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Episode 6: The Gloves are off...

Ben Rawson-Jones, Blog Editor | 21:55 UK time, Wednesday, 8 June 2011



The gloves were off in the boardroom as Team Venture's squabbling and losing by six quidÌýin the Rubbish task culminated in Edna being fired. She'd have been wise to keep her gloves on, given that the elbow-length latex garments she wore in her Ampi-App presentation could have scared her rivals into submission. Alas, Zoe's humility and Susan's youthful acumen won through in the heat of the battle. But do you agree with Lord Sugar's decision?

Edna, who endured her first loss, spent much of the task as a baffled bystander to the fireworks between Project Manager Zoe and Susan. Their squabbling – a fusion of monotone and glass shattering squawks – made Melody's infamous 'MEEEOOOUUUU' sound like the therapeutic sounds of panpipes in comparison.

Mind you, Nick Hewer was quick to point out the Susan possesses a "power of wisdom" that belies her years. She was quick to realise the value of not charging businesses to take away their valuable waste as well as targeting the copper cylinders. Her cleverness is so deceptive that many of you may have failed to notice that her blinks are actually reciting the Complete Works of Shakespeare in Morse Code.

On the subject of literary genius, Natasha's analogies this week surely merit some kind of book deal. "The horse, the train has left the station," she said as a rebuttal to Melody's criticism of their team's offer to clear away rubbish for zilch, before stating that her teammate had served up a "plate of blame" for her to eat from. Pass the fork…

"I've been the brains and I've been the brawn," declared Edna during the latter stages of the task. This accounted for nothing once Lord Sugar had her CV in his hands, which was peppered with idealistic claims of her visionary and practical capabilities that nobody in the boardroom appeared to agree with. Still, she can leave with her hands held high – a testament to the fact that 'Edna's Gloves' was once a trending topic on Twitter…

Moving from rubbish bags to Baggs The Brand - Stuart will be back with his weekly blog tomorrow, so don't forget to visit and let him know what you thought of the episode.

Did Edna deserve to be fired? Would you buy a book of Natasha's analogies? Is Susan smarter than you thought? Let us know by clicking on the Comments button...



  • Comment number 1.

    Outrageous she went....

  • Comment number 2.

    Davros - why would you have saved Edna from extermination?

  • Comment number 3.

    I wouldn't have sent her home. I don't believe she's winning material, but Zoe lost it on this task. Also I felt that People were making her out to be a bit of a clinger, which I really didn't see at all, but then again I wasn't actually there...

  • Comment number 4.

    I agree Zoe was probably saved for 2 main reasons, namely being proactive enough in decisively putting herself forward as PM, and also by admitting blame (feels like a first at times in this programme!) for at least a part of the task, although I don't think it helps her case by squabbling so much with anyone who criticises her. I think after last week, when Jim was on the firing line, he had more of a back role this week, probably on purpose, so if it came to it that his team lost, he would not be taken back into the boardroom. Also, and I don't know if only I saw this, but in the part when the losing team was called back in to the boardroom, I don't think we saw Leon utter a single word - perhaps to make himself less visible to Zoe so as to avoid the final 3?
    And on another topic entirely - hope Helen stays in as long as possible, no reason other than she is becoming more appealing visually and as a person every week! Her smile lights up the boardroom, and her giggling fit (if completely unappropriate to the situation) last week was so endearing!

  • Comment number 5.

    Didn't like Edna at all and haven't since day one. There was an agressive, domineering attitude about her not helped by her insitance that she was always the workhorse even when she wasn't.
    However, I really thought Zoe was out until Ednas' CV was pulled out and when that happens it's only a matter of time until a taxi is booked for one

  • Comment number 6.

