What are percentages?
Per means out of. You might have seen cent as part of centimetre. A centimetre is one hundredth of a metre.
Percent means out of 100 and percentages are shown with the symbol %.
For example 10% is 10 out of 100.
Percentages are a bit like fractions with the number of percent on top and 100 underneath.
So 10% is the same as 鹿鈦扳亜鈧佲个鈧赌.
You can sometimes make fractions easier to work with by dividing top and bottom by the same number.
10 and 100 both divide by 10, so 鹿鈦扳亜鈧佲个鈧赌 = 鹿鈦勨倎鈧赌. That means 10% = 鹿鈦勨倎鈧赌
Decimals (or decimal fractions) are written using numbers and a dot.
Numbers to the left of the dot are whole numbers.
In 1.0 the 1 just means one.
Numbers to the right of the dot are parts (or fractions) of a number.
Numbers one space to the right of the dot are tenths.
For example:
0.1 is the same as 鹿鈦勨倎鈧赌
0.3 is the same as 鲁鈦勨倎鈧赌
Numbers two spaces to the right of the dot are hundredths.
For example:
0.01 is the same as 鹿鈦勨倎鈧赌鈧
0.07 is the same as 鈦/鈧佲个鈧赌
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