
We have six celebrities, each with a different fact and you need to match the fact with the celebrity under a 10 second timer. Can you correctly match the celeb to their fact? Or will bias get in the way?

We all have biases and for a lot of us, we may not even know that we have them. We might make assumptions about others without knowing anything about them, this is called being prejudiced. We base these biases on our life experiences, things like our age, ethnicity, culture and gender affect how we think, we may make assumptions about somebody based on our experiences.

This is the same when it comes to celebrities, when you think of who's been on the stage at Glastonbury, names like Paul McCartney or Dua Lipa might come to mind, but you're likely not to think that David Attenborough was cheered by thousands on the main stage. Not for his music but for his message about the environment.