
Robot waving

What is a material?

A material is something that an object is made from, such as metal, plastic or wool.

Materials all have different properties. Properties help us to describe the materials.

Some are soft, some are hard, and some are even waterproof.

Robot waving
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Video: Exploring materials

Learn about some different materials and their properties. Can you help the inventor and his robot find the best material for their umbrella?

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Types of materials

Here are some common materials you might have heard about.

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 4, An empty glass, Glass Glass is shiny, waterproof and transparent.
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Describing materials

There are lots of ways to describe materials and their properties.

Here are some examples of describing words that can be used to tell us what a material is like:

  • hard

  • waterproof

  • soft

  • fluffy

  • transparent

  • flexible

  • stiff

  • strong

  • stretchy

  • smooth

Girl inventor wearing goggles with her hands on her hips
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Choosing the right material

When an object is made, the material for that object is chosen very carefully based on its properties.

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 3, A blue plastic children's water bottle, with a cartoon character, Water bottle This water bottle is made from plastic and metal because they are waterproof. The water bottle could not be made from fabric because it would leak.
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Activity: Is the material soft or hard?

Look at these objects and see if you can tell whether they are made from a soft or hard material.

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Key words

MaterialA material is what an object is made from. For example, metal, plastic and fabric.
PropertiesProperties are words that describe what a material is like. For example, hard, soft or strong. They help us to decide which is the best material for a certain object.
TransparentTransparent means that you can see through a material. For example, glass is transparent.
WaterproofA waterproof material does not allow water to soak through it. It keeps the water out.
FlexibleFlexible materials are bendy and not stiff. They can be bent easily without breaking.
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Quiz: Which material?

See if you can work out which material is best for each item.

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