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Adam Buxton Adam Buxton | 10:13 UK time, Thursday, 11 March 2010

Hello blog pals! Long time no speaky!


As you may have gathered it's been a turbulent few days for 6 Music. Last week I was called upon to say my part on Channel 4 News though apart from inviting Mark Thomo Thompson out for some punching I didn't really say anything very useful. All the stirring and important stuff I'd been planning went out of the window as soon as I heard the man in my earpiece telling me we were live in 5 seconds. After that it was just a question of not weeping or swearing. I really meant to give Black Squadron a shout out but that was one of many things that got away from me on the night. I'll keep you abreast of further efforts to keep 6 Music from closing as they occur.


Meanwhile if all goes to plan Joe and I will be back together for our show later in the year but until then I'm hoping to do a show on my own and this week I'll be recording a pilot for a weekly 2 hour show with our regular producer James Stirling in London. At the moment it's called 'Adam Buxton's Big Mix Tape' (can't help doing the puns, sorry) and it's supposed to be kind of like a compilation tape that I've made for the listeners with a different theme or mood each week. The pilot Mix Tape is called Øddens and features some of my favourite weird but accessible music by both well known and less well known artists. The show is 2 hours so it's divided into two sides with a guest joining me for an hour to add their own tracks and just talk generally about any other rubbish that comes up. This is where I need your help!


For the pilot episode my guest is Julian Barratt from the Mighty Boosh, who is not only one of my favourite actor/comedians but is a big music fan himself and likes weird music almost as much as he loves jazz. I've been compiling a few lists of things that I can use in the show but I'd really appreciate your additions either concise or (slightly) more anecdotal and rambly. Here they are:


1. Questions for Julian. So far I've got 'faves?' and 'worsties?'
2. Weirdest/oddest thing you've done or have had done to you. This is pretty vague, I know, but lazily, I'm leaving it up to you to interpret!
3. Bowie snacks. (eg. Life On Mars bar, Quicksandwich, Revel Revels, Aeros.)
4. New names for paint colours. We're painting our front room at the moment and I've been reminded how ludicrous the world of paint naming can get, my favourite being 'Elephant Breath' (light grey). I need more ridiculous names, either real or made up (please indicate which though) for paint colours. Try to keep them fairly clean...


I may not use all of these in the pilot but if the show goes ahead and becomes a regular thing it would be great to have a few important and informative topics like this rolling from week to week and your input would be invaluable. Do you, like me, always think that the word 'invaluable' sounds as if it means 'not valuable'? To be clear, your input would be VERY valuable.


We're recording the pilot (which we are hoping will be broadcast a few weeks after) this Friday 12th so if you're able to add your suggestions in the comments section before then, I'd be deeply grateful.


Thanks and cheery hey ho hoo ha ho. Ho hoo ha. Adam


  • Comment number 1.

    1) I love you.

    2) This is so exciting.

    3) My ladybrain hurts, this is too exciting.

    4) I will come back later with some sensible suggestions when I have attended to my ladybrain crisis.

    5) I love you.

    That about sums it up for now. More soon.

    R xxx

  • Comment number 2.

    New names for paint colours? How about the following...

    Devil's breakfast.
    Condemned sausage factory.
    Parole hearing.
    Essence of Pebble Mill.

  • Comment number 3.

    Gosh...Bowie snacks is such a fun topic.

    Space Raiders Oddity (with the chorus obviously being "Ground Control to Major Tomblerone", or is that pushing it a little too far?)
    Miniature Heroes
    Dancing in the Quality Street (shoutout to Choc-Lick Jagger).

  • Comment number 4.

    Good to hear from you Adam!

    I looked up a clip of you on Channel 4 News - you handled it well! My life isn't the same without my Adam & Joe podcast :( Will this new pilot show be up on the iPlayer eventually though?

  • Comment number 5.

    An essentially important question: favourite cheese. Is he a soft cheese or hard cheese kinda guy!

    Best utensil: spoon, fork or spork?

    Is is acceptable to eat cereal after 5p.m.? And whats the best cereal ever!

    The Beatles or The Rolling Stones

    If you were to reincarnate into any animal what would it be and why?

    Thom Yorke, friend or foe?

  • Comment number 6.

    Bring me the Burger King (other fast foods are available)
    The Bean Genie
    It Ain't Cheesy
    Lady Starburst
    accompanied by a lovely Rock 'n' Roll S..side-salad
    or the even more tenuous Man who salad the world

    Or from beverage front:
    Five Beers
    I'm Afraid of Americanos


  • Comment number 7.

    .......everything Dr Roobles said.
    Love you xx00xx

  • Comment number 8.

