got married last week.

    either Red Travelling Socks or A Brighter Beat - Malcolm Middleton

    Verena's now Mrs Middleton.

  • Comment number 9.

    #5 Summer was last Friday...

  • Comment number 10.


    22/7 - 8/8

  • Comment number 11.

    I imagine His Roxiness will have us all beat on this one. John tell us again the one about how you got bumped out your front seat by Bowie at a Roxy gig.

    JfE would have a list to end all lists too if he were still with us. Anyway here's a bit of mine:

    Rolling Stones - "Wild Horses"

    Thin Lizzy - "Little Darling"

    Bon Jovi - "Its My Life"

    Queen - "Hammer to Fall"

    The Sex Pistols & Ronnie Biggs - "No One is Innocent"

  • Comment number 12.



    I put on the blog as a gesture of goodwill, pandering to your unhealthy obsession with another man's wife.

    And how am I repaid? You use it as a weapon against me, in the full and certain knowledge that my request was for by Clfford T. Ward.

    It's Imelda I feel sorry for...

  • Comment number 13.

    Ok why don't we get off our butts and all meet up when Adams over

  • Comment number 14.



    An excellent idea! Norrie can give you that pint I gave him to pass on to you to replace the pint you gave to me before you went off prematurely.

  • Comment number 15.

    #14 too late. I drunk it.

  • Comment number 16.


  • Comment number 17.


    Agreed.We should certainly get together when Adam is here.

    A day trip to Millport would be fabby.That includes the GIO team. Millport was Bryan's idea, cause Kirsten had never been there.Of course, he wasn't inviting the blogotariat - but I don't think it would do the team any harm to fraternise with the blogotariat, they might get some constructive ideas.

    regardez youse


  • Comment number 18.

    the very thought of a day out at Millport with you lot nipping the ear of Bryan and Babs.....let me think....

  • Comment number 19.

    It can double up as my birthday drinks!!! But I'm not schlepping all the way to flippin' Millport...whatever that is ;o)

  • Comment number 20.

    Tonight was Squaresville, Daddio - dull music and interminable droning on about repulsive eating habits.

  • Comment number 21.


    I'll beg/steal/borrow a flute.

    Adam can supply THE BLACK RUSSIAN!


  • Comment number 22.



  • Comment number 23.

    I mean #20

  • Comment number 24.

    #20...I know!!! Cheesey beans??? What the...???

  • Comment number 25.

    Is that near Milnathort?

  • Comment number 26.

    This broadcast could be heard anywhere in the world. Is this how we want to represent Scottish culture?

  • Comment number 27.


    yes. let's.

    But I don't for one single minute imagine Bryan/Babs/Kirsten will be setting forth on bicycles round Cumbrae with their GIO T-shirts on, followed by their adoring public, portable barbecues in the rucksacks, ready to cook up a bean-storm at Fintry. I daresay it would make progress back to town fairly speedy, but pity the poor Millportonians.

  • Comment number 28.

    Beanz Meanz Heinz

    This is great with home made chips, it's even nice cold.
    8oz Self Raising Flour, 2oz Stork, 2 oz Cookeen, pinch salt, water to mix.
    8oz good quality sausage, links or slice
    415g tin of Heinz Baked Beans

    Make the pastry & roll it out to fit a pie dish.Ìý
    Line the base of the pie dish with pastry.Ìý
    Part cook the sausage and place on the pastry in the bottom of the dish.ÌýÌýAdd Heinz Beans to the sausage.
    Place pastry lid on the top & seal.ÌýBrush with egg.
    Bake at 190oC for 30-40 mins.

  • Comment number 29.

    If we're gonna cycle round the island, let's do so before we start drinking.

  • Comment number 30.

    Great on a picnic too!

    The great and the good don't mix with the likes of us... apart from 'enri!

  • Comment number 31.


    I use truffle oil instead of Cookeen

  • Comment number 32.


  • Comment number 33.

    Can I take my own bike?

  • Comment number 34.

    The last ferry is 20:30

    Maybe DC should bring his wee boat...

  • Comment number 35.


    Nae charts west of Kincardine.

  • Comment number 36.

    Hey there are worse things than a day out in Millport with the GIO Bloggers!

    Granted I cannot think what they are right now....

  • Comment number 37.

    #35 you fall off the ege o' the world west o' Kincardine

  • Comment number 38.



  • Comment number 39.

    So does BB on a push bike ;-)

  • Comment number 40.

    We should do Millport before it attains City status and gets a bit too crowded! The next few weekends are the longest of the year, so should have the best probability of a blink of sun at some point, yeh?
    I'm gonna get some practice in next Friday at the Scottish Real Ale Festival in Edinburgh, anyone fancy it? It's at Chambers Street, 5 minutes from Waverley Station. I'll be there with some fellow Ayrites who are into blog-friendly music.

  • Comment number 41.

