
The Strokes...


It's been a bit hard to concentrate in this office this afternoon as I've had a bizarre lunchtime which involved getting a swimming lesson off Duncan Goodhew and frolicking in a pool with Miss Scotland. Beats sitting in the cannie with a sandwich I suppose.

You could be forgiven for thinking the picture looks like a scene out of Baywatch, but it was all in aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care's Swimathon which is a swimming challenge taking place in April and aims to raise £1.8 million for the charity.

It's the brainchild of the Olympic Gold Medalist, Duncan Goodhew who was at the launch of the appeal in Glasgow today. I think Duncan guessed I wasn't a competitive swimmer when he saw I kept my spectacles on for the photo's. It's always good to talk to a world champion and he gave us some great advice about improving our swimming....well apart from 'don't keep your glasses on in the water'.

Photographs by Peter Sandground

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