    In response to your points:

    2 - When I was veeerry drunk once and in an awkward situation I managed to exit the situation by looking behind the people in front of me, pointing and shouting "THE SMIRNOFF ICE MACHINE IS AFTER ME!" then running off - it worked nicely (although I remember none of this!)

    4 - Paint Colours:
    [Any colour which is a hard colour for colour blind people to identify followed by a question mark] i.e. Yellow? Red? Brown?
    Chicken Giblets [Pink]
    Pom Pom Praline [Nutty Brown]
    Roadkill Red [Dark Red]
    Divine Dickenson [Deep Mahogany]

    I couldn't even think of bad answers to Q1 + 3

    Love you bye!

  • Comment number 9.

    I think we'd all benefit from a Beatles-themed paint collection...

    Melon of Rigby
    Mellow Submarine
    Sheer Prudence
    A Grey in the Life
    Maxwell's Silver Enamor

    All marketed under Sgt. Peppers' Only Art Club brand.

  • Comment number 10.

    Welcome back Adam, we've missed you.

    Ref: Paint Names: How about Oak Funnel (with a splash of Misty Buff)?

    Life-enhancing stuff!

  • Comment number 11.

    New paint colour name:

    Jimmy Bignutz* [light beige with worrying undertones]

    *With a Z so it's not rude

  • Comment number 12.

    Hooray, this is excellent news!

    I've actually made a slightly rubbish paint name colour generator type thing, which you would be more than welcome to use if you fancied (to be honest I would be absolutely delighted!)

    Its just a small thing, but can yield some interesting results..

    (PS. I did use it in my own podcast, but don't let that stop you, we're quite new so have a limited listenership thus far..)

  • Comment number 13.

    In a stupid geeky sense, I am excited that a third of the posts here are awaiting moderation which means they are newbie BlogSquadroners. Even when Adam and Joe are lost in action the squadron recruits and swells to the distant call of their leaders.

    Have an enjoyable time with Julian, Adam. I won't clutter your brain with any of my silly suggestions. I have absolute faith that you will be far more entertaining without the benefit of my input.x

  • Comment number 14.

    very exciting adam, this should tide us over for our adam and joe fix.
    in response
    1. i'd like to know if julian really is making a mightyboosh film? because this would be so exciting

    2. An odd thing i do is, i sometimes dream my whole day at university, then wake up only to find i have to sit through some more boring lectures.

    3. how about a labryrinth reference with Didymus dust

    4. baby poo green, meat van beige, day old gum,

  • Comment number 15.

    Paint suggestions:

    Nicotine Nightimes (off-yellow)
    Muffin Top (a sort of doughy off-white with a pinkish tinge reminiscent of stretch marks)
    Norovirus (a rich brown)
    The Giraffe's Memories (burnt orange)
    Orlando's Bloom (the colour of Tesco Basic ham slices)
    Liver Damage (WKD blue)
    LOL 80s! (acid green)

  • Comment number 16.

    @webname, if others are like me they just couldn't resist a good Bowie Pun!

    Wuzza Wuz
    (incidentally anyone that knows the origins of this pleas let me know)

  • Comment number 17.

    Welcome back Count Bucculese!
    I've got nothing of note really, just looking forward to hearing the show.
    The best I got with paint colour names was "Fudge Tunnel"
    As for questions for Julian, the only things that came to mind were tired old rubbish about being "the other guy" in a double act (i.e. does he see himself like Andrew Ridgeley, or Joe Cornish perhaps)

    ps - The look on Thomo's face when you asked him out for a fight was priceless. I reckon you could take him !!!

  • Comment number 18.

    Wow, this sounds very exciting.

    Mark & Lard used to do a quiz feature which was about guessing the real paint shades from the fake ones, and everyone was cr*p at it which proves how ridiculous some of them are.

    These are real: Clunch, Savage Ground, String, Dead Salmon and...aha, just found Elephant's Breath so clearly I'm not contrubiting anything new here!
    How about some made up ones then: District Council, Meat, Grazed Knee, Slight Unease, Coot.
    Personally, I would buy a paint called 'cheery hey ho hoo ha ho' though, that sounds brilliant.

    Re invaluable/valuable: I also get confused about 'priceless' and words like that and I'm not the only one because there was briefly a pizza place near my office called Tasteless! Until somebody presumably told them and they changed it.

    David Bowie snacks: oooo, what about Hallo Spacedust? Andy Walnuts?

  • Comment number 19.

    I love the Bowie snacks. Marvellous!
    Can I add:
    Hunky Doritos
    Scary Monster Munch (and Super Crisps?)

    Miss you of a weekend.x

  • Comment number 20.


