Are you interested in a career in media, but not quite sure how to get there? Young people working in the industry have told us how they got their first job, and what they've learnt along the way.
Remember: there is no such thing as one traditional route into a media job.
Like these young people, you might change your mind, start working somewhere else, apply for the 'wrong' jobs - all on the path towards your dream media career.
Every twist and turn in their journeys helped them refine their skills, and focus on the area they wanted to work in. Every obstacle they overcame ultimately made them more resilient, in life and the workplace.
If you are interested in a career in the media, try researching the wide range of roles available and once you know what you want to do speak to someone who does that role. When you discover different routes, you will find the one that suits you best, and ultimately you will make your own way!
Find work experience placements with Workfinder.
Tips and advice
Help with interviews, writing a CV and all things work experience related.
Riyadh: presenter and YouTuber. video
Riyadh Khalaf is a producer, presenter and content creator, amongst other things.
Jada: model and body positivity advocate. video
Jada talks about the fashion industry and how she uses social media to challenge body image negativity.
Suli: spoken word artist. video
Suli Breaks is a poet, writer, spoken word artist and YouTuber.