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Wide open spaces...

Bryan Burnett | 19:57 UK time, Wednesday, 15 September 2010

I loved tonight's 'hometown anthems' theme. It was a mixture of misty eyed tributes to beloved home towns and some then some very funny not so fond recollections in song. One Horse Town by The Thrills sticks in my mind. Best of all though were the folk who altered the lyrics of hit songs to include their home town. My favourites were:

I Left My Heart In Lesmahagow
Take The Last Bus to Clarkston
Is This The Way to East Balgillo?
24 hours from Thurso

And Doris Day's classic....

The Black Hills Of Duntocher

We are on air as normal on Thursday night but with extra travel news for anyone who might get stuck with the expected chaos around the Pope's visit. Thursday's theme ties in with the Pope appearing in Bellahouston Park.

I'll be asking for your memories of your favourite open air gigs. Was it something at T In The Park? Were you lucky enough to go to one of the big festivals in the seventies? Or did you see an up and coming Glasgow band in Kelvingrove Park?


  • Comment number 1.


    'Man of Constant Sorrow' - Rod Stewart ~ Ibrox Stadium 1983? Paolo will know.

  • Comment number 2.

    I'll take your word for it.

    Norrie has been pretty quiet lately. Hopefully this theme will wake him up.

    I hate stadium gigs and have only ever been to three, The stones at hampden 1990, Springsteen last year and eh one I can't quite remember.

    Sympathy for the Devil / Stones
    Twist and Shout / springsteen (if you eh don't have it I know a man that does)

  • Comment number 3.

    Seen a few gigs at the Maracana including the record breaking Paul McCartney one in 1990.
    Another record breaking gig was Rod Stewart on Copacabana Beach on Hogmanay in 94. I was one of the 4 million.
    Rolling Stones also gave a free concert on that beach in 2006 and the show is one of the discs on The Biggest Bang

    Paul McCartney – Live and Let Die (Live version – I presume all the tracks will be live tonight)
    Rod Stewart – Every Picture Tells A Story (from Unplugged and Sitted )
    Rolling Stones – You Cant Always Get What You Want (from Biggest Bang)

    #1 - Busman's holiday SG? You'll be needing to do a Hatton soon I'm thinking.

  • Comment number 4.

    Paolo I'm sorely tempted to do a list! See if I can bore the entire blogetariat!! As you know a couple of the Springsteen gigs were important for personal reasons so maybe a wee story for that.

    But I agree / stadium gigs less than ideal!

  • Comment number 5.

    #3 I doubt it Adam. But it would be good!!

    Great suggestions I'd like to make it there for a gig sometime.

  • Comment number 6.


  • Comment number 7.

    The first ever was the best... better than all the Glasto trips including 2003 & Primal Screams set!

    Place - Cameron Wildlife Park
    Dates - 26/27 May '79
    Name - Loch Lomond Rock Festival

    Tank - T. Stranglers
    A day in Europa - T. Skids
    She does it right - Dr Feelgood
    Gigantor - T. Dickies
    Stranglehold - UK Subs
    Now That We Found Love - Third World
    Crawling from the Wreckage - Rockpile
    Harmony in my head - Buzzcocks
    also the bill Sneaky Pete, A W B, Fairport Convention.

    The Boomtown Rats were also on the bill BUT hey they were always crap!

  • Comment number 8.

    As for Kelvingrove... it has to be the Shakin' Pyramids, May '81.

    Teenage Boogie
    Tennesee Rock 'n' Roll
    All Right All Night
    Sixteen Chicks
    Shadow My Baby
    Pretty Bad Blues
    Wild Little Willie
    Wash Machine Boogie

    Seem to recall it was Radio Clyde's Kelvingrove Free Music Festival!

  • Comment number 9.

    Ah well as I have the airwarves all to myself might as well fill up the available space!

    David Bowie - Murrayfield (after camping all night outside the Apollo to buy tickets), Milton Keynes - Mordern Love (live b side)

    Springsteen - what can I say at least 9 outdoor gigs. Recorded as part of the audience on one, more of him later.

    AC/DC - Hampden, superb gig. Live version of Thunderstruck would be nice.

    Stones - Hampden - see Paolo and Adam

    Van Morrison - Edinburgh Castle, Glasgow Green

    Del Amitri - France and Glasgow Green

    Vince Gill - Glasgow Green ( one of my pals announced Vince pish,not real Country, and escaped under a tent flap). I think he had a point. A bit smooth.

    REM - Murrayfield, blown away by The Cranberries who were by far the better live act.

    Robbie Williams - Murrayfield and Hampden, Murrayfield. An immense entertainer when not being a gonk.

    Elton & Billy Joel - I did my tax return in my head during the gig, and 15 years later he is still chasing me for the 8p I miscalculated by.

    Take That - co-erced, enjoyed it. Fat one can sing but not dance, thin ones can dance but not sing....

    I will remember more but who cares and I have missed out various gigs around the city involving acts coming on for one or two tunes.

    I DID NOT see LC at Edinburgh Castle. I had a ticket, those responsible for me not being able to attend know who they are. All LC forums are furious that they released O2 rather than this gig. DC can fill in the gap, fortunately I saw him at the Glasgow Armadillo, it was an experience I doubt I will have the pleasure of repeating.

