Which words use the 'ough' sound?
Learn how the letters 'ough' are pronounced differently, depending on the word they're in. Which words use which?
Which words end with -cious and -tious?
Find out how the 'shus' sound is used for descriptive words and can be spelt two ways, -cious and -tious.
What are silent letters?
Find out about words that contain silent letters, like the 'k' in knight or the 's' in island.
How to spell the 'shun' sound
The 'shun' sound at the end of a word can be spelt in different ways. Find out about words ending in -tion, -cian, -sion and -ssion.
Spelling quiz
Ready for the Bitesize Primary spelling quiz for KS2? Have a go and see if you can get a top score.
When is the 'sh' sound spelt with 'ch'?
Find out about words like chef and machine, where the 'sh' sound is spelt with the letters 'ch'.
When is the 'i' sound spelt with a 'y'?
Find out about words where the 'i' sound is spelt with the letter 'y'.
When is the 'uh' sound spelt 'ou'?
Find out about words like country and cousin, where the 'uh' sound is spelt with the letters 'ou'.
When is the 's' sound spelt with 'sc'?
Find out about some words that have a silent letter 'c'.
Which words end with -ture and -sure?
Find out about the different spellings of the -sure and -ture sound at the end of words.