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Opening acts...

Bryan Burnett | 19:58 UK time, Friday, 28 January 2011

On Monday we are kicking off a two part theme. It starts with 'the best opening album track ever' so I am sure you can work out what the second part of theme is going to be. Thanks to Emma in the Borders who suggested the theme of great openers. I'd like Monday's show to be a celebration of those wonderful moments when you put the needle on the record and were just blown away. Was it Metal Guru kicking off Slider or Smells LikeTeen Spirit blasting out of the speakers when you played Nevermind for the first time? Get in touch and let me know for Monday's show...


  • Comment number 1.


    'Captain Fantastic and The Brown Dirt Cowboy' - Elton John


    'Curtains' - Elton John


    'Better Off Dead' - Elton John


    'Philadelphia Freedom' - Daryl Hall & John Oates


    'Someone Saved My Life Tonight' - Elton John


  • Comment number 2.

    Amassakoul 'N' Tenere from the Amassakoul album by Tinariwen

  • Comment number 3.

    Oh this has the potential to be a good theme

  • Comment number 4.

    Rol'ing Stones - 'Gimme Shelter' from 'Let it Bleed'

  • Comment number 5.


    Is Norrie going through his entire collection? He'll miss the deadline.


  • Comment number 6.


    'Innocence' - Kirsty MacColl ~ Kite

    'It's Rare T'Be Alehv' - Saint Andrew ~ The Word on the Pavey

  • Comment number 7.

    #5 he's the only guy I know with a 26 room house. He might be in the B room by now

  • Comment number 8.

    Pitch #1 for a brilliant theme (many more to follow....)

    Blowin' in the wind - Bob Dylan on Freewheeling


  • Comment number 9.

    Outlaw Pete Bruce Springsteen's Working on a dream

  • Comment number 10.

    Second Hand News Fleetwood Mac's Rumours

  • Comment number 11.

    Somewhere only we know Keane's Hopes & Fears

    Pausing for now, more to come...


  • Comment number 12.

    #1 great suggestion Scotch.

    Great theme Emma

    most of the stuff that's come to mind so far has been played on the prog. apart from Capt Fantastic, so plenty to think about.

    I'll be back....

  • Comment number 13.


    A couple from last year -

    The Suburbs - Arcade Fire - from The Suburbs - great upbeat tune that had me hooked from the minute I heard it - and none of that screechy frenzy of Funeral, the first album, such a disappointment to someone like me working backwards

    Knut - The Unwinding Hours, album of the same name - just gorgeous

    if all you've heard from Noah and the Whale is a catchy wee pop tune - 5 Years' Time - then prepare to be blown away (well I was) by

    The First Days of Spring - Noah and the Whale - from The first Days of Spring

    Closer - Kings of Leon - from Only by the Night - plenty of well-known songs on this, but Closer is by far the one I like best

    going back a bit

    Refugee - Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers from their finest hour, Damn the Torpedoes - straight between the eyes, kerpow!

    and even further back

    One of These Days - Ten Years After - from A Space in Time

  • Comment number 14.

    Well, at the risk of stating the blisteringly obvious.....utterly unforgettable

    Ann Peebles I Can't Stand the Rain

    Average White Band You Got It

    The Beatles Please Please Me: It Won't Be Long:
    The Beatles A Hard Days Night,Help,Back In The USSR:
    The Beatles Come Together:

    Bob Marley Trenchtown Rock (Live)

    Caro Emerald That Man

    Cream Strange Brew

    David Bowie Changes

    Dusty Springfield Just A Little Lovin

    Elton John Tiny Dancer

    Eric Clapton Motherless Children

    Free Fire & Water

    James Carr Pouring Water On A Drowning Man

    Jem They

    John Lennon Imagine

    Joni Mitchell Night Ride 91Èȱ¬

    Led Zepplin Good Times Bad Times/Whole lotta Love/
    Led Zepplin Immigrant Song

    Leftfield Release the Pressure

    Lou Reed Vicious

    Love Alone Again Or

    Love & Money Halleluiah Man/Winter

    Paul Simon The Boy In The Bubble

    Steely Dan Do It Again

    All of these are self evident, except perhaps James Carr and Caro Emerald, but I've listed them because of the impression they made on me when I first heard them.I've listed the Beatles because they are fantastic opening numbers but personally would discount the ones that were also singles - it would be good to hear It Won't Be Long from 'With The Beatles'- because it's less obvious.

