
Doesn't she look fab though? It's not a bad idea and maybe I'll ask the team to dress up as their favourite star once a week. Mind you, Miss Babs has been dressing like Cher for years and nobody has batted an eyelid!
Monday's programme is inspired by Dick Rowe who died on June 6th 1986. As a producer he produced many hit records ranging from Gloria to (How Much Is) That Doggie In the Window. As an A and R man he signed The Stones, The Animals and Tom Jones.
Despite all of that he's rather better known as the man who turned down The Beatles. He allegedly told their manager that ""Guitar groups are on their way out, Mr. Epstein"!
So in honour of his biggest mistake I'll be asking for your suggestions of the artists you knocked back. It's time to fess up about those you initially dismissed who went on to be global superstars.
Did you veto the Velvets? Turn down the Tull? Or did you think there was no way Robbie could entertain us?
Let me know if you would make it as a record company talent scout...
Comment number 1.
At 3rd Jun 2011, Scotch Get wrote:Just because they're global superstars doesn't prove anything. I could give you a list of well kent faces who, when their mediocre music begins on the radio, prompt me to change channels or switch off. And I would, but I know if their name(s) appear on the blog the team treat it as a request.
A better theme would be the bands/singers who never did get the recognition they deserved. Except maybe posthumously.
No, not Nick Drake...
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Comment number 2.
At 3rd Jun 2011, Madmacfraeclydebank wrote:Interesting theme... get onto 91Èȱ¬4 now! A whole nation rejected Felix Mendelssohn.
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Comment number 3.
At 3rd Jun 2011, paolopablo wrote:Thats the best blog picture for many a year
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Comment number 4.
At 3rd Jun 2011, Scotch Get wrote:Does Amy Winehouse have a cross tattooed on her arm?
Her Rabbi should be telt!
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Comment number 5.
At 3rd Jun 2011, norriemaclean wrote:#3 theme what theme who cares....
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Comment number 6.
At 3rd Jun 2011, Madmacfraeclydebank wrote:Annie Nightingale / Old Grey Whistle Test night on 91Èȱ¬4... just excellent!
Why can't 'get it on' develop or achieve gradually the evolvement of an occasional specialist show of it's own?
Sorry all, I'm repeating myself.
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Comment number 7.
At 3rd Jun 2011, DC wrote:Caption:
The blue velvet cover did little to disguise Bryan's remote control camera...
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Comment number 8.
At 3rd Jun 2011, Glen Miller wrote:#1
Another silly theme. Big stars you don't like. If you don't like them, you don't want to hear them.
"Did you blackball the Beatles, criticise the Clash, derogate the Durannies, execrate Elvis, foredoom Frankie, garotte Goldfrapp..................................?"
Well, you're perfectly entitled to.
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Comment number 9.
At 3rd Jun 2011, henri hannah wrote:Not only does Emma look good, she's a huge improvement on Amy Winehouse and much healthier looking.
Agree with Paulo, the best pic we've had on the blog in my time.
When Abba won Eurovision, I didn't rate them at and thought all their stuff corny until "S.O.S." on which I liked the piano playing. Even so, I loved the piano playing on "More More More" by the Andrea True Connection and nothing came of them (though somebody later reworked the piano middle eight into a club anthem).
Ir wasn't until Dancing Queen that I realised we were dealing with a world class act. Even so, I've still never purchased any of their records.
S.O.S. - Abba
regardez youse
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Comment number 10.
At 3rd Jun 2011, DC wrote:#6 great tip MMFC
#8 challenge has been set. Continuing....
Anti AC/DC
Huey at Hootie & the Blowfish
Isolate INXS
Jeer at the Jam
to be continued
or not?
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Comment number 11.
At 3rd Jun 2011, Glen Miller wrote:Lambaste Lulu
Vilify Verve
Traduce Timmy Thomas Tin Tin Thomson Twins Ting Tings Talk Talk Terence Trent Texas Tanita Tikaram Tina Turner Top Ten talent
Twenty years of schooling and they put you on the day shift
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Comment number 12.
At 4th Jun 2011, DC wrote:Klaxon Kassidy
Laugh at Laughing Leonard Cohen
Mock Maggie Bell
Negate Nazareth
Ostracise Ozzy
Peshtake Pink Floyd
Question the Quireboys
Ridicule the Rolling Stones
Spit on the Sex Pistols
Take exception to Thin Lizzy
Unilaterally unlike U2
Vex about Van Morrison
Weep about the Who
X-foliate at the sensational X Harvey Band
Yaaaaak at Yes
and ultimately
Zzzzzzzzz at moZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
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Comment number 13.
