
91Èȱ¬ World Service
Last updated: 17 november, 2009 - 17:54 GMT

Bullfighting: A Red Rag to a Boy

The Bolivian bullfighter Mauro says "bullfighting runs in my veins." An unsurprising comment perhaps, but Mauro is just 11 years old.

Whilst in Spain bullfighters must be 16 years old, in Bolivia and Mexico there's no such age limit.

In January an 11-year-old Mexican boy hit the headlines when he killed six bulls in a single fight.

The fight was given a last minute go-ahead despite pressure from child protection and anti-bullfighting groups.

And now in Boliva the young Mauro - or Juan Mauricio Copa - is attracting much attention.

Outlook reporter Andres Schipani travelled to the Bolivian Andes and went to see young Mauro in action.