    I was in the habit of buying albums by favourite artists whether I'd heard them or not (still am). I've listed Imagine, for example, because I bought the album in 'Listen' on the day it was released and had not heard it prior - it made a huge impact on me. I played it endlessly but only ever hear it now by chance and much prefer some of the other tracks on the album, like 'Gimme Some Truth'.The world may have heard it once too often, I suppose,it's a poor recording by modern standards but it remains a great opening track - hence its listing. It's pretty much the same for all the others.

    It would be nice to hear James Carr or Caro Emerald - but I think the others, however obvious, are great opening numbers and deserve to be included.

    regardez youse


  • Comment number 15.


    I don't understand why the artist and the track have run together. It wasn't like that or preview.

  • Comment number 16.

    Oh .. I almost forgot

    Burlesque - Family...

    regardez youse


  • Comment number 17.

    Confidence Man from the 'See The Light' album by The Jeff Healey Band

  • Comment number 18.

    Oh.. and.. Short People - Randy Newman from 'Little Criminals'

    I've forgoten to list the album names above, but you know what they are... if I find a minute I'll do it again listing them.

    regardez youse


  • Comment number 19.

    Wilco - 'Can't Stand It' (Summerteeth)...one of the very best albums I have ever bought on the strength of having heard only one song from it (that one)! I dont think Bryan likes Wilco...he almost never plays them, although there have been a fair few requests ;o)

    Bettye Lavette - 'I Still Want To Be Your Baby' (Scene of the Crime')...I often think she out-Tina's Tina Turner!

    Dave Edmunds - 'Get Out of Denver' (Get It). Would make a change from playing his singles, and this is a great version...hope I don't incur the wrath of the Bob Seger campaigners).

  • Comment number 20.

    I can't resist coming up with a list myself for this theme which I'll get round to. However at the risk of stating the overplayed obvious there ain't much better opening tracks than bat out of hell. Not requesting it though cos the radio edit misses out all the good bits and there's not a snowballs chance of the full track being played.

  • Comment number 21.

    A cheap holiday in other peoples misery!

  • Comment number 22.

    #4 yes!

    #17 yes!!

  • Comment number 23.

    #13 forget Noah, there's an f-word

  • Comment number 24.

    Take a bow - Muse's Black Holes & Revelations

  • Comment number 25.

    You're all I have - Snow Patrol's Eyes Open

  • Comment number 26.

    Ach scrub the previous, I would like to hear

    Shine on you crazy diamond - Pink Floyd's Wish you were here


  • Comment number 27.


    Dont think so Henri.
    I think you`ll find that song on the 91Èȱ¬ Not PC List.
    It has already been banned in Canada. Mr Newman offered to do a radio edit called Height Challenged People but there`s apparently a problem with his name now as well.

  • Comment number 28.

    I've had Short People played before on GIO. Think it was the little theme. But then I've also had a track played with an F word which i'd forgotten was in the song. I cringed when it came on but fortunately nobody noticed.

  • Comment number 29.

    I heard he's changing it to Yul Lovett

    Johnny Strikes Up The Band - Warren Zevon - From the magnificent but criminally neglected Excitable Boy

    Since it won't be played, enjoy it

  • Comment number 30.


    I've requested Wilco a few times too,with no success and I've heard the vox-pop texters ask as well - mostly for Impossible Germany, which is tremendous.

    I'd be surprised if Bryan doesn't like Wilco, the music has a strong dose of class A country rock in its DNA - so I guess it doesn't make the play list for the same reason many others don't: it must be presumed to be too unknown, too un-drivetime,too radio unfriendly or whatever.

    None of these presumptions have a basis in reality - I went to see a jam packed and ecstatically received Wilco gig in the Barrowland last autumn. If anything the reverse is true: the truly joyous moments on GIO are when you hear something you've never heard or something long forgotten.

    This happened to me last week when 'Island In The Sun - Weezer' was played.I'd forgotten about it - fabulous record.