    Jeepers, creepers....where'd ya get them peepers Jeepers, creepers...where'd ya get that black eye!

    Ach, did I miss the Great American Songbook theme?

    For tomorrow, another repeat!

    Previously on GIO...

    Me, Gordon Street Taxi Rank, Central Hotel, Cheeky Cockney Chap.

    Superman's Big Sister ~ Ian Dury

  • Comment number 42.

    Caption competition:

    'Bean an gone'

  • Comment number 43.

    'Cheesed off'

  • Comment number 44.

    DC you could take the short cut to Millport. Does your boat fit on the Falkirk wheel?

  • Comment number 45.

    I always wondered what you called someone from ayr. Can I borrow that as a quiz question and I'll give you it back next week?

  • Comment number 46.

    LouiseJuliefromEdinburgh'sPal and I will be route marshalls at the Edinburgh Moon Walk on Saturday night to Sunday breakfasttime so maybe something appropriate for all the walkers and volunteers at that might be good. Really looking forward to the event...not looking forward to possibly being cold and wet in Holyrood Park at 4 in the morning but I'm certain it'll be worth it...

    Working at Colinton, living near Morningside and frequenting Easter Road I can hardly avoid bumping into a Proclaimer or two...but usually just the one who hasn't had his eyes lasered. They're very chatty and approachable...and travel by bus!

    'IT'S SATURDAY NIGHT' or 'HIT THE HIGHWAY' - The Proclaimers.

    I've met Steve Forbert...really nice guy...this song is a really good one...pity he's only been played twice on GIO to my knowledge


    Cant think of anything apt by Russ Abbot...phew!

  • Comment number 47.

    I've met Jeremy Beadle. Erm........

  • Comment number 48.

    If I was my pal I would tell you about the time I went to Millport with frankie Miller about 20 years ago and was in a bar that had a karaoke on. After a few beers wee Frankie put himself up for a song. The presenter who had no idea who he was, asked him ''Sure ye can sing Pal''. Frankie just looked at him, took the mike and belted out Summertime Blues to rapturous applause. He then handed the mike back to the presenter and said ''Aye''

    But I'm not my pal so I'll no bother tellin ye.

  • Comment number 49.

    #47 If LouiseJuliefromEdinburgh'spal goes on the Millport trip you should ask her about when she met Jeremy Beadle!

  • Comment number 50.

    #45 Paolo you're welcome, dunno if that's official but you should get away with it!

    As for the theme.....I met Renato Pagliari on a cruise ship a few years ago, he was a very nice chap, but i don't want to hear his duet with Renee.

    More up to date..... my ex is from Tarbolton and knows Jai's mum.....still doesn't help me with a choon suggestion.....bring on the weekend!

  • Comment number 51.

    Give a wave to my sister when she passes

  • Comment number 52.

    I played Blackjack in Las Vegas with Ronnie Wood, nice chap, sorry I mean cool cat man.

    Ron Wood - Seven days


    Rolling Stones - New Faces as oft requested by Capn DC Sparrow, the second most famous British Seaman

    I had a cup of coffee with the Indigo Girls in Edinburgh

    Indigo Firls - Closer To Fine

  • Comment number 53.

    #44 we don't need to go via the wheel (that's the link tae Embra). Unfortunately the new boat's too big to squeeze under the canal bridges. Anyway, having checked the charts, to the west o' Falkirk is marked 'Here be ye monsters'

  • Comment number 54.

    Re the cheesy bean debate, I remember a good few moons back hearing one of these topical phone in programmes where early on one of the female callers after making her point happened to say that she was goin off now to make her stovies. The presenter casually asked her what she put in them. Well that was that. The phone in went for a burton as caller after caller called in with their own recipe. What started as a serious debate on the topic of the day descended into a nations civil war on the right way to make stovies.

    Perhaps our politicians should listen to the people and put the stuff that really matters in their next manifestos.

  • Comment number 55.

    Well I am sure it is no surprise to learn that I have met Bryan Ferry a few times. Through doing that work I have managed to meet a few interesting people too: Michale Parkinson, Jonathan Ross, Jools Holland, David Bowie, Nigel Kennedy, Brian May.

    (I am the one in the kilt)

    I almost met the legendary Bryan Burnett in Inverness once. He was walking round a corner towards the 91Èȱ¬ building there when my traffic light signalled green for go and I didn't get the chance to say hello.

    Would love to hear Bryan Ferry's version of 'Song To The Siren' on the show tonight, it's from his latest album 'Olympia'

  • Comment number 56.

    Struggled through the night and still struggling this morning because of the talk of cheesy beans on toast as Ive just started an eating plan and im not allowed anything but protein for 5 days!!

    #26 I love the fact the world knows we are all a bit mad and up for a laugh and all the while we have a wonderful appreciation for everyones different taste in music, if people dont like it they know what they should do Im proud of GIO and honoured to be a wee part in it

    Can I come to Millport pretty please?