    So to Springsteen. I have seen him more times than I can count, outdoors and indoors. He never fails to put on a show and to try and break down that inevitable sterility, especially before the lights go out. He was never better than at Cardiff, June 14 2008, on the Magic Tour, one of the best gigs I have ever seen and like LC fables amongst the Boss Forums. I was touched that his "people" bent over backwards to let me get in for the soundcheck with my late nephew as he was blind, and told us to come back for designated access down the front later. He opened with From Small Things, performed live for only the second time ever as he had donated that track to Welshman Dave Edmunds, the place went wild and the pace did not drop.


    The Promised Land.

    Mister, I ain't a boy, no, I'm a man,
    And I believe in a promised land
    I believe in a promised land...

  • Comment number 10.

    Madmac a superb list of acts and songs. I disagree about the Rats though. Fine Art Of Surfacing is a fine album, so is A Tonic in parts.

  • Comment number 11.

    Had the misfortune of meeting Geldof once ... which was more than enough!

    Guess we're entitled to our differing opinions?

  • Comment number 12.

    Of course!

  • Comment number 13.

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  • Comment number 14.

    Wet Wet Wet at Edinburgh Castle...managed to get hold of a couple of security passes as I worked there at the time. Great fun despite the screaming. 'Lip Service'

    Del Amitri at Edinburgh Castle...not great gig but Justin fair suits the kilt, tshirt and docs look...'Just like A Man'

    Rod Stewart at Celtic Park...he lost his voice but still great gig...got to be 'You're in my heart' everyone singing for him, kicking footballs into crowd etc.

    Joe Cocker supporting Rod - 'Unchain My Heart' just superb

    Status Quo' again supporting Rod. Seen them a few times. Brilliant! 'Caroline'

    I too was at the REM gig at Murrayfield and much preferred The Cranberries

    Springsteen Born In The USA tour - St James's Park. 'Ramrod'

    Coldplay, Jay-Z + White Lies at Hampden. Just fantastic gig. Coldplay feat Jay-Z - 'Lost'.

    P.S. Don't really want it played but the Band of The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards once played 'Amazing Grace' beneath my office window at The Castle!!!

  • Comment number 15.

    I've only been to one outdoor gig so it has to be Robbie Williams at Hampden. I went along dutifully among a group of couples expecting to be completely underwhelmed. Maybe that's the best state of mind to go with as the whole event turned out to a revelation. Robbie can definitely hold a tune live, which is more than can be said for many so called top performers. The way the sound system allowed hime to fill the stadium was very impressive.
    Stand out song on the night - "Feel"
    Well he doesn't really sing "Angels", the crowd does that bit!

    Paul from Ayr

  • Comment number 16.

    Rolling Stones - Route 66 - 4/6/99 Murrayfield with Sheryl Crow.
    Richard Thompson - Persuasion - 14/7/05 Humphreys By the Bay, San Diego with Ladysmith Black Mambazo.
    Bonnie Raitt - Dimming Of The Day - 12/9/09 Santa Barbara Bowl with Taj Mahal.

  • Comment number 17.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 18.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 19.

    Queen: Nebworth Park, Stevenage, 1986

    (Made even more memorable, post-event for two reasons). Firstly it turned out to be the last time the band performed live before Freddie Mercury's death, and secondly, as I discovered years later that my wife-to-be was also at the gig but we didn't meet for another 4 years.

    'Spread Your Wings' please, a great track and rarely heard.

  • Comment number 20.

    Glasgow's Big Day - what a fantastic day that was. Didn't hear a fraction of the bands as two very small kids in tow, but just for the atmosphere it was worth every minute. One massive - and as far as we saw, good-natured, party for what - 125,000 or something like that. It was just brilliant to wander around in the sunshine enjoying the music and the sense of carnival. First time I'd even heard of the Kevin McDermott Orchestra and they were brilliant

    Wheels of Wonder - Kevin McDermott Orchestra

    then a few years later, news that Donnie Munro was leaving Runrig - my daughter had been a fan since she was old enough to shove a tape in the player and we were both gutted that maybe Runrig would be no more. Gutted also that we hadn't been to the absolutely legendary Loch Lomond gig. Hard to imagine now, but in 1997 there was no click of a mouse and your tickets in the post. Getting Runrig tickets involved starting to phone on the dot and keeping going till an hour and a half later or so you got through if very lucky. Even worse, no mobile phones and we were not going to be near a phone on the Saturday morning tickets went on sale. I wrote explaining and to my utter amazement we got our precious tickets for the last night. Hazel was just 11 and we had just the most fabulous time, if a wee bit tearful -

    this time, please, please - and you'll see the difference from the original much older version that's been played on GIO -
    from Once in a Lifetime (live)

    Going 91Èȱ¬ - Runrig

    or for the sake of seeing Malcolm Jones recovered and playing better than ever at Scone Palace last year.

    The Ocean Road - Runrig

  • Comment number 21.

    Have we had this theme before? I remember requesting this one before but it didn't get played.