    A careful listen to the texts, reading of f***book and the blog suggests the audience is much more discerning that the GIO team would be prepared to take a chance on at teatime, but to suggest they should feels like heresy, somehow,and I feel I'll be in the bad books.

    Last night I went to 'An Evening of Celtronica' in the Old Fruitmarket hosted by a very smart looking young man called Vic Galloway. I went along to see Hidden Orchestra, who were fantastic. But Craig Armstrong unveiled a classical piece, there was an asian-fusion band on, a gaelic electonica dance band, and some other fairly diverse bands - but I didn't see folks getting up and leaving despite a quite varied genre - in fact, most of the audience were still there well after 1:00 am.

    He scrubs up well, Uncle Vic.

    regardez vous


  • Comment number 31.


    gotta be

  • Comment number 32.

    #30. According to Brand New Country stats...Wilco were played 3 times...that's 2 times more than either Tilda Swinton or The Kinks!!!

  • Comment number 33.

    Where to start....a quick run through some of my favourite albums gives me the follwoing outstanding lead tracks

    Cry Me A River by Julie London (Julie Is Her Name)
    Stuck On You - Elvis (Elvis Is Back)
    Return of The Grievous Angel - Gram Parsons (Grievous Angel)
    Baba O' Reilly - The Who (Who's Next)
    Holidays In The Sun - Pistols (Never mind the...)
    Toonights The Night - Neil Young (tonights the night)
    Changes - Bowie (Hunky Dory)

    The eleven year says Come Together by The Beatles and it is hard to argue with that one.

    But I am going to revery to type. Springsteen more than most I think makes sure his albums kick off with a strong track and end on message. I'd plump for:

    Bruce Springsteen - Badlands

  • Comment number 34.

    Oooops, the greatest opening track is of course

    Like A Rolling Stone - Bob Dylan

    no its

    Tangled Up In Blue - Bob Dylan


    Late For The Sky - Jackson Browne

  • Comment number 35.

    Are you sure it's not Making Your Mind Up by Bucks Fizz?

  • Comment number 36.

    Ok here we go

    Dance Me to the End of Love / Leonard Cohen from Live in London
    One of the finest live albums of all time

    Rose of Cimarron / Poco from Rose of Cimarron
    One of the great driving songs

    My Declaration / Tom Baxter from Feather and Stone
    Stunning track

    Morning / Al Jarreau from the album Jarreau.
    I bought this in San Marino in 1983 on an adriatic holiday. Great great album and a more joyous opening track would be hard to find

    What's going on / Marvin Gaye from what's going on
    Stunning, breathtaking even after all these years.

    Eagle / Abba from Abba the album.
    This song was their finest moment.

    School / Supertramp from Crime of the Century
    Brilliantly crafted song from the opening sax. Their best album.

    Wake up Everybody / Harold Melvin & Bluenotes from Wake up Everybody
    A message to the world. Might be a bit long at over 7 mins which is a pity.

    Rock and Roll Never Forgets / Bob Seger from Night Moves
    you won't have this

    American Idiot/ Green Day
    Another great album and what an opener. Make sure you've got the radio edit.

    Already Gone / Eagles from On The border
    Not enough eagles on GIO

    Nothings Happening By the Sea/ Chris Rea from Water Sign
    Atmospheric start to one of his finest albums

    Company / Dean Friedman from his self titled debut album
    Great songwriter who had so much more to him than the scmaltzy Lucky Stars (which inspired the Half Man Half Biscuit song.) Company is a ballad which launches straight into the joyour Ariel.

    Funeral for a Friend / Elton John from GYBR
    Great opening track especially when it launches into Love Lies Bleeding

    Hard Times / James taylor from dad Loves his Work
    Another great opening track which sets the album up for Her Town Too the albums best track best track.

    AD 28 - Rockin the Paradise / Styx from Paradise Theatre
    The opening gambit which is a prelude to the Best of Times launches into Rockin the Paradise in this excellent concept album

    Motortown / Kane Gang from Motortown
    Such an underrated band and this was one of their finest

  • Comment number 37.

