Whole numbers - Eduqas
Numbers can be written in words. Both positive and negative numbers can be added, subtracted, multiplied and divided using rules. These rules must be applied in a specific order.
Approximation - Eduqas
Approximation includes estimation, rounding to powers of 10, decimal places and significant figures.
Decimals - Eduqas
Decimals are used every day, for example, when using money. Knowing how to use decimal points and places when adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying is an important mathematical skill.
Multiples and factors - Eduqas
Prime numbers, factors and multiples are essential building blocks for a lot of number work. Knowledge of how to use these numbers will improve arithmetic and make calculations more efficient.
Standard form - Eduqas
Calculations with very big or small numbers can be made easier by converting numbers in and out of standard form.
Laws of indices - Eduqas
Using indices, we can show a number times itself many times or as another way of writing a square or cube root. Indices make complex calculations that involve powers easier.
Fractions - Eduqas
Fractions are used commonly in everyday life, eg sale prices at 1/3 off, or recipes using 1/2 a tablespoon of an ingredient. Knowing how to use fractions is an important mathematical skill.
Converting between fractions, decimals and percentages - Eduqas
Fractions, decimals and percentages are frequently used in everyday life. Knowing how to convert between them improves general number work and problem solving skills.
Surds - Higher - Eduqas
Surds are numbers left in square root form that are used when detailed accuracy is required in a calculation. They are numbers which, when written in decimal form, would go on forever.
Financial mathematics - Eduqas
Financial maths is needed for all jobs, from calculating wages to working out profit, loss and VAT. Knowledge of financial maths is also required to be able to understand bank statements and savings.
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