    The new show is great news! I wont be able to make it to the recording, but I'll defo be tuning in! hope it goes well.

    As for Bowie snacks, how about...
    Scary Monsters + Monster Munch = Scary Monster Munch
    Shake It + Beverage = Shake It Milkshakes
    Time + Dime Bar = Time Bar
    Goldern Years + Wispa = Wispa Golden Year
    Seven + After Eights = After Sevens
    Magic Dance + Magic Stats = Magic Dance Stars

    I'm going now...laters!

  • Comment number 21.

    This is such good news... Adam Buxton and Julian Barratt on one podcast!

    Question for Julian: "Yorkshire? What is... Yorkshire?" (from the Electro boy/girl episode); "Who keeps the Boosh wardrobe after filming?"; and yes, "When are we going to see you again?"

    Were you also looking for other topics to talk about? It's an oldie, but always interesting to do the 'Best/Weirdest (dinner) party mix'. Or 'Travel tales' - weird/interesting/inspiring journeys. You could also crack out the Lorra lorra voice: "If you were a ___ what kind of ___ wouyoubueee?" (Animal, soft drink, dessert, sub-atomic particle...)

  • Comment number 22.

    Man, I wish I had an answer for Q2 but even eating two bananas hasn't helped my brain out with that one...

    However for Q1 I agree with Natalie that a discussion about cereal habits would be good. Knowing people's views on times / ways to eat cereal is a good bonding topic. I often wish it was one of the question in the Guardian's Staurday magazine questionnaire. This show is shaping up to cover a lot of the important things that are missing from such interviews I reckon.

  • Comment number 23.

    If I may go off on a bit of a tangent, fabric softeners and air fresheners can be just as ridiculous as paint colours. What does 'Vanilla Frost' smell like? How about 'Sunshine Lemons and Bergamot'? As Harry Hill once said, it must be terribly confusing for blind people when they go to the bathroom, take a wiff and think 'Wha..? Pine Forest?'!
    Chuffed to bits to hear about this podcast Adam!

  • Comment number 24.

    Snack-related Bowie:
    Diamond Hotdogs
    Ladyfinger Stardust
    Life on Mars Bars?
    Figgy Stardust
    Word on a Chicken Wing
    Suffragette Chippy

    And to accompnay them:
    Five Beers
    Golden Beers

  • Comment number 25.

    Dan Pate !! AS immortalised on the Adam and Joe Song Wars CD!!! Respect. How DO you pronounce that name of yours?

  • Comment number 26.

    Questions for JB:
    1: That was it like working with Chris Morris? Can you tell us a wierd fact about him? Have you seen 'Four Lions' yet?
    2: How was Stella McCartneys shop opening thing that A&J were supposed to be doing but J jibbed out of? Any funny stories?
    3: Brown sauce or Red on a bacon butty?
    4: Is Ted Danson?

  • Comment number 27.

    Glad to hear we're going to have some lovely wordage from you in the coming weeks. With regards to your suggestions, number 3 reminded me of something. When I was younger my hair was a startling shade of ginger, and because of the cultural stigma associated with it I decided to create my own euphemistic names for my particular hair colour. I liked to use Woodland Rouge. Perhaps your theme could be extended to similar idiotic rebranding of colours, I imagine sports teams must do this (most especially American sports teams, methinks).

    Also, could you ask if there's any possibility of future Garth Merenghi episodes? It's probably best to be left at one series, but I can't help but chance the question. I think I just invented an expression, 'chance the question.' Yes, I've googled it and nothing appears....bye!

  • Comment number 28.

    Hooray! My minor celebrity status of being on the songwars CD has finally paid off!
    Its to rhyme with "gate".. a bit of a silly name. Needless to say throughout school the whole Pate-Pâté confusion happened most registration times..

  • Comment number 29.

    Ziggy Spacedust
    Starburst Man
    Time (out)
    The Man Who Sold Cadbury's

    Hannah From London

  • Comment number 30.

    1. If you were an Evil Mastermind...
    Where is your secret base?
    What is your dastardly plan?
    How do you go about recruiting henchmen?
    Who does the interior design, and does it match the uniforms?

    2. I used to paint myself blue put on a red kaftan and go to street parties and festivals, is that odd?

    3. hmm? Dark chocolate covered diamond dogs?

    4. Gordon Brown
    Faux Troglodyte
    Stallions hooves
    Cold stare

  • Comment number 31.

    Hello Adam,

    Congratulations on your new show! I hope the pilot is a success, it sounds like a great idea.

