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Next week's themes...

Bryan Burnett | 19:59 UK time, Friday, 11 June 2010

disco.jpgI've got some time off next week so Graham Stewart will be looking after the show. I have told him that both the producers and the bloggers will look after him (and keep him in line!). Here are the themes. Hope you like them and feel free to contribute via the usual methods.

Fatboy Slim shook the Highlands at the weekend with his appearance at the Rockness Festival, and tonight we want to know what are YOUR dance anthems. Do the Stereo MC's get your feet connected with the dancefloor? Does the Bee Gees Night Fever have you in a sweat? Or is Madonna your Queen of Clubs?

Tonight's theme is suggested by Katrina Christie and it will be an amazing array of alliterative artists and songs! So whether you want to hear She Sells Sanctuary, Manic Monday , The Beach Boys or Franz Ferdinand, alliteration is the theme, so let's Get It On.

Tonight's theme is Geek Rock. The bands and artists who shun rock excess and celebrate their ordinariness!
Songs about supermarkets, not superstars, collecting cardigans, not groupies and embracing technology rather than twitter.
Get It On celebrates Geek Chic.

Ahead of Father's Day this Sunday, we want to celebrate all the dads. Is there a song you want to dedicate?
A particular memory to share? Or a message to pass on? It's the show that's dedicated to the Dads.


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  • Comment number 1.


    Alliteration? Again? An apparent anaphoric assonance Ah assume!

  • Comment number 2.

    so says Scotch.

  • Comment number 3.

    But seriously, folks...

    Not sure about Wednesday, the rest are repeats. I said the rest are repeats.

    There must be something new in yon theme book.

  • Comment number 4.

    Double header. Monday/ Wednesday

    Dance Anthems/ Geekiness - they don't get any geekier than Jarvis Cocker. Too tall, too thin, too speccy, too earnest. But the voice of Ordinary People everywhere. And with an appeal for women that plenty of more conventionally attractive and macho men could only dream of. Plus, a song that would get even the gauchest dancer happy to take their chances on a crowded dancefloor.
    Disco 2000 Pulp

  • Comment number 5.

    Where it says Ordinary, read Common. Then read Ordinary.

  • Comment number 6.

    #3 - My first blog request was for Monday's theme. Brown Sugar - Rolling Stones

    Bryan played it for me on Wednesday the 13th of January.

    Better ask for something else for Monday.

  • Comment number 7.

    #3 three in a row, time to go... if they want any new themes, how about "gone, but not forgotten"? A night to celebrate the artists (or band members) who made some memorable music, but sadly aren't here anymore? A bit morbid, but there are plenty worthy of celebration. John Lennon, Elvis, Buddy Holly, Marc Bolan, Eva Cassidy, Marvin Gaye, ....... Billy McKenzie. Probably been done.

  • Comment number 8.


    'Whole Wide World' - Proclaimers

  • Comment number 9.


    'Whole Wide World' - Craig & Charlie

  • Comment number 10.


    'Whole Wide World' - Proclaimers

    According to Julie, at least one of them still takes the bus. She's just not sure which one...

  • Comment number 11.


    'Whole Wide World' - Proclaimers

    ...and if Julie's confused, whit aboot their bairns?


  • Comment number 12.

    Ye may titter

  • Comment number 13.

    #4 I've just googled Jarvis Cocker and he didn't like it one bit, but I wanted to see that mysterious appeal.

    Hmmmm, it clear passes me by.

    Much like the Proclaimers.

    On the dancefloor, in my dreams, jiving the rest off the floor

    Eddie Cochrane - Summertime Blues

    Little Richard - Tutti Frutti

    Maybelline - Chuck Berry

  • Comment number 14.

    Chuck Berry - Maybelline

  • Comment number 15.

    Update forecast Gaie:

    Looks fine! Wind dropping & no rain. Take plenty sun cream!


  • Comment number 16.

