Monday 3 March
There is normally a lot of screaming and shouting goes on during Get It On, the difference is tonight that it will be broadcast on air. This is the theme that was postponed form the other week and was suggested by Julie in Edinburgh, who thinks that songs with screams or shouts would make a great theme. E-mail getiton@bbc.co.uk or post a comment with your suggestions of some over-excited artists…
Tuesday 4 March
All About Eve, Pretty Woman or Babe? Tonight’s theme comes from Neil Martin and it’s films which share their names with bands or songs.
Wednesday 5 March
Rob in Edinburgh suggests artists with one name for tonight. So whether you’re after some Kylie or fancy hearing Prince then e-mail getiton@bbc.co.uk with your suggestions...
Thursday 6 March
Expect the Eagles and The Guillemots to feature on tonight’s show. DC in Cellardyke has suggested Birds. There's been a big response already on the blog and you can read it under the posting titled 'Sine Of The Times'.