    Here are my questions for Julian:

    1. What was the make and model of your first guitar? How did you acquire it?

    2. What is one instrument you don't know how to play that you would like to learn?

    3. Are there certain aspects of a song that always grab you on a first listen? (vocals, chord progression, lyrics, etc).

    4. Do you listen to any bands that create new instruments or modify existing ones to make their music?

    5. Related, have you ever built a new instrument or heavily modified one to make music?

    6. Where do you go when on a quest to find new sounds?

    Hopefully you can use some of those. Looking forward to the show!

  • Comment number 32.

    Adam, this car paint list will give you some ideas, check out the "paint names you'll never see" list:

    Real paint names: Oh Boy!, Up North, Dangerous Robot, Pearl Necklace (honest!) Teal Me No Lies, Crocodile Smile, Spooky, Quack Quack,

    Made-up paint names: Stephen!(a solid black), Cornballs (a fleshy tone), Thomo (a bile-yellow)


  • Comment number 33.

    Hooray for Bowie Snacks!

    Fashion Chips
    Stuffedcorgette City
    Sloe Burn
    Cashews To Ashes
    The Flan Who Sold The World

  • Comment number 34.

    Real paint colour- a brown called "mouse back"
    It conjures up images of the lab mice with ears grafted on their backs.

    Question for Julian-
    Whats your "Have to get up and Dance, no matter what" track?

    Thank you
    Colette xx

  • Comment number 35.

    These paint names are too much, I am sicking up with glee!

    My contributions (fake):
    Dwarf's cutlass (pale green eggshell)
    Endoscopic pundit (the hue of Alan Hanson's duodenum)
    Irony explosion (transparent)
    Grimace (colour is a surprise)

  • Comment number 36.

    1. If you were to contract a disease whilst exploring, which disease would it be and where/ why would you contract it?

    If you were a melancholic traffic warden, how would you get your revenge on society?

    If you had the power to bring inanimate objects to life, which country would you invade and what objects would you use to do this?

    And finally

    If you produced Masterchef, what insane, innapropriate music would you use to go over the cooking.

    4. Paint Colours

    Beef (the colour of Beef)
    Euuurgh! (Snot Green)
    Ooooooou [in a soft tone] (Light pinky yellow)
    Is that...? (colour and texture of snail shell shards)
    And Tangerine Cream (Light Orange)

  • Comment number 37.

    1) -

    2) Last week I bidded on, and won, an item in a charity auction which fulfils a lifelong dream of mine. A man is going to follow me with a camera for a day and make a documentary on me! Yay! Want it to be an interesting day though, throw it out to listeners for suggestions?

    3)Space OddiTea?

    4) For shades of white (made up)
    'Invisible cabbage', 'invisible strawberry', 'invisible rock', 'invisible David Dickinson' etc.

    Very pleased we'll have you back, Buckules.

  • Comment number 38.

    Immeasurable contribution - questions for JB:

    a. What's your best hiding place? My wife once hid by standing at the end of the banister with coats over her head and our 2-year old couldn't find her even though her legs were in full view

    b. Forwards or backwards on trains?

    c. Snow Patrol think so, but could you be happy?

    d. When you're fighting an antelope, what fighting style do you favour? Kickbox, sumo, bare-knuckle, jazz...

  • Comment number 39.

    >>Bowie Snacks: Album edition
    The Man who Sold the Burgers
    Chunky Monkey Dory
    Diamond Hot Dogs
    (Chicken) Tonight
    Black Pudding White Noise

    >>Questions for Julian:
    Is he interested in combining the The Boosh into the Adam & Joe unit, permanently forming a supergroup known as "The Mighty Joe Young Boosh & Adam...ensemble"

    Perhaps even sitcom in which quirky British comedians are best friends living the suburbs of London. Other characters include: ex-91Èȱ¬ honcho Greg Dyke, who now works at the local newsagent where you guys go for milk and bread and the occasional Curly Wurly in one memorable episode.

    >>Paint Colours
    It would be interesting to apply the paint naming tropes to other systems for amusing results. Perhaps simply renaming countries. Holland is now "cheeky wink" and Australia is "modern dust"

    Hope that helps.

  • Comment number 40.

    Paint colours: it's all about greys this year (trust me I'm a Painter & Decorator) so:

    Hollow Laugh
    Final Thoughts
    Disappointing Weekend
    White Rasta
    Gap Year
    Crusted Lip
    Drowned Earthworm
    Police Violence

    ...Will be adorning your vertical surfaces this season.

  • Comment number 41.

    Questions for Julian:
    1) Does he ever get any really weird fan attention? (I know a lot of pretty obsessed Howard Moon fangirls)
    2) Would he ever start a twitter account or blog?

  • Comment number 42.

    Bowie track:
    (Joen't Sit Down)
    from Space Oddity...

