The great divide...

Bryan Burnett | 20:03 UK time, Thursday, 26 May 2011
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Comment number 1.
At 26th May 2011, DC wrote:Get It On the blog
Get It On F***book?
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Comment number 2.
At 26th May 2011, paolopablo wrote:I'm the other person that owns that Dean Friedman album. The album version of Ariel would have been good for Thursday. Damn!
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Comment number 3.
At 26th May 2011, paolopablo wrote:Music that divides the Blog
The White album!
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Comment number 4.
At 26th May 2011, paolopablo wrote:Previously on the Blog
Jinkk and Hold on Tight
It's not an exclusive club at all. All you have to do is organise the next blog swally and you're in.
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Comment number 5.
At 26th May 2011, paolopablo wrote:previously previously on the blog
Paranoid Git
I'm sure gaie had a song played once and she's west of everywhere
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Comment number 6.
At 26th May 2011, Scotch Get wrote:FRIDAY
'Locomotive Breath' - Jethro Tull
My ex has a thing about men who play flutes. So vociferous were her objections that had proposed legislation been in place then, she would be hauled away for five years.
Also, Ian Anderson was born in Dunfermline, Fife; so he's not on your hit list.
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Comment number 7.
At 26th May 2011, Scotch Get wrote:#5
Oor beloved presenter isnae' daft. After seeing Bambi's fate he's unlikely to get on the wrong side of Gaie.
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Comment number 8.
At 26th May 2011, paulhandley wrote:#5 why do you think I post most of my suggestions from Livi :-J
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Comment number 9.
At 26th May 2011, Madmacfraeclydebank wrote:#5 but the Tail of the Bank is east of Crocodile Rock!
Train from Central.
Short walk through Largs.
Ferry & Bus,
I remember when rock was young..
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Comment number 10.
At 26th May 2011, DC wrote:#4 but somewhere east o' Gartcosh please
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Comment number 11.
At 26th May 2011, gaie wrote:there you go, Paolo - Madmac's organising the Millport trip
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Comment number 12.
At 26th May 2011, gaie wrote:a favourite song of mine that causes alarm and consternation in my household is
Cleaning My Gun - Mark Knopfler
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Comment number 13.
At 26th May 2011, Glen Miller wrote:I live alone (apart from the voices).
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Comment number 14.
At 26th May 2011, Madmacfraeclydebank wrote:#10 You'll get the boat through the Forth & Clyde.
#11 Paolo's looking to share his tandem.
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Comment number 15.
At 26th May 2011, DC wrote:#14 because you fall off the edge of the world if you go past the Forth Brig. My charts are marked 'Here Be Monsters Of Ye Deep'
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Comment number 16.
At 26th May 2011, Glen Miller wrote:#13
There used to be two of us. One night I was chopping some wood when I heard some Cerys Matthews playing in the house..........................
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Comment number 17.
At 26th May 2011, Scotch Get wrote:#16
Was it cold outside?
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Comment number 18.
At 26th May 2011, norriemaclean wrote:previously on the blog:
"vast number of Norrie's requests we're forced to hear "
"Norrie is also in thick with the Dark Side "
seems like you just need to play my faves and splitting the wee happy blog house has been achieved.
Morrissey - Everyday Is Like Sunday
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Comment number 19.
At 26th May 2011, gaie wrote:#14 he can with all of us
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Comment number 20.
At 26th May 2011, gaie wrote:previously on the blog
please, Bryan could you play
Boston Tea Party - Sensational Alex Harvey Band
cos I have just fell out with Mr Git.
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Comment number 21.
At 26th May 2011, dale_kelvin wrote:i'll put my cards right up there on the table.
i think lily allen is a genius.
but another in the household thinks not.
so when i nipped into a local superstore for a bag o' sweeties for the drive to normandy one summer i impulsively bought a lily cd.
i thought the cd brilliant but another in the household in the passenger seat thought not.
i especially liked the song (english translation) 'thank you' my opinion one of the great political songs of its forward to the roads of normandy and 'radio normandy'...........jings, what a very pleasant surprise to hear them play the french version which had the same words except for the french translation for 'thank you' i know the BeeB BB B couldn't possibly play the 'french version' and the english version sounds ridiculous, could you play sumfin else from that cd.
another witty little ditty is....................