At 4th Jun 2011, gaie wrote:what a silly theme right enough. And now DC's finished the game there's not even anything else to do.
Or maybe I should Get a Life?
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Comment number 14.
At 4th Jun 2011, Glen Miller wrote:It's not all it's cracked up to be.
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Comment number 15.
At 4th Jun 2011, norriemaclean wrote:blast Bowie
slate Springsteen
miffed at Mozz
weary of Weller
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Comment number 16.
At 4th Jun 2011, Madmacfraeclydebank wrote:#13 & 14
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Comment number 17.
At 4th Jun 2011, henri hannah wrote:Maybe the reverse theme is better: Bands/artists who you thought were destined to become the greatest thing since sliced bread but ended up toast.
It would be more interesting, I think but since it's unlikely to give us 'drive-time pop', I suppose that's that.
Maybe it would turn into a' one-hit wonders' show and, besides, we've doubtless forgotten who they are.
regradez youse
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Comment number 18.
At 4th Jun 2011, norriemaclean wrote:I know I will get hate mail but I really thought Goodbye Mr. MacKenzie were terrible. Shirley Manson though was much better in Garbage:
Garbage - Shut Your Mouth
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Comment number 19.
At 4th Jun 2011, Glen Miller wrote:You were right -they rose without trace.
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Comment number 20.
At 4th Jun 2011, Senga wrote:This reminds me of the Songs you hated as a teenager but love now theme. I only hope my fellow Sou-Sider Willie Bartke The Genius can find it in his heart to forgive me!
Carey - Joni Mitchell
I used to think Joni's music was pretentious nonsense. Oh, to be young and foolish again!
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Comment number 21.
At 4th Jun 2011, dale_kelvin wrote:when i first heard razorlight i thought ......nah.
then seeing johnny 'razorlight' at close quarters a few years ago when he retreated to a hebridean island for a few months to write some new material changed my perception. he was always portrayed as pompous,the reality including giving guitar lessons to the island children was very different from his stage(d) image.
go johnny.
they made it big.
i wished now they had made it big in....
cheers frae the dale
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Comment number 22.
At 5th Jun 2011, DC wrote:As a youngster, I loved to listen in to Stewart 'Stewpot' Stewart on the Light Station on the wireless, and the many excellent requests put his way each weekend. Not all tracks played were good however. Whilst I used to enjoy hearing the likes of Russ Conway on the piano, I hated Rolf Harris and that infernal wobble board of his, especially when it came to songs about the abuse of the indigenous species to his homeland. How anyone advocated bondage practices upon kangaroos beats me sport.
But in 1969, I heard the soulful message of Two Little Boys, a real pick-me-up.
This is a real life changer and MUST be played
DC (Fife has the holiday this Monday by the way)
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Comment number 23.
At 5th Jun 2011, gaie wrote:well we can only hope it rains and you get to stay indoors and listen to your choice of record, DC
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Comment number 24.
At 5th Jun 2011, Madmacfraeclydebank wrote:Hope it doesn't ... Etive Slabs today, see ya in the Kingshouse about 17.00
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Comment number 25.
At 5th Jun 2011, paolopablo wrote:Some music blogs reporting that Andrew Gold has died of a heart attack and Wikipedia have him dead and then alive and then dead and then alive again.
Perhaps they just want to never let him slip away
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Comment number 26.
At 5th Jun 2011, norriemaclean wrote:#24 you be careful - you are not getting any younger.....
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Comment number 27.
At 5th Jun 2011, gaie wrote:this is why they call him
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Comment number 28.
At 5th Jun 2011, norriemaclean wrote:I wonder how knock backs David Bowie got. Must have been lots as his early stuff was not particularly good, and certainly gave no clue as to the immense talent he would become. Funnily enough some of that early material has been re-visisted by Bowie in recent years after being ignored by him for 30 odd years. There is a huge list of tracks you could play to show he wasnt setting the world alight, but it would be better to play an early track that was ok:
David Bowie & The Lower Third - Can't Help Thinking About Me, his first release as David Bowie.
or his last as Davy Jones, which was re-recorded 35 years later as a b-side!
Davy Jones & The Lower Third - You've Got A Habit of Leaving
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Comment number 29.
At 5th Jun 2011, Glen Miller wrote:#22
That's a coincidence. There used to be an Ed Stewart on the Light Programme.
