
Was Juan Williams fired for saying what many people think?

| Friday, 10 Oct. 2010 | 18:06 - 19:00 GMT

It was one opinion too far for America's National Public Radio.

This is what former NPR political commentator Juan Williams had this to say during a Fox news interview which has lead to him losing his job.

"I'm not a bigot, but when I get on a plane, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous."

Your comments

  1. Comment sent via Facebook

    Peter on Facebook - all of us got have different opinion about this issue of homosexual.But one thing i cannot fear to say is that,this act is evil,un-African whether we try to baptise it as modern way of life or western lifestyle

  2. Comment sent via BLOG

    Piscator on the blog - I am absolutely amazed that WHYS gives people like this air time. What Muhame is saying would be a criminal offence in most countries, including the UK. WHYS is just encouraging homophobes by giving them a forum

  3. Comment sent via BLOG

    Jill on the blog - I am extremely disturbed by this report. This isn't "journalism" as Muhame said. This man is no journalist and his publication is not vetted - he is a hate monger.

  4. Comment sent via host

    We''re now moving on to discuss the issue of the Ugandan newspaper that published a list of 100 gay Ugandans under the headline "Hang them."

  5. Comment sent via Facebook

    Pamela posted on our Facebook page - He expressed a personal opinion that is shared by millions of Americans and others around the world. He did not bash Islam

  6. Comment sent via BLOG

    Ibrahim in the UK posts on our blog - A news analyst with prejudiced views is no longer a credible news analyst. What Juan Williams is essentially saying is: Americans who look Muslim aren't true Americans and Muslims are dangerous

  7. Comment sent via Facebook

    Mohammed in Sierra Leone posted on Facebook - Islam-bashing has bcome quite fashionable in the west since 9/11. Sacking him is somewhat too-little-too-late

  8. Comment sent via BLOG

    Pancha Chandra on the blog - A broadcast journalist has responsibilities. Provocative messages could be spread if left unchecked However judging a person by the garb he or she wears is extremely dangerous.

  9. Comment sent via SMS

    Judging someone as a terrorist based on appearance alone is racism! Please mention the example of firing Rick Sanchez b/c of his comments about the Jews. Lubna

  10. Comment sent via BLOG

    Donnamarie in Switzerland on the blog - This current flap is the ultimate example of politically correct insanity. OF COURSE western travelers are wary of people dressed in Islamic garb. We'd be utter chumps not to be wary.

  11. Comment sent via BLOG

    Andrew Stamford on the blog - Let's face it, it wasn't Swedish protestants or Scottish presbyterians who hijacked planes of late or are involved in terrorist bombings in Europe, etc. So in light of this then why wouldn't anyone be suspicious of someone they can identify as openly belonging to the islamic faith and consequently worrying about possible terrorist actions?

  12. Comment sent via BLOG

    King Of The Apes 2 on the blog - The meaning of a bigot is a person who is blind and obstinate in his/her devotion to a particular set of beliefs. Calling Juan Williams a bigot is shocking and full of hypocrisy

  13. Comment sent via BLOG

    Jodie in Virginia on the blog - Mr. Williams got what he wanted: an even bigger paycheck accompanying a full-time job with Fox News and fodder for "anti-Leftists" to smear NPR, the last news outlet in the US that doesn't pander to ratings, sensationalism, and gossip pretending to be "news."

  14. Comment sent via host

    PS You can listen here - http:bbc.in/listen_whys

  15. Comment sent via host

    Hello - Ben S here. We''ve got four topics today - Juan Williams'' sacking for saying he gets scared when he sees people dressed in Muslim garb getting on a plane; a Ugandan paper that has published the names of 100 homosexual people with the headline "Hang them"; your questions on the future of the 91بب±¬; and an outbreak of cholera in Haiti.