'him'..............lily allen (if you don't like lily allen.... thank you)
cheers frae the dale
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Comment number 22.
At 26th May 2011, Scotch Get wrote:#18
Ah nivvir seen that coming! Check and Mate.
Previously on the blog.......
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Comment number 23.
At 26th May 2011, mary-doll wrote:#18 I wouldn't waste any sleep over it, norrie. You're not here to keep anyone else happy, even if you're never unsupportive of any one else's stuff. Keep yer' chin up, mate - I'm sure I'm not the only one who enjoys your input. The fact that you get your songs played more than they do... well...the smell of sour grapes may be stronger than that of perfume .. it doesn't make it sweeter. so................. ;o)
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Comment number 24.
At 26th May 2011, henri hannah wrote:Steady on blogotariat!
I live in the transit camp that is Milngavie which is in North West Glasgow and I sometimes get requests played.
Our hero even plays requests from folk in Bearsden (which he erroneously thinks 'posh', as all Guardian readers do) so he's quite impartial and indiscriminate about the socio-economic source/background of the requests.
Considering our hero's own musical preferences,ironically, the selection criteria seems to be mostly anti-intellectual: formed around 'drivetime pop' therefore, those who don't get requests played on GIO can console themselves that they must be part of a rarefied elite who know and understand something the common man does not, or does not yet, comprehend the greatness of.
Anyway, where is Thing - Fish?
regardez youse
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Comment number 25.
At 26th May 2011, Madmacfraeclydebank wrote:#19
Now that sure beats Graeme, Tim and Bill's!
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Comment number 26.
At 26th May 2011, gaie wrote:#22 - previously #87
Please sir, Mr Git called me names and now he says it wisnae him.
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Comment number 27.
At 26th May 2011, dale_kelvin wrote:one night before we were going to the pictures to see some film or other there was a dispute in the household about some DJ in the film.
the dispute centred on who knew less about this DJ.
one thought he used a phrase 'pop-pickers'...........the other thought he went by the name of 'fluff'..........
the debate raged on the number 44 bus and was only resolved as the lights dimmed in the cinema and the chords of this song struck up from the DJ's turntable..........this song introduced by the DJ caused further mimed discussion in the dark....neither of us knew who was singing the song......we were both wrong.........epic fail.
the film was the amazingly wonderful 'american hot wax'.....the DJ....alan freed...........
the song that split a household in a darkened glasgow cinema
'it's all in the game'..........tommy edwards
cheers frae the dale (of to catch a ferry that's gonnae take me to the place.......i hope i can get a decent radio reception....ahhh the days when gerry mackenzie would sign you up for his club)
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Comment number 28.
At 26th May 2011, Scotch Get wrote:#26
Why would the comparison with the next President of the United States of America upset you?
North West Glasgow is Drumchapel. Bearsden & Milngavie are no more in Glasgow than Clydebank or Gartcosh. Although some folk in George Square think they should be...
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Comment number 29.
At 26th May 2011, dale_kelvin wrote:#28 @ ya scotch git.............i think sumdee should get a measurin' tape oot in drumry and switchback is further in the toon than some other parts o' the north west.............maryhill..........tho' maybe their north by north west..waddya think?
there's many a household split between drumry and fact split by
'the great western road'.............david byrne
(some of the film 'adam' was shot doon the canal doon the back o' the dale.................don't even get me started aboot the very first episode of 'killer')
cheers frae the dale
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Comment number 30.
At 26th May 2011, Glen Miller wrote:#21
I'm with your housemate. To me Lily Allen personifies all that is wrong with Britain.
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Comment number 31.
