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Rip it up...

Bryan Burnett | 19:55 UK time, Monday, 4 April 2011

This week in 1981 the nation celebrated as Bucks Fizz triumphed in the Eurovision song contest. Although Making Your Mind Up went on to be a number one all over the continent, what we really remember them for is that dress ripping dance routine! For Tuesday's theme I thought we would do a theme of the artists who have been remembered for something other than their music. It might be outlandish outfits, their off stage antics or their other talents which have overshadowed their music. A good example would be Kim Wilde, pop star and gardener. Wouldn't it be a shame if her horticultural achievements eclipsed View From A Bridge and Cambodia?


  • Comment number 1.

    Ringo Starr anyone? Peep Peep!

  • Comment number 2.

    Bob Geldof

  • Comment number 3.

    Firstly....Iggy Pop was not just some nutter who liked to expose himself and cut his torso...and should not be remembered for daft adverts, remind yourself how good he could be:

    Iggy Pop - China Girl

    And please reclaim the reputation of Marianne Faithfull from a made up story about some confectionry:

    Marianne Faithfull - Times Square or Running For Our Lives

    both superb songs.

  • Comment number 4.

    Barry Cryer had a No.1 in Finland

  • Comment number 5.

    Frankie Miller was quite famous in Greenock for never buying a round when he was filming here, and his film was of course shown on the telly which made him famous nationwide (I'm getting a sense of d猫ja vue, did I write this last time we had this theme? does that mean they didn't play Frankie? I wonder)

    Angels With Dirty Faces - Frankie Miller

  • Comment number 6.

    His expressionist paintings and drawings command high prices, and have been exhibited in art galleries and museums across the world.

    Captain Beefheart - Abba Zaba

  • Comment number 7.

    I am inclined to think that if their music has been overshadowed, it can't have been that great in the first place.

  • Comment number 8.

    I've been thinking to myself that Get It On shouldn't let the passing of Eddie Stobart pass with commemorating his memory with a theme.

    A truckin' road song driving theme?

    regardez youse


  • Comment number 9.

    Cozy Powell who had a hand in getting handheld mobile phones banned whilst driving and his famous last words ''Oh Sh*t''

  • Comment number 10.

    sorry, without commemorating his memory to a theme...

  • Comment number 11.

    'Word Up' ~ Cameo

    Seeing was believing ...

  • Comment number 12.

    'Don't Touch Me There' ~ The Tubes

    shock rock? mock rock? ... who cares ... blasted all others into the shade!

  • Comment number 13.

    'Destroyer' ~ Kiss

    likem or hatem you certainly couldn't ignore them

  • Comment number 14.

    When I was a boy, I remember there was a bit of a fuss about an appropriately designated singer, P J Proby and his inability to keep in his trousers.

    My elder sister had a single of his which I remember with some fondness because it sounded like the Bonzos taking the p*** out of a serious singer - 'Somewhere' which comes from West Side Story if I remember correctly.

    Anyway, I still think he most remembered for showing the audience what a big Texan looks like.

    regardez - youse


  • Comment number 15.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 16.

    #14 henri I forsee a problem with your excellent suggestion of P J Proby (I think he recently got nicked for benefit fraud) and it is the same problem as mine for Marianne. How is Bryan going to describe this at teatime.....

  • Comment number 17.


    A man who grows his own red hot chilli peppers. A man who is actively involved in the study and conservation of wildcats. A former owner of the 15,000 acre Strahaird estate. A farmer of salmon. A wearer of codpieces. And he's one of our own.