    We need Joe back, Joen't leave us!

    Buckules, so happy you're back!

  • Comment number 43.

    Hallo Adam
    Your dissatisfaction with the word "invaluable" put me in mind of that rubbish cleverdick Radio 4-type thing people sometimes say: "The King is dead. Long live the King".

    Really, to avoid unnecessary confusion, the phrase should be "The King is dead. Long live the King. The new one, I mean. Not the one that's dead that I mentioned the first time, just then a minute ago."


  • Comment number 44.

    Adam! you have no idea how much ive missed you, and your pal joe of course
    the bowie snacks idea is a winner! ive been sitting here 10 minutes already just pondering away on names
    ill be intrested in knowing if the boosh had much of a following outside uk, or what hes fave guitar is and tell him there should be a mighty boosh guitar hero style game!
    not a paint colour but to describe my eye colour i made up the word "microcrop" its computery gray with a hint of green it may sound odd but when people see them they instantly get it
    good luck with the show chuck luv u a lora loraa baai xx

  • Comment number 45.

    Questions for Julian Barratt:

    1. Any more information about the Boosh album and film please?

    2. Any more info re 'The Savage Canvas' project with Tim Hope?

  • Comment number 46.

    how comes it says on your 6music page...

    Buckulease and Cornballs will be back in the castle next Saturday at the new time of 10-1.

    got my hopes up.

    altho i realise it was already 10-1 so it must just be old.


  • Comment number 47.

    Hello! How lovely to have a wee Adam and Joe fix, even if Joe is missing in action. Can we start some sort of parliamentary petition to bring back the show and save 6 music please?
    anyway for your actual Mighty Boosh / paint related needs, I would be keen to hear any cheese-related anecdotes Julian Barrett has, also has anyone ever tried to buy / sponsor his hair and if so for how much? Oddest thing done for money/ paid for? Any other potential animal/ pop genre combinations a la the mod-wolves : indi-sheepdogs perhaps or grunge-badgers? Shurely the next step for ludicrous paint name branding is to run with the inapproriate emotional labels- mildly depressed puce? road rage red? ennui (a middling grey with a hint of green), mania (violent pink so bright it hurts to look at it), irrational paranoia (dirty white with a yellowish undertones), rational paranoia (exactly the same shade but comes with a free CCTV camera)

  • Comment number 48.

    I love the fact that as a new member of the Squadron I am being 'pre-moderated' as all posts are 'reactively moderated'. The 91Èȱ¬ needs to add 'improve grammer and use of English' to their new objectives!

  • Comment number 49.

    Oh, Adam...how I've missed you.
    Julian - Have you been to New Orleans, Marie Laveau's, The Myrtles? If so, I'm sure there are stories. If not, do they call to you?
    Bowie snack = Can't think of one, but you've totally neglected the song Absolute Beginners which is soooooo good. Maybe you should play it?
    xoxoxoxoxo (please share those x's & o's with Joe whenever he gets back, but keep the best ones for yourself.)

  • Comment number 50.

    by the way, could you ask Julian, do penguins like marzipan?

  • Comment number 51.

    2 x Bowiesnax:
    - Hunks of Dory
    - Wasa-Wasa-Wasabi peas

  • Comment number 52.

    Hello there Buckles. Very glad indeed to hear your return to the airwaves and with an ace sounding show too, you're really spoiling us squadron members.

    I'd like to contribute some questions for Julianballs:

    1. I've read that you and the rest of The Mighty Boosh crew affectionately call a segment of your Boosh fan base the 'OMG's'. Does this part of your fan base ever get on your wick or are you just glad not to have grapefruit's thrown at you by the general public?

    2. Were any of the Boosh episodes based on true experiences? (eg, tried to impress someone by dressing up as a goth, got mollested by a fishy creature that's addicted to Baileys etcetc).

    3. Do you ever miss being a solo stand up comedian and if so would you ever consider taking up solo stand up work again?

    4. What's hidden behind your moustache?

    5. Have you ever created an instrument out of random household items or modified an existing instrument to make a specific sound you were looking for?

    6. Who would win in a fight? Dolly Parton or an eagle?

    Best of luck getting the show commissioned and I hope if it does 6music doesn't collapse around your ears.

    Lots of love and hugs to both you and Julian (Joe can have some too),


  • Comment number 53.

    Giggling at my desk at Wasa-Wasa-Wasabi peas! Brilliant.

    I also wanted to add that I make a Mix CD every season and they have got loads of stuff on which I downloaded after hearing it on your show, so I am looking forward to hearing more things I can go off and find for my own compilations!

  • Comment number 54.

    Two of my favourite people in the world!