At 26th May 2011, joe-k-brown wrote:She who must be obeyed is usually kind enough to ensure I'm not around to hear:
Neil Diamond - I am I said
Leo Sayer - Dancing the night away
Cliff Richards - Wired for sound
Abba - Mama Mia
Black Eyed Peas - I gotta Feeling
Bruno Mars - Just the way you are
In return I try to ensure she does not have to endure:
French music - eg Charles Trenet - La mer
Melody Gardot - Baby I'm a fool
Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings - 100 day, 100 nights
Mary Margaret O'Hara - Dear Darling
Joan as Policewoman - The magic
Flogging Molly - Paddy's lament
Sinatra - That's life
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Comment number 32.
At 26th May 2011, paolopablo wrote:#14 and #19
I'm only sharing the front bit. The back bits mine.
I like to read my paper when I'm goin roon Millport.
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Comment number 33.
At 26th May 2011, DC wrote:There ye go. Anything tae the wast o' Harthill IS Glesgy and, if ye analyse the requests played, Glezgy gets most songs on Get It On.
The metropolis o' Cellardyke still gets two Gold Medals for Thursday & Friday this week. Admit it, yer aw just jealous.
Milngavie? Spelled one wey, pronounced another, but in Glezgy; Clydebank? Glezgy-On-Sea; Bearsden? WannabeinEmbra-No-Glezgy.
Just thought I'd hae a wee steer here...!!!
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Comment number 34.
At 27th May 2011, dale_kelvin wrote:#30 @ ya glen miller
re #21 thank you
cheers frae the dale
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Comment number 35.
At 27th May 2011, Glen Miller wrote:#18
To me Morrissey personifies everything that is wrong with Britain today.
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Comment number 36.
At 27th May 2011, Kene Gelly wrote:Unlike Mrs Gelly I've always been partial to a bit of Country, Bluegrass & Mountain ...
'Meet me by the Icehouse Lizzie' ~~ The Original Hoosier Hotshots
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Comment number 37.
At 27th May 2011, SpaceTruckin wrote:DC - you get my vote as next Boundary Commissioner.
The Ying Tong Song - usually divides opinion in the household. 60th anniversary of the first Goon show today so - Get It On.
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Comment number 38.
At 27th May 2011, Madmacfraeclydebank wrote:#33
Now, now DC, Clydebank like I've stated on this blog before is its own burgh. The fact the towns former industries supported quite alot of Glaswegians is purely coincidental ;-)
As a child Glezgy-On-Sea was Helensburgh!
PS It's it great when random threads create more debate than the actual theme.
PPS All this talk of boundaries has reminded me of the biggest dispute of this sort 70 years ago... Operation Barbarossa. Maybe there's mileage in a World Domination theme!
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Comment number 39.
At 27th May 2011, paulhandley wrote:Can't really get into this theme so just gonna second Joe #31
The Magic - Joan as Police Woman
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Comment number 40.
At 27th May 2011, DC wrote:#38 as a child, Glezgy-on-sea was Cellardyke! (At least for tha Fair and a week either side)
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Comment number 41.
At 27th May 2011, gaie wrote:Glesga wis a wean? And you mind it? Man, you're awfy fit fer yer age, must be the sea air.
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Comment number 42.
At 27th May 2011, gaie wrote:#28
As future president of the US, I'd like to point out that I'm the west - est of you all and in future you can call me
Flower of the West - Runrig
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Comment number 43.
At 27th May 2011, Glen Miller wrote:#39
This is a good theme. It will automatically alienate half the audience, rekindle suppressed enmity and fill the cells over the weekend.
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Comment number 44.
At 27th May 2011, ElspethsDaddy wrote:6 year old Elspeth loves Justin Beiber - it must be a generation thing, but I find the strains of 'Love me, love me' and 'Baby baby baby nooooooooo' difficult to stomach.
Then again, my wife has a problem with Del Amitri's 'Spit In The Rain' which she thinks is just a disgusting habit...
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Comment number 45.
At 27th May 2011, Madmacfraeclydebank wrote:#39 & 43
I'm with you both... I'm now sporting a keeker having shown Mrs Mac her Alice Deejay CD!
Better Off Alone
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Comment number 46.
At 27th May 2011, norriemaclean wrote:#35 have to agree Glen. National Service would have sorted him out and saved us from his career of bleak self parodying and miserable so called tunes.
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Comment number 47.