You'd have to be mad not to just walk up the grass.
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Comment number 30.
At 5th Jun 2011, DC wrote:Stewart Stewart, so good they named him twice
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Comment number 31.
At 5th Jun 2011, Scotch Get wrote:#27, #29
it makes you paranoid...
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Comment number 32.
At 5th Jun 2011, Glen Miller wrote:Are you talking about me?
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Comment number 33.
At 5th Jun 2011, gaie wrote:#31 the voice of experience...
go to #38 tsk tsk
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Comment number 34.
At 5th Jun 2011, Scotch Get wrote:#33
Just because we're paranoid doesn't mean we're not being fed platitudes whilst our glorious leaders negotiate with the glue factory.
schizophrenic git
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Comment number 35.
At 5th Jun 2011, Scotch Get wrote:Complain about this comment (Comment number 35)
Comment number 36.
At 5th Jun 2011, gaie wrote:There you go, blaming me - just as I was going to say you're right, we should all stick together.
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Comment number 37.
At 5th Jun 2011, norriemaclean wrote:I see this theme has really inspired the bloggers...
I thought Leonard Cohen was dour and depressing, foolishly I listened to the negative press and people who said he was depressing. Then I saw him perform on the OGWT, might have been Later..., anyway no matter I was amazed at how good he was. His records are great and he is a fantastic live performer.
Leonard Cohen - Dance Me To The End of Love
Leonard Cohen - The Future
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Comment number 38.
At 5th Jun 2011, mary-doll wrote:#17 That's a good theme idea, henri. Doesn't have to end up being a list of one hit wonders, even if it did, so what?
#37 One of my favourite songs of his. He's not the cheeriest singer / songwriter around, granted. Incredibly dour and downbeat, mostly. But he's written some very tender intelligent stuff that doesn't depress in spite of that.
And in a similar vein - my first hearing of Tom Waits was unfortunate. Couldn't get past the drunken drawling discord. Then reheard him a few years later and realised he is actually incredibly gifted as musician, songwriter and singer.
Tom Waits Swordfishtrombone
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Comment number 39.
At 5th Jun 2011, DC wrote:Fishbone Tom's word r
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Comment number 40.
At 5th Jun 2011, norriemaclean wrote:#38 great suggestion m-d
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Comment number 41.
At 5th Jun 2011, Glen Miller wrote:I wonder if Tom and Lenny ever consider forming a duo - Simon and Garfunkel for the tone deaf.
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Comment number 42.
At 6th Jun 2011, gaie wrote:'struth, Glen, that'll be Paul kicked off again. I'm just gonna pretend I'm not here.
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Comment number 43.
At 6th Jun 2011, paulhandley wrote:My next door neighbour back in the day let me hear U2's "Boy" and I wasn't convinced. To be honest i've gone back to that feeling recently but in between times they did make some good stuff. Never got as far as buying an album but it wouyld be good to hear their version of the old Skids number....
The Saints are Coming - U2 & Greenday
Paul from Ayr
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Comment number 44.
At 6th Jun 2011, RoxyJohn wrote:Bryan Ferry went for an audition with King Crimson and was turned down. He also made a demo of some of his early songs with the 4 of the eventual 6 Roxy debut album line up. He only had one copy of the reel of tape and took it to record companies all over the place and played them the tape and took it back. It took almost a year to get a deal.
I heard this tape last year and it is so bad it is good. It may feature on a deluxe 40th Anniversarry edirtion next year.
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Comment number 45.
At 6th Jun 2011, RoxyJohn wrote:#28
"I wonder how many knock backs David Bowie got."
I wonder how many knock backs Elton John got??
One too little I think.
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Comment number 46.
At 6th Jun 2011, CaptRamius wrote:Nope, never said "That'll never catch on"
I have - frequently declaimed "I HOPE that'll never catch on" with reference to pretty much all the manufactured/PR-led celebrity pop over the last 20+ years but in nearly every case I've been disappointed.
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Comment number 47.
At 6th Jun 2011, CaptRamius wrote:...or to put another way, I've never underestimated the Great British Public's appetite for utter garbage.
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Comment number 48.
