Friday's theme...
A challenge: Bloggers - you have just two hours to come up with a theme for tomorrow night! Friday night's theme will be a blog exclusive so hopefully by the end of the show, one of you will have come up with the goods.
Some pointers:
- We like Friday themes to be a bit more fun...
- It should reflect that getting ready for the weekend vibe...
- Ideally it would be a theme with wide ranging appeal that doesn't require hours of research...
Apart from that, come up with whatever you like. Leave your suggestions below and we'll pick the best one around five to eight tonight.
Comment number 1.
At 23rd Sep 2010, norriemaclean wrote:Proud. Songs about things to be proud of.
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Comment number 2.
At 23rd Sep 2010, norriemaclean wrote:Songs about light. Could include sun, windows, etc.
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Comment number 3.
At 23rd Sep 2010, norriemaclean wrote:Ah I know songs about meeting up and friendship etc.
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Comment number 4.
At 23rd Sep 2010, norriemaclean wrote:Should have been a single.....
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Comment number 5.
At 23rd Sep 2010, gaie wrote:doin' great, Norrie, keep going..
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Comment number 6.
At 23rd Sep 2010, gaie wrote:the songs where your heart leaps when you hear them out of the blue
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Comment number 7.
At 23rd Sep 2010, mary-doll wrote:songs about stuff you do after work.
should fit most of your criteria even if it's not the most original suggestion ever.
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Comment number 8.
At 23rd Sep 2010, Scotch Get wrote:HALFWAY
Neither up nor down. Halfway up the stairs. Halfway to Paradise.
A half 'n' a half-pint. No' hauf the man his faither wis. Six and two threes.
I also like Gaie's 'Horses and/or Hounds' idea from the same page.
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Comment number 9.
At 23rd Sep 2010, DC wrote:Continue the trivia theme, but rather than be a quiz question, you give the piece of trivia with the song suggestion. The more unusual the better
This has to be a blog-type theme
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Comment number 10.
At 23rd Sep 2010, Scotch Get wrote:Also Norrie's 'Hirsute' idea.
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Comment number 11.
At 23rd Sep 2010, norriemaclean wrote:~10 oh aye hirsute that really was a good one and would be great fun.....
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Comment number 12.
At 23rd Sep 2010, norriemaclean wrote:Put Up or Shut up.....
I Will
Show Me Heaven
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Comment number 13.
At 23rd Sep 2010, henri hannah wrote:Pigs Might Dance
Bloggers favourite dance choons....
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Comment number 14.
At 23rd Sep 2010, henri hannah wrote:Uplifting
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Comment number 15.
At 23rd Sep 2010, mary-doll wrote:#13 speak for yourself, henri. ;o)
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Comment number 16.
At 23rd Sep 2010, madmacfraeclydebank wrote:Theme for Friday... Pub jukeboxes! What was your favourite play for a shilling?
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Comment number 17.
At 23rd Sep 2010, norriemaclean wrote:#16 that is a good theme.
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Comment number 18.
At 23rd Sep 2010, Kene Gelly wrote:songs you can't stay still to ...
eg 'Cuba' ... The Gibson Bros
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Comment number 19.
At 23rd Sep 2010, DC wrote:#13 forget dancing pigs, what about a complete programme of all the songs we never get a chance to hear?
Pigs might fly for two hours
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Comment number 20.
At 23rd Sep 2010, Scotch Get wrote:Songs that make you laugh. Not necessarily comedy songs, maybe something with a twist in the tail like Alice Cooper's 'Mary Ann'
Warren Zevon can conjure up images which make you laugh out loud.
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Comment number 21.
At 23rd Sep 2010, norriemaclean wrote:1,2,3,4.....songs with a count in
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Comment number 22.
At 23rd Sep 2010, Scotch Get wrote:#16
What's a shilling?
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Comment number 23.
At 23rd Sep 2010, DC wrote:Ask Bob
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Comment number 24.
At 23rd Sep 2010, Scotch Get wrote:#21
Like cops and taxis, you can never find a typo when you need one!
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Comment number 25.
At 23rd Sep 2010, Scotch Get wrote:#21
Whit aboot yon count Arthur Strong?
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Comment number 26.
At 23rd Sep 2010, Scotch Get wrote:Songs which namecheck dances, e.g. Waltz, Jive etc.
I know it's been done, but none of the really good suggestions were played.
i.e. mine.
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Comment number 27.
At 23rd Sep 2010, Adam_from_Rio wrote:And the winner was????
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Comment number 28.
At 23rd Sep 2010, janfromrutherglen wrote:Well done Norrie. Bet you are proud :-) good theme
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Comment number 29.
At 23rd Sep 2010, paulhandley wrote:#1, #28, agreed, excellent idea which I think rounds off a week of very enjoyable themes :)
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Comment number 30.