At 27th May 2011, Senga wrote:Is it safe? Everybody knows Bearsden is where the posh folks bide. Just listen to Miss Babs!
I live alone but even when I didn't no music was ever played without my approval. In writing. Play some Smokie anyway.
I'll Meet You At Midnight
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Comment number 48.
At 27th May 2011, Senga wrote:#46 - Who are you and what have you done with Norrie???
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Comment number 49.
At 27th May 2011, CaptRamius wrote:Harumpf - Bryan turned into an Edinburgh resident last night: Ye'll huv hud yer St Swithin's Day, ken? but only after getting my hopes up.
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Comment number 50.
At 27th May 2011, Will Power wrote:That's Not My Name by Ting Tings would probably start a rammy. Similarly anything by Morrissey ☺
The off switch is also reached for by her indoors when Dylan or The Beatles come on.
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Comment number 51.
At 27th May 2011, Will Power wrote:Joy Division will tear us apart ☺
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Comment number 52.
At 27th May 2011, Adam_from_Rio wrote:I use the school run to expose my son to music he might not otherwise get to hear. CDs are changed round more or less on a weekly basis.
However, for some reason, over the last 4 or 5 weeks this hasnt happened and the only thing that has been in the car is the 3 CD `Miami Vice - The Essential Collection`.
When I told him that I was stuck on tonight`s theme he said `Funny you should say that, coz I was about to tell you what to do with your Crockett and Tubbs.`
MV was replaced this morning by `The Promise`.
`You Belong To The City` - Glenn Frey
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Comment number 53.
At 27th May 2011, Adam_from_Rio wrote:#13 & #43
I agree with Glenn. There are lot of people on the Blog who live on their own (and probably a few who should do!) and therefore find themselves excluded from tonight`s show. To me, ill-considered themes on request shows typifies what is wrong with Britain today.
I`m reminded of the bloke who used to appear on Closedown in the 70s who always had a special goodnight for those people who lived on their own. He would often encourage them to roll a tennis ball under their bed before turning out the light just to make sure there was no one hiding there.
Whatever happened to that kind of caring broadcasting?
(Can anyone remember his name)?
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Comment number 54.
At 27th May 2011, CaptRamius wrote:Divisive issues in the Ramius household:
Jazz generally. MrsR maintains it's all musical self-abuse (especially anything post Louis Armstrong). I only think *some* of it is. So let's have
* Miles Davis - Flamenco Sketches
* Gotan Project - 'Round about Midnight
80s teenybop. MrsR is younger than me, so by the time she was listening to pop music, I'd moved on to Pink Floyd, so was actively sneering at
* Aha - Take on Me
* Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (although if you're playing it, please )
The summer I was between school & university, I worked in an electronics company's service centre, where we were final-testing & repacking stereos. The track used for test was
* Fleetwood Mac - Everywhere
of which I'd hear precisely 17 seconds (ie until the drums come in) about a hundred times a day. 5 days a week. For 3 months.
MrsR is a big Fleetwood Mac fan. Tango in the Night is one of her favourite albums. Can you see where this is heading?
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Comment number 55.
At 27th May 2011, Adam_from_Rio wrote:#53
Clem Ashby!
Remembered on the way into work. According to IMDB his daughter is married to Tony Bennett. Thats something to get the craic going at happy hour this evening.
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Comment number 56.
At 27th May 2011, Madmacfraeclydebank wrote:Prog. & its Solo Artists split our listening pleasure...
She'd say somethings "In the Air Tonight"
I'd shout "Supper's Ready"
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Comment number 57.
At 27th May 2011, paolopablo wrote:#52 great shout Adam on you belong to the city.
I have to laugh at these households where music splits the pets from the humans. Dogs howl in derision and are then fasttracked to the Britains got talent studios so we can all watch them'singing' along
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Comment number 58.
At 27th May 2011, CaptRamius wrote:Oh, the other divisive issue: Autotune. It hurts my ears. A lot. Yet MrsR likes Glee.
I have to leave the room.
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Comment number 59.