    Would you please ask Julian if he subscribes to the theory that comedy duos need to consist of one slightly overbearing and one more stand-offish person? What would happen, for example, if you swapped Joe for Noel - or if Julian swapped Noel for Joe? I imagine a lot of resentment (as N&A fight for the spotlight and J&J constantly torpedo each other), ultimately leading to horrific violence.

    On the paint colour theme, you should also ask him about his range of elbow patches!

  • Comment number 55.

    Wind-themed colour names. To go with some artsy ubernatural marketing campaign cashing in on the green vote:

    Guff (pale green)
    Whiff (white with a hint of brown)
    Pong (strident shade of orange)
    Parple (purple)

    good luck with the show!

  • Comment number 56.

    My working day consists of sitting at my desk and mainly listening to either 6music or eventually getting bored and putting on old reruns of Adam and Joe. Today I was listening to Adam talk about how he'd aggressively chased a parking warden down the street with his camera because he gave him a ticket after two and a half minutes. I think the fact that at regular intervals I stand up laughing and say "Adam's talking about how aggressively chased a parking warden down the street with his camera because he gave him a ticket after two and a half minutes", then sitting down with an amused sigh is really putting a wall between me and my coworkers (many of whom never listened to Adam and Joe, none of whom listen so enthusiastically). I think I have problems.

    Here are my Bowie foodstuffs:

    Scary Monster Munch
    Slow Burned Steak
    Diamond Hot Dogs
    All washed down with a Buddha of Subur-beer.

  • Comment number 57.

    Question for JB:
    Jazz though, right? They're just making it up as they go along, aren't they?

    All Passions Spent
    That Which Is Not Said
    Turkish Lament
    Bluey Purple

    Bowie Snacks:
    Black Country Rock
    Joe The Lion Bar
    Lady Starburst
    The Chant Of The Ever Circling Skeletal Family flavour Monster Munch

  • Comment number 58.

    Just thought of another question for JB, inspired by one someone else has already asked. The Stella McCartney thing - do you feel like it's opened a lot of showbiz doors that would otherwise have stayed closed if you'd turned it down? You know, film offers, acting gigs, meeting an actual real live Beatle, invitations to stay in Will Smith's floating gold house, that sort of thing? Or would you have done all that anyway?

  • Comment number 59.

    Three questions for "The Jazz Maverick":

    I recently went to see Polar Bear perform. They used a balloon as an instrument with surprising success. What's the strangest object that you've seen used, or used yourself, as an instrument?

    Also, does The Black Frost have a pair of Wolf Pants?

    My friend Tom told me that oranges used to be called noranges, but it was too difficult to ask for "an norange", so it evolved to "an orange". I'm not sure what to believe, what do you think?

    Light Norange-Light Orange
    Dark Norange-Dark Orange

    Hope this helps Adam and good luck with the pilot. You couldn't of asked for a better guest.


  • Comment number 60.

    "This is not a Penguin bar. No-OOOO!!"

    Sorry if someone else did this, I haven't read them all.

    Great news about the pilot.

  • Comment number 61.

    Mr. Buxton, I think I speak for us all when I say your are an incredible human being.

    1. Ask Julian if Nathan Barley will ever come back!

    2. A friend and I used to challenge each other to say the oddest things we could think of to people handing out flyers on the high street. A personal favourite was 'I am a chicken roasting in an oven!' which caused the poor girl to retreat quite quickly.

    3. Special quintuple packs of alcohol: '5 Beers'

    4. Christmas Waffle, Orlando Beige, Corkstain.

  • Comment number 62.

    The interview should strictly just consist of the following: Who are you? What do you do? Faves? Worsties? Jedward? Who do you do? Byeeee.

    Paint suggestions: Brushed Clam, Mushroom Pie, Haughty, Mystery Sweetcorn, 1987 Shellsuit, Powdered Glass, Mud Pasture, So Chocolately They Turn The Milk Brown, Bag For Life, Toad's Stool, Sunstroke, Onion Union, Franked Stamp.

    Bowie snacks - Golden Wonder Years or Little Golden Wonder, Fill Your Lovehearts, Blackjack Tie White Noise, New Killer Starburst....

  • Comment number 63.

    2. ( This "weirdest thing" is about the mentality of the older generations. So you may not find it weird if you know an old person )
    Like a lot of your listeners, Im a bit of a freaky weirdo. Instead of going to some mad party or some other teenagery type thing me and my friend decided to buy some figs! We had never brought a fig before, they seemed very exotic. So as you can imagine we were quite nervous about the daunting task of purchasing the fruit.
    As I scooped up 3 of the best looking figs ( Purely guess work, we had no frame of reference ) I asked my friend "Who actually eats figs?!". To my dismay a little old lady next to me pipped up "I EAT FIGS!" She then proceeded to rattle off all of her memorized fig recipes. They included microwaving them with honey to boiling them for 30 minutes. A tasty snack!
    We couldnt get away fast enough...We didnt eat the figs in the end, we had no honey.