    #13 Ach - he'd have loved it, secretly! He's just a bit shy (he's really a tormented geeky wee soul) And it's only my opinion - I don't for one minute think anyone else has to agree with it. But in order to make my case for playing that song sound more convincing, it's worth throwing in a couple of wild statements.
    Oh, well. I back Scotch's Proclaimers bids instead. Is that better?

  • Comment number 17.

    #8, #9, #10, #11, #16

    It's a wind-up.

    Keep it under your Hagar the Horrible Horned Helmet!

  • Comment number 18.

    Steady M.D. an' be careful what you wish

  • Comment number 19.


    i.e. Hat, Hen.


  • Comment number 20.

    #17 I didn't say anything.... shh! - don't go attracting even more attention to it! ;o)

    if anyone's bored - here's a nice way to while away the time if the footie's not your thing. have an artist in mind, answer the questions - see if they get it right. Very satisfying when they do. Spooky. When they don't, you have the added gratification of feeling smug. Win-Win. not something the world cup can measure up to.

  • Comment number 21.

    #15 - thanks, DC. Looking forward to the trip very much.

    #16 help ma boab, The Proclaimers' mysterious appeal clean passes me by.

    On the other hand I'm happy for you to like Jarvis the geek and

    I've no objection to the music, both of the songs I know.

    just light-hearted banter, mary-doll, please don't take it seriously

    Now I'm off for an early night before setting sail for Dogger Fisher and German Bight.

  • Comment number 22.


    Yon link's mental, BTW!

    Does Father's Day include

  • Comment number 23.

    #21 Gaie - you're a star! Don't mistake my banter for something else - nobody takes anything I say seriously, least of all me - I'm on your wavelength, just very clumsy in communicating it. Gets me into all sorts of embarrassing situations. Hope you have a wonderful trip at the weekend, BTW!

  • Comment number 24.

    #22 now you're opening a Pandora's can of worms. and you've thrown Desperate Dan into it, too. how to follow that? Best sociowhatnot drama ever. And it's coming around again. Time for a bath before I have to beg (and be turned down) for another "please delete my embarrassing comment" scenario.

  • Comment number 25.


    Queen of The Supermarket - Bruce Springsteen

    Lost In The Supermarket - The Clash

  • Comment number 26.


    Bruce Springsteen - My Fathers House, we have had this conversation. I don't intend to have it again. It is a great song.

  • Comment number 27.

    Re picture:

    Frank - slosh or alleycat?

  • Comment number 28.

    Wonder if 'enri's in his tent yet or still stottin aboot a field

  • Comment number 29.

    Hope it is as nice over East for the sailors!

  • Comment number 30.


    Rock Your Baby - George McCrae - Irresistible


    Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead - Warren Zevon - So good they based a film on it


    Down In The Mall - Warren Zevon - I'm realise I'm ploughing a lonely furrow here but David Lindley is great on this


    Somewhere In America There's A Street Named After My Dad - Was (Not Was) - For my father who would've been 104 if he'd taken better care of himself

  • Comment number 31.


    In Gweedore, Co. Donegal, this is a guaranteed floor filler;

    'You're Such a Good Looking Woman' - Joe Dolan

    Soccer? No-one mentioned soccer...


  • Comment number 32.


    hmmmn let me see....

    I'm thinking Alleycat

  • Comment number 33.

    My Dad's called Fabio Capello.
    Can I Have American Idiot by GREEN Day :-)

  • Comment number 34.

    Another Lazy Theme Week, three out of four repeats.

    Hope it's a good week for you Graeme but you might find the blog a bit indifferent to the repeats.

    If i were a Carpenter / Bob Seger
    Ain't Got no Money / Frankie Miller
    Dirty old Town / Pogues
    An oLd Raincoat won't ever let you down / Rod Stewart
    Wild Mountain Thyme / Emma Geekie
    Geek Love / Nerina Pallot

  • Comment number 35.

    Oh and one more for Wednesday
    Cleaning Windows / Van Morrison

  • Comment number 36.

