I promised that this blog would take you behind the scenes of the show, so today I am introducing another member of the team. When I say another member of the team, it's not like there's a huge squad of them.
Paul is off on his holidays, so Matt is assuming production duties for Get It On this week. I've asked him to fill in the profile that Paul and Jo have already taken. Feel free to 'rate my producer' and I wonder if ( like a certain other member of the team) he will be relying on friends and relatives to post comments on his hot-ness.
Anyway, heeeeeeeeere's Matt:

My job is:
Head Keeper, Aberdeen Music Department.Whether they take the shape of angry accordions, grisly guitars, livid lutes or dangerous drum machines, I'm despatched to tame the department's wild musical beasts into groomed and well-behaved hours of sonic resplendence. Or something.
I am currently listening to:
Enjoying my beats at the moment, having recently rediscovered the genius of the Utah Saints, who also prompted me to dust off my Daft Punk and DJ Shadow mp3s. Really loving the current albums from Maximo Park and Editors. Also just discovered Tokyo Police Club and I'm getting really into their EPs, and have started listen to jazz in the gym - Stan Tracey in particular. Give it a try! The Magnetic Fields' masterpiece 69 Love Songs is well due a relisten, so think I'll fall asleep to it tonight. Bless.
Celebrity I most closely resemble:
Craig David. See picture below for the proof. It is me, and I was forced to do it. Kinda.

I would describe my style as:
A bloke with hair that gets in his eyes.
I love:
Going to the gym after producing Get It On. It's perfect because it converts the post-show adrenaline rush into blood, sweat and tears. Well, sweat and tears anyway.
I hate:
Bad parking. I once took a picture of a car outside my house that had parked inconsiderately across two bays. Then immediately deleted the picture when I realised what I'd become. It still bugs me though...
What I’ll be having for my tea after the show:
Something healthy tonight I think. Provided I remembered to get the salmon steak out of the freezer, I'll steam it up with a wedge of green beans and some new potatoes. If I didn't remember, I'll need to try and create something using chilli powder, marmalade and half a sheet of dry noodles. Or go shopping.
Thing I most enjoy about working on this show:
While Paul's away from work I get to inhabit his coop. It's a tiny desk piled to the ceiling with teetering stacks of CDs. When a great suggestion comes in mid-show, I am required to dash upstairs from the studio and conquer these multicoloured musical mountains. It's a bit like playing Jenga, but with a potentially disastrous outcome.
Bryan's most annoying habit:
Not liking cups of tea made the proper way. It's milk first! Isn't it?