    Maybe thats a theme "Islands"

    Islands in the stream
    living on an Island
    I am a rock
    Oh Island in the sun
    Bermuda Triangle

  • Comment number 57.


    Ahhh, stovies!!

  • Comment number 58.

    i've met the king.........no no' that one..........i've met the famous one.

    solomon king....................'she wears my ring'

    he could well afford to let her wear one as he was dripping with bling bling.
    i bade him well after giving him a nod as if he was my new best friend.

    cheers frae the dale

  • Comment number 59.


    I'll keep your seats warm in the bar.

  • Comment number 60.


    Yep, Charlie Chaplin once entered a 'Charlie Chaplin Look- A Like' competition.

    To his great disappointment, he came third.

    regardez - youse


  • Comment number 61.

    Nearly forgot - my son met Moby in New York

    The Day - Moby

    and Donnie Munro in the Co-op, Portree

    Pride of the Summer - Runrig

  • Comment number 62.


    Of course you can come to Millport: let them that blog come to Millport.

    regardez vous


  • Comment number 63.

    My Granddad was the best man at Rick Wakeman's parents wedding, my mum grew up calling Mr Wakeman snr, 'Uncle Cyril'. She didn't like Rick because he went to the grammar school.

    My ex-grandfather-in-law played trumpet in the first 91Èȱ¬ in-house band back in the 1920s. He was called Bert Hargest, and the band were \the London Radio Dance Band, lead by Sid Firman; There's a challenge for tonights producer, find a recording of theirs.

    Finally, in the early 90s I shared a house with a guy whose girlfriend's mum ran the nursery where John Edwards, the bassist from Quo, sent his daughter. we Used to see him in the pub, and Rick Parfitt lived at the other end of the town, and he shopped in the tesco where Rory's Mum worked.

  • Comment number 64.

    I've got a few -- it's easier to meet your favorite musicians when you love obscure-ish ones who play small clubs rather than the Lady Gagas and Bruce Springsteens!

    Teddy Thompson -- met him at the merchandise table after a gig in April and he couldn't have been nicer or funnier. We talked for a bit and I asked if we could take a photo together. He threw his arm around my shoulder and dragged me across the table so enthusiastically that the only thing keeping me from falling over was his face smashed against mine! So would love to hear "Delilah" or "Don't Know What I Was Thinking," two of TT's very best songs.

    Bruce Robison -- I've met this Texas singer-songwriter several times and he's always kind and generous and fun to talk to. I'm tall -- 6'3" -- but Bruce is 6'7" and is the only person who always makes me feel very short. I know his "Angry All The Time" is a favorite of Bryan's....

    Billy Bragg -- finally meeting him last year was one of the most exciting things that's ever happened to me since I've loved him since I was 15. Have met him twice more since then and he's always a joy to talk to. Never bad to hear his "The Saturday Boy" or "She's Got A New Spell"....

    Rich in North Carolina

  • Comment number 65.

    I got to meet 60s "blue eyed soul"legend Evie Sands at a woefully underattended gig 5 years ago in the then ABC2.She had been championed by the fab BMX Bandits and Teenage Fanclub (various members who were her backing band for the night)Famously quoted in the 60s as Dusty's favourite singer she had songs written for her by Chip Taylor(brother of John Voight) most notably "I Cant Let Go"and "Angel of The Morning"only to have them covered as was the way then and the hits going to The Hollies and Merrilee Rush respectively(sounds like a folk dance!)"Take me for a Little While "was a Northern Soul dancefloor hit but she eventually had a huge US hit with a brilliant reworking of the Troggs "Any Way That You Want Me".I was surprised to see how tiny she was considering the big voice and she was happy to sign my cd of"Any Way That You Want Me" up there along with "Dusty in Memphis"as one of the great "Blue eyed soul"albums.Would be cool to hear the title track,Bryan.Cheers,Willie Bartke

  • Comment number 66.

    #8 just to be clear, yes, I've met Malcolm and he's lovely, not half as gloomy as his songs would suggest!

  • Comment number 67.

    For those among us who like to conduct their research in advance.


    Q. What does "Kiss, Marry, Avoid" mean?

  • Comment number 68.

    I met Phil Collins after hitting him in the face with a door - it was during a school placement when I was training to be a teacher, and he came to the school to judge the Easter Egg Decorating Competition.

    I also met Gas Coombes after almost knocking him over in a supermarket with my trolley

    so how about Supergrass's 'Rush Hour Soul'.

    Lynne (from Sunny (for a change) Skye)

  • Comment number 69.

    Cheese beano recipe.

    Get cheese
    Get beans
    Get bread
    Get Lea & Perrins

    Set aside

    Go out get pished


    Eat items above in the manner which prevents munchies/fire.

  • Comment number 70.

    No cheesy peas!!

  • Comment number 71.

    That'll be raw then

  • Comment number 72.

    At the thrawn bell.


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