    #33 excellent........................

    DC (now awaiting referral to the moderators)

  • Comment number 37.

    great trip to Isle of May yesterday. Hunners of photies of puffins in flight, not a one of them remotely sharp. But it was grand.

    themes - here, to save the team any unnecessary overtime on a Sunday, is a compilation of themes suggested on the blog over the past few weeks. Apologies if I've missed anyone out.

    Glen Miller

    unusual instruments eg

    Mr. Kite - Beatles - Bass harmonica
    Join Together - The Who - Jew's Harp
    Lady Jane - Rolling Stones - Dulcimer
    Wild Thing - Troggs - Ocarina, fairy dust
    Pandora's Box - Procol Harum - Marimba
    Cry Like A Baby - Box Tops - Electric sitar
    Stop Stop Stop- The Hollies - Electric banjo
    Sloop John B - Beach Boys - Glockenspiel, baritone sax
    Beds Are Burning - Midnight Oil - Trombone (unusual in this context)
    Painter Man - The Creation - Bowed guitar


    Juliefrom edinburgh
    Herbs + Spices
    Myths and Legends



    How about a colour week:
    Monday (Red or all things red), Tuesday (blue or all things blue) Wednesday (Green or all things green)
    Thursday (Black and White)... I think you get the picture...
    Cover songs that were much bigger hits than the lesser know originals (has this been done?)

    5 minutes something:
    Tracks between 5 and 6 minutes in length....

    World records in music:
    Most albums, Longest at number 1, Biggest gig attendance etc..


    session musicians
    'if only' or 'what if'
    great lyrics
    fairgrounds and circuses
    'in the style of' - not the stolen riffs theme, but songs
    that are clearly influenced by an earlier style - maybe
    even acknowledged by the artists recognise this theme anyone?
    the messages - well we've done dairy, bakery - just
    throw in the butcher's and the fish-shop


    Songs / artists with numbers in them greater than 20

    Talking of Meatloaf a wee theme suggestion.
    Great opening album tracks.

    We've had a lot of repeat themes recently and it
    would appear to me that in order to get the mix right,
    the programme is digging up old ideas and sorting them into
    a dead easy theme guaranteed to 'ensure a busy one tonight',

    a touchy-feely one where anything can be suggested
    but it's the story behind the song that makes the show,

    a semi challenging theme for Miss Faliraki's night off


    a general one to do with something topical, or song structure, or the like.

    So with that in mind here's a week full of theme


    Mr and Mrs

    The song you most regret dancing to whilst drunk and why

    Songs that namecheck films
    eg Breakfast at Tiffany's / Deep blue Something
    Fame / Bowie
    Carrie / Rich Clifford
    Stand By Me / Ben E King
    etc etc

    Story Songs (which was one of the best shows we had and we won't get through a whole week without a repeat)


    going with the above suggestion:

    Mon: Colours or Household Objects

    Tues: The High School Dance, what are your memories of the end of year school dances, and more importantly what songs were played.

    Wed: I'll have that back! What songs did artists give away and then go back and record themselves. As an example Van gave Tom Jones Carrying a Torch and then recorded his own version.

    Thurs: It's the date of the Queens Coronation. So Kings, Queens and Royalty in music. From Queen Latifah to Prince and all stops in between...

    But here is a wee theme idea - get yourself over to the blog night. Join up, make your pitch for that one track that not only should GIO play but that Scotland should hear. It could be a Friday night summer special. Could be a classic you have loved or a new track you are bursting to hear.


    Kene Gelly

    he (original) Monopoly Board (Not even jail ... Interpol)
    Onomatopoeia (There's a kind of hush ... Herman's Hermits
    Politically incorrect (My Ding-a-ling ... Chuck B)
    Memorable backing singer moments (I just can't help believing ... Elvis)
    Killer intros (Pretty Vacant ... Pistols)
    One-hit wonders (My Sharona ... The Knack)
    Children's TV Prog's (We are Detective ... The Thompson Twins)

    could also re-visit some former goodies ...