    Edna did seem to wander around the background alot on the tasks but I am still Gobsmacked that she went instead of the Loathesome Dove Zoe!! What the hell persuaded Lord Sugar-Monsta to keep her in ??? At least we can sit back and relax as Zoe and Suzie clash next week because you can tell by her attitude the last few weeks towards her Zoe Hates Suzie. So let battle commence! and incidentaly anyone else notice that his smoothness Nick Hewer is becoming quite witty again? No so its just me then lol

  • Comment number 7.

    Interesting views from all of you. The Susie/Zoe interaction will be interesting to watch next week.

    Do you agree with Nick that Susan has a good deal of wisdom?

  • Comment number 8.

    She shouldn’t have fired tonight. It’s important to remember that it was her, Susan and the other two guys who salvaged the task and for her to get fired for that just doesn’t make sense. To me lord sugar just did exactly what Vincent did last week {strategizing]. Zoe completely lost the task and should have been fired and for her to be given a second chance is just unthinkable in the real world. It goes to tell you how far we still are on Equality and race relations.
    Her lack of judgment is why she took the task of PM in field in which she has no experience at all not guts and primary reason as to why venture lost the task, had she given the other two guy’s or Susan the chance, they wouldn’t have lost the task. Until yesterday Susan was weakest link but now she is my strongest link and the way she carried herself at the hands of such an overbearing Zoe just says it all.

  • Comment number 9.

    I'm sorry but is everyone missing something here, the plumbers alleyway and the builders front garden were a setup. There is noway on this earth that someone would hand over 5 copper boilers and £20 for a £200 job, that was staged to check out the negotiating skills of the team. Also, they were warned about leaving a builders site half way through a job, as the job would be bigger when they get back, hey presto the one job they did with a builder they all left site (supposedly to press the drop button together on the wagon) and when they returned the builder had thrown a few more bags in. I'm sorry don't insult our intelligence by pretending this actually happened for real, we all know Top Gear is now a sketch show but please can we let the candidates out in the real world and not one where Lord Sugar has left them hints, tips and pitfalls?

  • Comment number 10.

    Did they have a waste carriers license. It would have been interesting if they had been stopped and didn't have one!

  • Comment number 11.

    am i the only one who thinks that suzie should have gone this week and not edna. as if suzie had been pm then i think they would have lost by alot more then just six pound. people keep saying that zoe didnt really grasp the concept of this task but it was suzie that didnt really grasp it and yet people seem to forget that

  • Comment number 12.

    suzie should have gone not edna, yea suzie did talk to that plumber guy but so did glen and if u watch it back suzie said ok we do that plus take two tanks and glen said three and then suzie backed him up and said yea three not in them exact words but near enough. to me she didnt grasp the concept of the task this week and she could have cost the team alot then what they lost by so she for me is the lucky one to have got away this week

  • Comment number 13.

    Zoe is a bully. I dont see Susan lasting long but she is being bullied by Zoe. Even on the 2nd task, and during the task, she categorically have placed Susan as the responsible person for the failure. Zoe definitely the one that got away. When the 3 came in, Susan said "I closed the deal" in which Zoe retaliated that it wasnt Susan, it was Edna. Seriously neither the viewers nor the panel of judges are dumb. Of course we all knew Edna did the call and got the job, but it was Susan's negotiaiton skills that cost that the team to lose by £6, not by a bigger margin. when on the first pitch Susan told Zoe she should have not charged them, she jumped at her asking if she was sabotaging her? Zoe sabotaged the team infact. Susan's weakness in this show is that she is not loud enough and she cant overpower someone's retaliation or voice. that will cost her, her space.

  • Comment number 14.

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  • Comment number 15.

    Fully agree. Zoe is a bully and is solely responsible for the task failure. She lied at the boardroom about the dialogue involving furniture right into Susan's face who had been repeatedly harrazzed by her. Susan tends to treat PMs as PMs and take a subordinate position when interacting with them but she should change her strategy if she ever has to work under Zoe again.

  • Comment number 16.

    Is there anyone out there willing to fight Zoe's corner? Lord Sugar seemed to be impressed by her humility in the boardroom.


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