    River Deep, Mountain High - Tina Turner ~ Hampden 7th July 2000

    We were so near the stage we could see ourselves on the big screen! Waving at yourself is strange.


  • Comment number 22.

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  • Comment number 23.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 24.

    There's a Rock In Rio festival next year. They havent announced the acts yet.

  • Comment number 25.

    What's tomorrow's theme again?

  • Comment number 26.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 27.

    Right enough. Got my days mixed up there. Thanks Bill.

  • Comment number 28.

    First outdoor gig was Loch Lomond festival at the Bear Park in 78 or 79 can't remember... Went to see the Jam but highlight was Stiff Little Fingers.... Was put off outdoor gigs by the rain, the toilets and the fighting!!
    Never attended another but played Craigton Park St Andrews in 89 think it was a charity thing the highlight of which was being asked by Janice Long if I wanted a bottle of beer!! I declined.

    SLF -- Suspect Device

  • Comment number 29.

    Highlight must have been a ride on the Puffin' Billy, surely?

  • Comment number 30.

    My daughter jumped off before it had stopped and luckily avoided injury. I still shudder to think about it.

  • Comment number 31.

    I missed the Runrig Balloch gig as I was driving to Scarborough with the weans on holiday. I was annoyed cos i'd seen them before they were famous and then missed their finest hour.

    I missed my boys band at T in the Park this year as I was coming back from holiday. I was annoyed cos I'd seen them before they were famous and then missed their finest hour (to date).

  • Comment number 32.

    So, I say to people, 'I'm went to see McCartney at Hampden' and they immediately become dismissive, as though by dint of living, writing and performing, he is devalued, somehow.

    'Was it any good?' they ask.

    let's see - a band of the world's most talented musicians, an incredible drummer, a great bass player.The front man is one of the most influential songwriters in history.A great singer. The set list is the aural landcape of our lives, one global hit after another - solid for three hours or longer.The sound is fantastic, the playing is fantatsic, the songs are fantastic, the audience are mesmerised by a truly stunning performance.

    I never cease to be amazed at having to explain to people that seeing Paul McCartney live really is something special.

    'No' I say, 'It wasn't good, it was fantastic!'

    I've seen zillions of gigs,and it was just the best from so many points of view.

    But I'll go with Adam's suggestion:

    Live & Let Die - Paul McCartney/Wings

    though for a real treat I'd rather hear

    The Mess which I saw him perform in front of about 2000 in Green's Playhouse and is a live recording.

    If by any chance this shout makes it (mine have been diss'd this week, so far) it would be great if you could do it early on as I'm off to see Wilco at the Barrowland Ballroom tonight.... and then it's Dreadzone next month and Leftfield in November....Yes!

    regardez vous


  • Comment number 33.

    Eh should point out it was two different holidays rather than a 19 year one

  • Comment number 34.

    I went to the Reading Festival when it used to be good - 1975 & 1976.

    Loads of good bands and one of them, GONG, have played hunners of festivals and are always a favourite of festival goers (but not GIO).


  • Comment number 35.

    My most recent outdoor gig was definitely the best, Springsteen at Hampden, July 2009.

    Many memorable songs but the one which sticks out is Thunder Road.

    Perhaps the best rendition of this is the 1975 Live at Hammersmith Odeon version, a song I was introduced to courtesy of Get It On

    It would be good to hear this.


    #16, you dated Sheryl Crow???????

  • Comment number 36.

    Just another bird.

  • Comment number 37.

    #35 Swings and roundabouts - he had to go out with Taj Mahal as well.

  • Comment number 38.

    was it in the hand and is it true what they say

  • Comment number 39.


    Beautiful in the moonlight

  • Comment number 40.

    Two others:

    Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton,Joan Armatrading Dr Feelgood.

    Blackbush Aerodrome, Surray, July, 1978: 250,000 people. Mental.

    Knockin On Haeven's Door - Bob Dylan

    Frank Sinatra - Ibrox stadium - 1990

    It was a good week for Glasgow with Sinatra, Mccartney and the Stones here within a few days of each other. The Sinatra gig was unexpectedly great. I took my mum.

    Young At Heart - Frank Sinatra

    regardez youse


  • Comment number 41.

    I've been in Gdansk. David Gilmour played there

    David Gilmour Fat Old Sun from Live In Gdansk

  • Comment number 42.

    Was no-one else at Ingliston on 1st September 1979 to see Van Morrison? One of the support acts was The Undertones. As I've just checked the ticket for the date, I can also tell you that it cost £6 - 50p more than at Loch Lomond in May of same year.

  • Comment number 43.


    When are we gonna get our Roman Catholic theme?

    2, 4, 6, 8, Time to Transubstantiate!

  • Comment number 44.


    Julie has pals?


  • Comment number 45.

    #43 need to wait on a special occasion first


  • Comment number 46.

    #43 bloggers have got a fairly catholic taste in music, so that would be most nights!

  • Comment number 47.

    #44 Play Nice Scotch! Louise is The Daughter's Godmother!

  • Comment number 48.

    Despite coming from Cellardyke, I still took 30 seconds to understand that.

    As we say,

    "Noo wi kain whoa shi's acht"


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