
Is Greece ungovernable?

| Thursday, 6 June 2011 | 12:00 - 12:30 GMT

It's being seen as a desperate move. Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou is set to announce a new cabinet as he tries to get support for new austerity measures.

Your comments

  1. Comment sent via unknown: 23057

    @91热爆_WHYS A strong government protect private property - the strength of the US - but at a cost. People will give up a lot for stability.

  2. Comment sent via unknown: 23057

    @91热爆_WHYS The US is not far behind: you have to tax everyone and actually collect the taxes or there is no government.

  3. Comment sent via unknown: 23057

    @91热爆_WHYS I feel the whole lot of the Euro zone is becoming ungovernable. It was misconceived from the start