    Ian Anderson

    'Locomotive Breath' - Jethro Tull


    'Life is a Long Song' - Jethro Tull

  • Comment number 18.

    rolf harris...............australian singer.................'sun arise' (early in the morning)
    portrait artist ....................(of HRH queen elizabeth)

    elton john..............singer/songwriter..............'daniel'
    ..............chairman of watford fc

    ian anderson...........singer/songwriter...............'living in the past'

    peggy sue...............buddy holly character
    ................got married (film)

    patti smith..............singer/songwriter/rocker.............'redondo beach'
    ..............photographers muse/poet/writer

    cheers frae the dale

  • Comment number 19.

    one more sprung to mind.............

    craig david................singer/songwriter.........7 days
    .................UN goodwill ambassador

    #15 poor owen paul. never gets a break

    cheers frae the dale

  • Comment number 20.


    the late night DJ on Radio Scotland who allegedly plays blues? Really, who'd have thought it?

  • Comment number 21.

    Film careers by pop stars... not all of them equally worthy of mention. But the songs are fine. All of these were in a film:
    David Bowie (lots of films) Be My Wife
    Meatloaf (lots of films) You Took The Words Right Out Of My Mouth
    Mick Jagger fae RS (a good few films) Angie
    Sting fae TP (one good, a couple of bad films) Desert Rose
    Flea fae RHCP (notably in The Big Lebowski) Throw Away Your Television

    and this one has a famous film star daughter. Plus a spot on some music talent show.
    Steve Tyler fae Aerosmith Dream On

  • Comment number 22.

    #21 outstanding Bowie track

  • Comment number 23.

    Ubangi Stomp ~ The Stray Cats

  • Comment number 24.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 25.

    Crikey - what has happened tonight! Moderation central!

  • Comment number 26.

    Save the best for last - Vanesa Williams (Grammy nominated as song of the year 1992, but she's now better known for Ugly Betty?)
    Quelqu'un M'a dit - Carla Bruni (now Mdme Sarkozy, First Lady of France)
    Goodbye to love - the Carpenters (eating disorders)
    The first cut is the deepest - Cat Stevens (changing religion)
    Not ready to make nice - the Dixie Chicks (American political controversy)
    Still the one - Orleans (John Hall became the U.S Representative for New York's 19th congressional district)

    and for the intro-mix
    Crocodile Shoes - Jimmy Nail (Auf Wiedersehen Pet)


  • Comment number 27.

    Rab Noakes was a senior executive producer with 91热爆 Scotland so this has to be a shoo-in

    Often requested and just as often ignored by Get It On, the title says it all:

    Don't keep passing me by from his album The River Sessions


  • Comment number 28.

    The first TV stars I can remember dabbling in pop music......

    How Can I Be Sure - David Cassidy

    Don't Give Up On Us - David Soul

    ....I would imagine this to be quite a big sub-genre for tonight's theme......


    .....the first musician I can remember losing the rights to his own song.....

    My Sweet Lord - George Harrison

    ...but by way of compensation he was (i think) the first Beatle to get a number one solo album.....it might also be good to hear another of his early singles...

    Give Me Love

    Paul from Ayr

  • Comment number 29.

    John Mayer's been in the gossip mags for his high profile relationships with the likes of Jennifer Aniston (thanks to The Daughter for keeping me up to date with the important matters of the day!)...

    'I'm Going To Find Another You' - John Mayer

  • Comment number 30.


    Harrison didn't lose the rights to his own song; he had to buy them.

  • Comment number 31.

    #27 seconds for Rab Noakes whose music is definitely not second-rate

    #24 I still agree with Glen.

  • Comment number 32.

    Bruce Dickinson - commercial airline pilot, fencer (not sure if it is wooden or pallisade type fences he puts up), full time Mott The Hoople Fan and of course member of Iron Maiden. If Vic were in the seat he would want "bring your daughter" but I think that is not a particularly pleasant song. So how about:

    Bruce Dickinson - All The Young Dudes

    paolo for your bumper sack of trivia he once piloted the plane taking Rangers to a Eueopean tie.

  • Comment number 33.

    Peter Green - whose breakdown cut short his career in Fleetwood Mac, and from which he's never really recovered. So sad that the image now is of a rather pathetic bewildered figure rather than the towering talent he was

    I guess I've got everything I need
    I wouldn't ask for more
    And there's no one I'd rather be
    But I just wish that I'd never been born

    Man of The World - Fleetwood Mac

  • Comment number 34.