At 23rd Sep 2010, norriemaclean wrote:Paul, Jan - thanks very kind!
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Comment number 31.
At 23rd Sep 2010, DC wrote:Well it's certainly stopped conversation.........
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Comment number 32.
At 23rd Sep 2010, mary-doll wrote:Great theme, norrie, BTW.
is we all waiting for a new thread to post the songs suggestions, but???
I'll just post one here anyway. Nobody reads back past threads - high risk strategy - but, hey, feeling dangerous tonight.
Pride is one of the seven deadly sins. On a scale of 1 to 7, it's hardly the worst. Don't know why Schadenfreude, Intentioned Ignorance or Rudeness hasn't been added in to take its place, personally I think they're all greater sins.
Aye - I'm a proud mother. Nothing else I've done (or not done) brings me greater pleasure (and pain) than those two wee sprogs who turned into themselves. And who will still be turning into themselves for as long as it takes anybody. (is parenting linguistically related to parentheses???? Maybe it's those all-embracing hugs visualalikey thing)
For both our sons.
Guns and Roses Sweet Child of Mine
It's a jungle out there, as my dad still tells me. And so it goes.
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Comment number 33.
At 23rd Sep 2010, Adam_from_Rio wrote:Makes me wonder how I keep from going under.
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Comment number 34.
At 23rd Sep 2010, Adam_from_Rio wrote:"is we all waiting for a new thread to post the songs suggestions"
I'm just trying to guess which one of the boys at the back is going to be first to request My Ding A Ling.
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Comment number 35.
At 23rd Sep 2010, paolopablo wrote:Lions Den / Bruce Springsteen
There's a Pride in there
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Comment number 36.
At 23rd Sep 2010, Scotch Get wrote:#34
Why would I request your Ding A Ling?
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Comment number 37.
At 23rd Sep 2010, norriemaclean wrote:#35 Lion sleeps tonight...
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Comment number 38.
At 23rd Sep 2010, Scotch Get wrote:I strongly suspect that this thread is all we're getting. Perhaps the title should give us a clue...
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Comment number 39.
At 23rd Sep 2010, Scotch Get wrote:As we all know my requests don't even get mentioned, let alone played.
I intend to utilise this power as a force for good. Henceforth, all suggestions for Morrissey, The Smiffs, Simply Red, U2, Sting, Oasis, Queen, Jimmy Sommerville, Jamie Cullum, Wet Wet Wet, Take That, The Killers, Simple Minds, A-Ha and Joe Dolce should be submitted under my user name.
If this cunning plan succeeds, (why wouldn't it?), the show will improve beyond recognition.
Don't worry about me. Nothing worthwhile is achieved without sacrifice.
noble git
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Comment number 40.
At 23rd Sep 2010, norriemaclean wrote:39. At 11:35pm on 23 Sep 2010, Scotch Git wrote:
Morrissey - I Just Want To see the Boy Happy
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Comment number 41.
At 23rd Sep 2010, DC wrote:I request Sacrifice
Scotch Git
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Comment number 42.
At 23rd Sep 2010, mary-doll wrote:#39 This is one of the things I don't "get" about the producers and their choices. Speaking only for myself, I realise I probably get more than my "fair share" of stuff played - perhaps they think I'm some kind of psycho who'll go daft if it is ignored and send them a foxglove laced pretty cup-cake. Or something. Or maybe it's because I'm a bloggerer. It's safe to say, I might get a tad miffed at not hearing anything I've asked for, but there's plenty other folk out there with shouts that are no less wonderful, fantastic, incredible or brilliant than mine... it's great to get a song played. A bonus, not a given. Fine if a suggestion is played and no mention. The song is played. Can't ask for more. To be fair - who the hell wants to hear just bloggers' names every night?? But - aye - time to give Scotch a bit more room.
Said it before, say it again - he's not just here to provide the fun and games between themes and to keep the blog in stitches. He also suggests great songs. But you don't often play them.
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Comment number 43.
At 23rd Sep 2010, Glen Miller wrote:#39
I like the Killers.
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Comment number 44.
At 23rd Sep 2010, paulhandley wrote:as a Scotch Git i'm proud of the fact that our most famous seasonal celebration has been exported around the world:-
New Years Day - U2
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Comment number 45.
At 23rd Sep 2010, Glen Miller wrote:As have any of our citizens with any gumption.
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Comment number 46.
At 24th Sep 2010, joe-k-brown wrote:Great theme. Again, happy to second M-D (#32).
My Girl - the Temptations, for my better half, Jane.......or "This is is us" - Harris/Knopfler. It was her birthday last Sunday and I missed the opportunity to flag this up on GIO.
Just back from the US, one of the most unashamedly patriotic places I have experienced. Taking that as a cue: "Caledonia" - Dougie Maclean.