  • Comment number 64.

    Boggins: Save or Kill?

  • Comment number 65.

    Hello Adam. I'm a love you long time listener, First time blogsquadroner. Can you please ask Julian (who I may add - is an acquaintance of my sister, so I could get her to ask him the next time she sees him, but when might that be??? I just don't know) - Ahem - can you ask him if the boosh character with the big polo mint for an eye (I think he's the hitcher or something) was inspired by an object in the 'Treatment of dead enemies' case in the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford. I think it looks very similar and I want to know!!

  • Comment number 66.

    1. What happened to Nathan Barley? Bring it back.
    2. Once a homeless latin american man on a beach in spain read my shakras because i was too english to tell him to leave me alone... It was a bit like molestation really...
    3. Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Chewits
    Major Tomatoes
    Ziggy's Spacedust
    4. Baboon's behind red
    New shoe white


  • Comment number 67.

    Love the Bowie-snacks concept - here are a few of my nibbles:

    Red Snails
    Carmel Man
    London Frittata
    Fromage Daydream
    Weeping Butterball
    The Hearts Filthy Poissons
    Stuffedbaguette Ziti
    We Are Hungry Men (no need for title change as it's self-explanatory)

    And for Julian - any chance you'll be returning to stand-up? If so we'd love to see you here in New York City.

  • Comment number 68.

    a whiter shade of pale must be a real paint colour.

  • Comment number 69.

    The paint swatch stuck in my loo goes all the way from dark oak to pale summer corn. I like to think my last effort matched the roast walnut bang in the middle. God bless these dutch loos with pre-flush inspection levels.

  • Comment number 70.

    Had a hilarious chat with a B&Q employee while gathering supplies to help a friend paint their new flat.

    He awarded almost personalities to different colours, and was really vitriolic in his assertions over the nature of some of the shades.

    how about..

    cross tart (a deep yellow)
    huck (brown/green)
    villian's grey (a cool and sensible matt colour)
    flames of hell (off-white)

    and a question for julian

    ban something?

    good luck

  • Comment number 71.

    Hay guys,

    Adam Buxo will be doing a webchat at guardian.co.uk tomorrow.
    If you want to ask him a question you can post it in the comments section of this article:

  • Comment number 72.

    For paint colours I have eco-plasm.

    Like ectoplasm it's a cheerful bright green, but, you know, it makes you feel better about the environment.

  • Comment number 73.

    I do actually love you Blog Squadron folk!
    Reading your comments today has been a happy time....Wasa Wasa Wasabi Peas - Genius!

    I'm a bit late to be jumping on the Bowie-snack bandwagon without really scraping the pun barrel, so I thought I'd come up with a new David Bowie Dulux range instead:


    Unwashed and somewhat slightly Beige

    MaroonAge DayDream


    Silly Boy Blue





    Looking forward to having the Buckles back!

  • Comment number 74.

    A Space Oddity menu-
    cake oddity with Unwashed and Somewhat Slightly Dazed Diamond dogs
    Lettuce (a)dressed Hermione
    Cygnet Confit
    Janine dodgers
    An Occasional Pie
    black Eyed Bean From Freecloud
    God Knows I'm Goo pudding
    Medallion of Free Festival with a Conversation Piece

  • Comment number 75.

    The cereal for all tastes-
    salty monsters and sugar creeps

  • Comment number 76.

    1) question to julian:

    what do you think of the more 'experimental' jazz being made in the 21st century? is it genuinely innovative, or just following the traditions of jazz whilst adding in a few electronic bleeps and gurgles here and there to seem more 'with the times'?

    -Evan, Sydney Australia.

  • Comment number 77.

    Dime-and-dogs. Not only does this show the stubborness of the snack- no daim- but combines the delightful chocolatey crunchy goodness of a dime bar with the juicy meaty flavour of a hotdog. And there's the Bowie snack for me!

    Now that you've in theory recorded the pilot, WHEN IS IT ON?! *snarf*

    (I agree with @wickwox, your picture in the Guardian is nomtastic!)

  • Comment number 78.

    Hi Everyone, thanks for your brilliant suggestions for Bowie snacks and paint colours. We'll certainly use them in the future so feel free to keep them coming.

    Thanks also for your questions for Julian. We have recorded the pilot now and as you would expect, there were a few chuckles to be had. Hopefully you will hear the results soon - we'll keep you informed here on the blog.