    The View - known for their run-ins with the law

    Grace - the View

  • Comment number 35.

    #20 - Henri - That's the kind of silly comment I would expect from DC. Were you drinking last night?


    #32 - Norrie - You ruined that fencer gag. Were you drinking last night?


    I nominate poet, cartoonist, screenwriter, author of children's books, and my favourite songwriter.

    Still Gonna Die - Old Dogs

    Help Me Mama - Dr. Hook & The Medicine Show


  • Comment number 36.

    Roger Daltrey -famous ahem fisherman

    I'm Free - Roger Daltrey

  • Comment number 37.

    #35 ?

  • Comment number 38.

    - Barry Cryer

    Barry took advantage of Sheb Wooley's absence from Finnish record shops with this 1958 No. 1. He has since become better known for other activities.

  • Comment number 39.

    #37 - Norrie - Don't be shy! You know what I'm talking about! LOL!


  • Comment number 40.

    Thousands Are Sailing: The Pogues (Songwriting genius or the man with the most durable liver in the history of makind?)
    Audra Mae: The River (Great singer, songwriter, but is she more well know for being Judy Garlands grandniece?)
    Rat Trap: The Boomtown Rats (Is Bob better known as a political activist these days?)
    How Can I Tell You: Cat Stevens (Singer, songwriter extrordanaire or Islam convert?)

  • Comment number 41.

    #37 the sun is over the yardarm so that could mean that she's at her morning tipple. We should forgive her Norrie. She can't help it

  • Comment number 42.

    Alex James is well-known as an award-winning cheesemaker and for not being able to sing opera or conduct an orchestra very well...

    Blur - 'Tender'

  • Comment number 43.

    Mick Fleetwood - for excellence in awards ceremony presenting
    * Fleetwood Mac - Black Magic Woman

    Syd Barrett - for blazing the trail into drug-addled madness for following generations of musicians
    * Pink Floyd - Jugband Blues (written by Syd about being thrown out of the Floyd for being entirely unreliable)
    * Pink Floyd - Shine On You Crazy Diamond (written by Roger Waters on seeing Syd some years later)
    or if you want something from his brighter days:
    * Pink Floyd - See Emily Play

  • Comment number 44.

    Gaie 鈥 Seconds for DON VAN VLIET, the artist formerly known as CAPTAIN BEEFHEART. That or

    WHEN I SEE A MOMMY I FEEL LIKE A MUMMY which is both a song and a painting.

    CAPTAIN BEEFHEART 鈥 requested by someone for just about every theme yet deemed 鈥渘ot commercial鈥.

  • Comment number 45.

    Lots of musicians are also known for painting and photography...Steve Forbert's been uploading his quirky cell phone photos taken while touring round America to his facebook page for a while now. 50 of the photos have now been shown in his first gallery exhibition.

    Gives me another chance to ask you to play 'Tonight I Feel So Far Away From 91热爆', 'I'm In Love With You' or 'On The Streets Of This Town'.

  • Comment number 46.

    Cheryl Cole - The Flood

    Well known for being a part time boxer.

  • Comment number 47.

    Sonny Bono...one half of Sonny + Cher of course but also famous for his political career and for skiing into a tree...

    'All I Ever Need Is You' - Sonny + Cher.

  • Comment number 48.

    Can we also get some Runrig on for the political career. Not for Mr Munro, but for , MP for Perth & North Perthshire.

    * Runrig - I'll Keep Coming 91热爆 should do it, featuring some strong keyboard work.

  • Comment number 49.

    'Hot to Trot/Ready to Go' ... Roy Rogers

    Thespian and Horse Whisperer first and foremost ...

  • Comment number 50.