    Who else whilst thinking about this theme has thought 'Dammit what an opening track that would've been'

    And a teme idea...Album tracks which have had a reprise on the same album

  • Comment number 38.

    And a theme idea...Album tracks which have had a reprise on the same album.

    It works better with all the aitches in place

  • Comment number 39.

    White Room - Cream - Wheels of Fire

    Jenny was a Friend of Mine - The Killers - Hot Fuss

    Book of Golden Stories - Runrig - The Stamping Ground - a 'golden' opportunity for us to hear the current Runrig line-up

    Charlie Darwin - the Low Anthem - Oh My God, Charlie Darwin

    Dead Against Smoking - Admiral Fallow - Boots Met My Face

    American Saturday Night - Brad Paisley - American Saturday Night

    Roscoe - Midlake - the Trials of Van Occupanther

    Don't Waste My Time - John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers - Empty Rooms

    enough! enough!!

  • Comment number 40.

    #35 Glen I'm fairly sure Piece of The Action was the first track on the album? Good call though

  • Comment number 41.


    Depends which side of the record you play first Norrie.

    Show opener

    Cant Get Enough - Bad Company (Bad Company)

  • Comment number 42.

    #41 oh yes!

  • Comment number 43.

    All The Way From Memphis - Mott The Hoople - Mott - Piano chords gaining momentum like a train starting up
    Brown Sugar - Rolling Stones - Sticky Fingers - Two chords that still get your attention
    Route 66 - Rolling Stones - Eponymous - A defining opener to their first album

  • Comment number 44.

    and there's more...

    'Going Up' - Echo And The Bunnymen (Crocodiles)...how can I have forgotten about this for past intros themes? Fantastic opening track to a debut album.

    'Rain On The Scarecrow' - John Cougar Mellencamp (Scarecrow)...and no arguing about his name!

    'Temporary Beauty' - Graham Parker (Another Grey Area)

  • Comment number 45.

    #41...No Rainbow Adam?

  • Comment number 46.

    (We Don't Need This) Fascist Groove Thang from Penthouse and Pavement by Heaven 17

    Very appropriate at the moment with the events in Egypt.

  • Comment number 47.

    From Michael Bolton's album Everyday Of My Life the second and final album recorded under his given name.

    Rocky Mountain Way - Michael Bolotin


  • Comment number 48.


    Are Heaven 17 playing there? Surely it would be cancelled.

  • Comment number 49.


    I think the gig would be well protected by all that american made weaponry on the streets.

  • Comment number 50.

    Good theme - I had also looked out-

    #10 Fleetwood Mac: Rumours: Second hand news
    #14 Eric Clapton: 461 Ocean Boulevard: Motherless Children

    and no contest
    #34 Bob Dylan: Highway 61 Revisited:Like a Rolling Stone

    A few more of my favourites -

    John Prine: Fair and Square: Glory of True Love

    Nitty Gritty Dirt Band: Will the Circle be Unbroken: Grand Ole Opry Song

    Tom Petty: Highway Companion: Saving Grace

    Jennifer Warnes : Famous Blue Raincoat: First we Take Manhattan

    Thanks for the chance to browse through the albums and so spending half of today enjoying all these opening tracks again!

  • Comment number 51.

    would commend the following to the GIO house ...

    '1969' The Stooges (from the album 'The Stooges)

    like an early morning wake up call ... what the 'eck was that!

  • Comment number 52.

    From 'Deep Purple in Rock' (the first album I purchased) ... 'Speed King' ... awsome, and well worth the extra time involved!

  • Comment number 53.

    Jeezo a list... B.T.W. thanks #31. ;-)

