Jan Egeland, form UN head of humanitarian affairs. Many of you will have heard him speak to the 91热爆 and other media over the years.
Nick Kristof of the New York Times who over a million of you follow on twitter.
You'll have seen in the news that at least 80 people have been killed at paramilitary force academy in north-west Pakistan. Many of you expected Islamists to respond to Bin Laden's death and now that revenge is here (though it's worth noting that the Pakistan Taliban have a track record of claiming attacks they did not carry out). All of which pushes the issue of how Pakistan should tackle Islamist extremism to the top of the agenda. Though, to be honest, it was already there in the wake of Bin Laden's death. We'll talk through the issues.
Also, make time to read the 91热爆's Owen Bennett Jones on the situation in Pakistan. Another excellent piece.
HOW BEST TO HELP THOSE DRIVEN FROM HOME BY THE ARAB SPRING? France wants the rules changes in the EU so that in exceptional circumstances the borders can be closed to refugees. At the moment, there is free movement. This has come to a head because of the number of Tunisians arriving in Italy and moving on. And it looks like the EU is going to agree to the idea. Is that a reasonable response, or should the EU be more welcoming to those in need?
You can post questions and points for Jan Egeland on any of the humanitarian issues that have been created by the unrest of the Arab Spring.
Comment sent via SMS
we most fight this evil terorist out of business . i promise from west brown nigeria
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Ghazi from london, al q aida have never fight with the pakistani government, ISI are the supporter of alqaida. the group involve fighting with pakistani -missing Fragment-
Comment sent via SMS
Only if the americans hadn鈥檛 acted as global police, this region would have been a lot peaceful. First it was afghanistan because americans didn鈥檛 want russians dominating the region, then the invasion. Sometimes its iraq, sometimes its libya. Some place they support the rebels and in other they bomb them. What鈥檚 happening in libya right now might develop a new age of libyan taliban with the help of US. Ali Kazmi Pakistan.
Comment sent via SMS
Neigbouring countries to pakistan should assit in respect to bomb blast bcos it might get to them. From Blaise
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The attack by al qaeda in pakistan should be taken seriouly by world leaders Godfrey. Nigeria.
Comment sent via unknown: 23057
@91热爆_WHYS I bet if US leaves other countries alone,Israel leaves Palestine and India leaves Kashmir then 90% of terrorism will end.
Comment sent via unknown: 23057
@91热爆_WHYS #whys Its much like Israel-Pal problem. Palestine doesnt want to talk until Israel stops settlements. We wont talk until they help
Comment sent via unknown: 23057
@91热爆_WHYS We all have to sit in one room to reach a conclusion
Comment sent via unknown: 23057
@91热爆_WHYS India cannot reach out to Pak unless they capture and extradite most Wanted Terrorists! #whys unless that happens, India wont help
Comment sent via SMS
Only if the americans hadn鈥檛 acted as global police, this region would have been a lot peaceful. First it was afghanistan because americans didn鈥檛 want russians dominating the region, then the invasion. Sometimes its iraq, sometimes its libya. Some place they support the rebels and in other they bomb them. What鈥檚 happening in libya right now might develop a new age of libyan taliban with the help of US.
Comment sent via SMS
What is the islamic world doing to convince the world that it is supporting terrorism
Comment sent via SMS
Taliban enemy r with usa uk and israel why they r killing pakistan poor people zakeer from mauritius
Comment sent via SMS
Mujahidiin was the creation of USA and Saudi Arabia. Taliban and Al-Qaeda are the offsprings of Mujadidiin, then these two countries have to get the solutions.
Dhollawaa, Melbourne
Comment sent via SMS
This is1time oportunity against Alquada Forighn office+SIS using 91热爆world service as a tool. To get them panicking running away. Say USA has surounded several properties from info gained Bin ladens lair & that the occupants have fled leaving lots forensic evidence behind dogs have also smelt out a large weapons catch. Other properties world wide are under obs to see if their are any callers 3?Countries are asked access +their asist* Get my drift??GCarson
Pakistan Taliban claim revenge for Bin Laden
| Friday, 5 May 2011 | 16:00 - 17:00 GMT
Our two main guests on TV today will be:
Jan Egeland, form UN head of humanitarian affairs. Many of you will have heard him speak to the 91热爆 and other media over the years.