    Iconic 1st Lines (Gloria ... Patti Smith)
    Glam (Ball-park Incident ... Wizzard)

  • Comment number 38.

    Sounds like a great trip Gaie.

    Myths and Legends gets my vote....

  • Comment number 39.


    Myth Faliraki.

    Do you know she'th a pole danther?


  • Comment number 40.

    I knew her daughter cherry Blothom. She wath Polith too.

  • Comment number 41.

    If we must have repeats let them be crackers.

    Norrie's 'Producers' theme produced what was arguably the best show ever.

    And that without a contribution from Don Was! (The Producer).

    Again I implore the team to produce a tracklist of the previous outing of repeat themes. If the Producer is unwilling or unable to do so, then he/she can delegate and/or liaise with the technical guys/gals to produce the aforesaid tracklist from the dark and distant past. Or even from 5 months ago! (see #6)

    Now I'm gonna go shave/shower. About time I did something productive.....



    Thort out that thpeech impediment, Thonny!

  • Comment number 42.

    #40 Her thithter wath Myfanwy Hilton who wath of Welth eckthtrackthion

    I sink

  • Comment number 43.

    We've no' had thpathe for a while.......

  • Comment number 44.


    Well done, Gaie, you're obviously a seasoned researcher.

    I was listening to Fee Glover's programme yesterday morning and there's a 91Èȱ¬ web cam on a nesting Puffin and they are all waiting for this egg to hatch ... think it's under BBc nature or something.. might be worth checking out.

    Themes .. I had this idea which I texted in a few weeks ago and BB said he quite liked it: I had just presumed it has been done before, but maybe not.

    Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue:

    The first two are self evident: Something Borrowed could be a cover version or plaigerism and something Blue could be a blues track or something blue in the title or artist designation.

    The tracks would follow in rotation.

    #28 Decent of you to think of me,Mad Mac,but since we heard they were cracking down on old men getting out of it we abandoned our Rockness trip and will await the legalisation of everything (as an inventive way to clear the national debt and cut the cost of crime)before taking a chance in a dance tent again.

    regardez youse


  • Comment number 45.

    Kinks - Come Dancing

    McCartney - Ballroom Dancing

    Am I on the right track??

  • Comment number 46.

    Everytime a world cup match comes on I think there's a swarm of bees in the hoose

  • Comment number 47.

    Its bursting ma heid!!

  • Comment number 48.


    Some of the best shows have the simplest themes, e.g. Antonyms.

    Hot - Cold

    High - Low

    Fast - Slow

    Dead - Alive

    Rich - Poor

    Genius - Numpty

    Spotless - Mockit

    Fragrant - Mingin'


    For a moment I thought you meant the lucky English bees.......

  • Comment number 49.


    An impressive piece of work.

    Just back from the 91Èȱ¬ SSO 75th Anniversary (Friday's was excellent as well - on now). In Bartok's Miraculous Mandarin, guess what? A muted bass tuba. Memory must have played tricks.

  • Comment number 50.

    I've said before that GIO has run its course. Given some of the interesting music which is never selected, a better idea might be a half hour show with one person's choice of music with some brief amplification of the reasons. We could call it Castaway Records.

  • Comment number 51.


    Marooned Music; Songs of the Shipwrecked

  • Comment number 52.


    Geezaw a Giggle;

    'Lah-di-Dah' - Jake Thackray

    'Rob Roy McGregor' - Matt McGinn

    'Poisoning Pigeons in the Park' - Tom Lehrer

  • Comment number 53.

    #50 Ditties of the Doomed; Dirges of the Drowned

    hey, it's that nearly Monday morning feeling once again.

    Henri, Glen, I hope you'll give me a reference when I'm looking for work come September.

  • Comment number 54.

    Oh and in return, Glen, I'll back your Warren Zevon choices - they sound good to me and I've two pals who are big fans of his

  • Comment number 55.

