Who is Stephen Wiltshire?
Learn all about the artist Stephen Wiltshire, known for drawing incredible cityscapes from memory.
What is Cubism?
Learn about Cubism, Pablo Picasso and how to draw a cubist portrait.
What is a comic?
Learn all about comics and watch the artist Mollie Ray draw a comic strip.
What is Surrealism?
Learn all about Surrealism, Salvador Dali and other surrealist artists.
Norah McGuinness and illustration
Norah McGuinness was a Northern Irish illustrator who worked on many mediums, including books and fashion magazines.
Will Simpson and storyboarding
William Simpson is a comic artist from Derry who has worked for some renowned comic companies and big television productions.
Pastels and oil pastels techniques
Pastels can be of different types and they are a lovely medium to work with in art.
Markers and markers techniques
Markers are bright and colourful and they are widely used in the world of art.
What is Islamic art?
Learn more about the importance and styles of the art made as part of the religion of Islam.