Ask Noel Clarke a Question
All you have to do is post your question here on the blog, the or via using #noelclarkeqa and we'll put a selection of the best ones to Noel. We'll then have his answers here on the blog after next week's showing of Adulthood.
Just make sure you get them to us by midday on Monday 18 July. And don't miss tonight's episode of Kidulthood at 9.45pm, which you can also watch on the iPlayer.
UPDATE: Thank you for all your Noel Clarke questions. Check out Noel's answers here. And don't forget, you can still watch Adulthood on the iPlayer.
Mars Elkins is producer for the 91Èȱ¬ Three website.
Comment number 1.
At 16th Jul 2011, Adam Parkin wrote:What inspired you to get into making films ? And, how could anyone make it into films ?
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Comment number 2.
At 16th Jul 2011, TashaaBashaa wrote:Why Did You Kill Aml?
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Comment number 3.
At 16th Jul 2011, nath602 wrote:are you planning on directing any more movies if so what will they be called?
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Comment number 4.
At 16th Jul 2011, Stef wrote:Just watch your movie, great stuff... Wondering what you think those kids need to change? Seems to me the parents are obviously responsible but even more importantly school needs to be a mean of showing to them what's right or wrong. The opening scene for me was shocking. Where are the teachers? Where are the educators? Do you think this can change or it's already too late?
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Comment number 5.
At 16th Jul 2011, Christina wrote:Hey,
I am currently studying film in London at University, living in London is so inspiring and has been perfect for all my projects thus far. All your films have been brilliant, I watched a back to back session in The Prince Charles Cinema a few months ago. But I was wondering, do you have any advice for an aspiring filmmaker? Anything that I should be experiencing or anyone I should be trying to get in contact with? Etc.
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Comment number 6.
At 16th Jul 2011, Aiden Cook wrote:How long did it take you to write the film.. because i am in the middle of writing a movie and do you think i would be able to star in it like you did with yours.
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Comment number 7.
At 16th Jul 2011, Lauz wrote:Noel wt made u come up wit the idea for adulthood nd do u lke playin a bad boi x
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Comment number 8.
At 16th Jul 2011, tomv-19 wrote:Hey Noel, I'm studying Drama in college and I was just wondering if you could give me a few tips to succeed in the Film industry. Also, what inspired you to make a film like Kidulthood? And would I be able to have an Autograph from you?
Thanks, Tom
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Comment number 9.
At 17th Jul 2011, JSpence2011 wrote:Hey Noel, Will There Be A Another Sort Of 'Hood' Film, Not A Comedy-Like 'Anuvahood', A Bit Like 'KiDULTHOOD' And 'AdULTHOOD'?
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Comment number 10.
At 17th Jul 2011, Beeaa19 wrote:Hey Noel, I was just wondering when your making another film. As I done drama in school and in college and doing another 2 years doing performance. I was going to ask if when your making another film, where would you go to audition, as I love Kidulthood, it's such a sick film. And I would love to be in one of your other productions.
Thank you for having time to read this. Hope to hear back from you.
Bethany Valler.
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Comment number 11.
At 17th Jul 2011, Joe_Hayes wrote:A Question for Noel Clarke:
I'm an aspiring young writer, and I have written a comedy television pilot that I have yet had the confidence to send off to a production company (and I was wondering if you would be interested in reading it?). I was also hoping that if my script was successful, I would go on to write a hard hitting drama, as you did with Kidulthood, Adulthood and So, my question to you is this; When writing your amazing scripts, where do you draw your inspiration from?
Thank you, Joe.
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Comment number 12.
At 20th Jul 2011, dean knight wrote:Hey Noel, Will There Be A Another Sort Of 'Hood' Film, Not A Comedy-Like 'Anuvahood', A Bit Like 'KiDULTHOOD' And 'AdULTHOOD'?
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Comment number 13.
At 20th Jul 2011, Atweedie wrote:is their going to be a part three ?
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Comment number 14.
At 20th Jul 2011, mook wrote:It's not often a sequel betters the original, Adulthood was superb. Are you planning or have you even thought about doing a third film and making it a trilogy?
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Comment number 15.
At 20th Jul 2011, kerryannharrow wrote:great film love it and
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Comment number 16.
At 20th Jul 2011, wez wrote:Hi Noel, what really inspired you to write Kidulthood and AdULTHOOD? Was it something that happened when you were growing up, or just a great idea that led to making two of the best British films ever produced? I would also like to say that all of the cast in both of the films were fantastic.
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Comment number 17.
At 20th Jul 2011, dolphinlover wrote:hi just wanted 2 say that kidulthood n adulthood r well gd films n want 2 know if noel clarke is gonna do any more films if so r they gonna be abt gangsters or wud he do different type of film if so wot sort of film
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Comment number 18.