  • Comment number 56.

    yep! that'll be me! Unless of course on the strength of my impressive research display I'm offered a job on GIO. Come on folks, let's be having your Zappas, your Gilmours, your Millers, your Ayers, your anything from Bob Seger that hasn't been played before, your El Rayo X. We'll be playing them all.
    Carols for the Capsized; Songs for the Submerged

  • Comment number 57.

    I have always really loved

    maddonna - ray of light, great track

    I need to check my JCB line dancing stunt team CD but from memory

    Alan Jackson - Its 5 o'clock somewhere

    and from my tango classes

    David lindley - El Rayo X

  • Comment number 58.

    Gaie if you get a job on GIO the Capn and Jimfraeerskine will not be happy bunnies........

  • Comment number 59.


    Mad Donna?!?


  • Comment number 60.


  • Comment number 61.


    'Now That We've Found Love' - Third World

    'Groovy Train' - The Farm

    'Superfly' - Curtis Mayfield

    'You're The First, My Last, My Everything' - Barry White

    'Good Stuff' - B-52s (I know Love Shack is probably the best song to dance to...ever...but this is by way of a wee change)

    'Ska Ska Ska (Jamaican Ska) - Byron Lee + The Dragonaires (it even gives you directions of how to do the dance in the song)

  • Comment number 62.

    #57. That's a grrrrreat Madonna track.

  • Comment number 63.

    Paul McCartney at the Isle of Wight. Time to call it a day? The vuvuzelas sound better.

  • Comment number 64.

    #57 You've been tangoed?

    Step aside Frank, There's a new kid in town!

  • Comment number 65.


    Richard Hammond has a Blue Peter badge? That guy just has his bread buttered on both sides now doesn't he?

  • Comment number 66.

    Monday - Och Ya Wee Dancer!:

    Don't You (Forget About Me) - Simple Minds
    - wee quiet bit in the middle for chatting up ra burds!

    Scatman (ski-ba-bop-ba-dop-bop) - Scatman John
    Contact - Edwin Starr
    Sunny - Boney M
    I Was Made For Dancin' - Leif Garrett
    Pump Up The Volume - M.,A.R.S.
    Mt Feet Keep Dancing - Chic
    It's My Life - Talk Talk

    Hopping Down In Kent - Albion Dance Band
    - it's folkin' great!

    And finally, a real smoocher for the last dance:
    Everybody's Got To Learn Sometime - The Korgis

    or for a wee larf...
    Last Chance Dance - The Goodies

  • Comment number 67.

    Going to change my Chic selection to:
    My Feet Keep Dancing - Chic
    - It's a better mix. And it's not pants. And it's spelled correctly.

  • Comment number 68.

    Thanks for compiling the themes list for us Gaie, I'll make sure they go to the next themes meeting with me. I'm sorry you are not feeling quite so inspired this week folks, we really try hard to strike a balance each week as I think I've explained before. And of course we do revisit themes - not every one of our listeners is as dedicated as our bloggers, we've increased our audience and have to take into consideration that even if a theme was featured say a year ago a proportion of our audience will be enjoying it for a first time. And Glen, I'm sorry you feel for you the show has run it's course - I'd hope most weeks we find a couple of surprises and new tracks to you.
    I hope you'll get behind the themes tho this week and give Graham a week of great music to pick from.
    Happy Monday bloggers, Miss B

  • Comment number 69.

    ...better read the rest of the blog then... Not like Glen to be negative or anything.

  • Comment number 70.

