I've taken the opportunity to get the themes online on Friday night as I know a lot of you like to come up with your week's suggestions across the weekend. It's late on Friday night as I type this but I notice already that the Get It On inbox already has several e-mails with stuff for next week. There's a ton of stuff already for Thursday's wedding songs theme - but I should warn you it's only an hour on Thursday night 'cos of the football. I suspect we will be going back to weddings. A second honeymoon if you like...

Mon 18th May:
Cash was in Folsom Prison, Mary Hopkins was on Opportunity Knocks and Dusty was in Memphis...but what were you doing in 1968 and what was your favourite music of the year? Leave a comment on the blog or e-mail getiton@bbc.co.uk...
Tue 19th May
Tonight's theme was suggested by Bill Whiteford of Newsdrive. It's songs about me and songs about you. The Wannadies managed to get both into the same title but did anybody else? From Only You to Kiss Me, e-mail your favourite 'me and you' songs to getiton@bbc.co.uk...
Wed 20th May
Ultravox were doing it with tears in their eyes and Springsteen was doing it in the dark. 'Dancing' is tonight's theme. Grab your partners and tune in after the six o'clock news...
Thursday 21st May
Organising the wedding is the easy bit, but what do you have for the first dance? That's the theme tonight. Let me know your wedding songs and also text in and tell me the songs that should never be played at a wedding...
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