At 6th Jun 2011, Willie B wrote:#20,Senga,As a fellow Sou sider you are forgiven!Anyway I didnt always like Joni either.I found her"early" voice a bit too yodelly for me and all those songs about wampum beads and incense owls just annoyed me as I was hatchet dodging in Glasgow during the Summer of Love.Laura Nyro was the real deal then,musically much more challenging especially "New York Tenderberry"check it out.Scarily brilliant. She was rejected again this year for induction to the Rock'n' Roll Hall of Fame to make way for the Beastie Boys!I only got into Joni when Laura Nyro turned her back on the fame game after her" kissoff" album"Gonna Take a Miracle"in 1971.I'm off to see fellow! Canadienne kd lang tonight.This is after seeing the great Judy Collins last week in Oran Mor.72 years old and her voice is as pure as ever.Are you a "Mount Floridian"yourself, Senga!?Cheers Willie Bartke
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Comment number 49.
At 6th Jun 2011, Willie B wrote:Senga,Having said all that I heartily second Joni's "Carey"and agree with Henri regarding Abba.Slap my pretentious napper when I describe "The Day Before You Came "as there most "Bergmanesque" Cheers from the old and foolish Willie Bartke
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Comment number 50.
At 6th Jun 2011, paolopablo wrote:#25 He's dead again. Good old 91Èȱ¬ finally catch up three days later. Just shows how far behind the new media, the old media can be sometimes.
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Comment number 51.
At 6th Jun 2011, henri hannah wrote:#48 Suspect you might be the only Willie at the gig.
Smiffy and myself, and Norrie will also be in attanedance.
Is there a suppport act?
regardez youse
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Comment number 52.
At 6th Jun 2011, paolopablo wrote:You need to fix that stammer Henri
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Comment number 53.
At 6th Jun 2011, norriemaclean wrote:#51 yes, kd on stage at 9
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Comment number 54.
At 6th Jun 2011, Glen Miller wrote:#50
Reports of his death have been greatly understated, Pppppaul.
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Comment number 55.
At 6th Jun 2011, norriemaclean wrote:I thought Wham were terrible, sorry Maria.
I tought the debut George single was mince.
I thought the Faith lp was passable.
I thought Listen Without Prejudice stunning
George Michael - Waiting For That Day
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Comment number 56.
At 6th Jun 2011, Scotch Get wrote:#22, #55
Perra Wide-O's.
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Comment number 57.
At 6th Jun 2011, Adam_from_Rio wrote:#50
Shame. His hits will be in a few life soundtracks I would guess.
I also liked "Right Between the Eyes" he did with the bloke from 10CC.
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Comment number 58.
At 6th Jun 2011, loddol wrote:I can't believe I am going to suggest a song by a band that no matter how successful they are - I didnt think much of them when we first saw them years ago and I still dont now.
Many years ago a club in Brighton hosted a night for new bands. I can now only remember the two main 'headline' acts. One was a band called Terris whose lead singer spent the whole set with his back to the audience. Where are they now???
The other band was - well half way through the set the other members of the band left the lead singer on his own. He stood on stage with his guitar and said that he was going to attempt to sing a song that he was currently working on. He was a very young, very curly haired Chris Martin - and the song was Yellow.
A fitting follow on from Radiohead who Chris Martin has stated as an influence - as a Radiohead fan I can't see it myself.
Happy Evening Everyone
Lynne on Skye
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Comment number 59.
At 6th Jun 2011, Scotch Get wrote:Gaie,
Songs from Brad Paisley's new album were played on 'Fà ilt' air an Dùthaich' today.
Check it out!
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Comment number 60.
At 6th Jun 2011, norriemaclean wrote:SG did you see Case Histories on the Television? Some superb music on that including Mary Gauthier and Iris.
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Comment number 61.
At 6th Jun 2011, Scotch Get wrote:#58
Lynne on Skye,
For a moment I thought you were my pal in Drôme.
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Comment number 62.
At 6th Jun 2011, Scotch Get wrote:#60
I don't watch much T.V. Was it on a channel that repeats everything everything?
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Comment number 63.
At 6th Jun 2011, Glen Miller wrote:#60
His office is next to The Liquid Room.
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Comment number 64.
At 6th Jun 2011, loddol wrote:Very good!
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Comment number 65.
At 6th Jun 2011, Scotch Get wrote:#60
Found it. We must assume the lawnmowing to be complete, as you have time to sit and stare at a box in the corner.
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Comment number 66.
At 6th Jun 2011, Scotch Get wrote:#64
Lynne on Skye,
Aw, shucks! Pure riddy!
bashful git
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Comment number 67.
At 6th Jun 2011, Scotch Get wrote:#61, #64, #66
Lynne on Skye,
Unless your #64 refers to #63, in which case please ignore #66
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