Nick Kristof of the New York Times who over a million of you follow on twitter.
You'll have seen in the news that at least 80 people have been killed at paramilitary force academy in north-west Pakistan. Many of you expected Islamists to respond to Bin Laden's death and now that revenge is here (though it's worth noting that the Pakistan Taliban have a track record of claiming attacks they did not carry out). All of which pushes the issue of how Pakistan should tackle Islamist extremism to the top of the agenda. Though, to be honest, it was already there in the wake of Bin Laden's death. We'll talk through the issues.
Also, make time to read the 91热爆's Owen Bennett Jones on the situation in Pakistan. Another excellent piece.
France wants the rules changes in the EU so that in exceptional circumstances the borders can be closed to refugees. At the moment, there is free movement. This has come to a head because of the number of Tunisians arriving in Italy and moving on. And it looks like the EU is going to agree to the idea. Is that a reasonable response, or should the EU be more welcoming to those in need?
You can post questions and points for Jan Egeland on any of the humanitarian issues that have been created by the unrest of the Arab Spring.
Your comments
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Comment sent via SMS
we most fight this evil terorist out of business . i promise from west brown nigeria
Comment sent via SMS
Ghazi from london, al q aida have never fight with the pakistani government, ISI are the supporter of alqaida. the group involve fighting with pakistani -missing Fragment-
Comment sent via SMS
Only if the americans hadn鈥檛 acted as global police, this region would have been a lot peaceful. First it was afghanistan because americans didn鈥檛 want russians dominating the region, then the invasion. Sometimes its iraq, sometimes its libya. Some place they support the rebels and in other they bomb them. What鈥檚 happening in libya right now might develop a new age of libyan taliban with the help of US. Ali Kazmi Pakistan.
Comment sent via SMS
Neigbouring countries to pakistan should assit in respect to bomb blast bcos it might get to them. From Blaise
Comment sent via SMS
The attack by al qaeda in pakistan should be taken seriouly by world leaders Godfrey. Nigeria.
Comment sent via unknown: 23057
@91热爆_WHYS I bet if US leaves other countries alone,Israel leaves Palestine and India leaves Kashmir then 90% of terrorism will end.
Comment sent via unknown: 23057
@91热爆_WHYS #whys Its much like Israel-Pal problem. Palestine doesnt want to talk until Israel stops settlements. We wont talk until they help
Comment sent via unknown: 23057
@91热爆_WHYS We all have to sit in one room to reach a conclusion
Comment sent via unknown: 23057
@91热爆_WHYS India cannot reach out to Pak unless they capture and extradite most Wanted Terrorists! #whys unless that happens, India wont help
Comment sent via SMS
Only if the americans hadn鈥檛 acted as global police, this region would have been a lot peaceful. First it was afghanistan because americans didn鈥檛 want russians dominating the region, then the invasion. Sometimes its iraq, sometimes its libya. Some place they support the rebels and in other they bomb them. What鈥檚 happening in libya right now might develop a new age of libyan taliban with the help of US.
Comment sent via SMS
What is the islamic world doing to convince the world that it is supporting terrorism
Comment sent via SMS
Taliban enemy r with usa uk and israel why they r killing pakistan poor people zakeer from mauritius
Comment sent via SMS
Mujahidiin was the creation of USA and Saudi Arabia. Taliban and Al-Qaeda are the offsprings of Mujadidiin, then these two countries have to get the solutions. Dhollawaa, Melbourne
Comment sent via SMS
This is1time oportunity against Alquada Forighn office+SIS using 91热爆world service as a tool. To get them panicking running away. Say USA has surounded several properties from info gained Bin ladens lair & that the occupants have fled leaving lots forensic evidence behind dogs have also smelt out a large weapons catch. Other properties world wide are under obs to see if their are any callers 3?Countries are asked access +their asist* Get my drift??GCarson