It's the final countdown...
I don't mind admitting we're in a bit of a mess about tonight's show. On paper it sounded easy "It's the GIO top 20 countdown! We'll start with something like 20 Flight Rock and end up with something One love. What comes in between? That's up to you. Let's have your suggestions of the numbers with numbers..."So far, so good. The problem is that we have had loads of brilliant songs suggested. On a normal night that would be fine and we could just slot them in whenever but tonight there can only be one song about 18, one about 17 etc etc.
There are piles of paper all over the floor as we try and make sense of it all. It's a bit like when you go to the supermarket and buy lots of lovely things then get them home and realise that you have no idea how to put them all together to make something for the tea. With about half and hour till we are on air, the only thing that's fixed is the opening song. Following that, let the shambles begin....ach, the chart was never like this in Tony Blackburn's day....
Saying all that please feel free to join the party by texting or calling during the show.
Comment number 1.
At 16th Apr 2009, Glen Miller wrote:Where's his dog?
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Comment number 2.
At 16th Apr 2009, AliMo66 wrote:2,4,6,8, motorway for any of them
7 seas of rye - queen
Ali in Buchlyvie
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Comment number 3.
At 16th Apr 2009, paolopablo wrote:That had occurred to me Glen but you're obviously a lot braver than I am
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Comment number 4.
At 16th Apr 2009, Glen Miller wrote:And look at the size of CDs in those days.
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Comment number 5.
At 16th Apr 2009, paolopablo wrote:...and the amount of hair the Dj's had
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Comment number 6.
At 16th Apr 2009, Glen Miller wrote:You can just see the producer behind the screen.
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Comment number 7.
At 16th Apr 2009, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:Not 'alf...
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Comment number 8.
At 16th Apr 2009, Scotch Get wrote:" Next up is a wee ditty by Durran Durran..."
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Comment number 9.
At 16th Apr 2009, madmacfraeclydebank wrote:Guys and Gals...
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Comment number 10.
At 16th Apr 2009, Glen Miller wrote:"Why are you sniffing up that salt, Johnny?"
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Comment number 11.
At 16th Apr 2009, Scotch Get wrote:206 wasn't a 91Èȱ¬ frequency. Luxembourg, maybe?
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Comment number 12.
At 16th Apr 2009, Adam_from_Rio wrote:#11
Luxembourg was 208.
Great memories - does anyone remember Rocktober?
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Comment number 13.
At 16th Apr 2009, JuliefromEdinburgh wrote:#12 Fabulous 208...I remember listening to Tony Prince almost sobbing on air the night Elvis died.
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Comment number 14.
At 16th Apr 2009, norriemaclean wrote:I am far too young, sorry cannot help.
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Comment number 15.
At 16th Apr 2009, JuliefromEdinburgh wrote:I was very, very young at the fact I only vaguely remember it...or perhaps I've just been told about it and only think I remember it ;0)
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Comment number 16.
At 17th Apr 2009, DC wrote:Correct me if I'm wrong, but the theme was 'Countdown' and not 'Top Twenty'. I have to say I'm a bit miffed at the dismissive tone that was taken on air about the 'Zero' inclusion. If it had been the 'Top Twenty' which had actually been posted, then there's no way that Zero would be included. It wasn't so Zero should have, and Bab's's 3.34 fewer track record would have been affected.
Obviously BB 'n' B didnae go tae a richt skail
Got that off my chest now, so away to bed.
The dug's name was (woof woof) Arnold by the way
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Comment number 17.
At 17th Apr 2009, Glen Miller wrote:247 AM - Radio One was One-derful
It was about five years later I found out that records had bass guitars and cymbals on them.
FM - (no static at all)
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Comment number 18.
At 17th Apr 2009, ECTheNorthSea wrote:#16 Calm down DC
If the theme was Countdown then surely they should have played stuff like:-
Oh Carol - Neil Sedaka
Here I go Again - White(ley)Snake
Dick-a-dum-dum - Des O'Connor
It's only words - The Bee Gees
Lucky Number - Lene Lovich
I think the committee may well be out on whether or not "Zero" is officially used in a countdown.
Night, night and sleep tight.
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Comment number 19.
At 17th Apr 2009, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:#13 I made a Crystal set as a kid (my Dad was a radio engineer in the RF in the 1950's and passed on his knowledge to me). I remember tuning in regularly to 208 under the covers and trying not to get caught!
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Comment number 20.
At 17th Apr 2009, DC wrote:#18
De-de, De-de, Deedley-de-de
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Comment number 21.
At 17th Apr 2009, Scotch Get wrote:#16
I know. Sometimes it feels like they're not taking the whole thing seriously.
I salute our pedantic sensibilities!
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Comment number 22.
At 17th Apr 2009, JuliefromEdinburgh wrote:#19. We had places near our house called s-h-o-p-s and I bought a radio from one of them. It was really good and I could listen to lots of different radio stations using it ;0). Did you have to be under the covers because the set was connected to the bedsprings?
P.S. Jim - Must confess to being curious as to what you had for your tea last night.
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Comment number 23.
At 17th Apr 2009, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:#22 Pizza!
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Comment number 24.
At 17th Apr 2009, ECTheNorthSea wrote:#22 - Under the covers listening to Chuck Berry's - Ding-a-Ling.
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Comment number 25.
At 17th Apr 2009, norriemaclean wrote:#19 Jim - did the moderators edit that post?
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Comment number 26.
At 17th Apr 2009, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:#25 Ha! No they certainly did not!
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Comment number 27.
At 17th Apr 2009, norriemaclean wrote:Hmm. Took you an awfull long time to confirm that!
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Comment number 28.
At 18th Apr 2009, DC wrote:#26, must have been checking his aerial?
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