At 27th May 2011, JuliefromEdinburgh wrote:Now she's moved on from The Jonas Brothers, The Daughter and I are in accord over music again.
We both like Gangsta Rap for instance...
However...she thinks Keith Urban does a better version of:
'Romeo's Tune' - Steve Forbert (I of course prefer the original).
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Comment number 60.
At 27th May 2011, henri hannah wrote:It's a struggle, this theme. Smiffy, the morons, the delinquent and me have broadly similar catholic taste.
The only thing that really divides opinion is between myself and Our Spud (Katie) on the subject of Jack Bruce: I think Tickets To Waterfalls is the greatest piece of music ever recorded, but I'm afraid it leaves Katie cold.
But, no matter, we won't be hearing it on GIO, anyway.Though if you wanted to play some Jack Bruce ( which I'm sure Miss B would) then 'Make Love is quite GIO friendly.
Moreover, for about 15 years I was married to a woman who didn't like The Beatles (or just about anyone else) but liked James Last,Ray Conniff, the American girl band Fanny, Laughing Lenny and Rory Gallagher? Wierd.How did I get involved with someone who didn't like The Beatles? Still, it seemed right at the time.
I Will - The Beatles
regardez youse
henri, - still at the office, but heading out to visit Sister Margaret and The Ayatollah in posh Bearsden before heading back to the transit camp that is Milngavie - north west of Maryhill, where the pedestrains are lemmings and wander into the street Willli Nilli. In fact, Willi is a notoroius jay walker in these parts.
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Comment number 61.
At 27th May 2011, jinkk wrote:Music maybe should be like religion and politics everyone is entitled to their opinions and should posses a set of head phones what I love though is that even something from a genre you are not too big on can grab you from behind when you least expect it you can hate things and they can grow on you
Anyhow Poulo I'm always up for a wee night and have no problem organising but what do bloggers do to arrange just say a place and turn up wearing a pink carnation?
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Comment number 62.
At 27th May 2011, paolopablo wrote:Na Na Na no pink carnations. You pick the busiest place you can think of and then look round for similarly Ill at ease people and then see who has the cohones to make the first move. Last time out Henri turned up with the crackin line 'eh are you lot bloggers'. I've always meant to ask him how many other groups he'd asked before he found us.
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Comment number 63.
At 27th May 2011, jinkk wrote:Hahaha do they have a really busy pup in harthill?
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Comment number 64.
At 27th May 2011, jinkk wrote:Sorry pub they may well have busy pups but not what's required for night out
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Comment number 65.
At 27th May 2011, jinkk wrote:Oh gosh I am so dyslexic got ur name wrong too I'm sawry
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Comment number 66.
At 27th May 2011, Adam_from_Rio wrote:#57
Thanks Pablito.
I see one of GIO's Bob Seger tunes got an airing last night.
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Comment number 67.
At 27th May 2011, Adam_from_Rio wrote:Norrie. Good luck at Wembley tomorrow.
Party like its 1999!
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Comment number 68.
At 27th May 2011, Anne_in_Plean wrote:Was thinking how broad my musical taste is and liking Sharon Jones. Oh no! Just as I was struggling to think of anything in my husband's collection that I can't stand YOU PLAYED WIRED for SOUND!!!!!!!!
Once got it into my head while out for a 15 mile run - nearly threw myself under an army truck in Fintry!!
Then the awful spectre of my other half's favourite way to torture me raised its awful head - that creepy violin playing Norwegian winner of Eurovision!!!
On the other hand 80% of my collection will make him reach for the fast forward - so what about some Neil Young - he's very divisive!
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Comment number 69.
At 27th May 2011, Scotch Get wrote:I was out for a 15 mile run. In the rain.
I'm glad I got the windscreen wipers sorted...
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Comment number 70.
At 27th May 2011, paolopablo wrote:#63 the busiest Place in harthill is the service station. They take the pavements in after half six at night
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Comment number 71.
At 27th May 2011, DC wrote:They have pavements on the eastbound side.......
Joke (before the moderators get involved again)
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Comment number 72.
At 27th May 2011, DC wrote:#41 I refer you to #38. He started that outrageous claim and then ran away
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