    How D'You Ride ~ Slade (Slayed?)
    School's Out ~ Alice Cooper (School's Out)
    All The Way From Memphis ~ Mott t. Hoople (Mott)
    Concrete Jungle ~ Bob Marley & t. Wailers (Catch A Fire)
    Do The Strand ~ Roxy Music (For Your Pleasure)
    This Town Ain't Big Enough... ~ Sparks (Kimono My House)
    Blitzkrieg Bop ~ T. Ramones (Ramones)
    Sometimes ~ T. Stranglers (Rattus Norvegicus)
    Wake Up And Make Love With Me ~ Ian Dury (New Boots and Panties!)
    Accidents Will Happen ~ Elvis Costello & t. Attractions (Armed Forces)
    Love Song ~ T. Damned (Machine Gun Etiquette)
    Kill The Poor ~ Dead Kennedys(Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables)
    Pretty Green ~ T. Jam (Sound Affects)
    Spellbound ~ Siouxsie and the Banshees (Juju)
    Someone, Somewhere In Summertime ~ Simple Minds (New Gold Dream (81/82/83/84))
    Smooth Operator ~ Sade (Diamond Life)
    Never Let Me Down Again ~ Depeche Mode (Music For The Masses)
    & oh aye, #21!

  • Comment number 54.

    Blast, forgot this peach!

    Block Rockin' Beats ~ The Chemical Brothers (Dig Your Own Hole)

  • Comment number 55.

    Does anyone listen to albums any more? The reason for the high standard of all these tracks was to make an impression on prospective buyers in record shops. Will there be any record shops in a few years?

  • Comment number 56.

    Happy to second Poco (#36). The Emmylou harris version of Rose of Cimarron also works for this theme.

    Here I am - Emmylou Harris (Stumble into Grace)
    What Can I Say - Boz Scaggs (Silk Degrees)
    Need you now - Lady Antebellum (Need you now)
    Speed of the sound of loneliness - Nanci Griffith (Winter Marquee)
    You're no good - Linda Ronstadt (Heart like a wheel)

  • Comment number 57.

    #55 Yes

  • Comment number 58.

    Oops.......pressed the wrong button earlier!

    #56 continued

    Thunder Road - Springsteen (Born to run)
    Rikki don't lose that number - Steely Dan (Pretzel Logic)
    New York, New York - Ryan Adams (Gold)
    You're all I have - Snow Patrol (Eyes Open)
    Jailbreak - Thin Lizzy
    Touch me in the morning - Diana Ross
    Trouble - Ray LaMontagne


  • Comment number 59.

    Almost forgot

    Meet Me On The Corner - Lindisfarne

    it just turned up on shuffle - big 2nd for Madmac and 'Do The Strand' - don't know how I missed that one

    #55 - yes, I don't listen in the correct order the way I used to, but I still buy albums - I've probably bought more albums (CD) in the last year or so than I did in the previous ten. That Amazon 1 click thing is quite addictive, I find - though I still buy lots in Fopp.

    regardez youse


  • Comment number 60.

    'Help Me' ... Johnny Cash (American V: A Hundred Highways)

    The incredible opening salvo of perhaps the most emotional roller-coaster of an album you're ever likely to hear....

  • Comment number 61.

    'Mad' ... Todd Rundgren (from 'Arena')

    Had the pleasure of seeing him play the entire album at Norwich's cosy 'Waterfront' venue ... an experience + 1/2

  • Comment number 62.

    'Aria Casta Diva - Bellini's Norma' ... Angela Giorghiu (from the album 'Casta Diva')

    Say what you like, but (imho) this is quite simply sublime. Thankfully introduced me to an eclectic side of me that was previously masked ...

    Expect the unexpected? ... nae chance!

  • Comment number 63.

    'Pilentze Pee' ... The Bulgarian State Radio and Television Female Choir

    (from the album 'Les Mystere Des Voix Bulgares')

    ... a quite unforgettable intro from a goup who only rarely grace us with their haunting live performances.

  • Comment number 64.

    definite 2nds for the openers on Blood on the Tracks and Armed Forces, both serious contenders for all time bests, i'm also going with a few that I haven't heard on the show:-

    Moving - Kate Bush (The Kick Inside)

    Goin' Back - Neil Young (Comes a Time)

    On France They Kiss on Main Street - Joni Mitchell (Hissing of Summer Lawns)

    Paul from Ayr

  • Comment number 65.

    Talking Heads - 'I Zimbra' from 'Fear of Music'

  • Comment number 66.

    The Milkman Of Human Kindness: Billy Bragg (Life's A Riot with Spy Vs Spy)
    Mama: Genesis (Genesis)
    Pretty Green: The Jam (Sound Effects)
    Rain On The Scarecrow: John Cougar Mellencamp (Scarecrow)
    Pink Moon: Nick Drake (Pink Moon)

  • Comment number 67.

