
Are the settlements an excuse not to make peace?

| Tuesday, 9 Sept. 2010 | 18:06 - 19:00 GMT

They're often cited as the biggest obstacle to peace in the Middle East and its taken just three weeks before the issue has caused major problems in the talks.

The US has sent its Middle East Envoy to try and resolve the situation but have the settlements now become an excuse not to seek peace?

The US, EU and UN wanted Israel to cease construction whilst the talks were on going and on Sunday Mahmoud Abbas said talks were a "waste of time" unless the 10 month moratorium continued.

So where does this leave the process? Do the settlements stand in the way of peace? Could Israel be doing more? Should Palestinians except some settlements are there to stay? Is the lack of negotiation from both sides the real obstacle here?

Your comments

  1. Comment sent via SMS

    In Britain, it would be unimaginable that an armed force would invade villages, level, destroy and appropriate farmland and homes. This does not happen in the civilized world. The frustration and rage must be unimaginable. ’Settlement’ is a misnomer. It’s invasion/ occupation pure and simple. Banks, amsterdam

  2. Comment sent via Facebook

    Madeleine Lansky - I think that this perspective on the peace process is profound and wonderful. People develop all kinds of habits that aren't good for them, including not getting along!

  3. Comment sent via Facebook

    Eunice Sawe - To blame Israel alone as an impediment to peace is to miss the point.Both Israel for obstinately building settlements and Palestine for using every chance to erase Israel from the face of the earth have contributed to the mess they are in.

  4. Comment sent via BLOG

    Roy in Washington on the blog - Refusal to compromise on this is why peace is so difficult to achieve in that region. The settlements aren't really being used as an excuse not to make peace, but they make this refusal to compromise fiercely obvious.

  5. Comment sent via YOURSAY

    Alastair Clarke emailed - Israel have purposely occupied Gaza and the West Bank to confirm that, in their eyes, it is Israeli land. From the Palestinian perspective I don't blame them at all for insisting the settlements stop.

  6. Comment sent via Facebook

    Yamini in Nykoping, Sweden on Facebook - these peace talks that keep happening just seem to be such a waste of time since the land is Palestine's, period.

  7. Comment sent via YOURSAY

    Greg emailed - The settlements are a demonstration of power and influence by a vocal minority. They also point out the problem of a coalition government.

  8. Comment sent via Facebook

    Paul on Facebook - Will a few more buildings affect a final peace agreement? I do not think so. There are more important questions to be resolved.

  9. Comment sent via Facebook

    John on Facebook - As long as Hamas does not agree with peace agreements, there will be no peace - and the settlements have got nothing to do with the peace agreements.

  10. Comment sent via Facebook

    Catherine on Facebook - Yes - dismantle the settlements and open the door to world peace.

  11. Comment sent via Facebook

    Harriet in Ghana on Facebook - Palestinians and Jews never seem to get anywhere where peace is concerned. For as long as I have been alive (i.e 28 years), one party would always act provocatively to stall the process. It just happens to be the Jews this time.

  12. Comment sent via BLOG

    Max on the blog - Why don't the Israelis and Palestinians find some way to just settle? Ever since I was born and could understand a sentence I have been hearing about this conflict. In a few years I'll be dead but this conflict is likely to go on forever!

  13. Comment sent via BLOG

    Jodie in Virginia on the blog - The Israeli government is demonstrating that it is more frightened of its own extremists (ultra-conservative settlement builders) than it is of "the enemy," which makes for impossible negotiating conditions

  14. Comment sent via BLOG

    Mike in Seattle on the blog - Of course these settlements need to stop for the talks to be productive! This area has one of the highest concentrations of population in the world and by continuing to build Israel is sabotaging efforts to bring peace. It's no different than throwing stones at a hornets nest.

  15. Comment sent via host

    Today we''re asking if the settlements being built by Israelis are used as an excuse not to make peace in the Middle East. What do you think? We''re on air now - listen here: .