At 20th Jul 2011, DJ Coolhand wrote:Now Kidulthood and Adulthood have been shown on 91Èȱ¬ will any other films of yours like 4,3,2,1 be shown? I think Doghouse & Heartless were good films too, but do you prefer to act or direct?
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Comment number 19.
At 20th Jul 2011, jamdown89 wrote:I hope there will be a third one as kidult hood and adult hood are just sick.
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Comment number 20.
At 20th Jul 2011, DannySmith wrote:How did you feel when you heard that Ashley Thomas aka Bashy wrote his song kidulthood/adulthood from your films?
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Comment number 21.
At 21st Jul 2011, Mini Me wrote:hey the film is great and so easy to follow and i like how in the first film your character comes across as the bad guy but in the second film your side of the story comes out and you dont seem such a bad guy after all x..were did u get the insperation for your character and how did the story come about ? and what was it like to work with ben drew ? please tell me you have another film please hahah love the film and your a fab actor :)) xx
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Comment number 22.
At 21st Jul 2011, Tyler wrote:Hi Noel, Great piece of work. A very realistic and true but sad representation of the world we live in. I live in london with my family and I see it every day. The actors were brilliant as well as the script, camera work etc. I felt annoyed and hated what the film portrayed but loved the passion and emotion that the charactors expressed. I found the film compelling. Just wanted to say well done. C.Tyler.
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Comment number 23.
At 21st Jul 2011, HelenaB wrote:Hi Noel, I've been following your work since I first saw you in 2005 in Doctor Who. You are a brilliant actor. I love Kidulthood and Adulthood. I hope the 91Èȱ¬ will show more of your work on TV. The topics dealt with in both films are important and remain relevant. I can relate to everything shown. I've seen it all first hand. By bringing issues to the forefront hopefully young people will start to see there are better ways to deal with matters. Certain ways of living look attractive and you've shown the consequences and how once involved negative influences take over making it hard to get out. The films are thought provoking, emotional and hard hitting getting the message across. You deliver the material brilliantly and I can't wait to see more of your work. I think some people underestimate how hard life can be and you portray the issues well.
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Comment number 24.
At 21st Jul 2011, Lizzay_Evans wrote:I think your awesome and FIT ;)
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Comment number 25.
At 21st Jul 2011, badmansweetsugetme wrote:baaaad filllm manz dnt badman job on dos 2 filmz init yuppp oh yh do me a faver bruv i no u dnt knw me or nuttin but wen u do nuver film bout da yout ting n tht use this names 4 sum main characters intt plzzz ;fat nick (but da kidz nt fat lol), scronz n james day. blesssed bruddahh...Safeee
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Comment number 26.
At 23rd Jul 2011, Lemar Whyte wrote:Hi Noel, I am currently undergoing the Extended Project Qualification. This qualification provides an opportunity for me to exercise the abilities beyond the A-level syllabus and prepare for university or their future career. The EPQ specification allows each student to embark on a largely self-directed project. I started by taking responsibility for the choice and design of an individual project, or individual role in a group project. I have chosen to base my project around this question: What is the nature of the relationship between youth subculture, and media representations of this culture in London?
I plan to find replicable experts within the field to carry out my questionnaire, so I can get a good amount of primary research, enough just in case the results have an effect of what I am going to include in my final essay. I was wondering if you are able to answer my questionnaire, I am a massive fan of yours and would be sincerely grateful.
What made you come up with the idea of ‘Kidulthood’ and ‘Adulthood’?
Do you think gang culture and street violence is getting worse in London? If so why?
What are the influences amongst youths to joining a gang in London?
What is to blame for the growing gangs and street violence occurring in London amongst youths?
Are the representations of youth culture today all negative? And if so why?
What is the affect that media misinterpretations of youth and gang culture have on people?
Do you believe the media’s representations of gangs give a negative perception of youths to society?
Do you believe there’s a resolving circle between media representations and youth subculture?
Thank you
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Comment number 27.
At 23rd Jul 2011, MissB wrote:Hey Noel,
I have a film in mind I would like to direct working with you, please let me know if this will be possible.
Miss B
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Comment number 28.
At 24th Jul 2011, orfala wrote:Is it too late to ask a question?? i'm going to ask anyway..
Noel, you are hot. and very talented, i love your films and i, along with many others are awaiting a third film, i feel there defiantly should be. where do you find the inspiration for these amazing films, did you grow up in the 'hood'?
Thanks, Orla.
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Comment number 29.
At 24th Jul 2011, thomas wrote:kidulthood and adulthood are two big films and propbably the best films out would you ever think about making another one to it are something like?
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Comment number 30.
At 26th Jul 2011, georgiou wrote:you played sam peel amazing in kidulthood n adulthood ur a agrate actor would you ever do any other film related to that????
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