    If anyone missed Adam's webchat on the Guardian website earlier, you can read it here

  • Comment number 79.

    Lovely to see Mr Saltman here. So many responses to this post! All we need is a quick appearance from FruityLexia and the family will be complete. There's so much love out there right now.

    James, you'll be sure to give us an air date asap, won't you?

  • Comment number 80.

    @ M J
    .....JOHN, I'M ONLY DAMSON could also be a tasty snack!

  • Comment number 81.

    6 Music end? I think not. The Wuzmeister has spoken, and like The Goblin King, he has odd powers of influence that will surely flummox the nooblet they call 'Tommo'.

    Mashes To Mashes [the lyrics 'Ashes to Ashes' flew out of the radio exactly as this list was going up, sadly not by the Bowster, but someone I know not]
    Buns Of The Silent Age
    Ciders From Mars
    The Bean Beanie
    An Occasional Custard Cream
    The Flan That Fell To Earth
    Candyfloss Garden
    Candy Date
    Sweet Bread
    Let's End The Angel Delight Together [Stones song, but covered by the Wuzmeister]
    Boys Keep Binging
    Memory Of A Brie Festival
    The Pie Stall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders from Mars

  • Comment number 82.

    We bought some paint recently for our lounge called Garnet Symphony. The assistant thought we said Garlic Sympathy. Take your pick - both pretty dumb.

  • Comment number 83.

    Well you can't beat 'elephant breath' for a shade of grey, but how about...

    neo nior
    overcast sky
    smoky lead
    matt damon

  • Comment number 84.

    Bring it on 6 music!

  • Comment number 85.


    (just for one day)

    The Secret Life of an Aero bar

  • Comment number 86.

    Prosthetic Limb Beige

  • Comment number 87.

    Wuz having an inward titter about the hypothetical 'flames of hell' paint shade in particular, and had a few ideas based on celebrities. Good to see someone had kicked that riff off in slightly more abstract vein with 'Matt Damon'...

    Cilla Black
    Jimmy White
    Jonny Greenwood
    Gordon Brown

  • Comment number 88.

    My questions for Danny and Gaz:-

    HOW do you do?
    WHO do you do?
    WHY do you do who you do?
    WHERE do you do who you do?
    WHAT do you do to who you do and what do you wear, where you do who you do, anyhoo?

    Some selections from the Save 6Music Facebook campaign that could well be of interest to the A+J legion:-

  • Comment number 89.

    One of my favorite paint colours has always been Hearing-Aid Biege,I believe the robin reliant used to come in such a shade. Would be great 2 have Dr Buckles back on a more permanent basis.The Queen Rules SEE YA

  • Comment number 90.


    An oddity that you can think about;

    Evertime you wipe your bottom after a twosie you'll open your mouth.


    I don't know why.


  • Comment number 91.

    hi adam,

    some bowie snacks ideas for you,

    ziggy star rainbow dust

    young american hardgums

  • Comment number 92.

    Dear Count Buckules,

    Great to have you back - loving the new show.

    I was listening to one of your old podcasts in which you complained that you find it hard to come across celebrity lookalikes for yourself (Joe looked like Fernando "rip-nips" Torres but I think the closest you came was Brian Blessed).
    I've just watched the new Foals video "Spanish Sahara" and couldn't help but notice the similarity between your bearded-self and the lead singer. Have a look at 1.33 of this to verify:

    Much love,

  • Comment number 93.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 94.

    Bowie snacks eh??

    Well if Bowie was really hungry, say starving on perhaps an island that had absolutely no animal life-forms what so ever ... and he really really REALLY wanted some .. Mmmm Chicken-y morsals .... he may say


    OK so I know it's not so much an actual snack as a snack based scenario ... and also I realise that I am referencing a lesser known rather early Bowie track (in the unlikely eventuality that you haven't heard this track here's a link to a rubbish recording )

    I hope this pleases you as much as it obviously pleases me ...

    I love you Byeeeeeeeeeeeee

  • Comment number 95.

    RE: the Paul Weller interview. Anyone who earnestly created The Style Council really needs to get a sense of humour.

  • Comment number 96.

    I love you!
    I love you!
    I love you!
    I love you!
    I love you!
    I love you!


  • Comment number 97.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 98.

    There was such a Joe lookie like on tv a couple of weeks ago. He had a maori tattoo on his face to start with and I seriously thought it was Joe when I switched on the tv. The actor is in fact a lot shorter so I could then tell it wasn't him!
    This guy was in an episode of Luther as a diamond thief the actors name is Ross McCall. it's not a brilliant photo and on Luther he looked more like Joe!


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