    Johnny Kidd - eyepatch and pirate outfit

    Bowie - glam outfit, big shoes

    Bolan - wooly heid

    Lady Ga Ga - telephone on her heid

    Elton - outlandish glasses

    Little Steven - bandana

    Hendrix - setting guitar on fire

    The Who - smashing things up

    Keith Richards - inability to climb trees

    Springsteen - headband

    Jamiroqui - Hats

    Boy George - prison suit

    Mozz - flowers and hearing aid

    King - multi coloured boots

    Peter gabriel - dressing up like a flower

  • Comment number 51.

    I'm having a problem with this theme coz although you can come up with loads of examples of musicians being "famous" for doing other things, part of the criteria is that this other thing "overshadows" the music bit.
    So whereas I can see The Tubes and Geldof working I dont think Elton, Bowie and Jagger, for example, fit the theme.

  • Comment number 52.

    You're quite right, Adam. Another theme not properly thought through which will result in a disappointing programme.

  • Comment number 53.


    Yep, the relationship should be the right way round: the towering keyboard and vocal contribution Linda made to Wings should not be seen as better than her veggie sausages and photography.

    But the Captain is right - Ringo, on the other hand, is arguably one of the great narrators of our time and has endeared himself to zillions of children the world over. So it would be be goode to hear one of his classic and inexplicably ignored tracks from the album Ringo!

    Six O'Clock - Ringo Starr

    This is a wonderful track, particularly for the ending in which Macca who wrote and played on it, can be heard really enjoying the session and they all sound dead happy. Let's Get It Onnnnn...

    regardez youse


  • Comment number 54.

    In fairness the theme is really remembered not just for the music. I think of Keith Moon and Pete Townsend and I think of them smashing up the place....but you could never say that overshadowed the music.....for example.

  • Comment number 55.

    I'm proud and a little tearful to nominate Ireland's greatest Eurovision entrants:

    * Father Ted Crilly and Father Dougal McGuire -

    whose short musical career ended in disgrace, and have since been better known as .

  • Comment number 56.

    and I'd like to hear Ringo cause Aladdin MacLean says youse will not play the hilarious P J Proby's 'Somewhere'.

    regardez youse


    #35 I'm positively cheered up by the odea that I could be thought of as being as silly as DC. But it's a fair point, I don't listen to Iain Anderson much, except as research, but I don't hear much Blues on there...

  • Comment number 57.

    #56 No I didnt, I just said I wondered how he would describe these incidents

  • Comment number 58.

    In the Doric...

  • Comment number 59.


    Pete has subsequently been tireless in his pursuit of cyber skulduggery.


    PJ Proby is a gifted singer and impressed the Beatles as I recall.

  • Comment number 60.

    I trip up...

  • Comment number 61.

    You burst one lousy seam.......

  • Comment number 62.

    Eccentric singer, guitarist, producer, painter, author, poet, photographer, filmmaker and weird dresser, STEVEN JOHN HAMPER is better known as BILLY CHILDISH.

    Tracy Emin may have something to do with the weird dressing, but he is truly prolific in each of the above disciplines.


    Not on the list? Ok, ADAM ANT again then (yawn)

  • Comment number 63.

    I hear his brother Big Nick gets taken on trips a lot.

  • Comment number 64.

    Edwyn Collins - 'Losing Sleep'

    Edwyn is more famous recently for his recovery from serious illness. I saw him at 脪ran M贸r last November and he was still in fine voice. Most excellent 鈽

  • Comment number 65.

    #64 Also a talented artist and record producer...

  • Comment number 66.

    Captain Beefheart would be good. Proving popular tonight 鈽

  • Comment number 67.

    Many listeners would like to hear him sing Over The Hills and Far Away

  • Comment number 68.

    We back on the Bingo?

  • Comment number 69.

    Bingo wasn't even the best drummer in The Beatles

  • Comment number 70.

    #56 now now Henri, don't you go siding with Aggie. She'll be inviting you round for a sherry next

  • Comment number 71.

    #70 By the time HH makes it round the bottles will be empty.

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