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Comment number 47.
At 24th Sep 2010, paolopablo wrote:#43
I like them too but what is the point of that pointless cover of romeo and juliet. If you're not gonna do it better or different then just don't do it.
#39 What! Don't you like the proclaimers as well! We'll have a whip round on saturday night and you can get a pound for every proclaimers song you don't get on.
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Comment number 48.
At 24th Sep 2010, madmacfraeclydebank wrote:#22
12 pennies!
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Comment number 49.
At 24th Sep 2010, gaie wrote:I am proud to be acquainted with Mr S-G on the blog; it is High Time (Paul Jones) he had a shout as he would most certainly be
Scotch Mist - Lindisfarne
if he were not here.
My children do mostly merit being called my
Pride and Joy - Stevie Ray Vaughan
I am proud indeed to be Scottish (though not when walking through our litter-strewn streets and nearby countryside)
Hearts of Olden Glory - Runrig
and I was incredibly proud of Greenock when the
Tall Ships - Wolfstone
were here.
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Comment number 50.
At 24th Sep 2010, Glen Miller wrote:Scotch On The Rocks – The Band of the Black Watch – National Pride
Okie From Muskogee - Merle Haggard - Civic Pride
Papa Loved Mama - Garth Brooks - Family Pride
Freedom! '90 - George Michael - Gay Pride
Lion Eyes - The Eagles - Pride Pride
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Comment number 51.
At 24th Sep 2010, Scotch Get wrote:#49
I'm touched. Here's one for you. Caution! Tears guaranteed:
"I hope I'm at least half the dad that he didn't have to be."
'He Didn't Have to Be' -
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Comment number 52.
At 24th Sep 2010, mikeshropshire wrote:Triva answers:
Just in case anyone is interested.... Answers to yesterdays music trivia:
1. He borrowed (OK, stole!) the opening lines from the Paul Simon song 'Leaves That are Green' and subsequently produced his first (and signature) hit.
2. Judy Garlands Grand-Niece sings, but not to be confused with the Springsteen classic of the same name.
A: AUDRA MAY: THE RIVER (Well deducted guys!)
3. The Group are linked by the following: (Patti Boyd, Barbara Bach, Linda Eastman and Cynthia Powell). This is the title track from their 12th and final studio album.
A:The 4 ladies are all ex-vives of THE BEATLES: LET IT BE
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Comment number 53.
At 24th Sep 2010, Scotch Get wrote:They're O.K. in Oklahoma
Up in Arkansas they're fair
But those old folks in Missouri
They don't even know you're there
But at a dance hall down in Texas
That's the finest place to be
The women they all look beautiful
And their men will buy your beer for free
'That's Right (You're Not From Texas)' - Lyle Lovett
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Comment number 54.
At 24th Sep 2010, gaie wrote:#51 Thank you.
Would a hairdryer sort my keyboard now do you think? And how am I to hit Tesco with my mascara all over the place?
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Comment number 55.
At 24th Sep 2010, Scotch Get wrote:#42
Please! You're making me blush...
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Comment number 56.
At 24th Sep 2010, Scotch Get wrote:#54
Mascara? In Shettleston the lassies go to Tesco in their jammies!
(Other supermarkets are available).
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Comment number 57.
At 24th Sep 2010, Glen Miller wrote:Trivia answer:
Which well known record has the first line:
"She loves you"?
A. She Loves You - The Beatles
Their last studio album was Abbey Road.
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Comment number 58.
At 24th Sep 2010, Scotch Get wrote:Dance moves and necktie courtesy of Glen Miller.
"When people stop and people stare, you know it fills my heart with pride"
'You're Such a Good Looking Woman' -
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Comment number 59.
At 24th Sep 2010, Scotch Get wrote:#57
yeah, yeah, yeah.......
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Comment number 60.
At 24th Sep 2010, norriemaclean wrote:#57 I disagree. Was I Me Mine not the last Beatles studio session? If so that is on Let It Be therefore Let It Be is actually the last studio album, albeit the bulk of it recorded before Abbey Road? Mind you Lennon did not play in that session.....hmmmm. Paolo will adjudicate.
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Comment number 61.
At 24th Sep 2010, Senga wrote:It's raining! I was forced to take shelter in this internet café.
Norrie - Great theme!
#39 - Unhinged. On the other hand - If Bryan ignores you you become a martyr.
A cunning plan indeed!
#58 - Massive support for Joe Dolan!
My Boy - Elvis
You can't have a theme on things that make you proud and not include this!
I hope you all enjoy the get-together tomorrow. Henri sends his best wishes also. Now we're going for a cup of tea! Bye!
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Comment number 62.
