What is a suspended coffee?
Buying a cup of coffee in a café can be a real treat - but what would you do if you couldn't afford one? Would you go without? You could ask for a suspended coffee instead.
In this programme, Neil and Jen discuss the new idea of suspended coffees - a scheme where you pay for a coffee for someone who can't afford one.
This week's question:
Civet coffee is one of the most expensive coffees in the world. How much does it cost per kilogram?
a) $5
b) $50
c) $550
Listen to the programme to find out the answer.
Suspended coffee
End of Section
- value for money
worth what you pay for it
- to go without
to not have something because it is too expensive
- trends
- suspended
- to donate
to give
- homeless
having nowhere to live
- (to be) hard on your luck
to be unlucky
- refugee
a person who has left their country due to danger, war or famine
- to collaborate
to work together
- a good deed
a kind act