    I don't think there's a problem with repeating themes - I for one can't remember half the ones we've done already, but I can't remember what I had for breakfast anyway. However, the main problem I think is repeating the songs that were played first (or second) time around. The playlists would be very helpful - and yes, I also see that of course you must include the new participants whose suggestions are likely to be the more obvious ones. But - and I tread warily here as I've had so many shouts myself - there is still a tendency to pick the obvious song from a list of interesting suggestions and possibly a slight imbalance in the name-checks? As I say I tread carefully as there was a fortnight when my own name turned up 4 days out of five. Surely, surely though, there will be a take-home message from last Wednesday and Thursday - people are open to things they've not heard before. I've had a whole new world of music opened to me by GIO and that's the strength of the show for me, as well as the sense of community.

    so go for it this evening - let's hear El Rayo X, which is an instantly accessible tune, will get your feet tapping and will enable Norrie and me to look for something else to 'bang on about'!

  • Comment number 71.

    #58 they don't like me?

    I have a Blue Peter badge, that's two good reasons now for me to get the job.

  • Comment number 72.

    For Thursday I should really select something my Dad would llike.

    Jimmy Shand - The Linton Ploughman

    of course this would fit tonight too....

  • Comment number 73.

    #68 I think Glen has momentarily forgotten that brilliant Lissie track I got played last week.....and Miriam Makeba....

    You would think he would be forgetting what themes there were before, but perhaps as a silver surfer he has compiled a themes list....

  • Comment number 74.


    GIO has proved not to be the medium for the type of music requested here regularly with the dogged persistence of the slow learner, but even within its own mainstream ethos the programme has become repetitive in both themes and content. Perhaps a new team would invigorate the show.

  • Comment number 75.


    OK guys, hankies at the ready...

    My late Father was widowed in 1970, at only 49, when I was 7. Despite all the difficulties, I think he did a cracking job of bringing up 3 girls at a time when there wasn't much help available for people in our circumstance. He liked gentle, easy-listening, music and there are a few songs that instantly remind me of him:

    'A Little Love and Understanding' - Gilbert Becaud
    'Southern Nights' - Glen Campbell
    'May The Wind Be Always At Your Back' - George Hamilton IV
    'Running Wild' - Tom T Hall
    'Greasy Grit Gravy' - Bobby Bare

    Possibly most apt for Father's Day would be Don Williams - 'You're My Best Friend' which reminded him of Mum. I was a real Daddy's girl...and he was a great friend.

  • Comment number 76.


    'Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap' - AC/DC

  • Comment number 77.

    #65 which would mean that Lesley Judd's about 4'2" then!!!

  • Comment number 78.

    My father had to leave school at 14 to support his widowed mother, brother and two sisters. He worked constantly, well into his seventies, to provide for us and would have to do overtime for those unexpected treats, like bail. Although troubled by poor health, he would struggle out on winter nights to give his beloved dog Rex some exercise. He never really recovered when Rex died attempting to save a troop of Girl Guides from a mineshaft. In the twilight of his years he would often sit staring at the lead hanging by the door......


    Walking The Dog - Rufus Thomas

  • Comment number 79.

    #78 Aw Glen, if you're mocking my Father's Day post, I'm afraid I find that a bit unkind. And to think that, up till now, I'd been agreeing with your gloriously grumpy gibes!!!

  • Comment number 80.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 81.

    #78 - #79 - Julie - I'm sure Glen's not having a pop at you. Although he can count himself fortunate that Rex and Rufus were mentioned before my post at #80 appeared.


  • Comment number 82.

    Are you people insane???

    It was a joke!!!

  • Comment number 83.

    I can't believe I have to do this again. It's my lunch hour!!!

    For Monday - Dancing Queen - Abba

    For Tuesday - Voulez-Vous - Abba


  • Comment number 84.

    #83 I read you forst post and could not spot anything amiss. That is quite bizarre....

  • Comment number 85.

    Sorry first post....

  • Comment number 86.


    Eddie Cochrane - Summertime Blues

    Little Richard - Tutti Frutti

    Maybelline - Chuck Berry

    Get Ready - Temptations

  • Comment number 87.

    To dance to has to be Pressure Drop and depending on my mood Toots and the Maytals, or the jumpier Specials version. Then at the end of the night, when it's time to get up close and personal Misty Blue by Dorothy Moore. Or, as a reminder of simpler times, and when I was fitter and more flecible how about Gap Band and Oops Upside Your Head.