At 24th Sep 2010, Kene Gelly wrote:Friday's criteria? ...
a) a bit more fun
b) reflect the week-end vibe
c) wide-ranging appeal
Got the answer ... 'Will Ye Be Proud' by The Real McKenzies ... It's got the lot!!! - GIO please ...
If no then I'll proudly suggest this little lot for perusal ...
'Proud to be Canadian' ... The Arrogant Worms (would be so good)
'Stellify' ... Ian Brown (so apt)
'Flushed Chest' ... Joan as a Police Woman (check it out)
'I get a kick out of you' ... Frank Sinatra (class)
'Amazing' ... Tin Machine
'True Colours' ... Cyndi Lauper
'My Proud Mountains' ... Townes Van Zandt
'Brite Side' ... Deborah Harry (a true hidden gem)
'I'm partial to your Abracadabra' ... Ian Dury & the Blockheads
'Andy you're a star' ... Killers
'Proud to be a Punk' ... The Casualties (Parental Guidance applies)
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Comment number 63.
At 24th Sep 2010, henri hannah wrote:Well, I've only been asking for months so a rare opportunity to hear
Walk Tall by Dreadzone
has once more arisen...or
This Could Be The Day - James Grant
both songs about begining to believe in yourself and taking pride in what you can achieve.
Conversely, there's Bonnie Raitt - Love Has No Pride a song about being powerless to circumstance.
regardez youse
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Comment number 64.
At 24th Sep 2010, Glen Miller wrote:#60
You are right. Apologies to Mike.
Her Majesty also ends with the word 'mine', so no argument about their last word.
I won tickets to see McCartney at the SECC on the strength of this wrong notion.
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Comment number 65.
At 24th Sep 2010, Billy in Alloa wrote:All this user's posts have been removed.Why?
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Comment number 66.
At 24th Sep 2010, Billy in Alloa wrote:All this user's posts have been removed.Why?
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Comment number 67.
At 24th Sep 2010, Glen Miller wrote:It's worse that
Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.
Sadder and wiser I trudge on.
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Comment number 68.
At 24th Sep 2010, Adam_from_Rio wrote:#50 missed one Glen
Mother Freedom - Bread - Mother's Pride
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Comment number 69.
At 24th Sep 2010, Rorys_dad_polmont wrote:What makes me proud? Watching Rory bowl wrist spin, I just wish he'd keep his googly out of the kitchen. His batting's a different matter, his best for the season was 0 not out.
Probably not that amazing, but he was born with a heart problem, and had a 10 hour operation when he was 2 weeks old, he's had 3 more since and needs to go for a bit of minor tweaking sometime in the next year.
In the words of Billy Bragg, The Boy Done Good.
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Comment number 70.
At 24th Sep 2010, Glen Miller wrote:It's plain everyone wants to pan me today.
Off to watch AC Milanda.
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Comment number 71.
At 24th Sep 2010, Adam_from_Rio wrote:#70
Use your loaf Glen, they're not exactly on a roll at the moment.
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Comment number 72.
At 24th Sep 2010, Glen Miller wrote:Crumbs, Adam. They may not be as elegant as the Jam Tarts but they've never had the same dough.
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Comment number 73.
At 24th Sep 2010, henri hannah wrote:How could I forget about Fanny?
I Need You Need Me - Fanny - from the album Mother's Pride
Brayn/Babs - check this out! This is a fabulous track by the Grandmothers of rock by wimmin folk.
regardez youse
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Comment number 74.
At 24th Sep 2010, norriemaclean wrote:I could never manage but I would be proud if I could
Rush - Marathon
Be kind to others
Iris DeMent - My Life
Pride in your nation
Springsteen - Long Walk 91Èȱ¬
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Comment number 75.
At 24th Sep 2010, norriemaclean wrote:Establishing the Mason-Dixon line was an achievement
Mark Knopfler - Sailing to philadelphia
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Comment number 76.
At 24th Sep 2010, gaie wrote:#51 'struth - that's the mascara gone again. It is the most wonderful song, timing couldn't be more appropriate as it would have been my Dad's 90th tomorrow and he was a one in a million Dad. But hey, twice in one day...
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Comment number 77.
At 24th Sep 2010, Adam_from_Rio wrote:Next week's themes???
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Comment number 78.
At 25th Sep 2010, mary-doll wrote:#55 sorry about that. pretty certain your blushes will have been replaced by something more worthy by now. sounding like a deranged fanbot - oddly, I'm not in the least bit concerned. My childhood is muchly represented by country songs about stuff and nonesense that I might have played, or which could be in the offing. I'm not here to shit neither on my ma nor my pa. They did what they did. I still don't understand how they divied us all up. Can't have been easy, whatever the story. And the one thing that always sticks out - we had a call from our dad, every week. Without fail. Still do. Even if it's just to tell me I'm an arsey whatnot.
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