Ten llamas and a Donkey
- 29 Oct 07, 03:05 PM
Posted from: On the way to Angostura.
We have just started the trek from the source to Angostura with the llamas. It's a two-day walk, we have 10 llamas and a donkey, and it's been raining - a lot. Right now it's snowing, and it's miserable but the filming has gone really well because it's so beautiful here, and the footage will show this incredible place. We filmed the opening at the source rather than the glacier. It's just a trickle of water on the rock face and I still can't believe how this becomes such a huge sea of water.
Bruce drinks from the source of the Amazon
The last few days we stayed with Rodolfo and his family at the estancia. Rodolfo is a really amazing person in this community and Bruce got on really well with him, and made everybody laugh with his Spanish.
The team toast the journey with Rodolfo's family
It is too hard to walk with all this heavy camera kit to Angostura so we're sharing round the equipment. Matt is walking with the camera today and Zubin will take it tomorrow. We are also having some trouble connecting to the internet, the laptop keeps on crashing! We hope it's because we are so high and not that the satellite modem or laptop is broken.
We are not sleeping much but in good spirits despite our long days.