  • Comment number 88.

    Julie, I too hope that wasn't a pop at your really lovely and personal post for your tune on Thursday. Thank you for sharing your memories with us here on the blog. Thankfully it's not me on production duty on Thursday as I think it has the potential to reduce me to a weeping wreck!

  • Comment number 89.

    Well said

  • Comment number 90.

    #88 Thanks Babs. Not to worry though. Rest assured I wouldn't let Glen just being Glen bother me too much. I'm not bothered if anyone thinks I was being overly saccharine, or using a sob story to get something played (which most certainly wasn't the idea) :o)

  • Comment number 91.

    What are YOUR dance anthems?



    DANCE OF THE PIXIES from 2032 by GONG

    No story.

  • Comment number 92.

    Wednesday Geekness:

    Must be a guaranteed spot for Neil Hannon, no? Ideally his recent celebration of geekery:
    * The Divine Comedy - At The Indie Disco

    But do you get more geeky than:
    * They Might Be Giants - Particle Man?

  • Comment number 93.

    Monday Dance Anthems

    Keep On Truckin - Eddie Kendricks
    Fever - Sarah Vaughn (Adam Freeland Remix)
    Dancehall Opertor - Transglobal Underground
    Sunshine of Your Love - Cream vs The Hoxtons (radio edit)
    Space Shanty - Leftfield
    I'll Be Good To You - The Brothers Johnston
    Stay With Me - The Faces
    Zion Youth - Dreadzone ( radio Edit)
    U Don't Know Me - Basement Jaxx
    If I Never See Your Face Again - Maroon 5 (feat Rihannah)
    Going To a Go -Go - Smokey Robinson & The Miracles
    I'm A Man - Spencer Davis Group
    Yu Can't Do That - the Beatles

    That'll do,for now.

    Thursday's now a problem... as it happens my Dad also left school at 14 to become the man of the house and provide for a widowed mother, two brothers and a sister, one of whom was killed in HMS Exmouth at the start of the war, but I had some Rodgers & Hammerstein played for him a week or so ago (interestingly,I now can't remember the theme) so to avoid the risk of being ridiculed, I'll let it go, I think.

    As father to a thousand children, I have no expectations for father's day, myself - that would be a turn up for the books.

    For those not familar with it, the Adam Freeland remix of Fever by Sarah Vaughan is truly awesome.

    regardez youse


  • Comment number 94.

    oh, and I almost forgot

    Dance of the Pschyadelic Lounge Lizards - The Neutrons.

    regardez youse


  • Comment number 95.

    Monday: Are ye dancin?

    The following all get my head a-bobbing and feet a-tapping

    * Sawdoctors: Do you want to play my guitar?
    * Ram Jam: Black Betty
    * Cream: Sunshine of your Love
    * Beck: Go It Alone
    * Upsetters: Return of Django

  • Comment number 96.

    Thursday Dad Rock!

    For all us weekend Guitar Hero dads:
    * Foghat: Slow Ride

    and two utterly heartbreaking songs, one from each side of the relationship:
    * Lennon - Beautiful Boy
    * Bragg - Tank Park Salute
    the latter in particular, taking me back to that time in childhood when your dad's still supposed to be an invincible giant.

  • Comment number 97.

    #80 - #84 - Norrie - Thank you. I received an email telling me I have broken the house rules but not which specific rule. Do they expect you to guess???

    I think it would be easier to text or email requests.

  • Comment number 98.





  • Comment number 99.

    For Wednesday - Catch Me If You Can - Brendan Shine

    An Irish farmer looking for love. Or lust!

    Daddy was never what you would call a great communicator. When drinking he'd be singing or havering. (See above.) When sober he was the strong silent type. This song sums up how I feel.

    For Thursday - The Greatest Man I Never Knew - Reba McEntire

  • Comment number 100.

    Lets Dance!


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