Odd ones out...

Are we human or are we dancer is not a question many of us thought we'd be contemplating but thanks to The Killer's odd grasp of the English language we have been. Following a particularly successful dance lesson this week I have decided that I am not human and am dancer! More on that next week when hopefully my Usher inspired streetdance video will be online. And it's only taken me three months to learn ( as opposed to the four weeks I originally thought it would take!). ÌýÌý
The Killers' track has already been nominated several times for tonight's show which is about the oddest lyrics of all time. Patrick Mccafferty frustratingly submitted this great list of odd lyrics but didn't include the titles. Producer Richard and I have managed to get nine of them without looking them up. Let's see how many you can spot...
Where you keep your Rolling Stones records and a friend of Sacha Distel,
Funny how your feet in dreams never touch the earth,
The pumps don't work cause the vandals took the handles,
I saw a werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand.
Swatting them Charlies with it from here to kingdom come,
When your world is full of strange arrangements and gravity wont pull you through,
Ono ono onomatopoeia,
I asked the waiter for iodine but I dined all alone,
Sure as Kilimanjaro rises like Olympus above the Serengeti,
She just smiled and gave me a Vegemite sandwich,
I don't want to see a ghost...I'd rather have a piece of toast,
Only the very young and the very beautiful could be so aloof,
On a morning from a Bogart movie in a country where they turn back time,
Locked up inside my opium den surrounded by some Chinamen,
There's NazisÌýin the bathroom just below the stairs
Comment number 1.
At 17th Mar 2010, norriemaclean wrote:Where do you go my lovely - Peter Sarsdet
Subbteranean 91Èȱ¬sick Blues - Dylans
Werewolf In London - Zevon
The Look Of Love
Kid Creole - Possibnly Annie Im Not
Toto - Africa
Men At Work Down Under
Is it as obvious as Toast? Paul Youngs old band
War Baby - Tom Robinson
Year of The cat - al stewart
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Comment number 2.
At 17th Mar 2010, Scotch Get wrote:5) Camouflage
8) Your red scarf matches your eyes? They played it earlier.
14) Jackie
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Comment number 3.
At 17th Mar 2010, Scotch Get wrote:7) Yon onomatopoeia is an urban myth.
The line is "I don't, I don't, I don't wanna be a..." (child born out of wedlock).
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Comment number 4.
At 17th Mar 2010, mary-doll wrote:some of the missing ones, others are just there for sheer pedantry's sake.
Where do you go my lovely - Peter Sarstedt
These Dreams - Heart
Annie I'm Not Your Daddy - Kid Creole & the Coconuts
Des'ree - Life (terrible song, IMO)
Jackie - Jacques Brel
Nobody Told - Me John Lennon
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Comment number 5.
At 17th Mar 2010, mary-doll wrote:did I say pedant? ;o) go(to) my lovely Me- John. etc.
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Comment number 6.
At 17th Mar 2010, mary-doll wrote:it just gets worse. the digging is stopping.
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Comment number 7.
At 17th Mar 2010, henri hannah wrote:Strangely,no one has mentioned the Marc Almond version of Jackie - campest of the camp and an absolute hoot.
I'll request it by text on Friday.
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Comment number 8.
At 17th Mar 2010, Scotch Get wrote:'Don't Forget Your Shovel' - Christy Moore
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Comment number 9.
At 17th Mar 2010, Scotch Get wrote:#8 refers to #6
Why is that strange?
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Comment number 10.
At 17th Mar 2010, mary-doll wrote:#9 it's always best to dot the i's and cross the t's. me, I never get my reference numbers right. leads to lots of shovel moments.
#7 - what #9 said. but I like Marc's Brel covers.
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Comment number 11.
At 17th Mar 2010, henri hannah wrote:#9/10 cause he had a big hit with Jackie in the pop charts in the early 90's - I would have thought it the best known version.
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Comment number 12.
At 17th Mar 2010, mary-doll wrote:#11 yes - and not necessarily. absolutely up for hearing it on Friday, though, totally agreed on that. that's put the kybosh on that one, then. ;o)
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Comment number 13.
At 17th Mar 2010, henri hannah wrote:Now, I know I'm thick... but I can't see which one of these is from 'Annie,I'm not your Daddy'.......sorry, I've just noticed, Scotch is right, I've always heard it as "I Don't, I Don't, I don't wanna be a..."
I suppose it's a bit like that Mylo track 'In my Arms' which I always hear as 'From the heart'
This part of the song doesn't form part of the lyric, according to the lyric sites on Google.
Anyway,it's not a strange lyric, pretty straightforward story, I'd say.It also contains one of the most courageous lines in songwriting..'see,if I was in your blood then you wouldn't be so ugly' - that takes balls.....
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Comment number 14.
At 17th Mar 2010, DC wrote:Wot, no caption competition?
"Kenny Logan walks away in disgust when Marc Bolan offers to Get It On with his googoogajoobs"
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Comment number 15.
At 18th Mar 2010, Glen Miller wrote:Flowers flounces off when crowd acclaim real musicians behind screens
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Comment number 16.
At 18th Mar 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:Man these troosers are riding up hard.
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Comment number 17.
At 18th Mar 2010, mary-doll wrote:Brandon tried hard to maintain a dignified stance when informed mid-concert that Bryan and Babs haddnae played any of his suggestions for the theme that night.
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Comment number 18.
At 19th Mar 2010, DC wrote:When Jim K sang "show me the way to go home", the crowd obliged...
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Comment number 19.
At 19th Mar 2010, norriemaclean wrote:Brandon groans as he realises his version of Sunshine on Leith is also a dirge......another failure
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Comment number 20.
At 22nd Mar 2010, Scotch Get wrote:MONDAY
- Ahmed and Salim
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