    #64 - Paul - Glen will back you up on Moving

    He likes songs from Wales.


  • Comment number 68.

    For tonight

    Clash -- Safe European 91Èȱ¬. (Give 'Em Enough Rope)

  • Comment number 69.

    Whilst listening to Fàilt' air an Dùthaich on Radio nan Gàidheal 104.7FM this very afternoon, I was surprised and delighted to hear 'Sold American' by Kinky Friedman.


    If y'all would like to hear the show, you can do so using the "Listen Again" facility.

    Alternatively, you can wait until Bryan gets round to playing it.


  • Comment number 70.


    The song, that is. Not the entire show.

    That would be silly.......

  • Comment number 71.

    Hey, Mr Git! You learning gaelic too now?

  • Comment number 72.


    Nay, lass! It's where you hear the best music between 4 and 5 on a Monday afternoon!


  • Comment number 73.

    The current Radio 1 TV advert iro their evening programming looks like a direct uplift of Roger Dean's ideas!

  • Comment number 74.

    #72 I'll give it a go. If there's music it won't matter that the only words I can make out are agus and seadh. I thought maybe watching Padraig Post often enough it'd suddenly all become clear. Not so far.

  • Comment number 75.

    I second Scotch Git's suggestion of "Innocence" by Kirsty MacColl -- her 'Kite' is my favorite album of all time, and "Innocence" is one of her smartest, best-written "should've been a hit" singles.


    Billy Bragg - "She's Got A New Spell" (off 'Workers Playtime')
    Maybe the catchiest song he's ever written. Brilliant opening to a brilliant album.

    The B-52's - "Cosmic Thing" (off 'Cosmic Thing')
    The opening track off their best album ... a rarely heard song, but one of their greatest. You know it's going to be a great record when it starts with the couplet, "Gyrate till you've had your fill / Just like a pneumatic drill!"

    Rich in North Carolina

  • Comment number 76.

    Norrie will tell you that a pneumatic drill does not gyrate but oscillates.

  • Comment number 77.

    Norrie should submit his complaint in writing, in triplicate, to the B-52's, Athens, Georgia, USA.

  • Comment number 78.

    #63,Kene,Le Mystere des Voix Bulgares beautiful stuff.First championed by George Harrison if I remember although I first heard them on an album of music from Carl Sagan's "Cosmos" tv series in the 80s and saw them in Edinburgh about 10 years ago and of course Kate Bush used some of the singers on "The Red Shoes" album.Cheers,Willie Bartke

  • Comment number 79.

    #53 Great list Madmac ☺

  • Comment number 80.

    #77 I can't. I have vibration white finger.

  • Comment number 81.

    A couple of choices for tonight.
    Just a Little Loving Dusty Springfield(Dusty in Memphis)
    Gloria Patti Smith (Horses)
    Sunday Morning Velvet Underground (Velvet Underground and Nico)
    Break on Through Doors (The Doors)
    All I really Want Joni Mitchell(Blue)..there is a great scene in hit movie "THE KIDS ARE ALLRIGHT "where Annette Benning sings the whole song at a dinner table.Great fun movie,Cheers Willie Bartke

  • Comment number 82.


    Don't give it to me.

  • Comment number 83.

    Just remembered

    Rush - 'The Spirit of Radio' from 'Permanent Waves'

  • Comment number 84.

    This great opener just blew me away: ~


  • Comment number 85.

    Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band - 'Sure 'Nuff 'n' Yes, I Do' from 'Safe As Milk'

  • Comment number 86.


    Black Keys "Everlasting Light" from the Album brothers


    White Stripes "Your pretty good looking" from De stijl

    And you will make my night with all the uni work I have =)

  • Comment number 87.

    #80, #82

    Reminds me of my honeymoon.......

  • Comment number 88.


    Cheers Willie B ... your my first ally in the crusade to get these gals played. Anyone else on board?

    Expect the unexpected always ...

  • Comment number 89.

    The New Moon on Thursday morning heralds the Year of the

    (I'm not making this up).

    Another last minute theme change, perhaps?


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